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09-07 投稿



gibbsite 发音

英:[ˈɡɪbˌsaɪt]  美:[ˈɡɪbsaɪt]

英:  美:

gibbsite 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 三水铝矿


gibbsite 词性/词形变化,gibbsite变形

副词: gibbously |名词: gibbousness |

gibbsite 相似词语短语

1、gibbosity ─── n.凸圆;突起;软骨病

2、gibbet ─── n.绞刑架;绞死;v.将……处以绞刑;将(尸体)吊上绞刑示众架;使当众受辱

3、bombsite ─── n.被炸区域

4、gibbeted ─── v.将(尸体)吊上绞刑示众架;将……处以绞刑;(使)当众受辱(gibbet的过去式及过去分词)

5、gibbets ─── n.绞刑架;绞死;v.将……处以绞刑;将(尸体)吊上绞刑示众架;使当众受辱

6、Web site ─── 网页;网址

7、Jebusite ─── 耶布斯人

8、gibbing ─── n.拉销;凹形楔;雄猫;vt.用扁栓固定

9、gibbosities ─── n.凸圆;突起;软骨病

gibbsite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Theoretical Particle Size Distribution Model on Ideal Growth Process of Gibbsite Precipitation from Supersaturated Sodium Aluminate Solution ─── 过饱和铝酸钠溶液种分生长过程的粒度分布理论模型

2、Keywords drinking water defluoridation;gibbsite;fluoride removal capacity; ─── 饮水除氟;水铝石;除氟容量;

3、Keywords gibbsite;crystal overlapping;particle strength;finite element analysis; ─── 氢氧化铝;晶体叠合;颗粒强度;有限元分析;

4、Keywords sweetening technique;leaching efficiency;sweetening time;gibbsite;settling; ─── 增溶溶出技术;溶出性能;增溶时间;三水铝石矿;沉降;


6、Keywords gibbsite;alumina;phase transformation;morphology; ─── 三水铝石;氧化铝;相变;形貌;

7、Abstract: Electronic structure and optical properties of gibbsite under different external stresses were calculated using CASTEP program. ─── 摘 要: 用CASTEP程序计算不同外压下氢氧化铝的电子结构与谱学性质,分析外压对体系能带结构、态密度及光学性质的影响。

8、Gibbsite crystallization from supersaturated caustic aluminate solution is an important step in Bayer process for alumina production from bauxite. ─── 铝酸钠溶液分解过程是拜耳法氧化铝生产的重要工序,它对产品质量及产能等指标均有十分重要的影响。

9、Keywords gibbsite;density functional theory (DFT);surface adsorption;small organic molecule; ─── 密度泛函理论;表面吸附;多羟基有机小分子;

10、Keywords karst gibbsite bauxite deposit;autochthonous;allochthonous;system of high aluminium content;system of low aluminium content;Guangxi Province; ─── 岩溶型三水铝石铝土矿;原地生成;异地生成;高铝体系;低铝体系;广西;

11、Investigation of Raising Silicon to Aluminum Ratio of Gibbsite by Flotation ─── 浮选方法提高三水铝石铝硅比的研究

12、Studies on the Kinetics of Digestion Process of Synthetic Gibbsite by DSC ─── 用DSC研究纯三水铝石溶出动力学

13、Keywords Accumulated bauxite;Gibbsite;Comprehensive utilization;Western Guangxi Province; ─── 堆积型铝土矿;三水铝石;综合利用;桂西;

14、Metallogenic mechanism of gibbsite from accumulated bauxite in western Guangxi province ─── 桂西堆积型铝土矿中三水铝石的成矿机理

15、gibbsite in the dark-yellow-brown soil. ─── 壤中含有少量三水铝石。

16、The reducing-roasting mechanism of Bayer red mud of Guanxi gibbsite bauxite have been analysed and studied mainly based on thermodynamics and dynamics in this paper. ─── 本文着重从热力学和动力学上对广西三水铝土矿拜尔法赤泥还原焙烧机理进行分析和探讨.

