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09-06 投稿



definitively 发音

英:[dɪˈfɪnətɪvli]  美:[dɪˈfɪnətɪvli]

英:  美:

definitively 中文意思翻译



definitively 相似词语短语

1、definitise ─── 定义

2、definitives ─── adj.最后的;最佳的;最权威的;(邮票)普通标准型的;n.普通邮票;限定词

3、defectively ─── adv.有缺陷地;缺乏地

4、definitises ─── 定义

5、defensively ─── adv.申辩地;防御地,守势地

6、infinitively ─── 无限地

7、definitive ─── adj.最后的;最佳的;最权威的;(邮票)普通标准型的;n.普通邮票;限定词

8、definitely ─── adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地

9、definitised ─── 定义

definitively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Are there mitigating factors? Absolutely. Do they definitively prove that Kobe has been better, or even equal, to LeBron on an individual level? No. ─── 有没有可以缓和的因素呢?绝对有。他们最终证明了科比在个人水平方面上比詹姆斯好或者一样吗?没有。

2、They said their study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, is the first definitively to link air pollution with birth defects. ─── 他们说,这项刊登在《美国流行病学杂志》上的研究首次明确地提出空气污染与出生缺陷有关。

3、Seventy percent of these complications were definitively managed with a percutaneous intervention. ─── 此类并发症有70%进行了介入治疗。

4、The oldest parts of the castle have not been definitively dated, but the first written record of the castle is in 1005. ─── 城堡的最古老部份还没有被公开,对城堡的第一笔书面记录是在1005年。

5、5、Despite the extent to which they have been unified,their basic notions are more of the nature of experimental recipes than truths which have been definitively conqured. ─── 不管自然科学的认识统一到何种程度,其诸学科的基本概念大都带有实验性质,而不是已经最终证实的真理。

6、The monitoring center is the kernel part of a home-oriented telemonitoring system.Its performance has influence on the tele-monitoring system definitively. ─── 本文开发的中心监护站软件是远程家庭多生理参数监护系统的重要组成部分,其性能直接关系到远程监护系统的总体性能。

7、In Europe, where much more data has been gathered on pollinators, researchers have definitively documented declines and even extinctions. ─── 欧洲研究人员累积更多资讯,证实传粉动物不仅减少,有些甚至已经绝种。

8、'They haven't done it as definitively as they should have, clearly, but they are moving in the right direction. ─── “当然,他们的这些行动没能表现出他们应有的决断,但他们的方向是对的。”

9、Despite the extent to which they have been unified,their basic notions are more of the nature of experimental recipes than truths which have been definitively conqured. ─── 尽管他们已经被统一了范围,他们的基本观念是有实际的秘诀性质,比已经最终获得的真相还要多。

10、Law enforcement officials had definitively identified Blanco as a potential suspect. ─── 执法官员明确认为布兰科是个可能的嫌疑犯。

11、Domestic coal prices since 2003 consensus, definitively swept downturn, rising prices. ─── 国内煤炭价格自2003年起一扫低迷,节节上扬。

12、The absence of low-pressure symptoms is also insufficient to definitively exclude the possibility of a CSF leak considering the accumulation time (10 days). ─── 考虑到症状发生的时间(术后第10天),用没有低压症状来排除CSF渗漏的可能性同样是不够的。

13、Diagnostic testing is designed to more definitively answer the question of whether or not a person has a disease or condition. ─── 诊断测试的目的是更加明确地回答这个问题还是没有一个人的疾病或情况。

14、Your appreciation of "Fanny and Alexander" or "Identification of a Woman" rested on the understanding that these were late works and that their authors belonged definitively to an earlier era. ─── 您欣赏"芬妮与亚历山大"或"确定"一个女人就在于了解这些后期工程和其作者所属国明确更早的时期。

15、At length I would be avenged ;this was a point definitively settled - but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved precluded the idea of risk. ─── 雪尽耻辱那是迟早的事,这一点已是板上钉钉,既然拿定注意,我就不怕冒险。

16、It appears that it's still too early to definitively resolve the problem of obesity! ─── 看来,完全解决肥胖问题还早着呢!

