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09-06 投稿


marmalade 发音

英:[ˈmɑːrməleɪd]  美:[ˈmɑːməleɪd]

英:  美:

marmalade 中文意思翻译





marmalade 网络释义

n. 橘子或柠檬等水果制成的果酱vt. 涂橘子或柠檬酱于…adj. 橘子酱色的

marmalade 常用词组

orange marmalade ─── 桔子酱;苦橙;橙皮马末兰果酱

marmalade 短语词组

1、international marmalade festival ─── 国际果酱节

2、winter marmalade mp ─── 冬季果酱mp

3、marmalade orange ─── [网络] 果酱橙子

4、marmalade bush ─── [网络] 果酱灌木

5、orange marmalade ─── 橙皮马末兰果酱

6、marmalade cat ─── 橙色斑猫

7、lady marmalade ( ─── 红磨坊主题曲)果酱女郎

8、marmalade box ─── [网络] 果酱少年

9、marmalade plum ─── [网络] 果酱李子

10、marmalade star ─── 果酱星

11、winter marmalade ─── 冬季果酱

12、marmalade chocolate ─── 果酱巧克力

13、marmalade festival ─── 果酱节

14、lady marmalade mv ─── 女士果酱mv

15、sugar in the marmalade ─── 果酱中的糖

16、marmalade chunks crossword ─── 果酱块填字游戏

17、marmalade members ─── 果酱成员

18、marmalade tiffany ─── 果酱蒂芙尼

19、marmalade tree ─── 人心果

marmalade 词性/词形变化,marmalade变形


marmalade 相似词语短语

1、marmalade box ─── 果酱盒

2、marmalizes ─── 泥灰岩

3、marmalades ─── n.橘子或柠檬等水果制成的果酱;vt.涂橘子或柠檬酱于…;adj.橘子酱色的

4、marmalade cat ─── 橙色斑猫

5、marmalize ─── v.痛击;彻底打败

6、marmalise ─── 事件

7、marmalised ─── 泥鳅科

8、marmalises ─── 马克思主义者

9、marmalized ─── 泥灰岩化

marmalade 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、more aromatic and acid tasting than oranges; used in beverages and marmalade. ─── 比柑桔香,吃起来有酸味;用来做饮料和果酱。

2、The writer Oscar Wilde captured the essence of it when he said,” Wit should be savoured like caviar, don't spread it around like marmalade. ─── 作家王尔德抓住了本质,他说:“智慧要像鱼子酱一样慢慢品尝而不是像果酱一样到处乱抹。”

3、He was fond of marmalade. ─── 他很喜欢橘子酱。

4、2. Breakfast in Britain usually includes marmalade, but not other kinds of jam . ─── 英国人早餐时一般爱吃柑桔酱,不吃别的果酱。

5、jelly marmalade ─── 桔皮丝果冻

6、6. You have a choice of marmalade or apricot jam for breakfast . ─── 在用早餐时,您可选用桔子酱或杏酱。

7、46. Lally was spreading marmalade on a piece of toast . ─── 拉莉在一片吐司上涂柠檬果酱。

8、After opening jar, store marmalade in the refrigerator. ─── 打开后要放入冰箱冷藏保存。

9、ginger marmalade ─── 姜酱

10、bread with jam or marmalade ─── 果酱面包

11、6.Afterwards comes toast with butter and marmalade, and perhaps some fruit. ─── 接着是夹黄油和果酱的土司,有时上些水果。

12、Breakfast is the usual Continental version.It consists of coffee with hot milk - or tea or hot chocolate if you prefer - bread and rolls, and jam or marmalade. ─── 早餐的式样是传统的欧洲大陆饮食形式,它包括热牛奶和咖啡--如果你愿意的话,也可以是茶热巧克力、面包、卷饼、果酱或橘子酱。

13、Juicy apricots and plums are threaded with Polish sausage then coated with an orange marmalade and five-spice powder combination for an irresistible sweet and savory flavor mix. ─── 多汁的杏和李子与波兰香肠串在一起,然后涂上橙果酱和五香粉组合,不可抗拒的味道,香甜的可口组合。

14、And would you like marmalade, honey or jam with your toast? ─── 您吃烤面包时喜欢用桔子酱、蜂蜜还是果酱?

