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09-07 投稿



estimator 发音

英:[ˈestəˌmeɪtər]  美:[ˈestɪmeɪtə(r)]

英:  美:

estimator 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 估计量


estimator 常用词组

unbiased estimator ─── 无偏估计值

maximum likelihood estimator ─── 最大似然估计值;极大似然估计量;最大概似推定量

estimator 短语词组

1、efficiency estimator ─── 效率估计器

2、human estimator ─── 人类估算师

3、ban estimator ban ─── 估计量

4、nonlinear estimator ─── 非线性估计器

5、point estimator ─── [数]点估计量

6、estimator variable ─── 估计变量

7、auxiliary estimator ─── 辅助估计器

8、good estimator ─── 好的估计员

9、consistent estimator ─── 一致估计(量)

10、efficiency of estimator ─── 估计量的有效性

11、unconditional estimator ─── 无条件估计量

12、inconsistent estimator ─── 不相容估计量

13、unbiased estimator ─── [化] 无偏估计值

14、robust estimator ─── 稳健估计

15、best estimator ─── [数]最佳估计量

16、extraneous estimator ─── 额外估计量

17、shrinkage estimator ─── [计]收缩估算量

18、asymptotically-unbiased estimator ─── 渐近无偏估计

19、biased estimator ─── [数]有偏估计量

estimator 词性/词形变化,estimator变形

动词过去分词: estimated |动词第三人称单数: estimates |名词: estimator |形容词: estimative |动词现在分词: estimating |动词过去式: estimated |

estimator 相似词语短语

1、legitimator ─── 合法化者

2、estivator ─── 夏蛰动物

3、estimated ─── adj.估计的;预计的;估算的

4、aestivator ─── 夏蛰动物

5、estimators ─── [统计]估计量;评价者(estimator的复数)

6、estimate ─── n.估计,估价;判断,看法;v.估计,估量;判断,评价

7、estimations ─── n.判断;尊重;估计量(estimation的复数形式)

8、estimates ─── n.估计;预算(estimate的复数);概数;v.评价(estimate的三单形式);估量

9、estimation ─── n.估计;尊重

estimator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the proposed position sensorless sinewave PMSM drive, an internal model based back-EMF estimator is developed for performing its sensorless control. ─── 所建构之无位置感测弦波永磁同步马达驱动系统,应用内部模式估得之反电动势从事其无位置感测控制。

2、This dissertation proposes a robust controller design and a position estimator for micro permanent magnet synchronous motor drive systems. ─── 本论文提出微型永磁同步电动机驱动系统的强健控制器设计及其转轴角度估测器。

3、Under suitable conditions we obtained precise asymptotic behavior of linear empirical Bayes estimator and its conditional Bayes risk. ─── 在适当条件下,证得了线性经验Bayes估计和它的条件Bayes风险的精确渐近结构。

4、This allows us to choose the best estimator among all, or at least a broad class of, the unbiased estimators. ─── 了解这一点(分布的分散程度),将对我们如何能够在所有的估计量中,或至少在无偏估计量这一类估计量中选出最优的一个具有一定的指导意义。

5、In the situation that sample size is odd, the sample median, as the maximum likelihood estimator of location parameter, is proved to be unbiased and strongly consistent. ─── 在样本容量为奇数的情形,证明了样本中位数作为双参数对称指数分布位置参数的极大似然估计,具有无偏性与强相合性;

6、Cancela et al.It has been proved that the estimator in this paper is unbiased and has smaller variance compared with crude Monte Carlo method. ─── 实践证明该估计方法是无偏的,且与原始的蒙特卡洛方法相比具有较小的方差。

7、An estimator is a random variable ─── 估计量是一个随机变量。

8、The performance of channel estimator determines the performance of the MIMO systems because of the interference between various antennas and the inter-symbol interference (ISI). ─── MIMO系统中,由于各天线间干扰以及码间干扰等问题的存在,信道估计性能成为影响系统性能的决定性因素。

9、Thus the estimator is an efficient estimator which utilizes only a few snapshots to estimate the spectrum. ─── 该方法是一种可以利用少量快拍进行谱估计的有效方法。

