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09-06 投稿



desideratum 发音

英:[dɪ,zɪdə'rɑːtəm; -'reɪtəm; -,sɪd-]  美:[dɪ'zɪdə'rɑtəm]

英:  美:

desideratum 中文意思翻译



desideratum 网络释义

n. 迫切需要之物;所愿望之物

desideratum 词性/词形变化,desideratum变形

名词复数: desiderata |

desideratum 短语词组

1、desideratum lyrics ─── 欲望抒情诗

2、desideratum mean ─── 需求平均值

3、desideratum examples ─── 需求实例

4、desideratum definition ─── 需求定义

5、desideratum antonym ─── 需求反义词

6、desideratum poem ─── 欲望诗

7、desideratum define ─── 需求定义

desideratum 相似词语短语

1、desiderata ─── n.(拉丁)迫切需要得到之物(desideratum的复数);n.(Desiderata)人名;(英)德西德蕾塔

2、desiderates ─── v.渴望

3、desiderative ─── adj.愿望的;n.愿望动词

4、desiderating ─── v.渴望

5、desiderium ─── n.渴望;怀旧感

6、desiderated ─── v.渴望

7、desiderate ─── v.渴望

8、desideratives ─── adj.愿望的;n.愿望动词

9、desideration ─── 迫切需要

desideratum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1.The desideratum is not merely a higher arterial pressure in the treatment of shock but a higher pressure which provides an increased nutritive flow through the capillaries all over the body. ─── 治疗休克,迫切需要的不仅仅是较高的动脉压,而且需要较高的血压,以增多起营养作用的血流量,使之通过全身毛细血管。

2、This would be fine if zero regulation were the social desideratum, but it is not. ─── 如果零管制是社会需要的那将很好,但并不是这样。

3、The point is not that the artist has 'penetrated the character' of his sitter, that commonplace desideratum of portraiture(Robert Hughes) ─── 关键并不是画家洞察了他的模特儿的性格特征以表现肖像画通常表达的意义(罗伯特 休斯)

4、desideratum n. ─── 所愿望之物;

5、The point is not that the artist has ‘penetrated the character’ of his sitter,that commonplace desideratum of portraiture(Robert Hughes) ─── 关键并不是画家洞察了他的模特儿的性格特征以表现肖像画通常表达的意义(罗伯特·休斯)

6、Her only desideratum was health. ─── 她唯一的希望就是身体健康。

7、bad fraction of the desideratum, but one that will be hard to sustain in the face of the world's economic difficulties. ─── 这还不算太糟,但在全球经济面临困境的当下,想维持这一水平却又是个难题。

8、"The point is not that the artist has ‘penetrated the character’ of his sitter, that commonplace desideratum of portraiture" (Robert Hughes) ─── “关键并不是画家洞察了他的模特儿的性格特征以表现肖像画通常表达的意义”(罗伯特·休斯)

9、would be fine if zero regulation were the social desideratum, but it is not. ─── 如果零管制是社会需要的那将很好,但并不是这样。

10、If it can be dealt with, that will be a huge step towards the ultimate desideratum of HIV research-a simple and effective cure. ─── 如果这些问题解决了,那么就会朝向艾滋病研究的终极目标,即简单有效地治愈艾滋病,又前进了一大步。

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