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09-06 投稿


instantaneous 发音

英:[,ɪnst(ə)n'teɪnɪəs]  美:[,ɪnstən'tenɪəs]

英:  美:

instantaneous 中文意思翻译



instantaneous 词性/词形变化,instantaneous变形

名词: instantaneity |副词: instantaneously |

instantaneous 短语词组

1、instantaneous automatic volume control ─── [电] 瞬时自动音量控制

2、instantaneous center(of rotation) ─── [化] (转动)瞬心

3、instantaneous automatic gain control ─── [电] 瞬时自动增益控制

4、instantaneous contact ─── [电] 瞬时接触

5、instantaneous axis(of rotation) ─── [化] (转动)瞬轴

6、instantaneous access ─── [计] 立即存取, 立即访问

7、instantaneous deviation control ─── [电] 瞬时偏向控制

8、instantaneous deformation ─── [化] 瞬时形变

9、instantaneous description ─── [计] 瞬时描述

10、instantaneous compandor ─── [计] 瞬时压扩器

11、instantaneous amplitude ─── [计] 瞬时幅度

12、instantaneous disc ─── [电] 瞬时转盘

13、instantaneous axis ─── [机] 瞬间轴

14、instantaneous death ─── [法] 瞬间死亡, 立即死亡

15、instantaneous code ─── [计] 立即码

16、instantaneous communication ─── [计] 瞬时通信

17、instantaneous acceleration ─── [化] 瞬时加速度

18、instantaneous current ─── [电] 瞬时电流

19、instantaneous companding ─── [电] 瞬时伸缩

instantaneous 相似词语短语

1、coinstantaneously ─── adv.共同继承地

2、instantaneously ─── adv.即刻;突如其来地

3、assentaneous ─── 同意的

4、instantaneity ─── n.立即;瞬时性

5、instantaneousness ─── n.瞬间;即刻

6、instantiations ─── n.实例化;[计]例示

7、instantness ─── 瞬时性

8、intracutaneous ─── adj.皮内的

9、coinstantaneous ─── adj.同时的

instantaneous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Happiness is short-term instantaneous , Forever long . ─── 幸福是短暂的瞬间,漫长的永远.

2、When a noble man feels resentment, it is absorbed in his instantaneous reaction and therefore does not poison him. ─── 一个高尚的人对于仇恨知识是一瞬间的反应,因此这种情绪不会毒害他.

3、A device that senses and stores the instantaneous value of an analog signal. ─── 一种检测和存储模拟信号瞬时值的设备。

4、Their common shortcoming is that they act blindly entirely before reclosing and can not distinguish instantaneous fault from permanent fault. ─── 它们共同的缺点就是在重合闸之前,完全是盲目的动作,无法区分线路发生的是瞬时性故障还是永久性故障。

5、Meanwhile, some combined application examples for solving the instantaneous center on planar mechanism through Lou"s theorem are also given. ─── 同时,给出了罗洪田定式在求解平面机构瞬心中的组合应用类型。

6、Three dimension finite element analysis is an ideal mechanical method for the instantaneous injury mechanism research of humerus fracture. ─── 三维有限元分析法是研究肱骨骨折瞬时受伤机制的理想生物力学工具。

7、Chromeleon enables instantaneous data calculation to complement the ultrafast separations of RSLC. ─── 变色龙软件可进行即使数据计算,获得超快速液相的分离结果。

8、Of or relating to photography using instantaneous illumination. ─── 利用闪光灯的属于或有关使用瞬时照明摄影的

9、In electronics,the product of an instanta neous voltage and the correspondent instantaneous current. ─── 在电子学[技术]中,瞬时电压及其相应的瞬时电流的乘积。

10、Based on instantaneous potential energy principle and spline interpolate function, the dynamic equation of flat spherical shell is derived. ─── 基于瞬时变分原理与样条函数理论,建立扁球壳的动力方程。

11、What happened? The man's arms dropped to his sides and he fell forward, flat on his face. The knock-out was absolutely instantaneous. ─── 怎样了呢?那人双手一垂,向前栽倒,脸平撞地上。瞬间击倒。

12、This is almost instantaneous with this electronic system. Then simply dial the numbers of the extension. ─── 不过在这个电子系统中,一拿起手机马上就能听到拨号音。然后只要拔分机号就行了。

13、In most cases, the need for instantaneous access to public folder information is not a requirement. ─── 大多数情况下,不要求瞬时访问公用文件夹信息。

14、In general conditions, only up limit is taken into account for instantaneous trip. ─── 一般情况下瞬时动作值只考核上限。

