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09-06 投稿


diffuses 发音

英:[dɪˈfjuːzɪz]  美:[dɪˈfjuːzɪz]

英:  美:

diffuses 中文意思翻译





diffuses 词性/词形变化,diffuses变形

动词过去式: diffused |动词现在分词: diffusing |副词: diffusely |动词第三人称单数: diffuses |动词过去分词: diffused |名词: diffuseness |

diffuses 常用词组

diffuse reflectance ─── 漫反射率;漫反射系数;护散反射率

diffuse reflection ─── 漫反射

diffuse light ─── 漫射光

diffuses 短语词组

1、diffuses science ─── 传播科学

2、diffuses licht ─── 漫射光

3、diffuses thesaurus ─── 散布同义词库

4、diffuses synonym ─── 扩散同义词

5、diffuses into ─── 扩散到渗入

6、diffuses meaning ─── 传播意义

diffuses 相似词语短语

1、diffused ─── adj.散布的,扩散的;普及的;v.散布,传播(diffuse的过去分词);使分散

2、diffuse ─── adj.弥漫的;散开的;vt.扩散;传播;漫射;vi.传播;四散

3、diffusor ─── n.扩散器;散布者;扩散体

4、diffusers ─── n.[机]扩散器(diffuser的复数形式);柔光镜

5、diffusely ─── adv.广泛地;扩散地

6、diffusors ─── n.扩散器;散布者;扩散体

7、defuses ─── vt.平息;去掉…的雷管;使除去危险性

8、ziffiuses ─── 津巴布韦

9、diffuser ─── n.[机]扩散器;散布者;[航][机]扩压器

diffuses 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The simplest detect the method falls in ceramic tile the reverse side with a cup of water namely, water be soiled diffuses rapid, show bibulous rate on the high side, conversely inferior. ─── 最简单的检测方法就是用一杯水倒在瓷砖背面,水渍扩散迅速,说明吸水率偏高,反之则较低。

2、In most cases the patch is saturated with the drug, which steadily diffuses through microscopic gaps between skin cells and through the skin's pores. ─── 大多数的贴片都含有饱和的药物,可以穿过皮肤细胞之间的细微间隙以及毛细孔,持续向体内扩散。

3、9.When oxygen in the gas or liquid sample diffuses into the thin-film coating, it quenches the fluorescence. ─── 但气或液态试样的氧分散到薄膜涂层中时,就淬灭了荧光。

4、inertial wave diffuses ─── 惯性波传播

5、The sun diffuses light and heat . ─── 太阳发出光和热。

6、6.a toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor. ─── 一种散发香味的化妆品。

7、Technical innovation diffuses is technical innovation passes particular channel to transmit adoption process between the person that use potentially. ─── 技术创新扩散是技术创新通过一定的渠道在潜在使用者之间传播采用的过程。

8、HF ultimately diffuses down to the troposphere where it is removed by wet deposition. ─── HF最终扩散到大气中,在大气中它通过湿沉积被除去。

9、Sexual fiber melt into diffuses with pancreas on histology its particularity. ─── 组织学上以胰腺弥漫性纤维化为其特异性。

10、Otherwise the oxygen diffuses in matrix apparently.The main phases of the barrier are the ZrO_2 and ZrP.There exists the ZrC phase or other phases. ─── 涂层中存在具有致密结构的氧化锆、磷化锆等物相,可能还存在锆的碳化物相。

11、With the tom set up vertically, sound waves hit the floor and bounce back into the bottom head. Angling a tom slightly causes sound waves to scatter, and diffuses them. ─── 落地桶鼓垂直摆放,声波碰到地板反射回底鼓皮。轻微调节落地桶鼓的摆放角度使声波散射和漫反射。

12、dissolves and then diffuses across the wall of the tracheole and into several of the insect’s cells. ─── 气管又分支成许多微气管,微气管里充满液体,吸入的氧气溶解于其中,穿透气管管壁扩散到昆虫的无数细胞中。

