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09-06 投稿



detergency 发音

英:[dɪˈtɜːrdʒənsi]  美:[dɪˈtɜːdʒənsi]

英:  美:

detergency 中文意思翻译



detergency 同义词

daunt | preclude | prevent | prohibit | thwart | frighten | help | forbid | put off | dissuade | hinder |discourage

detergency 反义词


detergency 词性/词形变化,detergency变形

动词过去式: deterged |动词过去分词: deterged |动词第三人称单数: deterges |动词现在分词: deterging |

detergency 短语词组

1、detergency power ─── 去污力

2、detergency builder ─── 去污力建设者

3、detergency pdf ─── 去污pdf

4、detergency of oil ─── 油的去污性

5、detergency definition chemistry ─── 洗涤剂定义化学

6、detergency promoter ─── 去污促进剂

7、detergency test ─── 去污试验

8、detergency and dispersancy ─── 清净性和分散性

9、detergency meaning ─── 清净意义

detergency 相似词语短语

1、detergents ─── n.[化工]洗涤剂(detergent的复数);清洁剂

2、determinacy ─── n.确定性;坚定性

3、divergency ─── n.分离;分歧

4、deterrence ─── n.威慑;妨碍物;挽留的事物

5、detergences ─── n.去垢性;洗净

6、detergencies ─── n.洗净(作用);去垢力,去垢性

7、detergence ─── n.去垢性;洗净

8、detergent ─── n.清洁剂;去垢剂

9、emergency ─── n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的

detergency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Detergency: The process by which soil is dispersion. ─── 清净:土壤是散布的过程。

2、Function:It is excellent foaming and detergency profiles and biodegradable surfactant. It has well anti-hard water efficiency and mild to skin. ─── 性能:具有优良的乳化、发泡、渗透、去污和分散性能,泡沫丰富、细腻,配伍性好。

3、Keywords engine oil;base stock composition;detergency;model; ─── 内燃机油;基础油组成;清净性;模型;

4、fuel detergency ─── 燃料净化性

5、There was a relationship between the conductance activation energy and detergency. ─── 电导活化能与洗涤效果之间有一定的关系。

6、Synergism of the Surfactants and Their Application on the Fabric Detergency ─── 表面活性剂的协同作用及其在织物洗涤中的运用

7、Effect of Soil Composition, Substrate and Washing Condition on Detergency Evaluation ─── 污垢组成、布基、去污条件对去污力评价的影响

8、A new detergency promoter MD can effectively lower the staining during soaping of sanded fabric after reactive printing,and reduce washing times,obtain satisfactory result through application. ─── 通过使用新型的助洗剂MD,有效地降低了磨绒织物活性染料印花后的皂洗沾色,减少了洗水次数,获得了满意的洗水效果。

9、Keywords 2T oil;Detergency;EGD;Biodegradability;Equivalence; ─── 二冲程油;清净性;EGD;生物降解性;等效;

10、Keywords gasoline detergent additive;PIBA;detergency;PIBA derivative;deposit; ─── 汽油清静添加剂;PIBA;清净性能;PIBA衍生物;沉积物;

11、as well as the evaluation on the detergency of CC diesel engine oil by improved panel coker were described. ─── 介绍了板式成焦器的原理和改进,以及应用改进后的板式成焦器对CC柴油机油清净性的评价。

12、apparent detergency ─── 表观去污力

13、This paper reported the investigation on the detergency properties of several commercial two-stroke motorcycle oils which were used on Oingqi AG50 motorcycle in field test. ─── 本文介绍了几种二冲程摩托车专用润滑油在轻骑AG50型轻便摩托车上的野外行车清净性试验研究。

14、To determine optimum formula of borates builders in detergency is necessary. ─── 无论是新型硅酸盐,还是硼酸盐等助剂,都将向复配型助剂发展。

15、The multifunction additive for gasoline GMA developed and formulated here improves the detergency of gasoline obviously, reducing the exhaust gas, CO.CH by ... ─── GMA汽油多效复合添加剂能明显提高汽油的清净性,降低尾气排放CO、CH约50%,节油约5%。

16、The detergency of“national standard powder”and two nonphosphate powder detergent on artificial of soil components,substrate and“national standard swatches”was compared. ─── 通过比较标准粉和两种无磷洗衣粉对人工皮脂污布和标准污布的去污力。

17、Keywords gasoline engine oil;water-cooled;two-stroke cycle;detergency;evaluating test; ─── 汽油机油;水冷;二冲程;清净性;评定试验;

