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09-06 投稿



headboard 发音

英:[ˈhedbɔːd]  美:[ˈhedbɔːrd]

英:  美:

headboard 中文意思翻译



headboard 词性/词形变化,headboard变形


headboard 短语词组

1、bookcase headboard ─── 书柜床头板

2、ornate headboard ─── 华丽的床头板

headboard 相似词语短语

1、headword ─── n.中心词,标题字;词目

2、headband ─── n.头巾;头饰带

3、headboards ─── n.床头板

4、bedboard ─── 床板

5、breadboard ─── n.擀面板,案板;电路试验板;vt.为…制作;在平板上作…;vi.制作模拟板

6、seaboard ─── n.海滨;沿海地方;海岸线;adj.海滨的

7、headward ─── adj.朝头部的;向头的;adv.向头

8、headguard ─── n.橄榄球员或拳击者的头盔

9、hardboard ─── n.硬纸板

headboard 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Matches MALM bed; to be mounted to the headboard. ─── 可装配于马尔姆床,安装于床头。

2、We could see what looked like a big bed in a hotel room—with beige quilts and pillows propped upright on the headboard. ─── 我们可以看到像是饭店房间里的大床——铺着米黄色的被子,床头板上竖直靠着许多枕头。

3、The covers would be pulled tight, and the pillow would be centered just under the headboard. ─── 被子会被拉紧,枕头就在床头板的正下方。

4、Headboard is gotten greatly than the dimension of the bed much, ably built-in wall body, concealed mirrors at other areas Tibetan light a few light halation, elaborate gives quiet, quiet night. ─── 床头板比床的尺寸大得多,巧妙地嵌入墙体,隐于其他的藏光带映出几片淡淡的光晕,铺陈出安宁、静谧的夜晚。

5、Standing at the side of the bed, near the headboard, flips the bottom sheet open across the bed. ─── 站在床的一边,抛床单,而后展开到整个床上。

6、A partition surfaced in foil wall covering stands in lieu of a headboard. ─── 一面金属箔片饰面的隔墙替代了床头板原先的位置。

7、For attractive, ample storage, move out a headboard and night tables and move in a combination of stock cabinets and open shelving units. ─── 为了好看,充足的储存,移开床头板和床头桌,把东西移到储物柜和架子上。

8、Something had gone bong with him; at least, so Young Jerry inferred, from the circumstance of his holding Mrs. Cruncher by the ears, and knocking the back of her head against the headboard of the bed. ─── 他一定是出了问题,至少小杰瑞那么想,因为他正揪住克朗彻太太的耳朵把她的后脑勺往床板上撞。

9、On the wall body on the side of headboard, installed mesa of a semicircular small arc, with will place the commodity with simple goodwife. ─── 床头板旁边的墙体上,安装了一块半圆的小弧形台面,用来放置女主人简单的日用品。

10、He took me from behind as I clung to his headboard screaming with pleasure until I jolted into an almighty orgasm, dropped my head into his pillow and fell into a deep sleep. ─── 他从后面使用我,我撑在他的床头,没脑子地哼哼着舒服的小调。在一场天崩地裂的极乐之后,我一头扎进他的枕头里,睡的跟死一样。

11、The general was lying on the bed, his back against the headboard, hands clasped behind his head. ─── 将军躺在床上,背靠床头板,头枕在交叠的双手上。

12、The headboard's black leather.It's too cool. ─── 床头板时黑皮的,很酷。

13、In the woo l-carpeted master bedroom, Nicholas's walnut end table accompanies Kollar's linen-upholstered headboard. ─── 在羊毛地毯装饰的主卧室内,尼古拉斯设计的胡桃木茶几与科勒设计的亚麻面床头板相适配。

14、Place victim on hard surface, such as floor or ground, or use the backboard found on the resuscitation cart or the headboard of the ho ital bed. ─── 将患者置于硬面上,如地板或地面,或采用救护车上的底板或病床床头板。

15、DEAR SARA: I’ve been living with a bed without a headboard for years.I feel it’s time for a big-girl bedroom, but I don’t have a fortune to spend.Any ideas? ─── 亲爱的SARA: 我睡一张没有床头板的床已经睡了好几年了,我觉得现在是把房间弄成适合大女孩的样子的时候了,但是我又没机会尝试,有什么建议么?

