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09-07 投稿



hustled 发音

英:[ˈhʌsld]  美:[ˈhʌsld]

英:  美:

hustled 中文意思翻译




hustled 常用词组

hustle and bustle ─── 熙熙攘攘,忙碌

hustled 词性/词形变化,hustled变形

动词过去分词: hustled |动词第三人称单数: hustles |名词: hustler |动词现在分词: hustling |动词过去式: hustled |

hustled 相似词语短语

1、rustled ─── v.发出沙沙声;偷窃(牲口);(非正式)急忙行动;n.沙沙声;飒飒声

2、hurtled ─── vi.猛冲;猛烈碰撞;vt.猛投;冲向;n.碰撞;猛冲

3、hustles ─── 外壳

4、hustler ─── n.催促者;妓女;骗子

5、hustle ─── 匆忙

6、hustlers ─── n.妓女;骗子;皮条客(hustler的复数形式)

7、shuttled ─── n.航天飞机;穿梭;梭子;穿梭班机、公共汽车等;vt.使穿梭般来回移动;短程穿梭般运送;vi.穿梭往返

8、justled ─── 公正的

9、bustled ─── v.四下忙碌;使(人沿某方向)匆忙地走;繁忙;n.喧闹;(旧时女子用的)裙撑

hustled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Taken in hand13 by a quick-talking guide who hustled us through the rococo and Victorian follies of the Disney-esque architectural park, I longed for the tranquil pace of the Chao Phraya. ─── 接待我们的是一个口齿伶俐的导游,他领着我们匆匆穿过浮华纤巧的洛可可式和华而不实的维多利亚式的有迪斯尼动画建筑色彩的公园,我却渴望着湄南河的宁静节奏。

2、The torch was hustled off the plane on its arrival from San Francisco on Thursday, as officials cancelled plans for photographs to be taken. ─── 火炬周四到旧金山之后就匆忙下了飞机,拍照计算被官方取消了。

3、” The whole lower right hand corner of that flag grabbed her and they 3)hustled her up the stairs and up on the roof of the Central Building, and they leaned her out and they made her look down at it. ─── 但所有站在国旗右下角位置的人一把抓住她,把她硬推上楼梯,推上中央大厦的楼顶,他们拎着她朝外俯看国旗。

4、She hustled them in, fed them and rummaged through our closets for extra coats. ─── 妈妈让他们都进屋,给他们吃饱饭,还在衣柜里到处翻寻我们不穿的外衣让他们穿上。

5、The police hustled the tramps out of town . ─── 警察驱逐游民离开城市。

6、64. Police hustled him along, restaurant and lodginghouse keepers turned him out promptly the moment he had his due; ─── 警察见他就赶。饭店和寄宿处的老板一等他吃过饭、住过宿,就会立即撵他出门。

7、She hustled against the door and locked it up. ─── 她用力推住门,然后把门锁上了。

8、We didn't want them, but he hustled us into buying them. ─── 我们不想要这些东西,但他硬劝我们买下来。

9、hustled stolen watches; hustling spare change. ─── 卖掉偷来的手表;得到多余的零钱

10、The premier's bodyguard hustled him to safety; ─── 省长的保镖迅速冲过去保证他的安全;

11、Mother hustled the children off to school lest they should be late. ─── 母亲催促着孩子们赶快上学去以免迟到了。

12、They hustled Jeanne to accept their therapeutic plan. ─── 他们强迫珍妮接受他们的治疗方案。

13、They hustled the tramps out of town. ─── 他们把流浪者赶出了城。

14、Three Saudi writers complained that they were hustled off for interrogation after trying to get a novel signed by its female Saudi author. ─── 三位沙特的作家抱怨说他们想得到一本女作家签名的小说,却遭到驱赶和审问。

