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09-06 投稿


domestic 发音

英:[də'mestɪk]  美:[də'mɛstɪk]

英:  美:

domestic 中文意思翻译



domestic 网络释义

adj. 国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的n. 国货;佣人

domestic 反义词

wild |foreign | undomestic

domestic 同义词

domestic worker | assistant | tame | household | servant | home help | family | home | domestic help | house | inland |maid | internal | char | homely | national | local | cleaner | retainer | domesticated

domestic 短语词组

1、a female domestic ─── 女佣人

2、de jure domestic government ─── [法] 合法的本国政府

3、domestic acceptance ─── [经] 国内承兑汇票

4、domestic violence ─── 家庭暴力

5、domestic animal ─── 家畜

6、domestic ass ─── [网络] 驯化驴

7、domestic agent ─── [经] 国内代理中间商

8、domestic assets ─── [经] 国内资产

9、domestic bookkeeping ─── [经] 家庭簿记

10、domestic agreement ─── [法] 国内协定

11、court of domestic relations 【 ─── 法律】(美国一些州的)家事 ─── 法庭[亦称作 domestic-relations court, family court, 参较 jurenile court]

12、domestic affairs ─── [法] 内政, 内部事务

13、current domestic value ─── [化] 现行国内价格 ─── [经] 现行国内价格

14、domestic branch ─── [经] 国内分行

15、domestic bill ─── [经] 国内汇票

16、domestic arbitral award ─── [经] 国内仲裁裁决

17、a staff of domestic ─── 一群仆人

18、domestic appliance ─── [计] 家用电器

19、domestic air mail ─── [经] 国内航空

domestic 词性/词形变化,domestic变形

副词: domestically |

domestic 相似词语短语

1、domesticise ─── 家庭主妇

2、doxastic ─── adj.信念的

3、nomistic ─── 唯名论的

4、domestical ─── adj.国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的(domestic的变形)

5、domestics ─── n.[贸易]国货;家用织物;家用棉织物(domestic的复数形式)

6、domesticity ─── n.家庭生活;专心于家务;对家庭的挚爱

7、undomestic ─── 不催眠的

8、domesticate ─── vt.驯养;教化;引进;vi.驯养;使习惯于或喜爱家务和家庭生活

9、domesticize ─── 家庭化

domestic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Our DELL computers sell fast in domestic market. ─── “戴尔”牌电脑在国内市场销路很好。

2、Domestic credit and inflation increased significantly. ─── 国内信贷和通货膨胀大幅度增加。

3、Do you want domestic basketballs or imported ones? ─── 你想买国产的还是进口的篮球?

4、He had a good many domestic troubles. ─── 他有许多家庭纠纷。

5、The domestic helper decided to quit. ─── 家佣决定辞职。

6、If be domestic ADSL,be no problem commonly! ─── 假如是家庭ADSL一般没问题!

7、You allowed me a trifling sum for food and other domestic expenses. ─── 你给我很少的一点钱买食物和另一点家用。

8、One of a breed of American domestic fowl having gray, barred plumage, yellow legs, and a rose - colored comb. ─── 多米尼加鸡;芦花纹鸡一种羽毛灰色有花斑、腿黄、冠玫瑰色的美国家禽。

9、Raised, bred, or reared at home; domestic. ─── 家养的在家中哺育,喂养的;家养的

10、Domestic or imported nylon/spandex. ─── 国产/进口尼龙/弹力纤维。

11、Mastitis of domestic animals, especially cattle. ─── 喉肿,乳房炎家禽的乳腺炎,尤其指牛

12、Stimulate domestic demand by making great efforts. ─── 下大力气启动国内需求。

13、It appears to be an idyllic domestic setup. ─── 它看起来是一种田园式的家庭组织方式。

14、Like international trade, domestic trade in farm produce is often highly distorted. ─── 像国际贸易一样,国内农产品贸易往往受到严重扭曲。

15、Commodity sales on domestic market were stable. ─── 国内市场商品销售平稳增长。

16、The ratio is about 7 overseas to 3 domestic. ─── 七成外销,三成内销。

17、South American cavy; possibly ancestral to the domestic guinea pig. ─── 南美洲豚鼠;可能是家养豚鼠的祖先。

18、You can rest assured, the domestic market is huge. ─── 可以相信,国内这方面的市场是巨大的。

19、She is a very domestic sort of woman. ─── 她是个十足的家庭妇女。

20、Do you want domestic or imported beer? ─── 你是要国产的还是进口的啤酒。

21、Chuck: Domestic partnership. You mean like faggots? ─── 同居伴侣。你是说就像同性变态一样?

