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09-07 投稿



hypersecretion 发音


英:  美:

hypersecretion 中文意思翻译



hypersecretion 短语词组

1、gastric hypersecretion ─── [医] 胃液分泌过多, 胃酸过多 ─── [症]

hypersecretion 相似词语短语

1、hyposecretion ─── n.分泌不足

2、hypersalivation ─── 唾液分泌过多;[口腔]多涎

3、hypercorrections ─── n.矫枉过正

4、hyperexcretion ─── 排泄过多

5、hypercorrection ─── n.矫枉过正

6、persecution ─── n.迫害;烦扰

7、hyperaction ─── n.活动过度,极度活跃

8、oversecretion ─── 分泌过多

9、oversecretions ─── 过度分泌

hypersecretion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hypersecretion of testicular hormones ─── 睾丸激素分泌过多

2、mucus hypersecretion ─── 粘液高分泌

3、STH hypersecretion syndrome ─── STH分泌过多综合征

4、Keywords Acrolein Mucus hypersecretion EGFR Gefitinib; ─── 丙烯醛;气道黏液高分泌;EGFR;吉非替尼;

5、Effect of Eucalyptus globulus oil on lipopolysaccharide-induced chronic bronchitis and mucin hypersecretion in rats ─── 蓝桉油对脂多糖引起的大鼠慢性支气管炎及黏蛋白高分泌的影响

6、Objectives:To investigate the inhibition of dexamethasone on the hypersecretion of airway mucins in chronic bronchitis rats. ─── 目的:探讨地塞米松对慢性支气管炎大鼠呼吸道粘蛋白高分泌的抑制作用。

7、Mucus hypersecretion in airway is the common pathophyisolo gi cal characteristic of many chronic airway inflammation diseases. ─── 目的:介绍慢性炎症气道粘液高分泌的治疗进展。

8、A comparative investigation of induction factors of airway mucus hypersecretion ─── 气道黏液高分泌诱导因素的研究

9、A comparative study on airway local therapy inhibiting airway mucous hypersecretion ─── 气道局部治疗对气道黏液高分泌干预作用的对比研究

10、Hypersecretion of thyrocalcitonin ─── 甲状腺降钙素分泌亢进

11、adrenalin hypersecretion ─── 胰岛素过多

12、Growth hormone hypersecretion syndrome ─── 生长激素分泌过多综合征

13、Acrolein airway mucus hypersecretion ─── 气道粘液高分泌

14、Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Signal Transduction Pathway of Cigarette Smoke-induced Airway Mucous Hypersecretion ─── 基质金属蛋白酶-9参与吸烟所致气道黏液高分泌的信号转导通路

15、The predominant pathological characteristics of the chronic airway inflammation are airway inflammation, airway remodeling, mucous hypersecretion and so on. ─── 慢性气道炎症性疾病以气道炎症反应、气道重塑、黏液高分泌等为主要病理特征。

16、Magnesium deficiency can cause dyslipidemia, or disruption in the amount of lipids in the blood, and insulin hypersecretion, which may facilitate gallstone formation. ─── 长期缺乏镁导致血脂异常(即血管内脂肪量过高)和胰岛素分泌过多,促使胆石形成。

17、mucous hypersecretion ─── 黏液高分泌

18、Molecular mechanism of mucus hypersecretion in chronic inflammatory airway diseases ─── 慢性气道炎症黏液高分泌的分子机制

19、Hypersecretion glaucoma ─── 分泌物过多青光眼

20、The authors conclude that their findings are consistent with those from previous studies; GKR arrested tumor growth and reduced hormone hypersecretion to normal levels. ─── 作者认为其研究结果与以往研究一致,即GKR抑制肿瘤生长并使激素高分泌降至正常水平。

21、Cigarette smoking increases the irritability of the small airways, causes mucus hypersecretion, and decreases mucociliary transport. ─── 吸烟增加小气道的反应性,使粘液分泌过多,降低粘膜-纤毛转运。