13、Nor is this surprising: a branch may be diseased and all the rest healthy, but unsoundness at the root diffuses unhealthiness through the whole tree. ─── 这没有什么好奇怪的,一根树枝有病,所有其余部分仍可能是健壮的,但树根有病却会使整棵树枯萎。

14、A gas in solution diffuses from region of greater to one of less concentration. ─── 溶液中的气体由浓度较高的区域向浓度较低的区域扩散。

15、Oxidation of magnetite grains is divided into tow stages,according to temperature,and iron ion diffuses at lower temperature and diffusion amount of oxygenic ion increases at higher temperature. ─── 磁铁矿颗粒氧化按温度划分为两段,在较低温度下主要是铁离子扩散,较高温度下氧离子扩散的扩散能力增强。

16、He diffuses a tone and spirit of unity, that blends, and (as it were) fuses, each into each (Samuel Taylor Coleridge). ─── 他创造了一种团结的气氛和精神,他们相互合并交融(正如它原本应该的情况)(塞缪尔 泰勒 柯尔律治)

17、Then, at night, when you're lying down, the water diffuses back into the disks and elongates your spine, so that when you wake up, it's ready to face another day. ─── 到了晚上,当你躺下的时候,在白天被挤压出的水分又回到椎间盘,这样,你的脊柱又变长了。所以早晨起床,它们又准备好迎接新的一天了。

18、On the earth,when the sun is up,our atmosphere diffuses light,making it seem to be everywhere. ─── 在地球上,当有太阳光时,大气使光线漫射,从而使光线似乎无处不在。

19、The capsule contains the tobacco beetle pheromone which diffuses in minute quantities through the capsule wall. ─── 胶囊中所装的香烟甲虫信息素可以通过胶囊壁进行微量散发。

20、Light diffuses faster than sound. ─── 光比声音的传播速度快.

21、the hydride diffuses with the dislocation movement; ─── 二是氢被位错所携带一同运动而进行扩散;

22、Keywords anchor annotates principle;grouting material;UDEC;grouting pressure;seriflux diffuses range; ─── 关键词锚注原理;注浆材料;UDEC;注浆压力;浆液扩散范围;

23、Metaphor is the projection from source domain onto target domain, which diffuses our perception and experience of apperception and makes our understanding of target domain more profound. ─── 摘要隐喻是从“始发域”向“目的域”的投射。它扩散了我们的感知体验,也加深了我们对目的域的理解和把握。

24、glass that diffuses light due to a rough surface produced by abrasion or etching. ─── 由于研磨或腐蚀而造成表面粗糙、因而能漫射光线的玻璃。

25、Your dignified smile diffuses complaints. ─── 你高贵的微笑化散了抱怨。

26、Under the assumption,the result indicates that the concentration of the poison diffuses as an oval,and reduces with the leaking time. ─── 为分析泄漏后毒物的浓度在时间和空间上的变化规律,建立了二维渗流方程,开发了二维渗流事故后果分析软件。

27、Fall in ceramic tile the reverse side with a cup of water, water be soiled diffuses rapid, show bibulous rate on the high side, conversely inferior. ─── 用一杯水倒在瓷砖背面,水渍扩散迅速,说明吸水率偏高,反之则较低。

28、Fragrance diffuses through the air. ─── 空气中弥漫着芳香。

29、Once the smoke diffuses over the stairs between platform and concourse into the subway concourse, it is difficult to evacuate and rescue people. ─── 一旦烟气通过站台与站厅间的楼梯向站厅扩散,将会给人员疏散和救援工作带来极大的困难。

30、Francois Sillion and Clande Puech,“A General Two-Pass Method Integrating Specular and Diffus Reflection”, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol 23, No. 3, pp.335-344, 1989. ─── 张忠宝、陈利琮、王宗铭,“提高蒙地卡罗直接照明法效能的两种技巧”,中兴大学工程学刊第十二卷,第一期,民国九十一年三月.