15、I ate my scrambled eggs and bitter marmalade with the zest which in youth follows a restless night ─── 我带着一夜没睡的青年人的好胃口吃着炒鸡蛋和苦味的果酱。

16、I'm now a bit hungry. I'd like to have an English muffin, toasted, with marmalade, and a cup of white coffee. ─── 我现在有些饿了,我想点一些英国松糕,烤面包加柠檬酱,再来一杯加糖加奶的咖啡。

17、Well, orange juice, two medium boiled eggs, one piece of toast with marmalade and lemons tea for the lady and tomato juice. ─── 哦,夫人要柳橙汁、两个半熟的煮蛋、一片夹果酱的吐司、柠檬茶。

18、lemon marmalade ─── (加)柠檬(皮的)马茉兰(果酱)

19、I had toast and marmalade this morning. ─── 今天早晨我吃的是烤面包加果酱。

20、To their breakfast,Englishmen often land up with toast and marmalade. ─── 英国人常以烤面包加果酱为早餐。

21、"Haven't even started, " said Harry, looking jealously at the toast and marmalade Ron andHermione had brought out of the Great Hall. ─── “还没开始练呢,”哈利羡慕地看着罗恩和赫敏从大礼堂里带出来的面包和果酱,

22、Lady Marmalade BEST MALE VIDEO ─── 最佳男艺人

23、81. And two soft-boiled eggs for my wife, and toast, butter, and marmalade. ─── 我的太太要两个煮得较嫩的鸡蛋,以及土司面包、黄油和果酱,

24、You have a choice of marmalade or apricot jam for breakfast. ─── 在用早餐时,您可选用桔子酱。

25、On the palate it is luscious with intense honey, citrus and marmalade flavours. ─── 口味甘甜尤如蜂蜜,带有明显的金橘味。

26、Billy spread the marmalade on his toast. ─── 比利把果酱涂在烤面包上。

27、Plum marmalade, vanilla and blackcurrant highlight the finesse of the soft tannins. ─── 此款吉恭达斯散发着月桂与迷迭香的芳香。

28、sweet marmalade ─── 甜桔皮果酱甜马末兰果酱

29、Mature dark fruits,like a berries's marmalade,finely integrated with vanilla notes.Mouth-filling,velvety,robust,dense with the presence of fine and mature tannins. ─── 成熟水果香味,酷似浆果酱味,与香草味配合得天衣无缝。

30、The company shipping line imports everything from marmalade to Land Rovers and, of course, the company also controls the islands' key export, high-grade wool worth approximately $6 million a year at current prices. ─── 小至桔子酱,大至吉普车,一切都由公司的航运公司进口;至于该岛的主要出口物资高档羊毛(按现行价格计算,每年出口量约值六百万美元),不用说也由公司一手控制。

31、Well done Bridge Four hours of careful cooking and feast of blue soup ,omelette and marmalade. ─── 做得好,布里奇,四个小时的精心烹饪,成功的做出了蓝汤,煎蛋,和果酱。

32、To their breakfast, Englishmen often land up with toast and marmalade. ─── 英国人常以烤面包加果酱结早餐。

33、A scared calf's face gilded with marmalade ─── 糊满了桔子酱的脸惊惶得像头小牛犊。

34、With tangerine trees and marmalade skies ─── 橙色的树木,果酱色的天空

35、marmalade tree ─── 美国橄榄(Calocarpum sapota)

36、Made from 100% botrytis infected Riesling grape.Pale straw colour with bouquet of lime juice and orange peel.The botrytis contributes cumquat marmalade and dried apricot notes. ─── 由100%被贵富菌感染过的薏丝琳葡萄酿制,酒呈浅稻草色,因为被贵富菌感染,该酒由橘子浆和干杏的味道。

37、Fortified wines could have ranges of flavors such as: dried fruits, nutty, almond, toffee, coffee, caramel, marmalade and oxidization. ─── 加烈酒可有一系列的味道如:乾果、坚果、杏仁、拖肥、咖啡、焦糖、柑桔果酱和氧化。

38、duck breast on mushroom crispy, green apple marmalade potato and grape sauce. ─── 主菜香煎鸭胸是厨师长推荐,

39、jam | marmalade ─── 果酱

40、Make your toast with wholemeal or granary bread.And use just a small amount of low-fat spread and some jam or marmalade. ─── 让你的吐司面包沾满全麦或者是粗粮,并且涂抹一些只有少量脂肪含量的果酱或橘子酱。