22、We reviews recent contributions to the mucus hypersecretory phenotype, the regulation mechanism and therapeutic avenues to control mucus hypersecretion. ─── 本文从哮喘黏液高分泌特点、调控机制和药物治疗等方面对哮喘黏液高分泌进行综述。

23、hypersecretion of salivary gland ─── 涎腺分泌过多

24、hypersecretion of antidiuretic hormone ─── 抗利尿激素分泌过多症

25、Somatostatin analogs,such as octreotide,successfully control hormone hypersecretion in patients with acromegaly,islet cell tumors,carcinoids,and control of tumor growth. ─── 生长抑素类似物奥曲肽在肢端肥大症和良、恶性腺细胞肿瘤的患者中能成功地控制激素的高分泌,控制肿瘤的生长。

26、Airway mucus hypersecretion in rats is inhibited by macrolide antibiotics ─── 大环内酯类抗生素对大鼠气道黏液高分泌模型的干预作用研究

27、Indications: For the treatment of duodenal and benign gastric ulceration. Inhibits excessive gastric acid output and pathological hypersecretion (Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome), etc. ─── 适应症:十二指肠溃疡和良性胃溃疡,并可抑制胃酸分泌过多和病理性分泌亢进(卓--艾氏综合症)。

28、A study on inhibition of celecoxib on the hypersecretion of airway mucin in chronic bronchitis rats ─── 塞来昔布抑制慢性支气管炎大鼠气道粘蛋白高分泌的实验研究

29、Molecular mechanism of airway mucous hypersecretion inhibited by macrolides ─── 大环内酯抗生素抑制气道粘液高分泌的分子机制

30、Hypersecretion of saliva ─── 唾液分泌过多

31、Objective To remedy lacrimal hypersecretion by procaine blocking lacrimal gland . ─── 目的利用普罗卡因封闭泪腺治疗泪液分泌过多症。

32、chronic gastric hypersecretion ─── 慢性胃液溢

33、The Advance of Therapeutical Medication of Mucus Hypersecretion in Chronic Airway Inflammation ─── 慢性炎症气道粘液高分泌治疗药物研究进展

34、Keywords airway mucus hypersecretion;simvastatin;acrolein;mevalonate; ─── 气道黏液高分泌;辛伐他汀;丙烯醛;甲羟戊酸;

35、Mechanism of Chronic Airway Inflammation Mucous Hypersecretion Inhibited by Macrolides ─── 大环内酯类抗生素对慢性气道炎症黏液高分泌的干预机制

36、Thyrotropin hypersecretion ─── 促甲状腺素分泌过多

37、Objective To remedy lacrimal hypersecretion by procaine blocking lacrimal gland . ─── 目的利用普罗卡因封闭泪腺治疗泪液分泌过多症。

38、Overexpression of MUC5AC, MUC5B and MUC2 have been described in asthma secretions, Inflammatory mediators linked to asthma also take part in the regulation of mucus hypersecretion. ─── 哮喘患者分泌的黏液中主要表现为MUC5AC、MUC5B和MUC2的过度表达,哮喘相关的炎性介质也参与了哮喘黏液高分泌的调控。

39、Mechanism of Chronic Airway Inflammation Mucous Hypersecretion Inhibited by Macrolides ─── 大环内酯类抗生素对慢性气道炎症黏液高分泌的干预机制

40、hypersecretion of tarsal glands ─── 睑板腺分泌过多

41、Keywords mouse;goblet cell;mucus hypersecretion;airway; ─── 小鼠;杯状细胞;粘液高分泌;气道;

42、Mucus hypersecretion in airway is the common pathophyisolo gi cal characteristic of many chronic airway inflammation diseases. ─── 目的:介绍慢性炎症气道粘液高分泌的治疗进展。