31、Light diffuses alone the beeline. ─── 光是沿着直线传播的。

32、Experimental results indicate that air retained from the point of jet entry diffuses along shear layer. ─── 实验结果表明:空气从射流入射点被卷入后,沿射流剪切层扩散;

33、Graph: This sitting room diffuses below atmosphere of a lily-white, grant the person's pure and fresh and comfortable feeling; ─── 图:这个客厅弥漫在一片纯白的氛围下,予人清新安闲的感觉;

34、Whereas the vitamin diffuses easily into human cells, it cannot enter bacterial cells, and so bacteria must make their own. ─── 但是这种维生素可以很容易地扩散到人体细胞里,却不能进入到细菌的细胞里,因此细菌必须自己制造这种维生素。

35、On the earth, when the sun is up, our atmosphere diffuses light, making it seem to be everywhere. ─── 在地球上, 当有太阳光时, 大气使光线漫射, 从而使光线似乎无处不在。

36、the stress diffuses ─── 应力放散

37、A gauntlet overload delivers a devastating charge to a single target. Power diffuses into nearby foes for lesser damage. ─── 近战型小威力群杀技,对单体敌军造成伤害后,还对周边敌军形成溅射,伤害衰减。100%击晕。

38、Put goblet below nose, suck slowly at a heat, mutiple level fragrance diffuses to come, be in the orchard of profusion as the body. ─── 把酒杯放在鼻子下,缓缓地吸一口气,多层次的芬芳弥漫开来,如同身处缤纷的果园。

39、systema nervorum diffus ─── 分散性神经系统

40、Water gets into a fish's body through osmosis, the process in which water diffuses from a higher to a lower concentration. ─── 水通过渗透作用进入鱼的身体,也就是水从高处向低处的流动的过程。

41、Atmosphere diffuses model ─── 大气扩散模型

42、Water gets into a fish's body through osmosis, the process in which water diffuses from a higher to a lower concentration. ─── 水进入鱼的身体通过渗透,这个过程是水从高的浓度向低的浓度扩散。

43、The commonnest symptom is lumbago, aching edge rachis diffuses outwards, nightly when awaking with early morning apparent, daytime is reduced. ─── 最常见的症状是腰痛,疼痛沿脊柱向外扩散,夜间和清晨醒来时明显,日间减轻。

44、Kabanuofu analysed a kind of wrong idea that diffuses in the official at the same time: The income level that they suffer themselves without method under other official. ─── 卡巴诺夫同时分析了弥漫在官员中的一种错误观念:他们没有办法忍受自己的收入水平低于其他官员。

45、Go on the street, the aroma hour that diffuses in air is stimulating your smell. ─── 走在街上,空气中弥漫的香气时刻刺激着你的嗅觉。

46、When you take a breath , air is sucked into your lungs and oxygen diffuses across into your bloodstream. This is mass transfer in action. ─── 当你呼吸的时候,空气吸进你的肺而氧气扩散进入你的血流。这就是传质在起作用。

47、The variation must in a swimming pool will soon diffuse throughout the pool, a Concentration of magnetic field lines diffuses throughout the planet's outer core. ─── 与游泳池中一滴有色的染料在池中迅速扩散的方式一样,一个浓缩的地磁场曲线的扩散遍布地球的外核。

48、As the venous blood passes through the lungs, the HCO3- and H+ are transformed by the RBC carbonic anhydrite back into CO2, which then diffuses into the alveolus and is exhaled by the mechanisms of alveolar ventilation. ─── 当静脉血流经肺脏时,HCO3-和H+被红细胞中的碳酸酐酶转回成co2,co2再弥散进入肺泡,并经过肺泡通气机制排出体外。

49、Of each big door website contend for already smoke of gunpowder diffuses. ─── 各大门户网站之争早已硝烟弥漫。

50、Ink diffuses through water. ─── 墨水在水中扩散。

51、Heat, which is produced in a medium as a result of absorption of optical energy from an incident high-power laser beam, diffuses through the medium in accordance with a heat conduction equation. ─── 在强激光的辐照下,由于大量光子进入材料体内被吸收,局部蓄热,因而形成较大的温度场梯度。

