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09-06 投稿



subordinated 发音

英:[səˈbɔːdɪneɪtɪd]  美:[səˈbɔːrdɪneɪtɪd]

英:  美:

subordinated 中文意思翻译



subordinated 同义词

minor | subsidiary | inferior | junior | secondary |dependent | low-level | underling | foot soldier | subservient | minion | subdue | lower | lesser | hyponym | aide | assistant | attendant

subordinated 短语词组

1、convertible subordinated debenture ─── [经] 可兑换的次级信用债券

2、subordinated note ─── [财]无优先权的票据

3、subordinated loan ─── 附属性贷款

4、subordinated notes ─── [经] 无优先权票证

5、subordinated debt ─── 附属债务,次要债券

6、subordinated debenture ─── [经] 附属公司债, 次级债券

7、subordinated debts ─── [经] 附属债务, 从属债务

8、convertible subordinated note ─── 可兑换附属票据

9、subordinated lenders ─── [经] 无优先权放款人, 从属放款人

subordinated 反义词

insubordinate | dominant | co-ordinate

subordinated 词性/词形变化,subordinated变形

副词: subordinately |形容词: subordinative |动词过去式: subordinated |名词: subordinateness |动词现在分词: subordinating |动词过去分词: subordinated |动词第三人称单数: subordinates |

subordinated 相似词语短语

1、subordinator ─── n.主从连词

2、superordinated ─── v.使……高级(superordinate的过去式和过去分词);adj.上级的,地位高的;高级的

3、subordinaries ─── n.(纹章的)次普通图记

4、insubordinate ─── adj.不听话的;不顺从的

5、subordinating ─── adj.连接主句和从句的;从属的;v.使服从(subordinate的ing形式);使成为下级

6、subordinates ─── 下级;属下

7、insubordinates ─── adj.不听话的;不顺从的

8、subordinately ─── 从属地

9、subordinate ─── n.部属,下属,下级;从属,次要;vt.使……居下位;使……服从;adj.从属的,隶属的;次要的

subordinated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The interests of the individual must sometimes be subordinated to those of the community. ─── 个人利益有时必须服从整体利益。

2、convertible subordinated note ─── 可转换次级票据

3、During the course of building socialism, democratic centralism emphasizes "centralization" and insists that the whole Party most be subordinated to the central authorities. ─── 在社会主义建设时期,民主集中制的重心基本在“集中”,强调全党服从中央。

4、The part must be subordinated to the whole. ─── 局部必须服从全局。

5、It uses a silver background, with the Snickers logo subordinated to the word “Charged,” and a frontal image of a rhinoceros head. ─── 它采用了银色的背景,与嘲笑标志服从单词“充电”和正面形象,犀牛头。

6、The Pricing Model of Subordinated Debt in Commercial Banks ─── 商业银行次级债券定价模型

7、p18:Roughly speaking: Levinas maintains that metaphysics, imprisoned by its Greek origins, has subordinated thought to the logic of the Same, to the primacy of substance and identity. ─── 大致地说,列维纳斯认为形而上学为其希腊起源所禁锢而服从于同一者的逻辑,服从于实体与同一性的权威。

8、In case of bankruptcy, subordinated bond holders are paid after the liquidator, government taxes, and senior bond holders are paid. ─── 如果发行人破产,先偿付清算人和政府税,然后是高级债券,然后才是次级债券。

9、standby subordinated loan facility ─── 备用后偿贷款融通

10、Nonetheless, some in Japan feel the country has subordinated itself to America, and this has riled nationalists. ─── 但某些日本人感到他们的国家好像是美国的附庸,这激怒了民族主义者。

11、No raisers or relevant parties concerned may mislead any investor in any way to purchase any subordinated debts. ─── 募集人和有关当事人不得以任何方式误导投资者购买次级债。

12、The AA artillery was subordinated to the AA Defence Command and, on 22 June 1941, it consisted of 6 regiments . ─── 1941年6月22日,拥有6个团兵力的罗马尼亚防空炮兵部队被纳入对空防御司令部编制体系内。

13、In both cases, the Tories may have subordinated sensible economic thinking to political positioning. ─── 在这两个问题上,保守党应该将理性的经济思考置于政治定位之下。

14、Changzhou sinochem Qinfeng Plastics Co., Ltd is a Sino-American joint venture , a proprietary subordinated under China Chemical Industry Export &import Corporation . ─── 常州中化Qinfeng塑料制品有限公司是一家中美合资企业,一个专有服从根据中国化工进出口公司。