10、The new estimator has been extended to stratified double sampling and results of a computer-based random simulation study on the performance of the new estimator are reported. ─── 同时给出新估计量的近似方差表达式。最后利用计算机随机模拟验证较正估计量对估计精度的改进。

11、My research concentrates on discretization of model optimal control problem, development of the posteriori error estimator and designment of efficient solver for discrete optimal control problem. ─── 我的研究在于为模型最优控制问题提供离散方案,进行误差估计以及设计快速求解算法。

12、In this estimator, the ANN is to realize the mapping characteristics from dynamic resistance to spot weld mecnanical proterty. ─── 在此估测器中,经训练的神经元网络将用于描述动态电阻曲线与焊点力学性能的映射关系。

13、In this paper laws of the iterated logarithm for quantile density estimator and its derivative estimators areestablished when data are subject to left-truncated and right-censored observations. ─── 对数在左截断右删失数据下,我们基于乘积限估计给出了分位密度估计,获得了分位密度估计及其导数的重对数律.

14、squared error asymptotically efficient estimator ─── 平方误差渐近有效估计量

15、Based on[1],we spread from single parameter to multiparameter and prove consistency and asymptotical normality for multiparametric moment estimator based on the probability integral transformation. ─── 基于[1]将参数的变换矩估计的相合性及渐近正态性推广到多参数情形。

16、The new service simplifies the array of airline fees with the first fully integrated Fees Estimator in Europe, says the company. ─── 该公司说,新的服务通过欧洲首个全面整合的FeesEstimator工具简化了航空公司的票价显示方式。

17、QI Guo-yuan,CHEN Zeng-qiang,XUE Wei,et al.A new differential state estimator and controller for nonlinear stochastic system[J].ACTA Electronica Cinica,2004,32(4):693-696. ─── [3]齐国元,陈增强,薛薇,等.一类新型非线性随机系统微分状态估计器和控制器[J].电子学报,2004,32(4):693-696.

18、These two parameters of each subband coefficients are obtained by the maximum-likehood estimator. ─── 同时采用极大似然方法进行两个参数的估计。

19、A modified channel estimator based on NRA ─── 一种改进的基于NRA的信道估计器

20、Small sample properties are derived for the estimator from simple random samples. ─── 我们推导简单随机抽样下该估计值的小样本性质。

21、Also Iintroduce REQML estimator which has good properties in the model have many week instruments,and two moment estimator:MM and MMK estimator. ─── 介绍了含有大量工具变量,且很多都比较弱的情形下性质比较好的REQML估计(随机效应拟极大似然估计),同时介绍了另外两种矩估计:MM估计,MMK估计。

22、The kurtosis estimator for weighted samples is formally identical to the estimator for unweighted samples, except that the weighted counterparts of all measures it depends on are to be taken. ─── 加权样本的峰度估算在形式上与非加权样本是一样的,除了所依赖的所有测算都换为加权的版本。

23、The damage estimator was trained to learn the relationship among bridge coordinates, structure types, PGAs and damage levels to bridges based on the data collected from the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. ─── 另外一方面,利用在921地震中所调查到的桥梁基本资料、PGA加速度以及桥梁实际破坏情形则作为训练类神经网路系统的资料。

24、We are discussing whether OLS estimator satisfy asymptotic normality. ─── 我们讨论是否OLS估计量满足渐近正态性。

25、Consistency of an estimator is an important property, but it alone does not allow us to perform statistical inference. ─── 估计量的一致性是一条重要性质,但我们并不能只靠它来进行统计推断。

26、Baysian DOA Estimator by Gibbs Sampling ─── 基于Gibbs采样的贝叶斯多目标高分辨方位估计


28、Impact of Source Number Estimator on DOA Accuracy ─── 信源数目欠估计、过估计对DOA估计精度的影响

29、If S is the number of nodes used to make the estimation (3 is usually enough), S/Xs is one estimator without bias for the number of nodes of the net. ─── 您同时也要向我们保证您所提交的内容是您自己所作,或得自一个不受版权保护或相似自由的来源。

30、traditional COMOMO II method requires an estimator to manipulate all twenty-two parameters. ─── 传统的COMOMO II方法需要评估人员使用全部22个参数。

31、Comparison of M-estimator and LTS Estimator in Regression. ─── LTS回归与M估计稳健性的比较。