17、X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that the main minerals of the 5 bauxite sample are diaspore, hematite, chlorite, gibbsite, anatase, rutile, goethite with minor kaolinite. ─── 衍射分析显示5个铝土矿样品矿物组成主要为硬水铝石、赤铁矿、绿泥石、三水铝石、锐钛矿、金红石、针铁矿以及少量的高岭石。

18、Theoretical Particle Size Distribution Model on Ideal Growth Process of Gibbsite Precipitation from Supersaturated Sodium Aluminate Solution ─── 过饱和铝酸钠溶液种分生长过程的粒度分布理论模型

19、Boric acid is an excellent floater while gibbsite has no native floatability at all. ─── 硼酸是一种极好的漂浮物,而水铝氧却毫无浮动性。

20、Boric acid is an excellent floater while gibbsite has no native floatabiligy at all. ─── 硼酸是一种极好的漂浮物,而水铝氧却毫无浮动性。

21、Key words: gibbsite; ─── 关键字: 氢氧化铝;

22、Keywords Gibbsite;Flotation;Aluminum to silicon ratio; ─── 三水铝石;正浮选;铝硅比;

23、gibbsite precipitation process ─── 种分过程

24、high-iron gibbsite ─── 高铁三水铝土矿

25、Influence of ultrasound on the nuclei particles size of gibbsite precipitation from aluminate caustic solutions ─── 超声波对铝酸钠溶液种分成核粒度的影响

26、An iterative process of serial sectioning and charge contrast imaging has been applied to gibbsite particles embedded in epoxy resin. ─── 一个连续切片及费用对比成像迭代过程已经应用到三水铝石嵌入在环氧树脂中的粒子。

27、Ore is in the phase of clay minerals in which gibbsite is less and kaolinite commonly coexists with illite. ─── 矿石处在富粘土矿物阶段,少见三水铝石,一般为伊利石和高岭石共存。

28、Keywords carbonization;gibbsite;additive;particle size;strength; ─── 关键词碳酸化分解;氢氧化铝;添加剂;粒度;强度;

29、Nucleation of Gibbsite from Caustic Aluminate Solutions under ultrasound ─── 超声强化铝酸钠溶液分解过程中的成核现象

30、Keywords accumulation-type bauxite;laterite;gibbsite;minerageny; ─── 堆积型铝土矿;红土;三水铝石;成因矿物学;

31、Keywords accumulation bauxite deposit;matrix;gibbsite;diaspore;precipitation leaching;hydrolysis;western Guangxi; ─── 堆积铝土矿;基质;三水铝石;硬水铝石;大气降水淋滤;水解作用;桂西;

32、Keywords accumulation bauxite;sibbsite-diaspore deposit;genesis of gibbsite;leaching of meteoric water; ─── 堆积铝土矿;三水铝石-硬水铝石矿床;三水铝石成因;大气降水淋滤;

33、The gibbsite is characterized with high digesting rate and low smelting cost and high economic value. ─── 该三水铝石矿具有溶出性能好、冶炼成本低,经济价值高等优点。

34、Keywords accumulated bauxite;gibbsite;metallogenic mechanism;hydrolytic dissociation;western Guangxi; ─── 堆积型铝土矿;三水铝石;成矿机理;水解作用;广西;

35、The experimental results show that 1, 2-Octanediol has inhibitory effect on gibbsite precipitation by adsorption on the surface of seeds. ─── 结果表明,1,2-辛二醇通过吸附在晶种表面对铝酸钠溶液种分过程产生抑制作用。

36、Minerageny of gibbsite in accumulation-type bauxite deposits in western Guangxi ─── 桂西堆积型铝土矿中三水铝石成因矿物学研究

37、Thermal analysis implies that the bauxite samples are of 2 obvious endothermic peaks, which are gibbsite and diaspore endothermic peak. ─── 差热(DTA)分析显示铝土矿样品有2个明显的吸热峰,分别为三水铝石和硬水铝石吸热峰;

38、HINGSTON F J, et al. Anion adsorption by goethite and gibbsite: I. The role of the proton in determining adsorption envelopes[J]. J Soil Sci, ─── 张效年,赵安珍.红壤胶体的表面性状和离子吸附对表面电荷性质的影响[J].土壤学报,1988,125(2):164-174.