17、In [the Middle East] one family alone may be enough to definitively localise a gene. ─── 而(在中东)只对一个家庭进行研究,可能就足以确定基因所在位置。”

18、And although France is at this point definitively postrevolutionary, it's still uncommon to see a French film that does justice to the bloodbath in which the republic was born. ─── 虽然法国目前无疑处在后革命时期,持平反映法兰西共和国诞生时血流成河的法国片仍属罕见。

19、"It would be inappropriate, based on our findings, to definitively say that better oral health will reduce an individual's risk of diabetes development," Demmer said. ─── “基于我们的研究,肯定地认为更好的口腔健康将减少个体发生糖尿病的风险是不合适的,”Demmer说。

20、3, it should be noted, such as "consensus, definitively swept-ray", "one address, lifelong benefit", "penetrating to formaldehyde," the exaggerated publicity. ─── 3、应注意诸如“一扫光”,“一处理,终生受益”,“入木三分抓甲醛”等的夸大宣传。

21、I have also met the Alibaba team on the CPhI fair in Madrid and the team has shown me all the buying tools available on Alibaba.com.It's definitively going to help me grow my business! ─── 这次在展会上遇到阿里巴巴摊位和海外买家服务人员,我跟她们学会了网站上的所有买家操作工具,毫无疑问,这将更好地帮助我发展生意!”

22、Afterwards, he moved to Argentina and in 1922 he settled definitively in Chile. ─── 此后,他转移到阿根廷和于1922年,他在智利彻底解决。

23、Though has not yet been definitively proven that asbestos cause Mesothelioma, many studies have been done to prove a link between the two. ─── 虽然尚未明确证明石棉引起间皮瘤,许多研究已经证实做连接两

24、DNA tests should determine definitively whether the baby was the one Tunstall was carrying, Hart said. ─── 哈特表示,DNA检测将最终证实婴儿是否是汤斯顿所怀的婴儿。

25、In the staff spent all night cleaning, MTR stations operated by consensus, definitively swept past bleak and gloomy hall. ─── 在工作人员连夜的清扫下,地铁运营车站大厅一扫往日的黯淡与灰暗。

26、There is probably no evidence that would definitively prove whether or not some dinosaurs were warm-blooded. ─── 目前,还没有确切的证据表明某些恐龙是否是温血动物。

27、Valuable results were obtained in89.3%of the patients who were examined with synoptophore,51patients with acquired SOP who accompanied with diplopia were definitively diagnosed by diplopia test with red and green glasses. ─── 同视机检查者中89.3%可获得有价值的诊断、评估结果。 51例有明显复视的后天性sop经红绿眼镜复视试验均可确诊。

28、Restructuring is more likely to make sense in a year or so, assuming that the budget is definitively heading into surplus. ─── 一年左右的时间以后,重组更可能行得通,前提是,预算可以确定将进入盈余状态。

29、This evening a China presented herself that is definitively open to the West. ─── 主持人托比亚斯先向观众介绍马晓辉,她曾和著名大提琴演奏家马友友激情二重奏“卧虎藏龙”。

30、It can't be definitively answered, because it involves deep and controversial puzzles such as the nature of meaning and consciousness. ─── 无法确定地被回答,因为这涉及到诸如意义和意识的本质这样深层次富有争议的谜题。

31、The microbe domain group in Daqu fermentation works definitively upon the microbe in Daqu. ─── 曲药发酵环境微生物区系对曲药微生物起决定作用。

32、IP Allow List providers maintain lists of IP addresses that are definitively known not to be associated with any spam activity. ─── IP允许列表提供程序维护已确定不会与任何垃圾邮件活动关联的IP地址列表。

33、If, at the expiry of such a time limit, the requirements arestill not satisfied, the licence shall be definitively withdrawn. ─── 如期满后要求仍未得到满足,则执照将被正式吊销。

34、Although the study showed definitively that the vaccine did not protect against HIV infection, the early trend showing increased risk among the vaccinated was not proven. ─── 虽然最后的研究表明疫苗不能预防感染HIV,但是可能增加感染风险的早期趋势并没有得到证实。

