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09-07 投稿


collocating 发音

英:[ˈkɒləkeɪtɪŋ]  美:[ˈkɑːləkeɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

collocating 中文意思翻译




collocating 词性/词形变化,collocating变形

动词现在分词: collocating |动词过去式: collocated |动词过去分词: collocated |动词第三人称单数: collocates |

collocating 相似词语短语

1、allocating ─── n.分配;vt.配置(allocate的ing形式)

2、convocating ─── 会议

3、colligating ─── vt.综合;绑

4、colocating ─── 驻扎在同一地点

5、collimating ─── adj.准直的

6、collating ─── v.校对;整理;授予(牧师)有俸圣职(collate的现在分词)

7、collecting ─── 聚集;收集(collect的现在分词)

8、collocations ─── n.搭配;配置;搭配词(collocation的复数);并列

9、collocation ─── n.搭配;配置;排列

collocating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、collocating optimization ─── 配置优化

2、Successful editing activity is depended on whether editor can follow editing law, conform with the era tideway, be good for collocating and utilizing all kinds of resources and condition. ─── 摘要成功的编辑活动取决于编辑能否遵循编辑规律,顺应时代潮流,对包括人、财、物在内的多种资源和条件实行有效配置和合理利用。

3、First of all, from the resource collocating angle, if it is competitive management field, it should be adjusted by the market economy. ─── 再次,社会资源的主要配置者应该是市场,财政的职能也应该界定在市场机制失灵的范围内。

4、Controllability and observability are analyzed to the hydraulic hitch.The best performance is given through peaks random collocating. ─── 同时采用了现代控制理论方法对液压悬挂系统进行了可控性和可观测性分析,通过任意配置极点可使系统性能达到最优。

5、On the other hand, we must advance the most competitive efficiency of load and unload according collocating equipments reasonably in container ports. ─── 另一个很重要的方面就是通过对现有码头设备合理配置来提高码头最具竞争力的装卸效率。

6、Principle of Collocating Voltage Mutual Inductance Unit and Common Method of Treating Malfunction ─── 电压互感器的配置原则及常见的事故处理方法

7、The choice of entrepreneur actually is a collocating problem. Signals include degree, experience and personal capital and society capital. ─── 企业家的选择问题实际上是企业家的配置问题,企业家人力资本市场配置信号包括:个人学历、经历和业绩,个人资本,社会资本等三个方面。

8、Keywords resource;optimizing collocating;model; ─── 资源;优化配置;模型;

9、By simplifying the items of Fourier series expansion and collocating with convergence of Gauss-Newton algorithm, accurate parameters can be solved faster and the error is lower than 5%. ─── 还藉著简化傅立叶级数的项数并搭配上高斯牛顿演算法的收敛特性,让精确的参数可以被快速求解,其误差都是控制在5%以下。

10、analyze their semantic feature and collocating feature; ─── “吃+一般食物”;“吃+特殊食物”;

11、Collocating peony with chthonian figures, roosters and carps forms the aura of splendid grace and mysterious darkness. ─── 形成了华丽高贵却又带点黑暗神秘悲伤的奇妙氛围。

12、Logistics enterprises in employee recruitment, staff collocating, motivational three aspects should take scientific measures, to the human resources management "leverage" positive effects. ─── 物流企业在员工招聘、人员配置、员工激励三方面应采取科学的措施,以发挥人力资源管理的“杠杆”正效应。

13、On the base of expatiating the designing,choosing, collocating and deteriorating mechanism of NSP fire-proof material,the rationalizing usage and experiences are introduced in this paper. ─── 在阐述预分解窑耐火材料的设计、选用、配套和损坏机理的基础上,详细介绍了耐火材料的合理使用方法和使用经验。

14、Be adapted with manostat for controlling occluded which assures the quality of seaming. Collocating of hydraulic pressure system, using with energy saving, safty and easy-going measures etc. ─── 液压系统的配置,采用节能,安全,方便调整等措施,以保证产品的质量。

15、Study of Collocating Traffic Capacity of Urban Public Transport ─── 公交车辆配置量计算方法研究

16、These kinds of pressure gauges for measuring the pressure and vacuum of special medium under special environment,And they collocating any tupes accord to your requirement. ─── 该仪表用于测量特殊环境下,特殊介质的正负压力,也可根据需要制成几类的组合。

17、The paper expatiates the technical index being thought over when optimizing and collocating the coiled tube and gives out some principles being taken into acco... ─── 本文阐述了连续油管设备优选和配置需考虑的技术指标,并给出了配置连续油管设备时应考虑的原则。

18、NSP fire-proof materials collocating and its rationalizing usage ─── 窑外分解窑耐火材料配套及合理使用

19、Alarming items with the collocating method of LED are displayed by showing Err- and codes.The parameters are collocated by controlling the four keys on the front panel. ─── 所有的参数均采用数字化调整,摒弃了常规电位器的模拟调整方法,提高了整机的可靠性和稳定性。

