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09-07 投稿



ramrod 发音

英:[ˈræmrɑːd]  美:[ˈræmrɒd]

英:  美:

ramrod 中文意思翻译





ramrod 网络释义

n. 推弹杆;死板的人adj. 生硬的vt. 迫使接受

ramrod 短语词组

(as) stiff as a ramrod

1. 僵直地

She sat there stiff as a ramrod.


ramrod 词性/词形变化,ramrod变形


ramrod 习惯用语

1、as stiff as a ramrod [poker] ─── 笔直的; 生硬的; 刻板的; 严厉的

ramrod 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He raised one eyebrow, stared at me for five seconds, then stomped to the recliner and sat down on the very edge, his back ramrod straight. ─── 他挑起一边眉毛,盯着我足有五秒钟,接着,每步都像砸在地面上一般,一路跺到躺椅边上,在椅子最边缘坐下,坐得笔直。

2、stiff as a ramrod ─── 僵直的, 笔直的

3、She sat there as stiff as a ramrod. ─── 她笔直地端坐在那儿。

4、the captured general maintained his dignity to the end , walking ramrod - straight to his execution. ─── 这个被俘的将军,挺著身子走向刑场,直到临终还保持著自己的尊严。

5、I knew him as a grizzled octogenarian, lean and straight as a ramrod. ─── 我认识他时,他已经有八九十岁,斑白的头发,瘦而笔直的身板。

6、stand ramrod straight ─── 直挺挺地站着

7、There was something boiling in a cauldron on one side, and a soldier in a peaked cap and blue coat, kneeling in the bright glow of the fire, was stirring it with his ramrod. ─── 火上吊一个军用饭盒在煮东西,一个头戴尖顶帽,身穿蓝大衣,被火光照得通体透亮的大兵跪在那儿,他用通枪的通条搅拌饭盒里的东西。

8、stand as a ramrod ─── 站得笔直不弯

9、The soldiers stood at ramrod attention. ─── 士兵们笔直地立正。

10、as stiff as a ramrod ─── 挺直站立的; 刚直的; 严谨的

11、Tom flies out of the door,ramrod in one hand and rifle in the other. ─── 汤姆飞快地跑出门,一手拿推弹杆,一手拿步枪。

12、Unfortunately he got in the way of the volley and was transfixed by a ramrod: eighteen soldiers had failed to remove their ramrods from the barrels before firing. ─── 大家开枪时,他不巧走到射程之内,被一枝推弹杆射中:有十八名士兵开枪前忘了拿出推弹杆。

13、stand straight as a ramrod; draw oneself up to one's full height ─── 身子挺得笔直

14、But as she stepped out of the car, her ramrod posture and black earpiece suggested something was amiss. ─── 但是当她从车里走出来的时候,那笔挺的站姿和她佩戴的黑色耳机看起来有点不一样。

15、On hearing that, the factory boss sat ramrod straight and asked, “Hard times? What hard times? The key is money.” ─── 烟厂老板一听这话直着腰杆子反问说:"什么景气?你说说什么景气?关键是钱。

16、Tom flew out of e door, ramrod in one hand and rifle in the other. ─── 汤姆飞快地跑出门,一手拿推弹杆,一手拿步枪。

17、He stood as straight as a ramrod. ─── 他的身子挺得笔直。

18、It wasn't until the 1990s that ALEC was almost entirely transformed into a corporate ramrod. ─── 直到1990年代,阿历克才基本上完全转化为企业利益集团(acorporateramrod)。

19、The captured general maintained his dignity to the end,walking ramrod - straight to his execution. ─── 这个被俘的将军,挺著身子走向刑场,直到临终还保持著自己的尊严。

20、Eg, The soldier stood stiff as a ramrod. ─── 这士兵站得笔直。

21、she sat there on the edge of her chair , her back as stiff as a ramrod the whole evening. ─── 她整个傍晚都后背挺得直直地坐在椅子的边沿上。

22、Tom flies out of the door, ramrod in one hand and rifle in the other ─── 汤姆飞快地跑出门,一手拿推弹杆,一手拿步枪

23、The soldiers stood at ramrod attention. ─── 士兵们笔直地立正。

24、(as) straight as a ramrod ─── 笔直,非常直

25、It wasn't until the 1990s that ALEC was almost entirely transformed into a corporate ramrod. ─── 直到1990年代,阿历克才基本上完全转化为企业利益集团(acorporateramrod)。

26、she's still ramrod straight. ─── 她75岁了,腰板却仍然笔直。

27、We’re not talking ramrod posture, but show some energy and enthusiasm. ─── 我们不是在说象枪杆一样的姿势,但是拿出点精神和热情。

28、He raised one eyebrow, stared at me for five seconds, then stomped to the recliner and sat down on the very edge, his back ramrod straight. ─── 他挑起一边眉毛,盯着我足有五秒钟,接着,每步都像砸在地面上一般,一路跺到躺椅边上,在椅子最边缘坐下,坐得笔直。

29、She sat there on the edge of her chair, her back as stiff as a ramrod the whole evening. ─── 她整个傍晚都后背挺得直直地坐在椅子的边沿上。

30、French soldier was squatting on his heels by the fire.He had just shoved away a Russian soldier, and was roasting a piece of meat on the end of a ramrod. ─── 火堆旁边蹲着一个法国人,他推开一个俘虏,拿一根穿着肉的通条,放在火上烘烤。

31、ramrod a bill through Congress ─── 强使国会通过一项法案

32、The old gentleman with the ramrod bock and twinkling eyes had indeed done many things. ─── 这位腰背挺直、两眼炯炯有神的老先生确实做了不少事。

33、This was a hydraulic press, and consisted of a large cylinder containing a piston with a ramrod which was applied to the material to be pressed; ─── 这是一个水压机,由一个大的圆筒和之内的一个带连杆的活塞组成,它们对被压的材料产生压力。

34、His sinewy, lean, hairy, red hands, with short fingers, were deftly turning the ramrod. ─── 他卷着袖筒,两手青筋暴突,长满茸毛,皮肤发红,手指短粗,他灵活地转动着通条。

35、We tried everything to make the ramrod guard move, but all in vain. ─── 我们千方百计想让这个死板的卫兵移动一下,但都无济於事。

36、We tried everything to make the ramrod guard move,but all in vain. ─── 我们千方百计想让这个死板的卫兵移动一下,但都无济于事。

37、"My father sat upright, straight as a ramrod, while the doctor explained to him the serious nature of his illness." ─── 医生向我父亲讲明他的严重病情时,我的父亲直挺挺地坐在椅子上,一动也不动。

38、as straight as a ramrod ─── 非常直笔直

39、And the soldier, turning the ramrod, glanced gloomily at Pierre. ─── 那个士兵转动着通条,冷冷地向皮埃尔瞥了一眼。

40、I don't have the ramrod posture I had when I was in the navy. ─── 我现在没有当海军时那样笔直的身姿了。

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