35、The event definitively influenced the formation of the basin mountain topographic outlines, basin deformations in the Mesozoic Cenozoic and the large scale aridity and desert in Central Asia and Western China. ─── 它对中亚及我国西部广袤区域盆 -岭地貌的形成、盆地中 -新生界构造变形和大范围的干旱与沙漠化起了决定性的影响。

36、One obstacle is that doctors cannot definitively diagnose sleep apnea unless the patient spends a night under observation in a sleep lab. ─── 让这问题更棘手的原因之一,是医生无法明确地诊断睡眠呼吸暂停症,除非患者在睡眠实验室里睡上一晚接受观察。

37、The Definit Approach of Digging Angle of Altitude of by Mechanically Punching Machine ─── 穿孔机开掘天槽眼仰角的确定方法

38、NASA &JPL have proven definitively that life has existed on the MOON &MARS. ─── 美国航空航天局和喷气推进实验室权威性地证明了在月球和火星上已有生命存在)。

39、He cautioned that since there were no international observers on the ground, he could “not state definitively” what had happened. ─── 他还强调说,由于没有在伊朗民众中安排国际观察员,所以他还不了解究竟发生了什么。

40、“Most of the deaths reported could not be said to be a result of clozapine treatment;none could be definitively linked to its use,” he said. ─── 他说:“报告中的死亡大多数都不能说是由于采用了氯氮平进行治疗而导致的,与氯氮平的使用没有确切的关系”。

41、I think, personally speaking, that we need some further research before we can definitively say whether it helps or not. ─── 我认为,就我个人而言,我们需要进一步的研究才能确定这是否有帮助。

42、"Our results definitively confirmed that the ELISPOT test is more accurate than the skin test. ─── 我们的结果明确地证实,ELISPOT 测试比皮肤测试准确。

43、therefore, one who refuses those propositions which are to be held definitively is opposed to the doctrine of the Catholic Church. ─── 因此,谁拒绝那些决定性地坚持的主张就是反对天主教的教义。

44、When asked to make simple perceptual decisions such as matching a shape to its rotated image, for example, people often choose a definitively wrong answer if they see others doing the same. ─── 例如,人们在被要求做出简单的感知决定,比如将一个形状与旋转后的图像进行匹配时,如果看到其他人做了一个绝对错误的选择,他们常常会跟着选错。

45、"However, for difficult cases the use of these complex iterative techniques can often take weeks, and in some cases they still do not definitively identify the tissue of origin. ─── 然而,对于不容易诊断的病例使用这些复杂、反覆的技术通常需要好几个星期的时间,且对于部分病例来说,他们仍然无法确定组织来源。

46、Wentworth Miller: The tattoo is addressed pretty definitively in the very first episode. ─── 在第1集里会有关于纹身相当清晰的解释。

47、About 35.29% of the students definit ely or probably had depressive symptoms, and 16.16% of them had anxiety symptoms . ─── 刘贤臣等[1]报道16%的青少年有不同程度的焦虑,大学生中可能抑郁的人数高达43.93%[2];

48、It’s hard to definitively assess the extent to which Somali immigrant families in Sweden and Minnesota are experiencing increased rates of autism. ─── 很难确切评估在瑞典和明尼苏达州正与增加的自闭症率抗争的索马里移民家庭到底有多少。

49、That has elicited a counter-offensive from prime minister Shinzo Abe's administration, which says it is premature to raise rates before Japan has definitively escaped deflation. ─── 政府予以反击。安倍政府表示,在日本彻底摆脱通缩之前,加息时机还不成熟。

50、"China has shown time and time again that it can change swiftly and definitively," he says. ─── “中国已经多次向外界证明,它能迅速且明确地进行改革,”奥赞多说。

51、The mind-robbing disease, which is always fatalhas no cure, can nowbe definitively diagnosed by looking at the brain after a patient has died. ─── 这种致命的疾病不但使大脑丧失功能并且无法治疗,现在只能在患者去世后,观察其脑组织变化方可确诊。

52、After more than half a year of painstaking research, I have definitively proven that Pui Pui the crocodile has nothing whatsoever to do with Crocodile Garments (Hong Kong Stock Exchange 0122). ─── 经过过半年的、高度严谨的研究,我得出了无可置疑的结论:鳄鱼贝贝与鳄鱼恤(香港交易所0122)一点关系都没有。