20、Role of Meteorological Station Collocating Position in Launching Process of Long Range Rocket Launcher System ─── 气象站配置位置在远程火箭炮发射中的作用

21、The Microcomputer Calculation of Specific Surface Area of the Mineralogical Abrasive Powder and Collocating Application of Particle Measurement Instrument ─── 矿物磨料微粉体比表面积微机化计算与粒度仪配套应用研究

22、University personnel management aims at optimizing the collocating of human resource in universities. ─── 高校人事管理的目标是优化配置高校人力资源,提高办学效益。

23、And I'm skilled in the collocating and debugging of routers, fireproofing-walls and commuters. ─── 我很熟练,在配置与调试路由器,防火-墙壁和通勤。

24、Problems of Horizontal Equilibrium of Collocating Financial Capacity Among Governments ─── 政府间财政能力配置横向均衡问题探讨

25、Based on the Nash equilibrium,the compensation schemes of the two water resource collocating modes,the water rights trade and the administrative intermediation are gained,and the game propert... ─── 不同的补偿方式对应着不同的补偿量,在实际应用中可根据应急调水的实际情况,选择一种方式或多种方式联合应用,为管理者的决策提供参考。

26、Controlling a Unified Chaotic System by Collocating the Lyapunov Exponents[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李国辉,雷云逸,徐得名,周世平.

27、Degreasing rates of different surfactants were measured by weight method.Three surfactants JFC6,CAB30 and 601 with prime synergistic effect are chose by collocating and turbidity measuring. ─── 采用重量法测定各种不同表面活性剂的脱脂率,对表面活性剂进行复配,并结合表面活性剂的浊点等其他性质确定了协同作用最好的3种表面活性剂:JFC-6、CAB-30和601。

28、Keywords Constructed wetland;Plant;Biodiversity index;Functional group;Collocating model;Evaluation; ─── 人工湿地;植物;多样性指数;功能群;配置模式;价值评估;

29、collocating principles ─── 布置原则

30、The paper analysis the speciality of design calculation about a boiler collocating air-preheater other two boilers needed. ─── 分析了一台锅炉加挂其它两台锅炉所需空预器设计计算的特殊性,提出了有效的计算方法。

31、Firstly, the transparency of administration is low. The public participation in collocating social resource is rarity. ─── 一是行政权力运行透明度低,政府对公共资源配置的决策过程缺少公众参与。

32、In English there are a lot of verbs collocating with the preposition on ─── 英语中有许多动词与介词on 搭配。

33、The public participation in collocating social resource is rarity. ─── 政府机构控制着80%的公共管理信息,社会掌握的政务信息不超过20%。

34、Microwave communication supervision system collocating and applications ─── 大兴安岭林业微波通讯监控系统配置与应用

35、essential of public budget is collocating scarce resources. ─── 公共预算的实质在于配置稀缺资源。

36、The disquisition results are important reference that the development of tobacco with characteristics and the resource collocating of tobacco leaf in Yunnan Province. ─── 本文研究结果对云南特色烟叶开发和烟叶资源配置具有重要的参考作用。

37、The local governments can play a positive role in making regional industrial cluster strategy, innovating policy system, providing suitable service and collocating resources. ─── 本文提出地方政府应“有所为,有所不为”,可以在产业集群发展的战略规划,制度创新与环境配套,以及通过资源配置来促进集群发展方面起到积极作用。

38、It expatiates on type selecting and collocating of systematic important parts such as data communication system, industrial computer and PLC etc. ─── 针对系统重要的组成部分,如数据通信系统设备、工控机和PLC配置与选型做了阐述。

39、Firstly,the transparency of administration is low.The public participation in collocating social resource is rarity. ─── 一是行政权力运行透明度低,政府对公共资源配置的决策过程缺少公众参与。

40、Pole collocating ─── 极点配置

41、By amplifying on the relevant Port &Waterway Engineering Design Criterions, the analysis shows the principles and/or suggestions on calculating and collocating group bollards. ─── 对“系船柱群”的布置及系缆力的计算原则,依据现行水运工程设计规范的基本要求,进行了有针对性的、深入的分析和切合实际的引伸,最后提出相应的建议。

42、The basic signification of adverse selection is that the market"s collocating function will be inefficient because of the behavior of the traders when the information is asymmetric. ─── 逆向选择的基本含义是指在市场信息不对称的条件下,经济人的博弈过程会导致市场资源配置的无效率。

43、collocating air-preheater ─── 加挂空预器

44、Keywords Apparel,marketing,climate,selling time,collocating; ─── 服装;市场营销;气候;新装上市;产品组合;

45、Thereinto, there put up a strong matching between the entrepreneurial capacity about discovering opportunity, conforming, collocating and the different phases of enterprise's lifecycle. ─── 其中,企业家发现机会的能力、整合资源的能力、配置资源的能力与企业生命周期不同阶段表现出很强的适配性。

