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09-07 投稿



homeopath 发音

英:['həʊmɪəpæθ; 'hɒm-]  美:['homɪəpæθ]

英:  美:

homeopath 中文意思翻译



homeopath 网络释义

n. 同种疗法医师;顺势医疗论者

homeopath 词性/词形变化,homeopath变形

homeopath 相似词语短语

1、homeopathic ─── adj.顺势疗法的;同种疗法的

2、homeopathist ─── 顺势疗法

3、homeopathy ─── n.[临床]顺势疗法;同种疗法

4、home plate ─── 本垒,本垒板

5、home match ─── 主场比赛

6、homoeopathy ─── n.顺势疗法;同种疗法

7、homoeopathic ─── adj.顺势疗法的

8、homeopaths ─── n.同种疗法医师;顺势医疗论者

9、homoeopath ─── n.顺势疗法医师

homeopath 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sign up for the herbal supplements course prepared by certified homeopath, Cathleen Springer.You'll learn how you can use Amazon botanicals to improve health, promote sleep and save the rainforest! ─── 不撑、国家表明,广告牌或暗示她是个医生.在她的治疗提供了指导实践的行之有效的原则顺势作为天然保健的一种有效形式.这将是你的责任,是否接受你的意见进行任何磋商期间.

2、In fact, there is so slight a trace of any drug in the homeopath's prescription that it might be called none at all. ─── 事实上,你很难在顺势医疗者的处方上看到一点点药物的痕迹,以至于你会认为他根本没开什么药。

3、I took her to a homeopath, who started by taking a very long and detailed case history. ─── 我带领她去见同种疗法医师,作为医疗开始,这位医师记录了非常长而且详细的个人病例史。

4、So I decided instead to become a social homeopath, a pro-activist, and to investigate the root cause of these symptoms. ─── 所以我决定转而成为一名社会治疗师,活动发起人,去探讨这些现象的根本原因。

5、The homeopath will test various strengths of remedies on the patient. ─── 采用顺势疗法的医生将对病人试验疗法的各种效力。

6、The regular doctor will administer a dose containing ten thousand times as much of the mother drug as the homeopath. ─── 常规的医生开出的药剂含量可能是顺势医疗者的千倍以上。

7、In fact, there is so slight a trace of any drug in the homeopath's prescription that it might be called none at all. ─── 事实上,你很难在顺势医疗者的处方上看到一点点药物的痕迹,以至于你会认为他根本没开什么药。

8、Martine Mercy, 58, is a homeopath and ambassador for Amoene mastectomy lingerie. ─── 玛蒂娜·牟希,58岁,是一名顺势医疗师和Amoen乳房切除专用内衣的代言人。

9、So I decided instead to become a social homeopath, a pro-activist, and to investigate the root cause of these symptoms. ─── 所以我决定转而成为一名社会治疗师,活动发起人,去探讨这些现象的根本原因。

10、homeopath (homeopathist) ─── 顺势医疗者

11、So I decided instead to become a social homeopath, a pro-activist, and to investigate the root cause of these symptoms. ─── 所以我决定停止空谈,而是成为一个社会顺势医疗者,一个先人一步的行动派,并调查这些难题背后的根源。

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