22、One of the top domestic regattas in the UK. ─── 在英国的最高的国内赛船会之一。

23、Promote private saving and domestic investment. ─── 增长私人储蓄和国内投资。

24、Domestic preference not applicable. ─── 国内优惠不适用

25、Low prices crimped domestic output and foreign imports. ─── 低物价阻碍了国内出口和国外进口。

26、Cars are subject to a high domestic tax. ─── 买车要交很高的国内税。

27、Which hospital is is domestic dentistry best? ─── 国内牙科最好的是哪个医院?

28、Washington responded by freezing the price of domestic oil. ─── 华盛顿作出的反应是冻结国内的石油价格。

29、Trauma is the most common cause of epistaxis in domestic animals. ─── 外伤是家畜衄血的最常见原因。

30、Domestic car rental industry is in a bad way? ─── 国内汽车租赁业病在哪?

31、It is no good talking of his domestic matters. ─── 不要谈论他的家事。

32、The police were called to sort out a domestic. ─── 已叫警察来解决家庭纠纷。

33、But the winner in a domestic argument is never really the winner. ─── 其实家庭内争吵的赢家永远不可能是真正的赢家。

34、She resolved to impart a gently domestic air to the scene. ─── 她决定在当时的场景中加添些家庭气氛。

35、Their mew car is a domestic make. ─── 他们的新车是国产的。

36、Are likely to sweep into the domestic market. ─── 可能会扫荡国内市场。

37、It was a scene of such domestic bliss. ─── 这是一幕家庭美满的场景。

38、Charge for domestic ramble telephone. ─── 国内漫游电话费。

39、Of, relating to, or suited to a housewife; domestic. ─── 家庭主妇的家庭主妇的,与家庭主妇有关的,或适于家庭主妇的;家中的,家庭的

40、My mother does most of the domestic work at home. ─── 在我家,多数的家务都是妈妈做。

41、Most people domestic are using it online. ─── 国内大部分人都在网上用它。

42、It must also manage liquidity in the bubble-prone domestic economy while trying to micromanage lending in the state-owned banking sector. ─── 它还必须在努力对国有银行部门的放贷行为进行微观管理的同时,管理易于产生泡沫的国内经济中的流动性。

43、Don't waste time on domestic trivialities. ─── 不要在家常琐事上浪费时间。

44、The meeting concerns both foreign and domestic policies. ─── 会议关系到国内外政策。

45、How do you feel about domestic pets? ─── 你觉得家里养宠物怎么样?

46、SE Asian jungle fowl considered ancestral to domestic fowl. ─── 东南亚原鸡,被认为是家禽的祖先。

47、A source of urban employment is domestic service. ─── 城市就业的来源之一是家庭劳务。

48、Decreasing domestic production of oil. ─── 减少国内原油产量。

49、Domestic dogs usually live longer than wild dogs. ─── 家养的狗一般比野狗活的长。

50、It also needs inflation, to reduce the overhang of domestic debt. ─── 它还需要通货膨胀,籍以减轻国内债务的重负。

51、What bottlenecks domestic marine equipment? ─── 国产船用设备瓶颈何在?