15、From the projects hustled all day ─── 从一个整天在街头打诨的小子开始

16、Fifteen hours later, they were being hustled off au.china-embassy.org the Clothing exporter Chicago, rushed through customs, driven across the tarmac to a flight bound for New York. ─── 冷通道布置风口地板,所有冷风在这里从地板下吹出来,送到服务器的正面,经过服务器后的热空气来到热通道、然后传输到天花板的热风口。

17、Seeing her husband still reading the morning paper, she hustled him off to work. ─── 看到丈夫还在看晨报,她便催他快去上班。

18、The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater. ─── 特务机关的代理人把演讲者驱逐出竞技场。

19、He hustled into and out of the office. ─── 他急匆匆地走进办公室,又匆匆离去了。

20、I was hustled into (making) a hasty decision. ─── 我在催逼之下匆匆地做出决定。

21、One evening we all hustled into the car to drive to a Christmas party at the home of family friends. ─── 一天晚上,我们又匆匆忙忙驱车前往朋友家参加圣诞集会。

22、He hustled Simon out the door and around the side of the building, holding his arm prisoned in a firm grip. ─── 他拉着Simon走出酒馆,绕到旁边的建筑物,他的手用力地抓住Simon的胳膊,使他无法挣脱。

23、Three Saudi writers complained that they were hustled off for interrogation after trying to get a novel signed by its female Saudi author. ─── 有三名沙特作家抱怨道,他们只是想得到一本由其女作者签名的小说,结果却落得被警察推搡着去审问。

24、He hustled me into buying the car. ─── 他硬逼我买下那辆汽车。

25、And don't get me started about that time last year when you hustled me out the door so quickly that I forgot the towels. ─── 不要让我再开始去年那次的一幕,你迅速得将我赶出门外,就因为我忘了带毛巾。

26、They hustled him out of his savings. ─── 他们把他的储蓄骗走了。

27、We hustled to get dinner ready on time. ─── 我们忙着把晚餐按时准备好

28、Ben: I didn't hustle Stinky, I hustled Gary! ─── 本:我剥削的不是臭蛋,是盖瑞。

29、I hustled. ─── 我乱挤活动。

30、He grabbed her arm and hustled her out of the room. ─── 他抓住她的胳膊把她推出房间。

31、The servants heard about the princess and quickly hustled around to prepare a bath for her. ─── 仆人们听说来了一位公主,就赶快忙着为她准备洗澡。

32、Perhaps' a little angry with himself as well as with the barrister, Mr. Lorry hustled into the chair, and was carried off to Tellson's. ─── 罗瑞先生也许有点生自己的气,也有点生那律师的气。 他匆匆上了轿,回台尔森银行去了。

33、He grabbed her arm and hustled her out of the room. ─── 他抓住她的胳膊把她推出房间。

34、He hustled several daytime jobs and finished his education at night. ─── 他骗得了几份白班工作,利用晚上完成了学业。

35、Pierre was not allowed to speak;they rudely interrupted him, indeed hustled him and turned their backs on him as though he were the common foe. ─── 皮埃尔的话不但没能说完,而且粗暴地被人打断,人们推开他,避开他,像对待共同的敌人一样。

36、The assassin was hustled to safekeeping ─── 凶手迅即被押走,予以保护性拘留。

37、6. The police hustled the thief out of the house and into their van. ─── 警察把那个窃贼推搡出房子又推进囚车里.

38、He hustled a lot to deny AI the ball and contested his shots. ─── 他竭尽全力不让AI拿球,并且不让他舒服的投篮。

39、He hustled me into buying his second-hand computer ─── 他硬逼我买下了他的二手货电脑。

40、She hustled up to the gate just in time to see her plane take off without her. ─── 她急忙到了门口,正好看到她乘坐的飞机飞走了。

41、I was hustled into(making)a hasty decision. ─── 我在催逼之下匆匆地做出决定.