39、Prospects for Comprehensive Utilization of Gibbsite from Accumulated Bauxite in Western Guangxi Province ─── 桂西堆积型铝土矿中三水铝石矿综合利用前景

40、Ore is in the phase of clay minerals in which gibbsite is less and kaolinite commonly coexists with illite. ─── 矿石处在富粘土矿物阶段,少见三水铝石,一般为伊利石和高岭石共存。

41、Study on Quantitative Analysis Method for Gibbsite in Accumulatied Type of Bauxite from Western Guangxi Province ─── 桂西堆积型铝土矿中三水铝石定量分析方法对比研究

42、The experimental results show that 1,2-Octanediol has inhibitory effect on gibbsite precipitation by adsorption on the surface of seeds. ─── 结果表明,1,2-辛二醇通过吸附在晶种表面对铝酸钠溶液种分过程产生抑制作用。

43、Finite Element Analysis on Gibbsite Strength ─── 氢氧化铝晶体颗粒强度的数值模拟分析

44、As to samples rich in gibbsite, boiling with dilute HCl solution may disaggregate cementation of disassociative Al-oxide and enable grain size to be dispersed well, i.e., method B is good. ─── 对于富含三水铝石的样品,用盐酸溶液煮沸处理后,可以使游离铝氧化物的胶结作用解体,从而使颗粒充分分散,即方法B效果较好;

45、It was proved in the past few years that the accumulation bauxite deposits in Pingguo and other places in western Guangxi are large-scale paragenetie deposits of gibbsite and diaspore. ─── 近年证实平果等地堆积铝土矿是三水铝石硬水铝石共生的大型矿床。

46、Thermal analysis implies that the bauxite samples are of 2 obvious endothermic peaks, which are gibbsite and diaspore endothermic peak. ─── 差热(DTA)分析显示铝土矿样品有2个明显的吸热峰,分别为三水铝石和硬水铝石吸热峰;

47、A further study on the effect of gibbsite particle size on its agglomeration kinetics is in order,since previous studies tell us different results. ─── 以往的氢氧化铝颗粒尺寸对其附聚动力学影响的研究结果不甚相同,本文对此进行了进一步的研究。

48、Both of the two karstic gibbsite bauxites are in Guangxi Province of the large-scalemineral deposits consisted of gibbsite and goethite. ─── 广西2种岩溶型三水铝石铝土矿都是含三水锅石和针铁矿的大型矿床,但二者成矿过程通异。

49、Mechanochemical Function of Gibbsite from Fine Grindingand Heat Reaction ─── 三水铝石的粉碎机械力化学效就与热特性

50、gibbsite layer ─── 氢氧化铝八面体层

51、Keywords accumulated type of bauxite;gibbsite;X-ray diffraction analysis;increment method; ─── 三水铝石;定量分析;方法对比;红土;

52、Keywords Supersaturated Sodium Aluminate Solution;Gibbsite;Growth Units;Structure Characteristics;Decomposition Mechanism; ─── 过饱和铝酸钠溶液;三水铝石;结构性质;生长基元;分解机理;

53、5. Boric acid is an excellent floater while gibbsite has no native floatabiligy at all. ─── 硼酸是一种极好的漂浮物,而水铝氧却毫无浮动性。

54、Keywords gibbsite;exploitation;zeolite;multipurpose utilization;environmental protectp; ─── 三水铝土矿;开发;沸石;综合利用;环保;

55、Keywords silicon dioxide;supersaturated sodium aluminate solution;Gibbsite precipitation;ion membrane electrolysis; ─── 二氧化硅;过饱和铝酸钠溶液;种分过程;离子膜电解;

56、gibbsite precipitation process; ─── 种分过程;

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