18、Investigation on the Detergency of Two - Stroke Motorcycle Oil in Field Test ─── 二冲程汽油机油清净性行车试验研究


20、detergency builder ─── 去污增效剂

21、A process of producing compact detergent powder with good flowability,high density and detergency was introduced. ─── 介绍了一种具有高密度、良好流动性和高去污力的浓缩洗衣粉的生产方法。

22、Raw material of detergent with good detergency , water-solubility and emulsifiablity. ─── 良好的去污性、分散性和乳化性,用于洗涤剂。

23、Peformance:It is excellent foaming and detergency profiles and biodegradable surfactant. It has well anti-hard water efficincy and mild to skin. ─── 性能:易溶于水,具有优良的去污、乳化、发泡性能和抗硬水性能,生物降解性好。

24、Results showed that the hydrolytic stability of said detergent was significantly affected by the water content,and its detergency and lubricity decreased w... ─── 结果表明,油中的水含量对高碱值硫化烷基酚钙的水解安定性能影响较大,并且随着水含量的增加,油品的清净性能和抗磨性能变差。

25、The detergency of some powdered laundry detergents and been evaluated by the results of the related recycle washings. ─── 通过循环洗涤方法评价洗涤剂的二次去污能力。

26、As in all chemical and physical processes, temperature has an important influence on detergency. ─── 如同所有化学和物理的过程一样,温度对去污作用有重要影响。

27、Excellent detergency and preservation, maintain engine cleanliness, prevent engine corrosion. ─── 优异的清净性和防腐性,保持发动机清洁,防止发动机腐蚀。


29、At the same time, based on the test results, detergency pass index of not less than 69.2 for amphibian oils was determined. ─── 同时,根据试验结果制定了通用油清净性通过指标为清净性评分不小于69.2。

30、Keywords alkylphenol;alkyl salicylate;detergency;oxidation resistence;lubricating oil; ─── 烷基酚;烷基水杨酸盐;清净性;抗氧化性;润滑油;

31、The effects of hydrophobic and hydrophilic chain length of fatty amine ethoxylates on detergency and their effect on laundry product formulations were detailed in this paper. ─── 本文以实验为基础,详细叙述了不同亲水链和疏水链长的脂肪胺聚氧乙烯醚的去污特性及其在家用清洗剂中的洗涤效果。

32、The effects of base oil and viscosity index improver on high temperature detergency of lube oils were studied by the test method of coke forming plate or paint forming plate. ─── 用成焦板(或成漆板)试验法考察了基础油及粘度指数改进剂对润滑油高温清净性的影响。结果表明,基础油的粘度和粘度指数改进剂对油品的高温清净性有很大影响;

33、The detergency of some powdered laundry detergents and been evaluated by the results of the related recycle washings. ─── 通过循环洗涤方法评价洗涤剂的二次去污能力。

34、The high temperature detergency of the engine oil was worse after adding the viscosity index improve... ─── 而在油品中加入粘度指数改进剂会使油品的高温清净性变差,非分散型粘度指数改进剂的负面影响更大。

35、Excellent dispersancy and detergency keeping the engine clean and thus preserving its power. ─── 卓越的分散清净性,保持发动机清洁并有效保存动力。

36、Good detergency and dispensancy. ─── 优异的清净分散性能;

37、Keywords additive;alkyl salicylate calcium;anti-emulsifiability;detergency;anti-foaming property; ─── 添加剂;烷基水杨酸钙;抗乳化性能;清净性能;抗泡沫性能;

38、Because of these properties,microemulsions are interesting media in textile detergency and combine the characteristics of conventional wet cleaning with the solubilization power of organic solvents. ─── 因此微乳在织物去污中作介质可将有机溶剂增溶作用与传统的湿洗特性结合起来。

39、Excellent detergency and scattered anti-gasification, to prevent sediments and produce engines Film and maintain engine cleanliness. ─── 优良的清净分散性和抗氧化性,防止发动机产生沉积物和漆膜,保持发动机清洁。

40、A linear correlation model of base stock composition and engine oil detergency was established.The detergency of engine oils blended by differen... ─── 经分析建立了一个关于基础油组成与油品清净性能线性的模型,利用该模型得到的清净性指数能够区分不同基础油调制油品的清净性。

