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09-07 投稿


arris 发音

英:[['ærɪs]]  美:[['ærɪs]]

英:  美:

arris 中文意思翻译



arris 词性/词形变化,arris变形

名词复数: arris |

arris 短语词组

1、arris-wise ─── 排如锯形

2、arris surfboard ─── 阿里斯冲浪板

3、arris sb8200 arris sb8200 ─── 型

4、arris of slab ─── 板肋

5、arris ice pack for knee ─── 膝角冰袋

6、arris telephony modem arris ─── 电话调制解调器

7、arris gutter ─── [建筑学]V形檐槽

8、arris ice pack ─── 阿里斯冰层

9、arris sbg8300 ─── 阿里斯sbg8300

10、arris ac ─── 棱角ac

11、arris tile ─── 棱(角)瓦

12、arris login arris ─── 登录

13、arris rail ─── 三角栏杆

14、arris of joint ─── 接缝棱角

15、arris ice cap ─── 冰帽风险

16、arris compression ─── 棱角压缩

17、arris ice wrap for lower back pain arris ─── 冰袋治疗腰痛

18、arris tm1602 Arris TM1602

19、arris fillet ─── 棱角嵌块,三角垫木

arris 相似词语短语

1、marris ─── 麦里斯;马里斯

2、karris ─── n.变色桉,考里木

3、arrish ─── 小麦茬

4、aris ─── abbr.(宇宙飞船的)高度和速率指示系统(ltitudeandrateindicatingsystem);n.(Aris)人名;(英、法、俄、阿拉伯)阿里斯

5、abris ─── n.防空洞;避难所;岩洞;n.(Abri)人名;(法、意)阿布里

6、arsis ─── n.强音部;弱拍

7、arras ─── n.挂毯,花毯;n.(Arras)人名;(法、意)阿拉斯

8、Harris ─── n.哈里斯(英国苏格兰一地区);哈里斯(姓氏)

9、artis ─── n.阿提斯动物园(位于荷兰)

arris 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And see when us place before when the finished product cloth with an a design beauty, exquisite grain, we know this cannot leave arris child the synergism in weaving process. ─── 而当我们看到摆在面前一匹匹图案美丽、纹路细腻的成品布时,我们知道这都离不开棱子在织布过程中的协同作用。

2、round arris edge ─── 圆棱边

3、arris edge ─── 斜边尖棱角

4、The SRW-9000 is compatible with a wide range of accessories for Sony’s HDW-F900 and F23 cameras, SRW-1 deck, and ARRI camera systems. ─── 在SRW- 9000是兼容一系列的配件,索尼HDW - F900和F23相机,SRW- 1机芯,和阿莱摄影机系统。

5、Sealing side still should be round horn, cannot straight arris is orthogonal. ─── 封边还应是圆角,不能直棱直角。

6、Have the hobo of head of arris of an arris head, often ambulate in the market, a lot of people like his fun very much, and use different methodological embarrass he. ─── 有一个楞头楞脑的流浪汉,常常在市场里走动,许多人很喜欢开他的玩笑,并且用不同的方法捉弄他。

7、3 arris needle is a kind bloodletting commonly tool, with the proper place that will prick broken human body, give off a few blood, achieve the goal that treats a disease. ─── 三棱针是一种常见的放血工具,用来刺破人体的一定部位,放出少量血液,达到治疗疾病的目的。

8、arris of slab ─── 板肋

9、arris formed turning tool ─── 棱体成形车刀

10、"Laobai, you are here arris fast a day, what thing lets me help? ─── “老白,你在这儿楞了快一天啦,有什么事情让我帮忙吗?

11、" Qu of these two Qu is blowing air, attack arrisarris hits the eastern side to fly big cock of a reed catkins. ─── 这两个蛐蛐正在吹大气,扑棱棱打东边飞来一只芦花大公鸡。

12、" classmates were stupefied the basket of goggle at bird of arris of eye straight arris, neither one person replies. ─── 同学们都愣了眼睛直楞楞的瞪著鸟笼子,没有一个人回答。

13、GP ARRIS STEEL GRIT A ngular when new, this grit rapidly rounds off in use and is particularly suited to descaling applications. ─── GP棱角钢砂此种磨料新制成时,是尖棱状的,使用过程中棱角很快就被磨圆,特别适合于去除氧化皮作业。

14、four coated arris columns with obvious flank feet at their bodies; ─── 作瓜棱柱,柱身有明显的侧脚;

