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09-07 投稿



epicycloid 发音

英:[['epɪ'saɪklɒɪd]]  美:[[ˌepɪ'saɪklɒɪd]]

英:  美:

epicycloid 中文意思翻译



epicycloid 词性/词形变化,epicycloid变形

形容词: epicycloidal |

epicycloid 相似词语短语

1、epicycles ─── n.[天]本轮;[数]周转圆

2、hypocycloids ─── n.[数]圆内旋轮线

3、hypocycloid ─── n.[数]圆内旋轮线

4、cycloid ─── n.摆线,圆滚线;adj.圆形的;情绪起伏不定的

5、epicycloidal ─── adj.外摆线的

6、epicyclic ─── adj.本轮的;[数]周转圆的

7、epicyclical ─── 周转圆

8、epicycloids ─── n.[数]外摆线,[数]圆外旋轮线

9、epicycle ─── n.[天]本轮;[数]周转圆

epicycloid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords coiler motion;coiler mechanism;epicycloid;relative motion;laying density; ─── 圈条成形;圈条机构;铺放密度;摆线;相对运动;

2、Construct rotating nephroid and three-cusped epicycloid while remaining orthogonal to each other. ─── 作旋转的肾脏线和旋转的三瓣外摆线,且彼此维持正交。

3、epicycloid motor ─── 外摆线电动机

4、prolate epicycloid ─── 长幅外摆线

5、Keywords epicycloid of short amplitude; ─── 短幅外摆线;

6、The envelope of moving line on the hypocycloid plane may be an epicycloid or cardioid and the... ─── 摆线逆运动中与动切线成定角的直线,其包络也是圆周渐开线.

7、Priciples of cutting epicycloid bevel gear by continuous indexing method are investigated systematically. ─── 对摆线齿锥齿轮连续分类法铣齿原理进行了系统研究。

8、circle that rolls around another circle; generates an epicycloid or '. ─── 绕着另一个圆圈滚转的圆圈;产生外摆线或内摆线。

9、Analysis of the Forming Principle and the Differential Str ucture of Extended Epicycloid Bevel Gear Tooth Surface ─── 延伸外摆线锥齿轮的成形原理及齿面结构研究

10、6.Construct rotating nephroid and three-cusped epicycloid while remaining orthogonal to each other. ─── 作旋转的肾脏线和旋转的三瓣外摆线,且彼此维持正交。

11、an epicycloid in which the rolling circle equals the fixed circle ─── 旋转的圆和固定的圆大小一样时产生的外摆线

12、Research on Kinematics of Prolate Epicycloid Planetary Transmission and Optimum Replacing Tooth Profile by Arc ─── 长幅外摆线行星传动运动学研究及齿廓圆弧优化替代

13、curtate epicycloid ─── 长摆外摆线

14、generates an epicycloid or hypocycloid. ─── 产生外摆线或内摆线。

15、A circle whose circumference rolls along the circumference of a fixed circle, thereby generating an epicycloid or a hypocycloid. ─── 周转圆一个围绕着另一个固定圆周长滚动的圆,从而产生圆外旋轮线或圆内旋轮线,即外摆线或内摆线

16、General epicycloid circular arc spur gear ─── 普通外摆线圆弧直齿轮

17、a circle that rolls around (inside or outside) another circle; generates an epicycloid or hypocycloid. ─── 绕着另一个圆圈(里面或外面)滚转的圆圈;产生外摆线或内摆线。

18、A generating grinding device used for grinding contracted epicycloid gear with a planetary device of small difference between the number of teeth ─── 用少齿差行星传动机构实现短幅外摆线齿形的范成磨削装置

19、spherical epicycloid ─── 球面外摆线

20、Research on Kinematics of Prolate Epicycloid Planetary Transmission and Optimum Replacing Tooth Profile by Arc ─── 长幅外摆线行星传动运动学研究及齿廓圆弧优化替代

21、According to the feature of epicycloid hypoid gear, a new method is proposed to calculate the geometric parameters of pitch cone accurately. ─── 根据延伸外摆线准双曲面齿轮的特点,提出一种精确计算其分度锥面几何参数的新方法。

22、Keywords Epicycloid bevel gear Continuous indexing methed Oerlikon bevel gear generating machines Klingelnberg bevel gear generating machines; ─── 摆线齿锥齿轮;连续分齿法;奥利康铣齿机;克林根贝尔格铣齿机;

23、Keywords even sample initial measuring point generating angle epicycloid gear polar coordinate measurement; ─── 均匀采样;起始测量点;发生角;摆线齿轮;极坐标测量;

24、Keywords the secondary epicycloid of external points;double-screw-rod extruder;auxiliary design with the computer; ─── 外点外次摆线;双螺杆挤出机;计算机辅助设计;

25、an epicycloid in which the rolling circle equals the fixed circle. ─── 旋转的圆和固定的圆大小一样时产生的外摆线。

26、Analysis of the Forming Principle and the Differential Str ucture of Extended Epicycloid Bevel Gear Tooth Surface ─── 延伸外摆线锥齿轮的成形原理及齿面结构研究

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