52、The cow is a domestic animal. ─── 奶牛是家畜。

53、Domestic developments added to the pressure. ─── 国内情势的发展也增加了压力。

54、The centre cited both domestic and global reasons. ─── 国家信息中心从国内和国际两方面对预测结果进行了分析

55、To cause to feel comfortable at home; make domestic. ─── 使爱家使在家感觉舒适;使爱家

56、Her domestic troubles have ended. ─── 她的家庭烦恼结束了。

57、Now I should like to turn to domestic issues. ─── 再讲讲国内问题吧。

58、She commuted some foreign currency to domestic. ─── 她把一些外币换成本国货币。

59、Domestic, overseas all has the sale. ─── 国内外均有销售。

60、Chart 1 shows the value breakdown of domestic exports in 2001. ─── 图1显示二零零一年各主要出口项目的港产品出口值。

61、She's a very domestic sort of woman. ─── 她是个十分喜欢家庭生产的女子。

62、The domestic situation is very good. ─── 国内形势确实是好的。

63、She was twittering about domestic trivialities. ─── 她在嘁嘁喳喳地说着些家庭琐事。

64、Domestic Flight | Do you have anything to declare? ─── 国内班机您有任何东西要申报吗?

65、She likes keeping domestic birds. ─── 她喜欢饲养家禽。

66、Now I'm serving time in a domestic graveyard. ─── 在家庭这个坟墓里,我成了时间的奴隶。

67、Don't neglect your domestic responsibilities. ─── 不要忽略你的家庭责任。

68、Medicine domestic animal liver piece trematode 1 intermediate. ─── 医药牲畜肝片吸虫1号的中间体。

69、Our dilemma was that we were constrained by domestic pressures from choosing either of the two options that made strategic sense. ─── 难办的是,囿于国内压力,我们无法在两个具有战略意义的方案中作出选择。

70、An object having special value because of its age, especially a domestic item or piece of furniture or handicraft esteemed for its artistry, beauty, or period of origin. ─── 古董由于年代久远而具有特殊价值的物体,尤指由于工艺,美观和兴起时期等方面受到重视的土产,家具或手工艺品

71、The domestic films are not of high level. ─── 国产的电影的水平不高

72、She felt fenced in by domestic routine. ─── 她觉得自己完全被家务事束缚住了。

73、Why We Lack Plush Brand for Domestic Sales? ─── 内销毛绒玩具缘何品牌缺失?

74、All domestic flights are nonsmoking. ─── 国内班机都禁止吸烟。

75、She was busy at domestic work in her new house. ─── 她在自己的新住宅里忙着做一些家务活。

76、Domestic consumption demand is well met. ─── 国内消费需求得到很好的满足。

77、Domestic races often have a somewhat monstrous character. ─── 家养变种常具有畸形性的特征。

78、How to increase the price of domestic soybean? ─── 如何提高国产大豆价格?

79、Domestic market sales remained stable. ─── 国内市场销售相对平稳。

80、They only want to solve domestic problems. ─── 他们只希望解决国内的问题。

81、A servant, especially a domestic servant. ─── 佣人仆人,尤指家仆

82、Start with its oil consumption. Domestic crude production is rising only slowly, so imports are growing by more than 30% a year. ─── 我们可以从石油消耗说起,中国国内原油产量上升缓慢,每年多于30%的原油是依赖于进口的。

83、He left all the domestic chores for his wife. ─── 他把所有的家务事都留给了妻子。

84、International capital is typically much more volatile than domestic capital and its mobility is often the trigger for financial instability. ─── 国际资金一般都远较本地资金波动,其四处流窜的特性往往成为触发金融不稳定的原因。

85、It became a contentious domestic issue in Britain in 1970s. ─── 在70年代它已成为英国国内一个引起争论的问题。

86、Any of a breed of domestic pigeons resembling owls. ─── 任一种象猫头鹰一样的家鸽

87、She does the domestic affairs every day. ─── 她每天都忙家务。

88、Protection for domestic industry is admittedly discriminatory. ─── 保护本国工业是种名正言顺的歧视。

89、But ACAC has strong domestic demand. ─── 不过,中航商用飞机有限公司在中国国内有着旺盛的需求。


你要翻译吗?Intentional and domestic news headlines in the past week


英文翻译可以这样说 Domestic sales list, export order.

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