15、" my arris, conveniently feels a handbag, as expected hard hard. ─── 我楞了,顺手一摸提包,果然硬硬的。

16、Additional, the geometry that grid sees arris sees role style makes whole bedroom has a kind of chic building temperament. ─── 另外,格子见棱见角的几何型样式使整间卧室具有一种别致的建筑气质。

17、Effeminate woodiness liana, bine 4 arris. ─── 柔弱的木质藤本植物,茎四棱。

18、Keywords round degree measure arris round; ─── 圆度;测量;棱圆;

19、3) , layering should as clingy as frame, do not get strike of curved arris, protruding. ─── 3)、压条应与边框紧贴,不得弯棱、凸鼓。

20、Last is the benchmark of shoe manufacture and its bottom arris is of great importance. ─── 鞋楦是制鞋的基准,楦底部棱边在制鞋工艺中具有重要作用。

21、Customer service was stupefied first arris, say next: Which brand is what excuse me you use? ─── 客服先愣了楞,然后说:请问你用的是哪个牌子的?

22、arris rail ─── 三角栏杆三角轨

23、en arrière ─── 在后面,在后部,在…之后,在…背后

24、arris rounded ─── 圆阳角

25、Condole supports: Eligible adornment cannot appear beat of curved arris, protruding. ─── 吊顶:合格的装饰不能出现弯棱、凸鼓。

26、arris wise ─── vt. 成对角方向铺砌

27、Without got-up concrete arris it is arris, horn is horn, the surface is bright and clean take a person, by experts recognition is the high-quality goods in large ferroconcrete component. ─── 未经修饰的混凝土棱是棱 ,角是角 ,表面光洁照人 ,被专家们赞誉为大型钢筋混凝土构件中的精品。

28、Her appearance, her dress, her bearing, also be round mound mound, do not have arris to do not have horn, do not have so called appearance. ─── 她的长相、她的衣着、她的举止,也都是圆墩墩的,没棱没角的,没所谓的样子。

29、He sees that girl attacks wildly, a word that did not think of that girl is frightened his arris a long time. ─── 他见到那女孩便疯狂地扑上去,没想到那女孩的一句话吓得他楞了半天。

30、Improve Design About Clear Storehouse Applicance Four Arris Awl Tpey Bottom Catch Coal Storehouse in Jiexiu Coal Washing Plant ─── 介休洗煤厂受煤坑四棱锥底清仓器的改进设计

31、3.Hill does not have arris, heaven and earth closes, not dare with gentleman absolutely. ─── 3. 山无棱,天地合,未敢与君绝。

32、Condole supports: Eligible adornment cannot appear beat of curved arris, protruding. ─── 吊顶:合格的装饰不能出现弯棱、凸鼓。

33、Valerio Arri ─── 阿里

34、When nailing wire rod, along should nail along last bottom arris, of wire rod go out to want to agree equably into width. ─── 钉盘条时,沿条要沿着楦底棱钉,盘条的出进宽度要均匀一致。

35、arris gutter V ─── 形檐槽

36、I understand that the year 2007 would be a year full of challenges ahead after TANDBERG's acquisition by Arris. ─── 我理解在ARRIS公司并购泰德广播后的2007年,一定是充满挑战的一年。

37、The bine is fascicular, the branch is begun, vaulted and flagging, rod green, small have 4 arris state, shape of pith heart chip. ─── 茎丛生,枝开展,拱形下垂,小枝绿色,微有四棱状,髓心薄片状。

38、Special modelling is brought likely also a few otherer problem. Spend arris glaze for example, ─── 非凡的造型也有可能带来其他一些问题。例如花棱釉面,

39、arris threw a warm light, the car was lit by the cooler 8-foot Kino Flo daylight fluorescent fixture. ─── 与Arri钨丝灯的暖光不同,打在汽车上的灯光由稍冷色的8英尺Kino flo日光荧光灯提供。

40、The window arris that appears at the same time with annatto home sigh only then, in the room of such atmosphere, become what thing Fang Wen changes to blend however. ─── 那只与红木家惋同时出现的窗棱,在如此氛围的房间中,却成为东西方文化的交融。

41、arris rear panel, ensures broadcasting more effectively, abundant audio frequency; ─── 四稜台后背高效播放,频带丰富;

42、GP ARRIS STEEL GRIT Angular when new, this grit rapidly rounds off in use and is particularly suited to descaling applications. ─── GP棱角钢砂此种磨料新制成时,是尖棱状的,使用过程中棱角很快就被磨圆,特别适合于去除氧化皮作业。