41、The methods of PIBA synthesis and its posttreatment, detergency of PIBA derivatives, the effects of PIBA detergent on CCD formation and the trend of research and application of PIBA were introduced. ─── PIBA对燃烧室沉积物(CCD)生成的影响,以及引入小的胺类基团和采用低相对分子质量聚异丁烯的PIBA有利于减少CCD。

42、Function:It is excellent foaming and detergency profiles and biodegradable surfactant. ─── 性能:具有优良的乳化、发泡、渗透、去污性能,泡沫丰富、细腻;

43、The evaluation methods for functions of shampoo and bath lotions in Japan were introduced.The functions on foam,detergency and skin smooth of shampoo and bath lotions were evaluated. ─── 本文介绍了日本洗发精和沐浴露的功能性评价方法。对香波和浴液的泡沫、洗净力、皮肤光滑度等功能进行了评价。

44、The detergency,dispersing and wetting properties of alkyl polyglucosides with differences in chain length and average polymerization degree(DP)were evidenced. ─── 对不同碳链和不同聚合度的烷基多苷的去污力、钙皂分散力、润湿力进行了研究和评价。

45、Biosurfactants are used for emulsification, increasing detergency, wetting and phase dispersion, as well as for solubilization. ─── 生物表面活性剂具有乳化作用、增加去污能力、水化能力、相分散性及溶解性。

46、As in all chemical and physical processes, temperature has an important influence on detergency ─── 如同所有化学和物理的过程一样,温度对去污作用有重要影响。

47、Keywords diesel engine oil;additive;detergency and dispersancy; ─── 柴油机油;添加剂;清净分散性;

48、Keywords nonphosphate powder detergent;cloth substrate;soil;detergency evaluation; ─── 无磷洗衣粉;布基;污垢;去污力评价;

49、A New Method for Testing and Evaluating High Temperature Detergency of Engine Lubricant Oil ─── 新型发动机润滑油高温清净性试验和评价方法

50、The properties of the product such as wetting,dispersion, detergency, and emulsifying were improred. ─── 可提高产品的润湿性、分散性、去污性、乳化性等功能。

51、detergency test ─── 洗净试验

52、Keywords motor fuel;engine performance;lubricant;detergency;additive; ─── 发动机燃料;发动机性能;润滑油料;清净性;添加剂;

53、This product is a high content anionic surfactant with properties of detergency, moistening, foaming, emulsibale and dispersible. ─── 该产品是用于洗涤剂的高含量的表面活性剂,具有去污、润湿、发泡、乳化、分散等性能。

54、Keywords fatty acid methyl ester ethoxylate;laundry powder;detergency;pre-mix;rear-mix; ─── 脂肪酸甲酯乙氧基化物;洗衣粉;洗涤性能;前配料;后配料;

55、The testing results showed that the gasoline detergent can keep engine fuel system clean better and possessed better detergency ability. ─── 通过对研制的汽油清洁剂多种性能的评价,结果表明,该汽油清洁剂对发动机燃油系统具有良好的保洁和清洗功能,便于推广应用。

56、The major quality (detergency) of the sample is superior to general commercial products,and the cost is reduced. ─── 样品的主要性能(去污力)优于市售同类产品,且成本较低。

57、Contents detergency dispcmancy property. Can prevent the brasioning and carbon residueand aggradation in key position. Lengthen the life-span of the engine. ─── 具有特强清净分散性,可有效防止积碳和油泥在关键部位沉积,并延长发动机的使用寿命。

58、Main characteristics: It has comparatively super detergency, and its abilities to emulsify, disperse, clean oil spots and remove staining are better than those anionic detergents. ─── 性能特点:具有较为优越的净洗能力,且乳化、分散及洗除各种织物上的油斑、污渍效果比阴离子型的更佳。

59、It has high detergency, and is suitable to remove oil dirt from hand, skin and kitchen ware. ─── 它去污力强,用于去除手、皮肤、厨房等表面上所附着的油污。

60、C10-APG exhibit excellent deterg ency,wetting and anti-hard water properties.Alkyl polyglucosides with long ch ain length and high DP have good despersing power for calcium soap. ─── 发现C10-APG具有优良的润湿和去污性能以及良好的耐盐性,长碳链的烷基多苷和高聚合度的烷基多苷具有较强的钙皂分散能力。

61、Keywords base oil;detergency;coking test;hot-tube test;hydrogenation-isomerization; ─── 基础油;清净性;成焦板试验;热管氧化试验;加氢异构;