53、The authors cautioned that this study does not definitively prove that good decision-making skills lead to better life outcomes. The direction of causality has not yet been examined. ─── 作者警告说这一研究并不是肯定表明好的决策技巧能在生活中带来好的结果。两者之间的因果关系尚未被检验。

54、Conclusion: There is a definit clinical therapeutic effect on simple obesity in stomach-heat and dampness-stagnation type mainly by acupuncture.It can increase the serum APN level. ─── 结论:针刺对胃热湿阻型单纯性肥胖症有较好的治疗作用,能上调患者血清APN水平,从而达到治疗作用。

55、I think George Bush has proved definitively that to be president, you don't need to care about science, literature or peace. ─── 我想布什已经明确证明了:要成为一个总统,你不需要关注什么科学、文学或是和平。

56、"This report should absolutely, definitively and for all time close the door on this treatment," says Dr.Larry Norton of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. ─── "这份报告应该是绝对肯定,并为所有的时候把门关上了这一待遇, "博士说,拉里诺顿的纪念斯隆-凯特林癌症中心的纽约市。

57、Events that still look promising will have to be extracted from the collector before we can definitively identify them as interstellar. ─── 如果依旧是有希望,在我们确认它是来自星际之前我们会把它从收集器里提取出来。

58、When your application closes the document, you know definitively that the resources the document has been using are no longer needed. ─── 当您的应用程序关闭该文档时,您完全知道已经不再需要文档曾使用的资源了。

59、None of the three super-states could be definitively conquered even by the other two in combination ─── 三个超级国家中的任何一国都不可能被任何两国的联盟所绝对打败。

60、Kawamori on Episode 5: "This episode was written to definitively establish Sheryl as Ranka's big sister, but when we finished the script we discovered a new character through her qualities as a woman. ─── 第五话“这话本来是想确立雪露是‘兰卡的大姐姐’这一形象,但完成剧本时我们发现她的女人味足以成为女主角。

61、Normally this is a flat fee, meaning that the applicant knows definitively, how much the procedure will cost, independently from how long the inspector stays on the holding. ─── 通常是固定费用,也就是说申请人明确知道该程序的花费。

62、But we need to ask more questions, screen more college students, and intervene more definitively when danger seems a real possibility. ─── 但是我们要问更多的问题,选拔更多的大学生,当危险极可能将要到来时作出更具决定性的干预。

63、Though not definitively proven to work, she often prescribes coenzyme Q10, vitamins E and B6, quercetin and garlic because laboratory studies have suggested they may be beneficial. ─── 她也经常开出服用辅酶Q10,维生素E和B6、槲皮苷和大蒜的处方,尽管不能确定它们是否有效,但实验室研究已表明它们对患者是有益的。

64、Conclusion: Sunitinib has antitumor activity in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors;its activity against carcinoid tumors could not be definitively determined in this nonrandomized study. ─── 结论:舒尼替尼对胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤患者有抗肿瘤作用,在本次非随机试验中对类癌的作用尚不确定。

65、35 PM BERGAMO - The match in Bergamo will not be reprised: the match has been definitively suspended. ─── 贝加莫,比赛将不会重赛,比赛最后决定缓期举行。

66、An extensive multicenter trial is under way in sepsis patients to determine more definitively whether restoring blood pressure will reduce shock-related symptoms and deaths. ─── 一个针对败血症患者的大规模跨院临床实验正在进行当中,想藉此更加确定升高血压是否会减少休克相关的症状与死亡率。

67、Study on Exceed Definit Value of Field Current in Hydroelectric Unit ─── 水电机组额定励磁电流超定值的分析及对策

68、is a performing arts conservatory in New York City, informally but definitively identified as simply Juilliard, and most famous for its musically-trained alumni. ─── 朱莉亚学院是世界上最著名的音乐表演艺术学院之一,它座落在纽约林肯艺术中心,“朱莉亚”以其高质量的音乐人才培养而名扬名于世。

