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09-06 投稿



estranging 发音

英:[ɪsˈtreɪndʒɪŋ]  美:[ɛˈstreɪndʒɪŋ]

英:  美:

estranging 中文意思翻译



estranging 词性/词形变化,estranging变形

动词第三人称单数: estranges |动词过去分词: estranged |动词现在分词: estranging |动词过去式: estranged |名词: estrangement |

estranging 相似词语短语

1、strangling ─── 节流;扼死;抑制

2、-stringing ─── n.串接,捆接;接下油套管;v.用带系上(string的现在分词)

3、enranging ─── 激怒

4、outranging ─── vt.超过,胜过;射程比…远;n.超量程

5、stringing ─── n.串接,捆接;接下油套管;v.用带系上(string的现在分词)

6、astringing ─── v.使……收缩;使……收敛(astringe的过去式和过去分词)

7、stranding ─── v.(使)滞留;(使)搁浅;绞(绳索等)(strand的现在分词)

8、restringing ─── v.给(乐器或球拍)重新装弦;重新穿绳(restring的现在分词)

9、stanging ─── 止血

estranging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But she shrank with peculiar reluctance from any risk of estranging it ─── 但她一向小心翼翼,唯恐失掉它。

2、He had confined himself to gradually estranging Jean Valjean from his house and to effacing him, as much as possible, from Cosette's mind. ─── 他只能慢慢地使冉阿让离开他的家,并尽力使珂赛特忘记他。

3、There exist relations of integration estranging , mutual complement and interaction between law and moral. ─── 法律与道德,存在着融合、疏离、互补、互动的关系。

4、The unplumbed, salt, estranging sea. ─── 深不可测、疏离的咸咸海洋。

5、But the same revolution fragmented the globe by estranging winners and losers. ─── 可是这同一个革命又分裂的全球,是胜利者和失败者相疏远。

6、It is something that is so . . . anyway, so absolutely estranging, that cannot believe that if I pass it around it will come back to be! ─── 这是某件相当令人迷惑的事,我们无法相信,假如我让你传阅,结果会不会传得回来!(哄堂大笑!)

7、And out again, upon the unplumbed, salt, estranging sea. ─── 河流尽处是浩浩乎大海,吾往矣!

8、He had confined himself to gradually estranging Jean Valjean from his house and to effacing him, as much as possible, from Cosette's mind. ─── 他只能慢慢地使冉阿让离开他的家,并尽力使珂赛特忘记他。

9、Mumbai, our city had suddenly become inhospitable, as if estranging itself from economically unfit people. ─── 孟买,我们的城市突然变得荒凉,仿佛疏离自己从经济上不适合的人。

10、From 1949 to 1978, the language of poetry was normalized estranging force and thus its poetic and aesthetic features vanished. ─── 从1949年到1978年的诗歌写作基本上处于他者化力量的规范之下,诗歌语言消解了诗性和审美性。

11、by estranging us from the familiar by unsettling our settled assumptions. ─── 使我们对过去熟悉的事务与观点陌生起来,

12、The unplumbed, salt, estranging sea. ─── 深不可测、疏离的咸咸海洋。

13、“Some have argued that all this new literary activity is displacing the Great Works and therefore estranging the great audience for literature,” Fenza said. ─── 他说:有些人主张这样的新文学运动正在取代惊世巨作,因此造成了文学和广大的独者的疏离。

14、There exist relations of integration estranging, mutual-complement and interaction between law and moral. ─── 摘要法律与道德,存在着融合、疏离、互补、互动的关系。

15、and what all of these elements had in common was their 'estranging' or 'defamiliarizing' effect. ─── 这些因素的共同之处在于它们的“新奇”(疏离)或“陌生化”效果。

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