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09-07 投稿



enervating 发音

英:[ˈenərveɪtɪŋ]  美:[ˈenəveɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

enervating 中文意思翻译




enervating 词性/词形变化,enervating变形

名词: enervation |动词第三人称单数: enervates |形容词: enervative |动词现在分词: enervating |动词过去分词: enervated |动词过去式: enervated |

enervating 相似词语短语

1、innervating ─── v.使受神经支配;使神经分布于;刺激活动

2、denervating ─── v.切除神经

3、enervative ─── 退化的

4、enerving ─── 刺激

5、generating ─── v.产生,生成;引起(generate的现在分词)

6、reinnervating ─── 神经再支配

7、enervation ─── n.衰弱;虚弱;削弱;神经无力

8、elevating ─── adj.发人深省的,有启发的;v.举起,抬起;提拔;(牧师)高举(圣饼或者圣餐杯);增加……的含量;抬高(地位);加大(炮)的仰角;(使)精神振奋(elevate的现在分词)

9、venerating ─── vt.崇敬,尊敬

enervating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、an enervating climate ─── 使人无精打彩的气候

2、The downside: The city is still unaffordable for many, and the less-pricey suburbs can impose enervating commutes. ─── 不利方面:对许多人来说生活成本仍然太高,郊区房价虽然没那么贵,但上下班很累。

3、It is a beautiful valley, snug, comfortable, sheltered by the mountains from all the bitter blasts,But it is very enervating ─── 这 是 一 个 美 丽 的 地 方 , 温 暖 而 舒 适 , 由 于 大 山 的 屏 蔽 , 使 它 得 以 免 受 狂 风 的 侵 扰 , 可 这 山 谷 却 毫 无 生 气 。

4、I think of Napoleon at St. Helena, and of Byron growing morose and fat in the enervating climate of Italy. ─── 我想到了圣·海伦那岛上的拿破仑,想到了拜伦在令人感到懒洋洋的意大利气候中变得乖戾和臃肿。

5、Immediately forgetting his worries and fatigue from the enervating day, Joran bounded forward, entering the beautiful fortress and ready to discover the treasure which awaited him. ─── 乔兰立刻忘记了他的种种担心和辛苦一天的劳累,蹦跳着向前,冲进了那座美丽的城堡,准备探索那等待着他去发现的财宝。

6、The downside: The city is still unaffordable for many, and the less-pricey suburbs can impose enervating commutes. ─── 不利方面:对许多人来说生活成本仍然太高,郊区房价虽然没那么贵,但上下班很累。

7、The drugs they took were frequently enervating and prevented them from participating in the community and accessing the help and support needed for a full, active and satisfying life. ─── 这使我们的学生因为害怕用药升级或被收容治疗,非常的不肯和医师讲到自己的用药上困扰或提出问题。

8、After the operation she had been enervating for several hours. ─── 手术后她已经虚弱几个小时了。

9、Those were miserable, enervating months - all of which I spent stuck inside my mother's house. ─── 我腻在我妈妈家里的那几个月真是悲惨又萎靡的几个月。

10、I think of Napoleon at St. Helena, and of Byron growing morose and fat in the enervating climate of Italy. ─── 我想到了圣·海伦那岛上的拿破仑,想到了拜伦在令人感到懒洋洋的意大利气候中变得乖戾和臃肿。

11、As I rested and regained my strength from the enervating, though not unwelcome, experience with the group of bandits, I began examining the scrawlings of my notes and journals. ─── 在我开始休息,并从因为那伙不算太讨厌的盗贼导致的虚弱状态中恢复体力的时候,我开始检查我的笔记和日志的草稿。

12、They provoke the enervating lust that brings life into being. ─── 它们激起了正在削弱的活力,使生命形成。

13、They provoke the enervating lust that brings life into being.They are poetic and cosmic souls, put here to tempt us to spirituality. ─── 空行母被看作煽动者,鼓舞者,信使,甚至是魔术师,有进取心,有抱负,横越启迪的屏障。

14、With very few exceptions, all the so-called Socialist and Communist publications that now (1847) circulate in Germany belong to the domain of this foul and enervating literature. ─── 现今在德国流行的一切所谓社会主义和共产主义的著作,除了极少数的例外,都属于这一类卑鄙龌龊的、令人委靡的文献。

15、Change for change's sake is stupid and enervating. ─── 为改变而改变是愚蠢而徒劳无功的。

16、He was stark naked, and already his body was dripping perspiration from the enervating heat, coated blue with sand wherever sand had touched it. Elsewhere his body was white. ─── 这时他才发现自己竟然是一丝不挂,流着汗的身体到处沾满了蓝色的沙土,裸露在蓝色之外的地方则是一片白晰。

17、The folds of her scarlet silk gown gave off the enervating smell of poppies ─── 她那件大红绸袍的衣褶里发出销魂蚀骨的罂粟花香。

18、They provoke the enervating lust that brings life into being. ─── 它们激起了正在削弱的活力,使生命形成。

19、an enervating disease/climate ─── 使人衰弱的疾病;使人感到乏力的气候

20、The air of the place, so fresh in the spring and early summer, was stagnant and enervating now. ─── 这个地方的空气,在春天和初夏都非常清新,而现在却变得呆滞和使人困倦了。

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