62、Good ring sealing and detergency reduces the volume of the deposit forming materials that enter the crankcase, there-by extending the useful life of the crankcase oil. ─── 良好的密封环和清净减少了存款形成材料,进入曲轴箱,因而延长了使用寿命曲轴箱油。


64、detergency rate ─── 净洗率

65、Determination of detergency and anti-soil-redeposition property for laundry detergents ─── 衣料用洗涤剂去污力及抗污渍再沉积能力的测定


67、Keywords EGD;two-stroke gasoline engine oil;detergency;evaluating method;severity; ─── 二冲程油;清净性;评定方法;苛刻度;

68、Artificial soil: Soil of selected composition prepared for detergency tests. ─── 人工土:土壤中选定的成分准备清净测试。

69、Keywords biodegradability;two-stroke oil;additive;detergency; ─── 生物降解;二冲程油;添加剂;清净性;

70、Keywords syndet;detergency;artificially stained cloth; ─── 洗涤剂;去污力;污布;

71、Keywords detergency evaluation;determining errors; ─── 污力评价;测定误差;

72、The series products are brownish-red liquid, with good detergency , fine high-tempreture stability, favorable acid neutralizing ability and antirust performance. ─── 红褐色液体,有良好的清净性,良好的高温稳定性、酸中和能力、和抗腐蚀性。

73、Keywords albl magnesium salicylate;hydrotreating oil;antiwear performance;anti-rust performance;dispersancy performance;detergency performance; ─── 烷基水杨酸镁;加氢基础油;抗磨性;防锈性;分散性;清净性;

74、Keywords laundry powder;national standard cloth;detergency;improvement; ─── 洗衣粉;标准污布;去污力;改进;

75、Study on the Influences of Additives on the Detergency of Biodegradable Two Cycle Oil ─── 生物降解二冲程油中添加剂对清净性影响的研究

76、Because of toothpaste containing abrasives, detergency is very strong. ─── 因为牙膏中含有研磨剂,去污力十分强。

77、This paper mainly introduces several methods for evaluating high temperature detergency, and their merits and demerits have been compared. ─── 本文主要对目前国内外评定发动机油的几种高温清净性评定方法进行了介绍,对它们的优缺点进行了比较。

78、Resistance to sludging, excellent detergency and dispersancy. ─── 极佳之清洁及扩散性能,防止产生油垢。

79、This paper analyse the international and domestic market of detergents and detergency promoter based on market survey in depth, and predict the market prospect of layered Sodium Silicate products. ─── 文章通过对国内外洗涤剂、助剂发展的调研分析,报道了层状结晶二硅酸钠的市场前景。

80、The effect of different base stocks on lubricant detergency was investigated through panel coker test.The hydrocarbon composition of the base stocks was studied by mass spectrometry technique. ─── 通过成焦、成漆试验考察不同组成基础油对油品清净性的影响,利用质谱技术将基础油组成进行了详细的分析。

81、In its usual sense detergency has the effect of cleaning surfaces. ─── 在通常意义上有清洁表面的影响。

82、Good detergency and dispersancy can keep the engines clean. ─── 优异的清净分散性,可保持发动机高度清净。

83、A discussion about detergency effect and environmental impact of phosphatic washing powders and nonphosphate powder detergent ─── 含磷、无磷洗衣粉洗涤效果与环境影响讨论

84、This paper introduces the function of builder including water softening capability etc.The detergency and fabric incrustation also are discussed. ─── 概述了洗涤助剂的基本功能,包括软化水、提供碱度、碱缓冲能力、悬浮分散污垢能力和液体携污能力等。

85、The results indicate that the high temperature detergency and additive sensitivity of two base oils are obviously different, which are caused by their different structures; ─── 结果表明:结构组成不同导致两种基础油高温清净性和添加剂感受性存在显著差异;

86、Keywords detergent builder;optical brightener;laundry powder whiteness;detergency;fabric brightening; ─── 洗涤剂助剂;荧光增白剂;粉体白度;去污;织物增白;

87、It was found that the hydrocarbons of the base stocks has some influence on the engine oil detergency. ─── 通过研究发现,基础油中烃类对油品的清净性有一定影响。

88、The Influence of Base Stock Composition on Engine Oil Detergency ─── 基础油组成对油品清净性的影响研究

89、Abstract Intake valve deposit (IVD) simulation test was taken to study the factors and rules of detergency of gasoline with detergent added during long-term storage. ─── 摘要 采用模拟进气阀沉积物试验方法,详细考察了加清净剂汽油长期储存清净性的影响因素和变化规律。

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