15、Article 4 A subordinate debt of a securities company with a term of two years or more shall be a long-term subordinated debt. ─── 第四条证券公司借入期限在2年以上(含2年)的次级债务为长期次级债务。

16、The social aspects of religion are often the most subordinated to objective study. ─── 宗教的社会方面对客观的研究来说经常是最次要的。

17、Core curriculum A curriculum design in which one subject or group of subjects becomes a center or core to which all the other subjects are subordinated. ─── 基础课程,核心课程一种课程设计,其中以一个题目或一组题目为中心或核心,其它科目为其附属科目。

18、subordinated notes ─── [经] 无优先权票证

19、The interests of the individual must be subordinated to the interests of the collective. ─── 个人利益必须服从集体利益。

20、However, the Fed reasserted its independence in 1951, reaching an accord with the Treasury that Federal Reserve policy should not be subordinated to Treasury financing. ─── 1951年联邦储备系统重新明确了自己的独立性,它与财政部达成协议,规定联邦储备系统的政策不得从属于财政部的工作。

21、All other considerations had to be subordinated to the needs of the children. ─── 孩子的需要高于一切。

22、The interests of the individual must be subordinated to the interests of the collect. ─── 个人的利益必须服从集体的利益。

23、It is an established principle that in the War of Resistance everything must be subordinated to the interests of resistance. ─── 在抗日战争中,一切必须服从抗日的利益,这是确定的原则。

24、Securities that have priority ahead of all other unsecured or subordinated debt in ranking for payment in the event of default. ─── 指在出现违约时,在支付顺序上优先于所有其他无担保或次级债务的证券。

25、Beijing JingYu administrative office of nourishing food service center is subordinated to Beijing educational committee. ─── 北京京育学生营养餐饮管理服务中心隶属于北京市教育委员会。

26、Fourth Subordinated Debt Issue. ─── 四是发行次级债。

27、Utility is the basis of justice, and right is subordinated to the utility principle. ─── 功利是正义的基础,权利从属于功利原理。

28、However, little research has been conducted on this new financial innovation.This article explores the effects of subordinated debt issued by commercial banks. ─── 但是作为一种金融创新,我国对商业银行次级债券尚缺乏系统的研究,本文主要对我国商业银行发行次级债券的效应进行探讨。

29、Whatever attribute or value is used to describe material on one level is automatically "inherited" by the elements at subordinated levels, unless the EAD specifies otherwise. ─── 任何用来在一个水平上著录材料的属性或价值都被处于次要水平的元素自动“分级”,除非EAD有其它说明。

30、It is a tour de force of metaphoric design. All the navigation in the interface, and most other interactions as well, were subordinated to the maintenance of spatial and physical metaphors. ─── 它是一个标准的漫游隐喻设计,界面中所有的导航及大多数其他交互附属于空间隐喻和物理隐喻。

31、Structural Design of Subordinated Debt: an International Contrast ─── 商业银行次级债结构设计的国际比较

32、He subordinated his wishes to the general good of the group ─── 他使自己的愿望服从于集体的利益。

33、Safety considerations were subordinated to commercial interests. ─── 商业利益置于安全考虑之上。

34、The China Banking Regulatory Commission is considering new rules that could crimp the loan expansion by disqualifying subordinated debt from being counted as bank capital. ─── 中国银监会正在考虑制定新的政策,审核不合格的次级债券将不能成为银行资产,这一举措将会紧缩贷款规模的扩大。

35、As such, Great Britain ran its economic policies independently, and the U.S. adapted its own policies in a somewhat subordinated manner. ─── 于是,大不列颠独立地施行其经济政策,而美国以多少有些从属的形式调整它自己的政策。

36、convertible subordinated debenture ─── [经] 可兑换的次级信用债券

37、Assist Factory Manager in coordinating the relationship between subordinated departments; ─── 协助厂长理协调下属部门之间的关系;

38、Form discipline subordinated,it should located as a branch or research field of management accounting. ─── 从学科归属上看,应将其归为管理会计的分支学科或研究领域。

39、Subordinated Debt A loan (or security) that ranks below other loans (or securities) with regard to claims on assets or earnings. ─── 从属债务指在资产或盈利索偿权上等级低于其他贷款(或证券)的贷款(或证券)

40、In this country, the self is not dissolved in Oriental group-think, or subordinated within medieval hierarchy. ─── 在这个国家,自我不是融解在了东方的集体思想中,也不是从属于中世纪的等级制度。