16、We think a wooden headboard would look nicer in our bedroom. We'd like to take this one over here. ─── 我们觉得木制的床头板跟我们的卧房会较为相配。我们就挑这边这一个。

17、your head is knocking the headboard and you feel it might blow off? ─── |你的头一直撞到床头板 你感觉它快要炸开?

18、Jinpei squirmed over in the bed and Joe sat back beside him against the headboard, gently stroking his hair with a gloved hand. ─── " / Jinpei 在床中结束蠕动,而且乔在他旁边反对床头板袖手旁观,逐渐地用一只被手套的手划尾桨他的头发。

19、A tall bamboo screen, spray-painted bright blue, replaces a headboard and adds interest to the wall while pulling the eye upwards, emphasizing the room’s high ceilings. ─── 描述: 9、竹制的屏风喷上了浅蓝色,代替了原来的床头板,并且让视线上延,强调了房间天花板的高度。

20、One evening I leaned against the headboard on Skyler's bed, my arms wrapped around him. ─── 一天晚上,我靠在斯凯勒房间的床头板上,双手环抱着他,他舒服地蜷缩在我两腿之间。

21、It can add a bit of romance to the room.You could also use pendant lighting to highlight the bed or a chair or even to accent the headboard. ─── 新近流行手工敲边地板,它产生的不规则边缘能增强立体感,还原木制历史感,就像顶级皮具需要做旧来表现怀旧,两者异曲同工。

22、"Why, you two was scuffling, and he fetched you one with the headboard and you fell flat; ─── “嘿,就是你俩扭打起来了,他用墓碑牌子砸了你一下,你就被砸叭下了。

23、The mechanism can be activated from a seated position.The user applies pressure by simply reclining, which raises and tilts the headboard (divided into two parts). ─── 压力使床头板升起和倾斜,从而让使用选择更理想的坐姿进行休息和阅读。

24、Position client supine with his head near headboard. ─── 病人仰卧,头靠近床头板。

25、The mattress you are sitting on , the nightstand beside you , the headboard behind you , they aren't going anywhere , are they , Paul? ─── 你所坐的牀垫、你身旁的夜灯、你背后的牀板,它们哪儿也没去,不是吗,保罗?

26、(Lying against the headboard, smiling as she hears distant music coming in through the window) Listen. ─── (靠着床头板躺着,微笑地听着从窗外传来的音乐)听。

27、Headboards don’t have to be expensive.You can make a padded headboard using plywood, batting and fabric. ─── 床头板不用买很贵的,你可以用加班,绵絮和纺织布料自己做一个包层的床头板。

28、headboard of mainsail ─── 主帆顶板

29、Glossy orange paint makes this vintage headboard pop, punctuating the graphic nature of its design. ─── 打眼的橙色让床头光彩照人,强调了此款床具设计的生动内涵。

30、Glossy orange paint makes this vintage headboard pop, punctuating the graphic nature of its design. ─── 打眼的橙色让床头光彩照人,强调了此款床具设计的生动内涵。

31、Store content: Make below the bed store object space is very general, also can consider to be vacated in headboard backside nevertheless store object space, still can set berth lamp and bookcase over; ─── 储物:在床下制造储物空间十分普遍,不过也可考虑在床头板背后腾出储物空间,还可以在那儿设床头灯和书箱;

32、A lov e motel, complete with a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and a headboard resembling a doggy bone, has opened for amorous pooches in Brazil. ─── 一家为发情期小狗设计的情侣旅馆在巴西开业,在该旅馆的天花板上有一块心形的镜子,以及酷似骨头的床头板。

33、The bed that does not have headboard also can produce the tactile impression of soft warmth in cold weather. ─── 没有床头板的床在严寒的天气里也可以产生柔软暖和的触感。