15、In micrographics, the use of a laser to write directly on a microfilm to produce instantaneous storage without any need for chemical processing. ─── 在显微照相技术中,使用激光把计算机输出直接写到缩微胶片上,实现快速存储,而不需要任何化学处理。

16、The power shall be monitored continuously for exceeding of the instantaneous activation power PA. ─── 必须连续监控功率是否超过即时触发值PA。

17、It is not possible to fit limit switches, the instantaneous position of the closing lever will be interrogated by proximity sensors. ─── 安装限位开关是无法实现的,将由非接触式近程传感器检测闭合杆的瞬时位置。

18、They heard the rotors of helicopters before they saw them, and Nikolai's reaction was instantaneous. ─── 他们听见了直升机的螺旋桨声,尼可莱立刻作出了反应。

19、BLL type material flow detector for detecting the instantaneous state of the logistics of a device. ─── BLL型料流检测器,用于检测物流瞬时状态的一种装置。

20、Actually, all I want to say are in the works. These non-decisive instantaneous documentary works just reflected my mind. ─── 其实,要说的话,都在作品里了。这样的非决定性瞬间的纪实类作品,是我心灵的映照。

21、It represents the instantaneous traces of the ordinary and extraordinary wavefronts. ─── 它表示寻常光波前和非常光波前的瞬时轨迹。

22、The biggest displacement of the instantaneous response is much bigger than that of the static one. ─── 初始静力荷载效应使瞬时动力响应的振幅比无初始静力荷载效应的结构的水平和竖向位移振幅小。

23、Thus we completed the full set of relative instantaneous dwells for each link of various type planar six-bar linkges. ─── 因而完成了各类平面铰链六杆机构构件瞬时停歇的全集。

24、Their wizard-style interface provides instantaneous feedback by showing a live preview of the user's form as they create it. ─── 其向导式界面提供瞬时反馈,通过展示一个活生生的预演,用户的形式,为他们创造。

25、It shows that the proposed fast algorithm is an efficient ISAR instantaneous imaging algorithm. ─── 因而此快速算法是一种有效的ISAR瞬时成像的快速算法。

26、The frictionless, instantaneous flow of capital is possible only because of the Internet and electronic exchanges. ─── 只有依靠互联网和电子交易,资本的无障碍即时流动才成为可能。

27、To a culture which has come to take instantaneous communication for granted, as part of the very structure of civilized life, this "time barrier" may have a profound psychological impact. ─── 对于一个将即时通讯视为文明生活结构一部分的文化来说,这种“时间障碍”可能会产生深远的心理影响。

28、In animation, the instantaneous removal of a pictorial information. ─── 在动画中,瞬间取走图形信息。

29、In this formulation, the instantaneous state of a quantum system encodes the probabilities of its measurable properties, or "observables" . ─── 在这公式里,量子系统的瞬间态编码了其可测量特性的概率,或者“可见的”。

30、Delpart N,et al.Asymptotic wavelet and gabor analys extraction of instantaneous frequencies[J].IEEE Trans.IT,1992(3). ─── 吴江标,等.基于小波变换的相位编码信号脉内特征提取[J].航天电子对抗,1998(4).

31、Tragically, love isn't as effective as price mechanism in allocating resources.The chance of instantaneous sparkles lasting a life time is minuscule. ─── 不过,资源配置最优化不是爱情的长处,爱情常常使人把一分一秒错觉成今生今世;

32、Death was almost instantaneous. ─── 垂危。

33、Use YQ-Screen mesh, using capillarity instantaneous blows out the water, largely promotes the handling ability. ─── 使用织毛式滤带,利用毛细现象瞬间排出污泥中之游离水,大幅提升处理能力。

34、It can monitor the instantaneous velocities at specified points in a flowing stream. ─── 它能在流动的流注中的指定点上监测瞬时速度。

35、in this way, intuition is an almost instantaneous cognitive process in which a manager recognizes familiar patterns. ─── 在这种情况下,直觉是管理者识别熟悉模式的瞬间认知过程。

36、With instantaneous detector of printing image, the printing quality can be controlled at any time. ─── 印刷图像瞬时检测装置,可随时了解掌握印刷质量。

37、The effect of initial static load on the instantaneous response is related to the stiffness, mass and damp. ─── 在对底层边柱突然失效的高层结构进行分析时,必须计算结构的瞬时动力响应。

38、He had an instantaneous response. ─── 他立刻作了反应。

39、The instantaneous cutting force of the edge brings two br... ─── 在一次完整的切削过程中,整个刀齿的瞬时切削力产生两次突变。

40、Junction point of proximal lamina was not a round pore, but a slide designed according to instantaneous central curve of knee joint. ─── 与传统绞链不同的是,近侧合叶片的联结点不是一个圆孔,而是一个按照膝关节瞬时中心曲线设计的滑道。

