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09-07 投稿


calcinate 发音

英:[ˈkælsɪneɪt]  美:[ˈkælsɪneɪt]

英:  美:

calcinate 中文意思翻译




calcinate 短语词组

1、calcinate c-400 ─── 煅烧c-400

2、calcinate nc ─── 煅烧nc

3、calcinate or ─── 煅烧或

4、calcinate c-300r ─── 煅烧c-300r

5、calcinate ots ─── 煅烧ots

6、calcinate italy ─── 煅烧意大利

7、calcinate c-400w ─── 煅烧c-400w

calcinate 词性/词形变化,calcinate变形


calcinate 相似词语短语

1、calcite ─── n.[矿物]方解石

2、calceate ─── adj.有蹄铁的;穿鞋的(等于calced)

3、calcinator ─── n.锻烧器;[炉窑]煅烧炉

4、calcinable ─── adj.可煅烧的

5、calcine ─── v.锻烧,焙烧;(使)氧化;n.煅烧产物

6、alginate ─── n.藻朊酸盐

7、carinate ─── adj.有龙骨状突起的;(鸟)有突起胸骨的;隆线的,隆凸的

8、calculate ─── vi.计算;以为;作打算;vt.计算;预测;认为;打算

9、calcarate ─── 钙质

calcinate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、le mie ossa son calcinate dall’arsura. ─── 我的皮肤发黑脱落,我的骨头因热发烧,

2、Improve the Quality of Ruite Titanium Dioxide Calcinate technology study ─── 提高金红石型钛白粉煅烧物质量的工艺研究

3、Influence of Process Condition on Morphology and Calcinate of Hydroxyapatite ─── 合成条件对羟基磷灰石粉体形貌和煅烧后组成的影响

4、Effect of Calcinate Temperature on Properties of Ferric Oxide Dye from Iron Mud Through Dry Process ─── 煅烧温度对铁泥干法制备氧化铁颜料性能的影响

5、Keywords coal gangue;calcinate;activate;pore structure; ─── 煤矸石;煅烧;活化;孔结构;

6、Keywords Plate-shaped calcium carbonate;Magnesium oxide;Dolomite;Calcinate;Carbonate; ─── 板状碳酸钙;氧化镁;白云石;燃烧;碳化;

7、calcin potassium salt ─── 钙黄绿素钾盐

8、Keywords waste copper chromite catalyst;oxidative -sodiumionized calcinate;copper oxide;back slag; ─── 亚铬酸铜废催化剂;氧化-钠化焙烧;铬盐回收;氧化铜;返渣;

9、Keywords Copper oxide;Calcinate temperature;Adhesive strength; ─── 氧化铜;灼烧温度;压剪强度;

10、The results showed that calcinate temperature was an important factor in the preparation process of iron oxide. ─── 结果表明煅烧温度是干法制备氧化铁颜料的一个重要因素。

11、Technological Measures of Using Anthracite Coal to Calcinate Clinker in the Rotary Kiln ─── 回转窑采用无烟煤煅烧的工艺技木措施

12、Keywords iron mud;dry process;ferric oxide dye;calcinate temperature; ─── 铁泥;干法;氧化铁颜料;煅烧温度;

13、The results show that the calcined kaolin has been transformed from crystallized kaolin to non-crystal one,and calcinate temperature has some influence on its structure. ─── 实验结果表明:煅烧产物由煅烧前的晶态转变成了非晶态,煅烧温度对煅烧产物的结构有一定影响。

14、Practice on adapting blind coal calcinate technology in precalciner kiln ─── 预分解窑采用无烟煤煅烧技术实践

15、The results show that the calcined kaolin has been transformed from crystallized kaolin to non-crystal one, and calcinate temperature has some influence on its structure. ─── 实验结果表明:煅烧产物由煅烧前的晶态转变成了非晶态,煅烧温度对煅烧产物的结构有一定影响。

16、Calcinate temperature ─── 煅烧温度

17、Practice on adapting blind coal calcinate technology in precalciner kiln ─── 预分解窑采用无烟煤煅烧技术实践

18、effect of calcinate temperature on properties of ferric oxide dye, produced from iron mud through the dry process, was studied in this paper. ─── 通过对二氧化钛颜料颗粒进行表面有机改性以提高其在油漆中的分散性,研究了表面改性剂及用量对颜料分散性的影响。

19、Technological Measures of Using Anthracite Coal to Calcinate Clinker in the Rotary Kiln ─── 回转窑采用无烟煤煅烧的工艺技木措施

20、The content of this page is from the CALCINATE port or CALCINATE customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自CALCINATE港口或CALCINATE海关的进出口公司目录;

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