34、a bed with solid headboard and footboard that roll outward at the top. ─── 顶上有固体的床头板和踏足板缠绕的床。

35、You know, if it's not a headboard, it's just not worth it. ─── 如果不是床头板,根本不值得

36、This is a classical round-bed design.Thick and tall headboard makes the bed comfortable and noble. ─── 圆床中的又一款经典设计,宽厚而高大的床头,舒适而又彰显富足;

37、Chris: Sure. It's on the headboard of my bed, next to my alarm clock. ─── 克里斯:可以啊,就放在我的床头板上,闹钟旁边。

38、Symmetrical and rigorous adornment is indicating master style and position. Special distinctive headboard, under cover ases if in simple geometrical logo a certain obscure truth. ─── 对称严谨的装饰显示着主人的风格和地位。非常有特色的床头板,简单的几何图形中仿佛隐藏着某个晦涩的真理。

39、Keywords all-round mining technique;span of headboard;spacing of orepillar;bracing with bolting; ─── 全面采矿法;顶板跨度;矿柱间距;锚杆支护;

40、Based onmaterial mechanics,the paper presents a formula calculating the maximum span of headboard,proposes a newmethod of orepillar design,and calculate the parameters of belting. ─── 文中应用材料力学,推导了计算顶板最大允许跨度的公式,提出了矿柱设计新方法,同时对锚杆支护参数进行了计算。

41、Research on bracing headboard of slightly inclined orebody ─── 缓倾斜矿体采场顶板维护的试验研究

42、is always oriented with the headboard away from the door. ─── 床头板总是放置在远离门的方向。

43、seized the heavy headboard of Williams' grave, ─── 抓起威廉斯坟上那块重重的墓碑,

44、This is a classical round-bed design.Thick and tall headboard makes the bed comfortable and noble.The three elliptic bed frame set off beautiful arc.It is very practical and comfortable. ─── 圆床中的又一款经典设计,宽厚而高大的床头,舒适而又彰显富足;三条椭圆形的床帮衬托出美丽的圆床弧线,实用而又落落大方!

45、In the bedroom, the bed is backed by an exaggerated headboard, finished in white leather and fixed using the same method as the dining chairs. ─── 在卧室内,卧床背靠着一块夸张的床头板。床头板表面覆以白色皮革并使用与餐椅同样的方式加以固定。

46、Her back rested against the headboard. ─── 她背靠着床头板。

47、Stainless steel and wooden headboard,fast dismantled,with anti-impact protection equipment on four corners; ─── 不锈钢+木板的床头尾板,快卸式,四角防撞保护;

48、ANN: (lying against the headboard, smiling as she hears distant music coming in through the window) Listen. ─── 安妮:(靠着床头板躺着,微笑地听着从窗外传来的音乐)听。

49、The doggy love motel, complete with a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and a headboard resembling a doggy bone, has opened for amorous pooches in Brazil. ─── 在巴西这种专门为恋爱中的狗狗开设的小狗汽车旅馆,里面天花板上装有心形的镜子,床头板呈小狗骨头形状。

50、The most outstanding characteristic is geometrical element apply: Fu go up with the headboard of damask face, arranging the long diamonds of equidistance; ─── 最突出的特点是几何元素的运用:覆以缎面的床头板上,排列着等距离的长方块;

51、a bed with solid headboard and footboard that roll outward at the top ─── 顶上有固体的床头板和踏足板缠绕的床

52、Can be completed with MALM bedside table, to be mounted on the headboard. ─── 可搭配马尔姆床边桌使用,安装在床头板上。

53、The general was lying on the bed, his back against the headboard, hands clasped behind his head. ─── 将军躺在床上,背靠床头板,头枕在交叠的双手上。

54、For $19, guests give up breakfast, air conditioning, lights, sheets and even the bed. Staff will remove the mattress and headboard and leave a small tent instead. ─── 对于19美元的价格,客人们要放弃早餐、空调、灯、床单,甚至还有床。酒店工作人员将把床垫、床头板都撤掉,留一个小帐篷。

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