41、Gestalt therapy and instantaneous technology of psychological consultation and therapy also do the ... ─── 心理咨询和治疗的即时性技术和格式塔疗法,也是让求助者的眼光注意到"此时此地"。

42、Decision and action can and should be instantaneous and simultaneous. ─── 决定和行动能够,也应该是当机立断、雷厉风行。

43、An instantaneous and strong impulse moved him to battle with his desperate fate. ─── 一股迅疾而强有力的冲动促使他要向坎坷的命运奋斗。

44、It gives the instantaneous system availability and steady-state system availability of the series system. ─── 对于此系统,给出了系统的瞬时可用度和系统的稳态可用度。

45、Teleportation will be the only form of instantaneous transportation and will only be available to high-level characters. ─── 传送将是唯一的实时移动方式,并且只有高等级玩家才能使用。

46、Pleasantness or unpleasantness depends, as a matter of fact, not on life’s favorable turns, but on our instantaneous choices of perspective. ─── 原来如意或不如意,并不是决定人生的际遇,而是取决于思想的瞬间。

47、I reassured them that his death had been instantaneous, then sat for a while with Mother, ate some cereal, had a bath and went to bed. ─── 我对他家人保证他的死是瞬间的,然后,陪着母亲坐了会儿,吃了些麦片,洗了个澡,上床睡觉了。

48、The excursion of instantaneous frequency representation will be resulted when EFT is applied to signals with rapidly varying frequency contents. ─── 对于具有恒定幅度的调频信号而言,瞬时频率代表了其全部的信息,可以据此对信号进行识别和分类。

49、In order to measure the instantaneous particle flow in draft tube of spouted bed, PIV system was applied. ─── 应用粒子图像测速仪(PIV)研究了喷动床导向管内粗颗粒物料的运动规律,测量了粗颗粒物料的瞬态流场及湍流度分布。

50、Keywords: unsupervised artificial neural network, image identification, instantaneous velocity. ─── 关键词:无监督式类神经网路、影像辨识、瞬时速度。

51、Each scene keeps the various instantaneous operating condition and trills in the process of going back to the origin of imagination. ─── 幕幕画面留下这个回到想像之起源的过程中的种种片刻运作情状和颤音。

52、Just a rabbi door, Jim per-hakan gessle was rabbi, the daughter of a mock the book write down the words are realistic instantaneous. ─── 刚出拉比家的门,吉姆佩尔又被拉比的女儿戏弄了一通,书上写的话瞬时被现实打倒。

53、Some of them relate to system load or the instantaneous state of hardware. ─── 它们中的一些依赖于系统装载或者硬件的即时状态。

54、He explained that gravity was not an instantaneous force as Newton assumed, but that it took time to travel. ─── 他解释,重力不像牛顿说的那样是瞬时传播的,它的传播需要时间。

55、Then, the relation between the stress triaxiality and instantaneous drum coefficient is obtained. ─── 得到了损伤力学变量应力三轴度与不均匀变形程度变量瞬时鼓形系数的关系。

56、The instantaneous Young's modulus and Poisson(ratio) of the cement paste are calculated by the direct average method and tw. ─── 利用本文中模型和均匀化方法(直接平均法和二尺度展开法)计算了水泥浆体在各瞬时的杨氏模量和泊松比。

57、When resting, pull come or screen sign, instantaneous divisible into the space with two hands-off each other. ─── 休息时拉上门或幕帘,瞬时便可分割成两个互不干涉的空间。

58、Every fragment in perpetuity is instantaneous. ─── 在这个永恒中任何片段有仅仅是那么一瞬

59、The cumulative effect of executing smaller instantaneous interactions is often the most efficient way to accomplish a larger goal. ─── 要完成较大的目标,最有效的途径往往是多次执行规模较小的即时交互操作。

60、Using capillarity instantaneous blows out the water, the concentrationand the dehydrated efficiency are high, largely promotes the handling ability. ─── 利用毛细现象瞬间将水吸除,浓缩及脱水效率高,大幅提升处理能力。

61、The Internet is remarkable for the almost instantaneous speed at which it transmits information. ─── 互联网显著特征就在于其传送信息的瞬时性。

62、Instantaneous abrupt change in wavelet coefficients can be used to detect the discontinuity of a signal. ─── 小波系数的瞬态突变可以描述信号奇异性;

63、At once I was aware that this woman was Nature herself; and a thrill of reverent awe sent an instantaneous shiver through my inmost soul. ─── 在神殿正中坐着一位穿的流动着绿色的长袍的女人.她一手支撑着头,看起来在沉思中.