42、She hustled the children off to school and started working . ─── 她催促孩子们去上学后,就开始工作。

43、I hustled upstairs as fast as I could.I figured somebody had dropped off an accident victim without realizing Emergency Services had moved to a different facility five minutes away. ─── 我以最快速度跑上楼,我想肯定是有人不知道急诊科不久前已经搬到5分钟车程以外的新医院了,而把伤者留在那儿。

44、Chase was given to some scores of inoffensive persons who had never been near the Old Bailey in their lives, in the realisation of this fancy, and they were roughly hustled and maltreated. ─── 二十来个一辈子也没靠近过老贝勒的无辜路人便因要满足这种幻想而遭到了追逐、粗暴的推操和虐待。

45、Hustled the prisoner into a van ─── 将犯人推挤入囚车

46、They hustled him into a car. ─── 他们将他硬推进汽车。

47、The premier's bodyguard hustled him to safety; the robber was later arrested. ─── 省长的保镖迅速冲过去保证他的安全;稍后,劫犯也被抓住了。

48、The police hustled the tramps into the patrol car. ─── 警察将那些流浪者强行推入巡逻车中。

49、They aggressively doubled McGrady and forced the ball out of his hands, and they hustled in making the necessary rotations. ─── 他们及时的做出了必要的阵容轮换。没有了斯通,我们缺了另一个可以突破,分球的队员。

50、My mother, the type to always read an airline safety card, left everything behind as she hustled to the exit, jumped on the slide and ran as fast as she could away from the plane. ─── 我母亲,属于永远会阅读飞行安全卡的那种人,把所有东西都丢在身后,冲向出口,跳上滑梯,并尽快地离开飞机。

51、They hustled old gentlemen , the old gentleman glances down , his watch is gone . ─── 他们推挤年纪大的绅士们,那位绅士低头一看,他的表不见了。

52、The police hustled the thief out of the house and into their van. ─── 警察把那个窃贼推搡出房子又推进囚车里。

53、He was hustled into the room. ─── 他被猛推进屋里。

54、The police hustled the crowds away. ─── 警察把人群赶走了。

55、Hustled the board into a quick decision. ─── 催促董事会迅速作出决定

56、Yet the enthusiasm is hard to ignore, and its easy to get out-hustled, or have someone land a jumper in your face. ─── 然而,热情很难被忽视,它容易外簇拥,或有土地上的人在你面前跳投。

57、” The whole lower right hand corner of that flag grabbed herthey 3)hustled her up the stairsup on the roof of the Central Building,they leaned her outthey made her look down at it. ─── 但站在国旗右下角的人一把抓住她,把她硬推上楼梯,推上中央大厦的楼顶,他们拎着她朝外俯看国旗。

58、I was hustled into a waiting car. ─── 我被强行推进一辆等候着的汽车。

59、He hustled into the main room and saw a woman there, her face turning blue, her hands at her throat. ─── 他赶忙挤进大厅看到一个女人,她的脸涨成紫色,手紧抓着自己的喉咙.

60、The workers were hustled to finish the work before April by the master. ─── 老板催他的工人在四月前完成任务。

61、He hustled off to catch the train for New York. ─── 他匆匆地去赶开往纽约的火车。

62、I hustled to the front with all my strength. ─── 我奋力挤到了前面。

63、Leinbach said he was proud of the way his team hustled over the past four days trying to get Endeavour to the international space station, with a new outdoor addition for the Japanese lab. ─── 莱因巴克说,他感到骄傲的是,他的团队的方式匆匆过去四天试图努力向国际空间站,一个新的户外除了日本实验室。

64、They hustled old gentlemen;the old gentleman glances down,his watch is gone. ─── 他们推挤年纪大的绅士们,那位绅士低头一看,他的表不见了。

65、The guards hustled Harry out of the car. ─── 卫兵们把哈里从车子里拉了出来。

66、My handbag was hustled by him. ─── 我的手袋被他强夺去了。

67、But a victory is a victory, even against Washington (34-31), and even if it wasn't secured until Walton hustled for a rebound of Kobe Bryant's missed free throw with 13.3 seconds left in overtime. ─── 但是赢了终归是赢了,虽然对手是华盛顿奇才,即使要拼到最后一刻,直到沃顿抓到了科比在加时赛最后13.3秒投失的那个罚球的篮板球;