41、He said the central bank will make a decision on its subordinated loan plan as soon as possible. ─── 他说,日本央行将尽快确定其后偿贷款发放计划。

42、He subordinated his personal needs to his political interests. ─── 他使他的个人需要屈从于他的政治利益。

43、Minor principles should be subordinated to major ones. ─── 小道理要服从大道理。

44、To keep his job,he willingly subordinated his own interests to the objectives of the company. ─── 为了保住工作,他自愿使自己的利益服从公司的目标。

45、subordinated debenture ─── n.次级债券,附属公司债券

46、Temporary Measures for Administration of Subordinated Term Debts of Insurance Companies ─── 保险公司次级定期债务管理暂行办法

47、Our wishes have to be subordinated to that of our ruler. ─── 我们的愿望必须服从统治者的愿望。

48、1. The China Banking Regulatory Commission is considering new rules that could crimp the loan expansion by disqualifying subordinated debt from being counted as bank capital. ─── 中国银监会正在考虑制定一些新的规章制度,通过部分作为银行资本的次等债券的方式来控制贷款的增长。

49、Personal needs must be subordinated for me to get ahead. ─── 为了工作上进,个人的需求必须有所放弃。

50、The subordinated subbranch (Haicheng Qianye Hengda Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd.) covers an area of 8000 square meters, possessing 200 employees. ─── 下属分公司(海城市乾业恒达塑料包装有限公司)占地8000平方米,拥有员工200人。

51、Notice on Investment of Subordinated Term Bonds of Insurance Company by Insurance Companies and Insurance Asset Management Companies ─── 关于保险公司、保险资产管理公司投资保险公司次级定期债务的通知

52、Subordinated to SVA Electron Co.,Ltd.Shanghai Haicheng Technology Equipment Co.,Ltd.and Shanghai Haicheng Machinery Manufacturing Co. ─── 上海海成技术装备有限公司(上海海成机械制造有限公司)隶属于上海广电电子股份有限公司(SVA)。

53、Therefore, the interests of the class struggle must be subordinated to, and must not conflict with, the interests of the War of Resistance. ─── 因此,阶级斗争的利益必须服从于抗日战争的利益,而不能违反抗日战争的利益。

54、The inhibitions placed on the irresponsible use of technology are weak, often half-hearted, and almost always, worldwide, subordinated to short-term national or corporate interest. ─── 在地球任何地方,在国家和企业的短期利益面前,任何禁止滥用技术的措施都是无力的。

55、But Asia included Russia, Japan, India, Vietnam, none of whom wished to be subordinated to authoritarian Sino-centric leaders in Beijing. ─── 但是包括俄罗斯、日本、印度、越南的亚洲都不希望被在北京的以中国中心的独裁者领导。

56、The part must be subordinated to the whole. ─── 局部服从全局。

57、A secondary idea can be subordinated by placing it in a participial phrase. ─── 分词短语可以用来表达句子的次要内容。

58、subordinated lenders ─── [经] 无优先权放款人, 从属放款人

59、All considerations had to be subordinated to the needs of the family. ─── 一切要考虑的事情均应服从家庭的需要。

60、Status Quo and Development for the Reform of Independent Scientific Research Institutions Subordinated to Cities and Counties ─── 市县属独立科研机构改革现状及发展

61、Analysis and Monitoring on Yuxi Governmentally Subordinated Staffs Immunity State in 2006 ─── 2006年玉溪市市直单位职工乙肝免疫状况监测分析

62、Safety considerations were subordinated to commercial interests. ─── 商业利益被置于安全考虑之上。

63、Thou seest how it has subordinated, co-ordinated and assigned to everything its proper portion, and has brought together into concord with one another the things which are the best. ─── 你看到它怎样使高下有序,相互合作,分配给每一事物以它适当的份额,把它们结合到一起使之与那最好的事物相和谐。

64、Among taking natural philosophy as leading factor philosophy, the basic problem was shown as one and more, general and specific problem, and other problems were subordinated to it. ─── 在以自然哲学为主导的哲学中,基本问题一般表现为一和多、一般和个别的问题,而其他问题则从属于它。

65、This paper studies the traditional certificate validation process and the attributes of subordinated hierachical models and their certificate paths, puts forward a concept on the validity period of a certificate path. ─── 对传统的证书验证过程进行了研究,分析了下属层次信任模型的性质以及在该模型中证书路径的性质,提出了证书路径有效期的概念。