32、This article discusses some methods to calculate the estimator minimum variance of the finite population mean which had been given in[1].It also makes s... ─── 对文[1]中给出的求有限总体均值估计量最小方差的几种方法进行了讨论,并对其求解方法进行了改进。

33、If we are presented with an estimator that is both linear and unbiased, then we know that the variance of this estimator is at least as large as that from OLS. ─── 如果有人向我们提出一个线性无偏估计量,那我们就知道,此估计量的方差至少和OLS估计量的方差一样大。

34、So that, in RX needs a well estimator to reconstruct original signal. ─── 因此,在接收端需要有一个良好的估测系统来还原信号。

35、The definition of the maximum likelihood estimator with the prior information (PMLE) is given in this paper, and the consistency and asymptotic normality of PMLE are proved. ─── 摘要定义了有先验信息的极大似然估计,它能够充分利用参数的先验信息,还具有正规条件下的相合性和渐近正态性。

36、A multiple-model (MM) estimator with a variable structure (VSMM), called model group switching (MGS) algorithm, could track the targets with complicated movement. ─── 摘要在变结构多模估计当中,有一种算法称之为模型组转换算法,其可以用于跟踪运动规律较为复杂的目标。

37、NSB entropy and mutual information estimator; applications to the analysis of neural code. ─── 主题:生物信息学(),信息分析(),数学(),物理

38、We discuss the parameter estimation of uniform distribution in a circle. Based on the order statistic, we obtain the estimator and confidence interval of the radius. ─── 摘要研究了圆内二维均匀分布的参数估计,利用次序统计量得到了圆的半径的估计量与置信区间。

39、A multitaper spectral estimator is built based on the minimization of a cost function. ─── 利用最小化代价函数的方法推导了一种谱分析的多窗口。

40、This paper proposes a new Maximum Likelihood Channel Estimator(MLE) based on all-phase FFT(ap-FFT) algorithm for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) system. ─── 摘要 在OFDM系统中设计了一种基于全相位快速傅里叶变换算法的最大似然信道估计器。

41、Develop construction plans and provide construct ability analysis (Construction Estimator). ─── 开发建筑计划并提供能力分析(建筑测算师)

42、In order to estimate the number of coherent signals more effectively,proposes a Gerschgorin radii estimator that is designed for small array. ─── 摘要 针对均匀线阵提出了一种适用于小阵列去相关处理的盖氏圆准则应用方法。

43、This work presented all application of the Kalman filter with a recursive estimator to determine the excitation forces of structures. ─── 摘要本文主旨系探讨使用卡尔漫滤波器结合一递迴之估测器来估测-带集中质量之悬臂梁上之激振力。

44、TripAdvisor is pushing the "fees estimator" as a key selling feature... ─── TripAdvisor已经推出了“fees estimator”(费用估计工具)作为主要的卖点。

45、To prove that OLS estimators are asymptotically efficient, one needs to (1) present an estimator that is consistent but its variance is larger. ─── 为了证明OLS估计量是渐近有效的,我们需要(1)给出一致的估计量但证明它有更大的方差。

46、Secondly, under the square loss, we construct the asymptotically optimal and admissible empirical Bayes estimator of the mean for normal distribution, theconvergence rate O(n~(-1)) is also obtained. ─── 其次,在平方损失下构造了正态分布均值的渐近最优和可容许的经验Bayes估计,并得到了其收敛速度为O(n~(-1))。

47、If table statistics are not available, then the estimator uses the number of extents occupied by the table to estimate the base cardinality. ─── 如果表统计数据是无效的,那么估计器使用占用的表扩展来估计基本的行集数。

48、In fact, we can choose the estimator of which the variance estimation is smaller. ─── 在实际应用中,本文也提出了通过比较方差估计作为选取估计量的准则。

49、The estimator and the project manager meet to review and discuss the estimate within 2 working days of winning the bid. ─── 中标后2个工作日内,召开估价人和项目经理会对本次估价进行审核、讨论。

50、A fast convergence Bayesian estimator of the class A model parameters is derived and calculated using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedure. ─── 摘要基于马氏链蒙特卡罗法(MCMC),提出一种快速收敛特性的A类噪声模型参数贝叶斯估计算法。