69、Keywords Late Pleistocene Epoch sea sand barrier;definit;on on salty and fresh groundwater boundary line;western boundary line of Zhujiang Delta; ─── 晚更新世海成沙堤;地下咸淡水界线的确定;珠江三角洲的西部界线;

70、Objective:To make a definit diagnosis for three children with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome who were first diagnosed to be bellyache,anemia,ileus,and bleed in stool. ─── 目的:对3例以腹痛、贫血、便血、肠梗阻为首诊的儿童少见疾病进行确诊。

71、Matias Emanuel Lequi is set to be sold definitively to Levante while Oscar Lopez who is wanted by both clubs from Seville will most likely end up at Betis. ─── 克里斯蒂安。特利齐,1979年出生于罗马,他是本赛季巴勒莫的新发现,此前他只在上赛季参加过12场意乙联赛。

72、If you enter a meeting with your enthusiasm low, ignore it. Shake hands confidently; reply definitively to questions; assert the value of your ideas and proposals. ─── 如果你以热忱的态度参加会议,那就别再谈这项建议了,自信地和他人握手,以明确的言词回答问题,坚定地主张你的观念和建议所具有的价值。

73、The survey did once and for all establish definitively and authoritatively and beyond question the proper and appropriate prize payout. ─── 曾经对各部门进行过一次具有决定性的权威调查,无可争辩,奖金支付金额都是很适度的。

74、In a long-anticipated positive stimulus, rapid consensus, definitively swept the decadent days sluggish, out of a round of predictable prices. ─── 在一片预期已久的利好刺激下,大盘一扫多日的颓废不振,走出了一轮可以预见的上扬。

75、With the launching of the euro in the early 1999, the European Economic and Monetary Union is coming definitively into the third phase. ─── 随着欧元区于1999年正式启动,欧洲经济与货币联盟建设进入了实质性的第三阶段,它标志着欧洲经济一体化又迈向一个崭新的时期。

76、But you know, you look at the picture, and you really can't tell. You can't tell definitively whether or not this would be Bigfoot. ─── 但是你知道,你看看那个照片,真的不好说。你不能肯定这是否是大脚野人。

77、it's not the best one, the ldt approach is definitively better. ─── 本站提供程序(方法)可能带有攻击性,仅供安全研究与教学之用,风险自负!

78、However, the lack of sonographic evidence of steatosis cannot definitively exclude the presence of mild steatosis, as shown on biopsy. ─── 但是,缺乏肝脂肪变性的超声证据,不能完全排除肝穿所能显示出的轻微脂肪变的存在。

79、That question was definitively settled by the General Assembly when it established the Provisional Committee to take forward the work which began in the IIM process. ─── 这一问题最后在大会决定设立临时委员会负责开展在IIM程序中已启动的工作时,才得到彻底解决。

80、This case report is important because it is the first to definitively associate vasospasm with meningitis using catheter angiography. ─── 此病例报道非常重要,因为这是第一次应用导管血管造影证实了血管痉挛与脑膜炎的相关性。

81、And authorities may never definitively determine how much radiation was emitted, or how many got sick because of it. ─── 同时当局不可能完全确定有多少放射物质释放,以及多少人为此致病。

82、Sometimes a guitarist will want a tuning that will permit very easy chords but not be definitively minor or major. ─── 有时吉他手要按和弦方便,但又不一定要小调或大调,这时就可以用形式调弦。

83、neither approach has been shown to be definitively superior or inferior. ─── 各种方法均有优缺点,并不能简单地说谁更好谁逊色。

84、There is disagreement among physicians as to which approach is most appropriate;neither approach has been shown to be definitively superior or inferior. ─── 究竟哪种采集方法最合适,医生之间仍存有分歧,因为各种方法均有优缺点。

85、Finally and most definitively of all is that when mercury is removed from these children via chelation or other means of detoxification, their symptoms resolve. ─── 最终起决定作用的证据是通过螯合或其它解毒疗法,当通过螯合疗法将汞从孩子身上消除后,他们的症状消除。

86、Roberts asked his colleagues if they could think of any econometric study so well done that it had definitively settled a dispute. ─── 罗伯茨向他的同行们提出了一个问题:他们是否可以想出任何已毫无争议的经济研究报告。

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