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09-06 投稿


importune 发音

英:[,ɪmpɔː'tjuːn]  美:[,ɪmpɔr'tun]

英:  美:

importune 中文意思翻译



importune 网络释义

vi. 强求;胡搅蛮缠vt. 强求;一再向某人要求

importune 词性/词形变化,importune变形

名词: importuner |动词过去式: importuned |副词: importunely |动词现在分词: importuning |动词过去分词: importuned |动词第三人称单数: importunes |

importune 短语词组

1、importune verb ─── 强求动词

2、importune define ─── 强制定义

3、importune definition ─── 输入定义

4、importune antonym ─── 强求反义词

5、importune noun ─── 强求名词

6、importune meaning ─── 强求意义

7、importune latin ─── 强求拉丁语

8、importune sb for sth ─── 向某人强求某物

9、importune means ─── 强求意味着

importune 反义词


importune 同义词

consequence | ingress | introduction | moment | take in | trade in | admit | bring in | introduce | bring | substance | implication | take | significance |meaning | in | importance | effect | signification | smuggle | importee | receive | spell | sense | importation

importune 相似词语短语

1、important ─── adj.重要的,重大的;有地位的;有权力的

2、importuner ─── 导入调谐器

3、importunes ─── vi.强求;胡搅蛮缠;vt.强求;一再向某人要求

4、importunate ─── adj.再三要求的,纠缠不休的;无理的;坚持的;令人烦恼的

5、importee ─── n.从外国(或外地)移来的人;移民

6、importing ─── v.[贸易]进口(import的现在分词);导入

7、importuned ─── vi.强求;胡搅蛮缠;vt.强求;一再向某人要求

8、importunely ─── 急切地

9、importance ─── n.价值;重要;重大;傲慢

importune 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、figure importune survival, development wit! ─── 图强求生存,斗智斗勇谋发展!

2、to importune somebody for something ─── 缠着某人要某物

3、Importune one's creditors for an extension of the borrowing period/to extend the borrowing period ─── 再三乞求债权人延长借贷期限.

4、But this business did not clinch a deal finally, because of him himself most be fed up with have on the website float advertisement, also cannot importune oneself user likewise. ─── 当大家不熟悉电脑使用、不熟悉互联网的时候,怎么能够帮助大家就是他们责无旁贷的事情,互联网在中国发展的初期,主要就是靠一批个人站长的热情在支撑,不计代价。

5、However, how to select appropriate model?We should do according to practice, not importune unification. ─── 如何选择合适的模式,要从各地实际情况出发,毋需强求统一。

6、She importune her husband for more money. ─── 她不断请求她丈夫多给她些钱。

7、slowly just know, there are many things that do not belong to you, you will encounter hard importune send for a day. ─── 慢慢的才知道,有很多东西是不属于你的,你使劲强求会遭天遣的。

8、to harass sb. with unreasonable demands; to pester sb. endlessly; to importune ─── 胡搅蛮缠

9、Lover and family are very important,but that cann't importune. ─── 有爱人、有家固然重要,但是强求不来的。

10、Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you. I only want to love you to my last sight. ─── 不管怎么样,最重要的是,我不想强求或委屈您,我只想守着您直到瞑目之时。

11、But I will no longer importune my young cousin. ─── 可是我也不愿意勉强我那年轻的表妹。”

12、Be it lawful I love thee, as thou lovest thoseWhom thine eyes woo as mine importune thee:Root pity in thy heart, that when it growsThy pity may deserve to pitied be. ─── 我爱你,你爱他们,都一样正当,尽管你追求他们而我讨你厌。让哀怜的种子在你心里暗长,终有天你的哀怜也得人哀怜。

13、I importune you to help them. ─── 我恳求你去帮助他们。

14、To entreat, solicit, or importune. ─── 恳求恳求、请求或强求

15、Nevertheless, to gem, she does not have special hobby however, however off-the-peg design goes, do not importune must order do. ─── 不过,对于珠宝,她却没有非凡的嗜好,而是现成的款式就行,不强求一定要订做。

16、Be about to communicate complete spirit the target that should become a gender, target itself can make a person abstracted, importune spirit desire syncretic, achieve not easily instead. ─── 把彻底的灵欲交流当做性的目标,目标本身就会令人分心,强求灵欲合一,反而不易达到。

17、They are not corrupt much, do not pursue big, do not importune, the project is mature, carry out, consolidate, the; ─── 他们不贪多、不图大、不强求,项目成熟一个、实施一个、巩固一个,逐步推进的务实态度;

18、Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you. I only want to love you to my last sight. ─── 我不会去强求和妥协你做上面的一切,我希望我在临死之前依然爱你。

19、They told reporters that these so-called fleet AIDS Society in law enforcement often importune, interference or damage to law enforcement. ─── 他们告诉记者,这些所谓的艾滋病协会运输车队,在执法中经常胡搅蛮缠,干扰甚至破坏执法。

20、Therefore the right attitude to fame and wealth is not to importune and not to shuffle them. ─── 所以,对名利的态度应该是,不强求,也不推委。