52、Action and Indication: Diffuses and redirects the lung Qi downward, alleviates wheezing, transforms phlegm, clears heat. Symptoms like wheezing, asthma, cough with phlegm. ─── 主治:用于宣肺平喘,清热化痰。用于痰多气急,痰稠色黄,哮喘咳嗽。

53、On this foundation, cut down a society to spend much authority appropriately even, in order to make sure power money is detached, purify learns li of copper stink that diffuses for a time. ─── 在此基础上,还要适当削减学会过多权力,以保证权钱分离,去除学会里一度弥漫的铜臭味。

54、It is different from absorption, in which a substance diffuses into a liquid or solid to form a solution. ─── 它不同于吸收,在这一过程中,物质扩散成液体或固体,形成的一种解决方案。

55、If this kinds of furniture matchs palace lantern of on a few Chinese style again, the east that its convey is implicative wisdom criterion houseful diffuses. ─── 该类家具假如再配上几盏中式宫灯,其表达的东方含蓄聪明则满屋弥漫。

56、NF3 has a relatively short atmospheric lifetime (740 years) and dissociates more readily than C2F6 and CF4.HF ultimately diffuses down to the troposphere where it is removed by wet deposition. ─── NF3具有相对短的大气寿命(740年),比C2F6和CF4.更容易分解。hf最终扩散到大气中,在大气中它通过湿沉积被除去。

57、The ratio of the square of certain concentration gas diffusion depth and diffusion time is constant when it diffuses and reacts through the solids bed. ─── 一定浓度的气体通过固体颗粒层扩散-反应时,其扩散深度的平方与扩散时间的比值为常数。

58、Bright yellow and blue-black collocation, make a space comparative and intense, generation diffuses feeling and regressive sex, also be to settle one of way of congested of small family vision. ─── 明黄色与深蓝色的搭配,让空间对比强烈,产生扩散感和后退性,也是解决小户型视觉拥挤的办法之一。

59、MTBE is of great water-solubility,so it diffuses rapidly in the water and composes potential pollution to the surface water and the groundwater. ─── MTBE水溶性较强,在地下水中扩散快且难以生物降解,对地表水和地下水构成了潜在的污染,可对地下水造成持久性的危害;

60、diffus neuroendocrine system ─── 弥散性神经内分泌系统

61、"He diffuses a tone and spirit of unity, that blends, and (as it were) fuses, each into each" (Samuel Taylor Coleridge). ─── “他创造了一种团结的气氛和精神,他们相互合并交融(正如它原本应该的情况) (塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治)

62、A kind of enthusiastic mood diffuses in the campus of IT course of study and college of science and engineering, as if Internet is a tool not only, and it is an uprise and mutiny. ─── 一种狂热的情绪弥漫在IT业和理工科大学的校园中,仿佛因特网不仅是工具,而且是一场起义与哗变。

63、Not certain, eye cancer also divides a lot of kinds, even if of a few cancer diffuses the possibility that the operation still has recrudesce. ─── 不一定,眼癌也分很多种,有一些癌症即便扩散手术还有复发的可能性。

64、Since there is no chain of command, the particular action of any single spring diffuses into the whole, making it easier for the sum of the whole to overwhelm the parts of the whole. ─── 由于没有指挥系统,发条各自的特殊功能都慢慢汇入了整体,使得整体的汇总功能更容易超过整体的各组成部分的功能。

65、The light diffuses upwardly from the bottoms of walls, and vanishes gradually in the shade, leaving the wall hidden. ─── 同时墙体也随之藏匿了起来。

66、Water evaporates form wet cell walls into intercellular spaces and diffuses out through stomata. ─── 水分从湿润的细胞壁蒸发进入胞间隙在弥散到气孔器中。

67、When chill diffuses, embrace Pi Cao personally, finger is in too, tactility is loose, have a kind of warm idea that steps Xue Mohen. ─── 当寒意弥漫时,身拥皮草,手指过处,触感松软,有一种踏雪无痕的暖意。”

68、Experimental results indicate that air retained from thepoint of jet entry diffuses along shear layer. ─── 实验结果表明:空气从射流入射点被卷入后,沿射流剪切层扩散;