41、There is a jar of marmalade on the breakfast table . ─── 早餐桌上有一罐橘子酱。

42、And when I asked for marmalade, they brought strawberry jam ─── 当我要他们上橘子酱时,他们却给我拿来草莓酱。

43、Ben: Yes, I'll take orange juice, two boiled eggs. Make it medium boiled. And just one piece of toast with marmalade, please. ─── 是的,我要柳橙汁、两个煮蛋,蛋煮半熟,再要一片夹果酱的吐司面包。

44、The word " traditional" implies that something has stood the test of time on its own merits and should be preserved -- red pillar boxes, duffel coats, marmalade, the August Bank Holiday, the pint, privet hedges, Wellington boots. ─── "传统"这个词的含意是,某物靠自身的优点经受了时间的考验,应该被保存下来,如红色的邮筒、连帽粗呢风雪大衣、果子酱、8月银行假日、品脱、女贞树篱、威灵顿长统靴。

45、How did you find that last lot of marmalade? ─── 上一批果酱,你认为如何?

46、Mary drank some tea and ate a little toast and some marmalade. ─── 玛丽喝了些茶,吃了一点烤面包和一些果酱。

47、List of Products for Expor: Frozen Raspberry, Frozen Sour Cherry, Frozen Blackberry, Frozen Plum, Plum Marmalade, Frozen and Dry Mushrooms (Cantharellus cibarius, Boletus edulis). ─── 冷冻莓子,冷冻酸樱桃,冷冻黑莓,冷冻李子,李子果酱,冷冻和干蘑菇

48、We love you Marmalade and Tom Cat," they said as they swooped them up. ─── 我们爱你们,咪咪、淘。”她们一边说着,一边抱起了猫咪。

49、Pork Chop Hawaiian with onion marmalade and roast garlic mashed potatoes ─── 夏威夷猪排大烤

50、marmalade cat ─── 打号装置

51、Made from 100% botrytis infected Riesling grapes.Pale straw colour with a bouquet of lime juice and orange peel.The botrytis contributes cumquat marmalade and dried apricot notes. ─── 由100%被贵富菌感染过的雷司令葡萄酿制,呈浅稻草色,带有清柠,橘子浆和干杏的味道。

52、Good caramel and marmalade aftertaste. ─── 怡人的焦糖与柑橘的回味。

53、Another marmalade-covered work surface, more rain hammering at the window and a moment, the moment. ─── 备餐台上照例放满果酱,这一刻外面雨下得更大了,敲打着玻璃窗。就是这一刻了。

54、This is a wine with a deep ruby red colour with red fruits and marmalade aromas. ─── 此酒呈宝石红色,带有红水果和果酱的芳香。

55、B: What flavor would you like? Strawberry or marmalade? ─── 您要什么口味呢?草莓还是橘子的?

56、Marmalade and Tom Cat had heard it all a million before. They just closed their eyes and purred. ─── 咪咪和淘淘已经听过这句话有上百万次了。所以,它们只是闭上眼睛舒舒服服地打起了呼噜。

57、Store marmalade in a cool and dry place. ─── 将果酱存放在干燥阴凉的地方。

58、The 2002 Grand Reserve Chardonnay exhibits good balance between its fruit and oak.It offers notes of tropical fruits and orange marmalade along with medium body as well as good purity and ripeness. ─── 此酒果香与橡木气息达到完美平衡,散发出热带果香及柑橘的芬芳,酒体适中,颇为纯净,成熟。

59、Deep ruby red with bluish tinges meet the eye.This wine coats the mouth with lovely mature cherries and lushy fig marmalade wrapped in exotic spicy notes. ─── 红宝石略带淡淡蓝色,此酒成熟樱桃,和无花果桔子果酱,构成这个异乎寻常的香味。

60、Apfelsine lime orange clementine citrus grapefruit mandarin marmalade tangerine lemon ─── 橙子柚子桔子柑子橘子脐橙广柑蜜桔红桔金桔广柑蜜柚沙田柚柠檬

61、John dragged the cold mutton from the ice-box, made coffee and sat down to a lonely meal face to face with the strawberry marmalade's shameless certificate of purity. ─── 约翰从冰箱里拖出冻羊肉,煮了咖啡,然后坐下来与草莓酱厚颜无耻的纯度证明面对面孤独地吃晚餐。

62、Afterwards comes toast,with butter and marmalade ,and perhaps some fruit. ─── 然后,上来的就是烤面包了,涂上黄油或是果酱,亦或是拌着些水果。