51、Experiments on face recognition and spectrum pattern recognition are conducted to investigate the classification accuracy with the developed covariance matrix estimator. ─── 利用人脸和光谱模式识别的实验,对所发展的协方差矩阵估计器进行了探索。

52、Kalman filter is a linear minimum variance state estimator, and it combined array antenna and multiuser detection effectively. ─── 卡尔曼滤波是一种线性最小方差状态估计,把它有效地结合阵列天线与多用户检测。

53、The range of CFO can be coped with, the variance of the estimator and the Cramer-Rao bound are analyzed. ─── 分析了算法的估计范围、方差性能以及Cramer-Rao下界。

54、From the result of simulation and empirical study, the improved method and the new robust estimator are good for resisting outliers and decrease their influence greatly. ─── 从模拟和实证的结果来看,改进后的的方法和新的稳健估计量确实能够对离群值起到很好的抵抗作用,大幅度地降低它们对计算结果的影响。

55、The Ratio Estimator with Known Numerator ─── 分子已知情况下的比率估计量

56、This dissertation proposes a robust controller design and a position estimator for micro permanent magnet synchronous motor drive systems. ─── 摘要:本论文提出微型永磁同步电动机驱动系统的强健控制器设计及其转轴角度估测器。

57、From reducing of the deviation of parameter estimation, using the partial residual and least square method, the optimal estimator of parameters and non-parameters component is derived. ─── 从减少参数估计的偏差出发,利用偏残差法并综合最小二乘法,得到了参数和非参数分量的最优估计量。

58、Based on sample data which may be correlated and have certain ergodic property, a finite element estimator with multi-stage adaptive filters is designed to estimate the associated (stationary) density function. ─── 摘要基于可能相关并具有某种遍厉性的样本数据,该文设计了一个具有多级自适应滤波器的有限元估计器去估计相应的(平稳)密度函数。

59、In this paper, a simple and practical randomized design technique for sensitive question survey is proposed. Further, the estimator of the mean and the variance of this estimator are given. ─── 摘要本文提出一种方便且实用的敏感问题调查策略,并讨论了估计量及其方差以及精度与保护度之间的关系。结果指出精度与保护度之间存在不可调和的矛盾。

60、In this paper, we discuss the ridge estimator and the prinripal component es-timator are "close" in the sense of Euclidian when we limited the ridge parameter k in aspectal range. ─── 当法方程的系数阵呈病态时,平差参数的最小二乘估计不再是一个良好估计. 为改进最小二乘估计,许多学者提出了众多的有偏估计方法,其中影响最大的是岭估计和主成分估计.

61、A second order dynamicstate estimator which incorporates the full non-linearities of the measurement function is used for the filtering step. ─── 包括完全非线性的测量函数的二阶动态状态估计用于过滤步骤。

62、Full information maximum likelihood estimator ─── 完全信息极大似然估计量

63、The result calculated by the Needs Estimator is only a guide based on your information . ─── 根据您提供的资料所计算的结果仅作参考。

64、A new covariance matrix estimator is developed, and a formula for fast estimation of regularization parameters is derived. ─── 发展了一种新的协方差矩阵估计器,导出了一个快速估计正则化参数的公式。

65、Generalized Moment Estimator of Parameter ─── 参数的广义矩法估计

66、But, the fee estimator only appears to work for domestic tickets in the US. ─── 然而,这个费用估计工具只能应用于美国的国内机票。

67、From the estimator’s point of view, premachining takes an item that is difficult to estimate and simplifies it considerably. ─── 估价者的观点认为,预制工艺承担了一项难以评估的项目并相当程度地简化了它。

68、Under some regular conditions, a proposed estimator is proved to be asymptotically normal and convergent rate. ─── 在一些正则条件下证明了该估计量的渐近正态性,同时给出估计量的收敛速度。

69、The Bahadur representations for this quantile estimator are established in order to derive asymptotic properties of the sequential fixed-width confidence intervals estimation for quantiles. ─── 作为副产品,获得了分位数估计近邻点的Bahadur表示定理. 这个表示定理是推导分位数固定宽度序贯置信区间估计渐近性质的重要基础.