69、I myself am not to be willing particularly actually it diffuses , after all merely oneself write oneself. ─── 我本人其实不是非凡愿意它扩散的,究竟仅仅是自己写给自己的。


71、Avoid chatting about events which are not pertinent to the reading. This diffuses your focus. ─── 不要与阅牌人聊与问牌内容无关的事。

72、On the earth, when the sun is up, our atmosphere diffuses light, making it seem to be everywhere. ─── 在地球上,当有太阳光时,大气使光线漫射,从而使光线似乎无处不在。

73、These cells make a protein called sonic hedgehog, which diffuses outward to other cells. ─── 这些细胞分泌一种被称为音猬因子的蛋白质,这些蛋白质会向外扩散到其他细胞中。

74、Department of monochromatic attune, light color diffuses because of having and regressive sex, make the bedroom can give a person with bright and pure and fresh and optimistic, capacious feeling. ─── 单色调、浅色系因有扩散和后退性,使居室能给人以清新开朗、明亮宽敞的感受。

75、The physiology of *iling diffuses a lot of anger and angst. It makes your body and soul feel better. ─── 从生理学角度讲,微笑有助于缓解忿怒和焦虑。它会让你的身心愉悦。

76、a toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor ─── 一种散发香味的化妆品

77、One continuously smoke from kitchen chimneys diffuses in this to ever was the bleak town outskirts of companion with hare, fireweed, bulrush. ─── 一缕缕炊烟弥漫在这曾与野兔、杂草、芦苇为伴的荒凉城市郊外。

78、To calm people you must harmonize with them. To gain respect, be a person who is mild and patient, for harmony unites people and mildness diffuses severity. ─── 安人者必然是和众者,服人者必然是柔忍者,因为和能合众,柔能克刚。

79、Since water diffuses much more slowly than air, wider fabrics can be made with water jet looms without using guides. ─── 由于水的扩散要比空气慢,不使用导路也能织造较宽的织物。

80、A gas in solution diffuses from a region of greater to one of less concentration. ─── 溶液中的气体会由浓度高的部分扩散到浓度低的部分。

81、Microleakage is one of the most important pathways in which the natural gas diffuses through caprocks. ─── 微渗漏是天然气通过盖层散失的重要方式之一。

82、He diffuses a tone and spirit of unity, that blends, and(as it were) fuses, each into each?Samuel Taylor Coleridge). ─── 他创造了一种团结的气氛和精神,他们相互合并交融(正如它原本应该的情况)(塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治)

83、Rash from the beginning, the face diffuses in trunk, arms and legs is bare, for damask spot papula, rash drop back has shallow weak pigment ad cool-headed. ─── 疹从头、面扩散在躯干,四肢极少,为淡红色斑丘疹,疹退后有浅淡色素沉着。

84、Added monomer diffuses into the micelle for polymerization. ─── 加入的单体扩散进入胶团做聚合反应。

85、Then the "Central Downfall" diffuses, so how to achieve "Central Rise" becomes a hot topic in the academy. ─── 一时间,“中部塌陷”论四处弥漫,如何实现“中部崛起”已成为学术界和理论界十分关注的话题。

86、Doctor: Tetanus is a toxemia .The toxin diffuses throughout the tissues and involves the neuromuscular end-organs, And so to cause spasm. ─── 医生:破伤风是一种毒血症,毒素于组织间弥散,累及神经肌肉终末器官并引起肌肉痉挛。

87、Having a headache is to begin at first at ministry of Nie of a side forehead blunt painful, then diffuses to half build, see whole head is aching occasionally. ─── 头痛最初是开始于一侧额颞部的钝痛,继而扩散至半个头,偶见整个头部疼痛的。

88、and in the economic system that opening, the semifinished product that one part affects effect can pass an input diffuses other place. ─── 而在开放的经济系统中,一部分波及效应就会通过输入的中间产品扩散到外地。

89、Mouth is a loudspeaker, which diffuses true feelings of life and world, ─── 嘴是一个话筒,传遍人生世界真情

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