43、Abstract: Asthma is characterized by chronic airway inflammation and mucus hypersecretion,but the excess mucus secretion has been relatively undervalued in pathophysiology of asthma. ─── 文章摘要: 哮喘是一种以慢性气道炎症和黏液高分泌为特点的疾病,但黏液的过度分泌在哮喘病理生理中的作用被相对低估了。

44、To study the histogenesis, biological behaviour, classification of pituitary adenoma and the relationship between the symptoms of hormonal hypersecretion and the hormone test in pituitary adenoma. ─── 研究垂体腺瘤的临床激素过多症状与腺瘤组织激素检测之间的关系以及该病的发生、生物学行为、分类。

45、Objective To investigate the roles of theaflavins(TFs) in airway mucus hypersecretion induced by human neutrophil elastase(HNE). ─── 目的观察茶黄素(TF)各单体在人中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶(HNE)诱导气道黏液高分泌中的作用。

46、Keywords clarithromycin;mucous hypersecretion;sputum;chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ─── 克拉霉素;黏液高分泌;痰液;慢性阻塞性肺疾病;

47、SP is an active neuropeptide and over release of SP may result in hypersecretion of the nose. ─── 克鼻敏组、立复汀组血浆、肺组织中P物质含量均较模型组降低(P<0.05和P<0.005),但两用药组间比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

48、Keywords Macrolides;Chronic bronchitis;Mucous hypersecretion; ─── 大环内酯;慢性支气管炎;粘液高分泌;

49、Inhibition of dexamethasone on the hypersecretion of airway mucins in chronic bronchitis rats ─── 地塞米松对慢性支气管炎大鼠呼吸道粘蛋白高分泌的抑制作用

50、Hypersecretion of ovarian androgens ─── 卵巢雄激素分泌过多

51、Keywords Pseudomonas aeruginosa;Quorum-sensing systems;Airway mucus hypersecretion; ─── 铜绿假单胞菌;密度感应系统;气道黏液高分泌;

52、Overexpression of MUC5AC,MUC5B and MUC2 have been described in asthma secretions,Inflammatory mediators linked to asthma also take part in the regulation of mucus hypersecretion. ─── 哮喘患者分泌的黏液中主要表现为MUC5AC、MUC5B和MUC2的过度表达,哮喘相关的炎性介质也参与了哮喘黏液高分泌的调控。

53、Airway mucus hypersecretion ─── 气道黏液高分泌

54、Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) variously accompanied with hypersecretion and airway obstruction in acute period. ─── 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)急性期常发生痰多及气道阻塞,并因低氧血症、高碳酸血症和酸碱失衡而危及患者生命。

55、gastric hypersecretion ─── [医] 胃液分泌过多, 胃酸过多[症]

56、Keywords Airway;Mucous hypersecretion;Mucoregulatory agents;Pharmacological study; ─── 气道;黏液高分泌;黏液调节剂;药理研究;

57、Keywords Pituitary ACTH hypersecretion;Pituitary apoplexy;Nursing care; ─── 垂体ACTH分泌过多;垂体卒中;护理;

58、Keywords Pulmonary disease;chronic obstructive;Mucous hypersecretion;Treatment; ─── 肺疾病;慢性阻塞性;黏液高分泌;治疗;

59、Aim Establish a novel mouse model of airway goblet cell hyperplasia and mucus hypersecretion. ─── 目的建立一种新的小鼠气道上皮杯状细胞增生和粘液高分泌模型。

60、Mucinous hypersecretion and signs of mucobilia are considered specific and should raise the suspicion of lesions in this spectrum. ─── 粘液的过多分泌的症状特征应引起对这一类疾病的高度怀疑。

61、Hypersecretion of calcitonin ─── 降钙素分泌亢进

62、AIM: To explore the mechanism of signal cascades in cigarette smoke-induced mucous hypersecretion. ─── 目的:探讨香烟对气道黏液分泌的影响及其信号转导机制。

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