21、I remember an answer which when quite young I was prompted to make to a valued adviser who was wont to importune me with the dear old doctrines of the church. ─── 记得,当我还很小的时候,有位颇受人尊重的师长。

22、To try to influence, as by insistent arguments; importune or entreat. ─── 敦促试图影响,如用坚持的观点来影响;乞求或请求

23、Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you.I only want to loveyou to my last sight. ─── 不管怎么样,最重要的是,我不想强求或委屈您,我只想受着您直到瞑目之时。

24、My elder brother is a radar man. Every time he goes home, I always importune him to tell me about stories of radar detection. ─── 我哥哥是个雷达兵,他回家时我总缠着他给我讲雷达侦察的事情。

25、Dont't importune yourself any more. ─── 不再强求自己。

26、It is not to importune both sides to achieve orgasm at the same time. ─── 一是不强求双方同时达到性高潮。

27、The affection is too abundant is weakness in sometimes, perhaps the whole is God destine, can't importune. ─── 没几天,阿袁收到家里的回电:顶住!

28、For love,wish you happy as well,and ,leave all the sadness for me ,I would be happy as long as you do ,I won't importune anyone anything even if you won't give me your hand. ─── 爱你,才给你幸福,把所有的难过留给我自己。只要你过得开心, 我就开心。就算你选择的不是我,我也不会强求。

29、If you importune small things into a big problem and you hurts. ─── 35你硬要把单纯的事情看得很严重,那样子你会很痛苦。

30、Importune It suggests an annoying persistence in trying to break down resistance to a request. ─── 它指一种恼人的坚持,试图打破对他人请求的抵制。

31、You are such unreasonable, you really importune me. ─── 你这个人简直不可理喻,胡搅蛮缠。

32、that of all other affections,it is the most importune and continual.For of other affections,there is occasion given,but now and then; ─── 在人类所有情感中,嫉妒是一种最纠缠不休的感情,因其他感情的生发都有特定的时间场合,只是偶尔为之;

33、importune sb for sth ─── 向某人强求某物

34、to request; to beseech; to importune ─── 干求

35、By And he said to his girlfriend is outside, not importune WangBaoJiang now, "it doesn't matter whether outside is not important, may be at that time is relatively immature. ─── 而之前他曾公开说希望自己的女朋友是圈外人,对此王宝强现在并不强求,“没关系,是否圈外人并不重要,可能是那时候还比较幼稚吧。”

36、It is not cost-efficient that sometimes we make ourselves exhausted just to importune something. ─── 有时候为了强求一样东西而令自己的身心都疲惫不堪,是很不划算的。

37、Importune sb with request for ─── 为了。而再三请求某人

38、Doesn't she know this is why?She makes allowances for his hardship, think he perhaps is too tired even sometimes, for this home, why should she importune him? ─── 她不知道这是为什么?她体谅他的辛苦,有时甚至认为他也许是太累了,为了这个家,她为什么要强求他呢?

39、To importune or entangle a person incessantly ─── 死缠活缠

40、Of course most of the time his wife do not want to, but ultimately fail to beat my importune. ─── 妻子当然多数时候不愿意,但终究拗不过我的胡搅蛮缠。

41、that gathers information to offer individuation in different website switch, cannot importune an user to had known they want where to go to, should do what ability to begin to search; ─── 提供个性化的服务,不能强求用户已经知道他们要去哪儿、要做什么才能开始搜索;

42、BAPTISTA.Gentlemen, importune me no farther, For how I firmly am resolv'd you know; ─── 巴普提斯塔:两位先生,你们不必向我多说,因为你们知道我的意思是非常坚决的。

43、I do not wish to importune or compromise you. ─── 豪和宰福。

44、Know feeling is loath obviously not, why even loath? Can this thing importune affection? ─── 明明知道感情勉强不了,为什么还要勉强呢?情感这东西能够强求吗?

45、That may importune the administration to act, but if they don't, there's a strong move in Congress to do so. ─── 这可能会促使政府采取行动,但如果政府没有作为的话,国会会采取强有力的行动。

46、Importune and love is not asked for. ─── 爱不是强求和索求的。

47、She importune her husband for more money. ─── 她不断请求她丈夫多给她些钱。

48、Of course most of the time his wife do not want to, but ultimately fail to beat my importune. ─── 妻子当然多数时候不愿意,但终究拗不过我的胡搅蛮缠。

49、Perhaps, because had these,do not importune the programmer of fame and gain just about, industry opening a source just can obtain so rapid development. ─── 你提到,开发进度与服务保证方面,在于团队,不在于时间。

50、Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you. ─── 总之我不希望你胡搅蛮缠或妥协。

51、27 Therefore the right attitude to fame and wealth is not to importune and not to shuffle them. ─── 所以,对名利的态度应该是,不强求,也不推诿。

52、Nevertheless, to gem, she does not have special hobby however, however off-the-peg design goes, do not importune must order do. ─── 不过,对于珠宝,她却没有非凡的嗜好,而是现成的款式就行,不强求一定要订做。

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