66、Therefore,Party work in literature and art occupies a definite and assigned position in Party revolutionary work as a whole and is subordinated to the revolutionary tasks set by the Party in a given revolutionary period. ─── 因此,党的文艺工作,在党的整个革命工作中的位置,是确定了的,摆好了的;是服从党在一定革命时期内所规定的革命任务的。

67、convertible subordinated unsecured loan stock ─── 可换股次级无抵押债务

68、Humans and dolphins and whales alike have always subordinated to the creator of any creation. ─── 人类和海豚鲸鱼一直服从于任一造物的造物者。

69、Art is sometimes subordinated to science in these schools. ─── 在这些学校,艺术有时为科学让步。

70、Convertible Subordinated Note A short-term debt security (note), that can be changed into common stock (convertible) and ranks below other loans (subordinate). ─── 可转换次级票据可转换成为普通股(可转换),等级低于其他贷款(次级)的短期债务证券(票据)

71、He subordinated his own wishes to those of his group. ─── 他使自己的意愿服从于他小组的意愿。

72、CCB (939 HK) said it has issued RMB40bn of subordinated callable bonds. ─── 建设银行(939HK):称其已经发行400亿元人民币的可赎回的次级债券。

73、She subordinated her interest to that of her husband. ─── 她把个人兴趣置于她丈夫的利益之下。

74、to be subordinated in an office ─── 在事务所中任次职

75、On the other hand, when a community indiscriminately acclaims every new doctrine, the love of truth becomes subordinated to the desire for novel formulations. ─── 另一方面,当一个社会盲目地欢迎每一新出现的理论时,对真理的热爱便会让位于追求新奇事物的欲望。

76、It uses a silver background, with the Snickers logo subordinated to the word "Charged, " and a frontal image of a rhinoceros head. ─── 它采用了银色的背景,与嘲笑标志服从单词“充电”和正面形象,犀牛头。

77、Pleasure should be subordinated to duty. ─── 与工作相比,娱乐应该是第二位的。

78、But it would apply to all subordinated securities and would be at least equivalent in value to the common equity. ─── 但它将适用于所有次级证券,并至少与普通股等值。

79、From the wording of s.35 (2), it is clear that the right of the member to restrain the company from carrying out the ultra vires transaction is subordinated to that of the third party. ─── 从35(2)条规定的措辞可以清楚看出,股东限制公司开展越权交易的权利较之于第三方的权利是次要的。

80、She subordinated her interest to that of her husband. ─── 她把个人兴趣置于她丈夫的利益之下。

81、Minor principles should be subordinated to major ones. ─── 小道理要服从大道理。

82、Collective or individual should be subordinated to the greater whole, subject to forces, subject to a team. ─── 个人要服从集体或更大的整体,服从部队,服从一个团队。

83、In every country that adopted the Protestant branch, the church became a state church and was closely linked and subordinated to the state. ─── 在任何一个采用新教的国家,基督教成为国教,与国家政权紧密相连并从属于国家政权.

84、There are three supporting enterprise subordinated to our company, corporating centralized procurement whithin the whole group company. ─── 我公司又准备上一条生产线,明年将进行批量生产,估计明年原材料使用量将增加一倍。

85、Bocheng had strong Party spirit. This was especially evident in the way he always subordinated his own interests to the general interests. ─── 伯承同志党性坚强,突出表现在考虑问题从党的全局出发,事事顾全大局,服从大局。

86、Subordinated Loan and Security Agreement ─── 从属贷款担保协议

87、In 2007, the supply of aluminum ingots was adequate, the demand growth was slowdown, and the world's economy was affected by Subordinated Debt crisis, so the aluminum market has fallen down. ─── 内容摘要:2007年,国内外铝价在铝锭供给充足,需求增长放缓及次级债危机事件影响下,整体呈现下跌行情。

88、Subordinated to the Beijing Cultural Relics Adminstration and approved Travel Service in tours concerning cutural relics. ─── 北京文物国际旅行社为上级主管部门为北京市文物事业管理局系中国国家旅游局的已开展文物文化旅游为特色的国际旅行社。

89、In some respects, the classes subordinated in the period of industrial hegemony provide the key to understanding the principle characteristics of the hegemony of immaterial labor. ─── 从某些方面来说,在工业霸权时代处于从属地位的阶级为理解非物质性劳动霸权的主要特性提供了钥匙。

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