63、What do people eat and drink:In Switzerland, breakfast typically includes bread, butter or margarine, marmalade or honey, maybe some cheese or cereals, plus milk, cold or hot chocolate, tea or coffee. ─── 什麽居于吃和喝: 在瑞士, 用早餐典型地包括面包、黄油或人造黄油、橘子果酱或蜂蜜、可能一些乳酪或谷物、正牛奶、冷或热巧克力、茶或咖啡。

64、"We love you Marmalade and Tom Cat,"they said as they swooped them up. ─── “我们爱你们,咪咪、淘淘。”她们一边说着,一边抱起了猫咪。

65、But one or two buyers said the marmalade might be a little too sweet. ─── 但是有一两位客户说,果酱可能太甜了一点。

66、American-type marmalade ─── 美国(式)柑桔酱, 美式马茉兰果冻

67、English-type marmalade ─── 英国式马茉兰果冻

68、Lally was spreading marmalade on a piece of toast. ─── 拉莉在一片土司上涂柠檬果酱。

69、They expected me to eat rolls. And when I asked for marmalade, they brought strawberry jam. And do you know, they insisted that it was marmalade? The trouble is they don't Know English. ─── 他们以为我会吃法式面包卷。当我要他们上橘子酱时,他们却给我拿来草莓酱。你知道吗,他们硬说是那就是橘子酱,麻烦出在他们根本不懂英语。

70、Marmalade is made from bitter orange. ─── 橘子酱是用带皮酸橙制成。

71、You have toast and marmalade for breakfast. ─── 您的早餐是烤面包片和果酱。

72、Seared pork belly (no skin).Cheese.Chipotle/onion marmalade. ─── mikesawyer 发起了一个话题: Pork belly quesadilla.

73、She set it with a teapot , a milk jug , her favorite cup and saucer , a plate of marmalade toast and a leftover cake from yesterday. ─── 把茶壶、牛奶罐、她最喜欢的茶杯,涂了橘子果酱的烤面包片,还有昨天吃剩的小蛋糕放进餐盘里。

74、They tucked it up with Marmalade to keep it warm and waited for it to hatch. ─── 她们把她塞到咪咪的肚子下面取暖,等待小鸭子被孵出来。

75、I thought it use less to explain that we borrowed the word "marmalade" from French, and that it means, in that language, any kind of jam. ─── 我想不需要解释我们是从法语借了marmalade这个词,而在法语中它表示各种果酱。

76、He sipped at his coffee and spread butter and marmalade on a roll. ─── 他抿了一口咖啡,将黄油和果酱涂在了面包卷上。

77、30. Mother is spreading the toast with marmalade. ─── 妈妈在烤面包上涂果酱。

78、All you have to do is flip the toaster upside down, and the toast slides right out onto your plate, ready for the application of butter and marmalade. ─── 你所要做的就是把它翻下来,面包就会自动滑落到你的盘子上,等待你给它们抹上黄油和果酱了。

79、more aromatic and acid tasting than oranges; used in beverages and marmalade ─── 比柑桔香,吃起来有酸味;用来做饮料和果酱

80、But one or two buyers said the marmalade might be little too sweet. ─── 但是有一两个客户说,果酱可能太甜了一点。

81、orange marmalade ─── 橙皮马末兰果酱

82、bar-le-duc marmalade ─── 巴勒杜克柑桔酱

83、Englishmen often end up their breakfast with toast and marmalade. ─── 英国人常以烤面包加果酱结束早餐。

84、Oh, definitely marmalade. ─── 哦,当然是桔子酱。

85、marmalade roll ─── 橘酱卷

86、The main dishes cost between 5 and 8 euros, while the shops sell sausages, cheese, marmalade, olives and wine, all eco-friendly produced from Catalonia. ─── 主菜的花费在5到8欧元,商店里卖的有香肠、奶酪、果酱、橄榄和葡萄酒,都是加泰罗尼亚出产的环保产品。

87、toast n 土司 Lally was spreading marmalade on a piece of toast. ─── 拉莉在一片土司上塗檸檬果醬。

88、Make your toast with wholemeal or granary bread. And use just a small amount of low-fat spread and some jam or marmalade. ─── 用全麦或粮仓作为你的烤面包,使用只有少量低脂的果酱或由橘子或柠檬等水果制成的果酱。

89、bitter marmalade ─── 甘味柑皮果子酱

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