46、NBAA strictly requires carbide rods collocating with different graded coating. ─── NBAA成立至今,一直致力于铣刀的研发。

47、Microeconomics is the science for studying rational collocating economic resources among the families, manufacturer and market. ─── 微观经济学主要研究家庭、厂商和市场合理配置经济资源的科学。

48、It demands different regions collocating the chain of industries sur rounding growth pole, promoting regional economic integration and determining th e directions of the industry structures. ─── 这就要求不同地区必须围绕增长级配置产业链,实行区域经济一体化,确定产业结构导向。

49、And I'm skilled in the collocating and debugging of routers, fireproofing-walls and commuters. ─── 我很熟练,在配置与调试路由器,防火-墙壁和通勤。

50、TANG Li-hua,DING Kun.Several problems in collocating an adjustable speed pump setup[J].Journal of Anhui Institute of Architecture(Natural Science), 1996,4(1):5-8. ─── [5]汤利华,丁琨.水泵调速机组配置中若干问题的研究[J].安徽建筑工业学院学报(自然科学版),1996,4(1):5-8.

51、It is more important to settle the problems of corporation size too small, cost too much, overage competition, throughput decentralization, and efficiency of resources collocating too low while china has become a member of WTO. ─── 尤其是,我国已经加入世界贸易组织,解决企业规模小、成本费用高、竞争过度、生产能力分散、资源配置效率较低这些问题显得更为迫切。

52、By collocating community resource efficiently, a successful strategic business transfer can take full advantage of assets and enhance economic benefit with fast speed. ─── 从国外的理论和实践来看,企业战略性业务转型是改善企业经营业绩的一种有效方式。

53、collocating growing ─── 搭配栽培

54、To avoid such mistake, enterprise should try to keep the balance in left brain type and right brain type while collocating the leadership. ─── 而要想避免这样的错误,企业需要在领导力的配置上寻求左脑型和右脑型的平衡。

55、Market performance analysis includes economic performance, technical performance and recourse collocating performance. ─── 市场绩效的分析主要包括经济绩效、技术绩效和资源配置绩效。

56、Collocating structure of production elements and human capital also have significantly positive effect. ─── 要素配置结构和人力资本水平也表现出非常重要的促进影响。

57、When collocating the sensors, a minimum separation must be kept between the devices in order to avoid mutual influence. ─── 当传感器并置,最低分之间必须保持的设备,以避免相互影响。

58、On the basis of cost frugality theory and the way of collocating optimized resources theory, the author advances the idea of how to improve the quality of unbalanced criminal proceedings. ─── 根据成本节俭和资源优化配置这二条效率增长的原理,提出了改进我国刑事诉讼效率机制的构思。

59、The problem whether meteorological station collocating position is suitable has important effect on firing process and result of long range rocket launcher system. ─── 气象站配置位置合适与否将对远程火箭炮发射产生重大影响,进而影响射击效果。

60、Software Collocating Tool and the Management of the BES Data Off-Line System ─── BES离线数据处理系统的管理和配置工具软件

61、Keywords Constructed wetland;Eutrophication;Nutrient uptake;Photosynthesis;Microbe;Enzymatic activity;Collocating model; ─── 人工湿地;富营养化;营养吸收;光合;微生物;酶活性;配置模式;

62、To collocating with sunscreen or whitener, it could acquire the best effect on conditioning and whitening. ─── 可与防晒美白修护精华搭配使用,防护,调理,彻底美白效果更好。

63、Forth, collocating the English teaching course in the countryside and the languages environment reasonably. ─── 四是合理优化农村英语教学课程设置与语言环境。

64、Scientific collocating litigation and the People's mediation is the important factor in realizing and founding harmonious society. ─── 通过诉讼与人民调解等非诉讼纠纷解决机制的科学配置及时的化解社会矛盾是实现和建构和谐社会的关键所在。

65、FBGs are used on long-term monitoring a highway bridge and collocating remote control to set up a complete monitoring bridge system. ─── 本文在研究有关光纤光栅于桥梁监测之研究,运用光纤光栅感测器针对中二高乌日桥进行长期的监测,并搭配远端讯号传输,建构一套完整的桥梁监测系统。

66、Capital managing means to the activity of collocating each factor of productivity on the property right, on the base of productivityfactor capitalized (property right materialized and quantified). ─── 资本运营,是指在生产力要素资本化(明晰产权、量化产权)的基础上,在产权层次上直接配置生产力各要素的活动。

67、Thereinto, the factor of the form of collocating steel affecting the ultimate loads of pile cap is distinct and can not be ignored. ─── 从承台的荷载与混凝土应变关系曲线,厚承台受力超过弹性阶段后的变形规律可以看出,平均应变平截面假定在厚承台中是不成立的。

68、one quantifier collocating with multiple nouns ─── “一量多名”

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