43、Design and study on arris formed turning tool CAD system ─── 棱体成形车刀CAD系统设计与研究

44、Research on Density of Two Kinds of Particles with Sharp Arris Form ─── 尖棱状两组分颗粒堆积密度的研究

45、I say to each one of them - go and stick your comments up your ‘arris! ─── 我想要对他们每一个人说:走开并且收起你的那些带有偏见的见解。

46、Bine 4 prism form, coping small music, do not have wool glossily, provide on arris backbone dumpy soft thorn, green, without the leaf. ─── 茎四棱柱形,顶部微曲,光滑无毛,棱脊上具粗短软刺,绿色,无叶。

47、GP ARRIS STEEL GRIT Angular when new.this grit rapidly rounds off in use and is particularly suited to descaling applications. ─── 此种磨料新制成时,是尖棱状的,使用过程中棱角很快就被磨圆,特别适合于去除氧化皮作业。

48、arris fillet ─── 三角垫木棱角嵌块

49、Keywords cone;ordinary lathe tool;the lathe tool of arris body;hyperbolic error; ─── 圆锥体;普通车刀;棱体成形车刀;双曲线误差;

50、arris gutter ─── n. V形檐槽

51、Use that the law on unit arris side has been in progress the analysis to the drive coil, and gave out the distribution condition in magnetic field. ─── 利用单元棱边法对驱动线圈进行了分析,给出了磁场分布状况。

52、In the kitchen, the brick of arris form design differentiates the place of this cook a structure. ─── 传统的金黄色地板,使厨房里的气氛显得暖和,同时更加衬托出干脆利落的线条。

53、arris knot ─── 边棱节

54、The cultural origin on the arris pattern of paper-cuts for window decoration in Guanzhong area ─── 论关中地区棱格窗花的文化渊源

55、arris hip tile ─── 角形戗脊瓦

56、Research on date process method of automatic designing arris formed turning tool CAD systems ─── 棱体成形车刀CAD自动设计数据处理的研究

57、To arris human, to forgive is divine. ─── 犯错误乃一种人性,而宽容则是一种神性。

58、He sees that girl attacks wildly, a word that did not think of that girl is frightened his arris a long time. ─── 他见到那女孩便疯狂地扑上去,没想到那女孩的一句话吓得他楞了半天。

59、Finally come to the end of a ground sharp arris glaze, the original is not a very painful thing. ─── 终于走完了这一地尖尖棱棱的琉璃,原来并不是一件太痛苦的事。

60、Herr introduced a measure instrument for the precise round degree of steel pipe.A method of measreing arris round section is put forward with the correct6 data measured with four measure methods. ─── 介绍了钢管圆度精密测量使用的仪器和通过四种测量方法测量的准确数据,提出测量棱圆横截面的方法。

61、The template back arris system is convenient to process, install and dismantle, and can be used in recycle manner with low cost. ─── 该模板背楞体系便于加工、安拆方便、快捷,可周转使用,成本较低。

62、Her appearance, her dress, her bearing, also be round mound mound, do not have arris to do not have horn, do not have so called appearance. ─── 她的长相、她的衣着、她的举止,也都是圆墩墩的,没棱没角的,没所谓的样子。

63、arris tile ─── 人字形脊瓦角形瓦棱角瓦

64、Chinese female nose with exquisitely carved, decorous moderate of arris, nose wing is the United States, still differ somewhat with the appearance feature of Korea female. ─── 中国女性鼻子以玲珑剔透、端正有棱、鼻翅适中为美,与韩国女性的容貌特征还是有所不同的。

65、As a result of hill arris, medium arris, overfulfill the material existence in the product, .. ─── 由于山楞、中楞、超产材等在产品的存在,...

66、Person of the 2nd the accused, mu Zhenwen's son, inclined from beginning to end on the court arris is worn body. ─── 第二被告人,牧振文的儿子,在法庭上始终斜楞着身子。

67、GL ARRIS STEEL GRIT Although harder than GP steel grit, GL also loses its sharp edges during shotblasing and is particularly suited to descaling and surface perparation applications. ─── GL棱角钢砂尽管此类钢砂的硬度比GP钢砂要硬一些,但在喷砂过程中仍会失去棱角,特别适合于去除氧化皮及表面预处理作业。

68、One, the fundamental condition before changeover manages a mechanism peacefuls 5 team is located in arris farm field ministry area.. ─── 一、转换经营机制前的基本情况绥棱农场5队位于场部地区...

69、arris hiptile ─── 屋脊瓦

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