70、A low complexity channel estimation algorithm is presented for broadband OFDM system based on the tracking of multipath time delays.The estimator's performance and compute complexity is analysed. ─── 摘要本文针对宽带正交频分复用(OFDM)系统,提出了一种低复杂度的基于对多径时延跟踪的信道估计算法,并分析了信道估计的均方误差性能和计算复杂度。

71、The practice indicates that using geological multiple bundaries and geological paired method to limit Kriging estimator can efficiently improve accuracy of geological model. ─── 实践表明,用地质复合边界及地质配对法限制克里格法估值能有效提高地质模型精度。

72、The simulation result shows that the system consisting of the estimator boasts a fast response, small torque ripple and good robustness. ─── 仿真结果表明,使用该辨识器的系统响应迅速、转矩脉动小、鲁棒性好。

73、In terms of the ideal estimator and typical maneuver trajectory, the submarine stealthy attack capability is presented and detailed. ─── 它刻画出的是“潜艇隐蔽攻击能力的上限”,认识这种上限的数量特性是主要工作。

74、In the random censorship from the right model, weak limit theorems for Bahadur Kiefer type processes based on the smoothed PL estimator and smoothed PL quantile estimator are established. ─── 在随机右删失情况下,我们证明了基于平滑PL估计和平滑PL分位点估计的Bahadur-Kiefer型过程的弱极限定理

75、Is it possible for an estimator to be biased in finite sample but consistent in large sample? ─── 一个估计量是否有可能在有限样本中是有偏的但又具有一致性?

76、The studies of the witness from the psychologists view have had two ways of estimator variables and system variables and much achievement. ─── 目击见证的心理学研究已形成了沿着估计变量和系统变量两个方向进行的思路,并取得了大量的研究成果。

77、Nonparametric estimator for mean of population ─── 总体均值的非参数估计

78、By assuming that the probability that poststratum size equal to zero is negiligibly small, the estimator can be justified in Bayesian terms based on an inherent superpopulation model. ─── 在超族群模式下,经由贝氏分析可以证实估计值的合理性。

79、uniformly best constant risk estimator ─── 一致最佳不变风险估计量

80、When the estimator is unbiased, the numerical estimate is frequently also called unbiased. ─── 当估计量无偏时,数字估计值也常叫做无偏的。

81、Abstract: In this paper, a new kind of moment-type extreme value index estimator was proposed, and its weak and strong consistency, asymptotic normality were obtained. ─── 摘 要: 本文在矩型估计量的基础上提出了一类新的矩型估计量,讨论了其强弱相合性,并在一定条件下证明了它的渐近正态性.

82、Consistency of change-point estimator is proved and its rate of convergence is established under weak assumptions. ─── 在较弱的条件下证明了变点估计的一致性,并得到了佑计的收敛率;

83、Test of significance of estimator ─── 估计量显著性检验

84、This paper presents a kind of direct torque control with a stator resistance estimator for an AC motor speed-governing system based on fuzzy logic control. ─── 介绍一种基于模糊控制理论的定子电阻辨识器的直接转矩控制交流电机调速系统。

85、In this thesis, a joint symbol timing and carrier frequency offset estimator is proposed for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. ─── 中文摘要本论文里,我们提出了一个应用在正交分频多工系统中的符元时间与载波频率误差估测器。

86、Abstract: Objective The collinearity in data can produce inaccurate estimator and test. ─── 摘 要: 目的共线关系可产生不准确的估计及检验。现有的处理方法都存在不同程度的缺陷。

87、We prove a priori error estimate of this new method.We also give residual-type a posteriori error estimator of it.Numerical experiments are carried out to support our theory. ─── 对此法进行了先验误差分析并给出其残量型后验误差估计,且通过数值实验验证了该方法及其自适应方法的有效性。

88、The estimator employed a least squares algorithm in compute the magnitudes and, therefore, the onset time histories of the forces. ─── 以一最小二乘演算法来估测其激振力的大小。

89、The skewness estimator for weighted samples is formally identical to the estimator for unweighted samples, except that the weighted counterparts of all measures it depends on are to be taken. ─── 加权样本的偏度估算法形式上与非加权样本的相同,除了对所依赖的所有测量都使用加权的方式。

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