64、She accidentally swallowed the poison and death was instantaneous. ─── 她无意中吞下毒药,猝然死去。

65、For the instantaneous hydrodynamic analysis of the cone valve, the complex mathematical formular is simplified with cybernetics. ─── 在瞬态液动力的分析中,用控制论将其复杂的教学公式进行了简化,展示了数学物理方法在液压技术中应用的前景.

66、The total instantaneous inlet blockage of a sing le subassembly (TIB) in LMFBR may cause very severe consequences which should be p redicted. ─── 在正常功率下快堆单个燃料组件的瞬间完全堵流可能会产生相当严重的后果,对其后续事故序列及其潜在的破坏能力进行预测是必要的。

67、Updates to the image are not always instantaneous, but they are full quality. ─── 对图像渲染的更新是即时的,不是全品质的。

68、On basis of transformer loop equation,a novel principle of transformer protection using equivalent instantaneous leakage inductance is presented. ─── 在变压器回路方程的基础上,提出一种利用等效瞬时漏电感实现变压器保护的新方法。

69、A rededication of heart and mind and an acceptance of suffering as a needed lesson have on more than one occasion brought instantaneous healing. ─── 作为一门必修课,全心全意的奉献和对苦难的承受常常会带来即刻的康复。

70、Death is instantaneous in a fatal accident . ─── 在致命的事故中,死亡是即刻发生的。

71、This confirms that the PIV system can be applied to measure the instantaneous volume flow rate and investigate the unsteady characteristics. ─── PIV技术可用于瞬时体积流量的测量以及流场非稳态特性的研究。

72、Likewise, food contaminants are also analytes demanding instantaneous measurement using the same assay protocol. ─── 同样食品污染物也是需要即时检测的,使用相同的检测方案的检测。

73、When someone lies, you get an instantaneous warming around the eyes, he says. ─── 他说:“当某人说谎时,眼睛周围立即会出现发热。”

74、One of its marked characteristics is to accelerate change by providing instantaneous transfer of technology. ─── 它的显著特点之一是,技术转让可在瞬间实现,从而使变化步伐加快。

75、The results are instantaneous because the system has created a database (also known as an index) to tell you where files are located. ─── 结果是即时的因为系统已经创建了一个数据库(也被称为索引)来告诉你文件存储在何处。

76、Happiness is the instantaneous fireworks, or helps one another in difficult time? ─── 幸福是瞬间烟火,还是相濡以沫?

77、The positioning problem has been solved on land by now, but no one instantaneous sea surface height model (ISS) has been developed. ─── 就目前而言,陆地上已初步解决定位问题,但海面上却没有一种高精度瞬时海面高模型可供使用。

78、In this formulation, the instantaneous state of a quantum system encodes the probabilities of its measurable properties, or "observables". ─── 在这公式里,量子系统的瞬间态编码了其可测量特性的概率,或者“可见的”。

79、The Taitung area also once appeared burns the wind, the instantaneous temperature reaches as high as 37.5 degrees Celsius. ─── 台东地区还曾出现“焚风”,瞬时温度高达37.5摄氏度。

80、Death was instantaneous, eg in a fatal accident. ─── 当即死去(如在致命事故中).

81、Tonegate instantaneous effects, the wearer needs to use a ready action. ─── 佩戴者必须用准备动作才能压制即时效果。

82、SN338: Instantaneous floating point (IFP) amplifier, first really portable digital system. ─── SN338:瞬时浮点(IFP)放大器,第一个真正便携式数字系统。

83、I swear that his death was instantaneous, as if he had been struck by lightning. ─── 我肯定他是立刻丧命的,是猝死。

84、Reversed polarity protection and instantaneous over current and over cross-voltage protection, is in accordance with EMI protection requirement. ─── 反极性保护和瞬间过电流过跨压保护,符合EMI防护要求。

85、Any fixation of the joints in forte playing should always be instantaneous and not prolonged. ─── 任何固化的关节在弹奏强音时,都只能是瞬间而不延长。

86、The reclosing time of instantaneous fault is analyzed, it is not the sooner the better for this time. ─── 2.分析了瞬时性故障的最佳重合闸时刻问题,指出从系统稳定的角度考虑时,重合闸的时间不一定越快越好。

87、Death was almost instantaneous. ─── 当时生命垂危。

88、In the widely used detecting approach of harmonic currents for APF,ip-iq approach based on theory of instantaneous reactive power is used most widely. ─── 在众多有源滤波器的谐波及无功电流检测算法中,基于三相瞬时无功功率理论的应用最为广泛。

89、An instantaneous reply to my letter. ─── 对我的信件的即刻答复

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