68、Meanwhile, Tseng Tsang-hai and his son were being hustled through the streets, where they saw peasants in red scarves and armed with a varied assortment of weapons, running here and there in twos and threes. ─── 当下曾沧海父子被拖着推着到了大街上,就看见三三五五的农民,颈间都围一条红布,手里拿着各式各样的武器,在大街上乱跑。

69、I hustled the child off the school. ─── 我催促孩子快点去上学。

70、hustled a hot lunch. ─── 千方百计地吃上热腾腾的午饭

71、The mother hustled the children off to school and started working. ─── 母亲打发孩子们赶快去上学,然后就开始干起活来。

72、He hustled on his overcoat, and bustled about in a way that showed that an energetic fit had superseded the apathetic one. ─── 他披上大衣,那种匆忙的样子说明他跃跃欲试的心情已压倒了无动于衷的心情。

73、She hustled off her children to school and started working. ─── 她催促孩子们去上学,然后开始工作起来。

74、"It was good, " Yi said. "I had a few important baskets at the end, and I hustled back on fast breaks. " ─── “太好了,”易建联说。“最后时刻有几个球打得不错,靠强行突破得手。”

75、I always complained that the holidays were too short.The day when I should get back to school was coming , I always was hustled by my mother , she said I must study hard for my beautiful tomorrow. ─── 我总是抱怨假期太短,返校的日子越来越近了,直到我的母亲用棍子赶着才罢,她说我必须为了我的美好的将来而努力学习。

76、A few oil field workers came through, but they got their coffee, stuffed sandwiches in paper bags, grabbed some other snacks and hustled back out. ─── 有几个工人来到油田通过,但他们也有自己的咖啡,三明治中塞进纸袋,抓住一些零食和匆匆回来。

77、He hustled me away before Harvey could speak. ─── 哈维还未来得及说话,他便把我架走了。

78、Hustled the prisoner into a van. ─── 把囚犯推进一辆货车

79、Mrs Figg turned up after the attack and hustled Harry back to the Dursleys. ─── 费格太太在袭击后出现,把哈利赶回了德思礼家。

80、He hustled for a promotion for years without success. ─── 多年来他费尽了力气想得到提升,但未成功。

81、No wonder he had soon been hustled away to centaur school. ─── 也难怪父母匆匆忙忙就把他送到了半人马学校。

82、He hustled him out of his savings ─── 他把他的储蓄骗走了。

83、I hustled the children off to school. ─── 我催促孩子们赶快上学去。

84、TYPICAL USE:She hustled off her children to school and started working. ─── 她驱赶孩子上学,然后开始工作。

85、Another minute passed, and the intermission ended, and we hustled back to watch the rest of the film, to see another near-end of the world. ─── 又一分钟过去后,中场休息结束了,我们匆忙回去影厅去看剩下的电影——另一个世界末日。

86、He fairly hustled around to the side entrance, and was let in by the friendly door - keeper. ─── 他急急绕到侧门,友好的看门人放他进了后台。

87、The explosion of new beverages has been marked by stories of regular folks who started small and made it big with a new drink that they hustled to local stores. ─── 一种新型饮料的迅速流行表现出这样的特点:开始是民间的小众饮料,然后挤进当地的商店成为一种新兴饮料,随之迅速铺开流行起来。

88、We hustled it on to the raft in a pile, and I told Jim to float along down, and show a light when he judged he had gone about two mile, and keep it burning till I come; ─── 我们把这些东西胡乱堆在木筏上。我叫杰姆顺水往下漂,估计漂出有两英里路远,便点一个灯,一直点到我回来。

89、Needles and bags are efficiently hustled into place, as if it were not poison that is about to be put in the body. ─── 针和药水袋已经有效的固定好,好像只要没有阻碍就将进入身体。

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