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09-07 投稿


ewer 发音

英:[ˈjuːər]  美:[ˈjuːə(r)]

英:  美:

ewer 中文意思翻译




ewer 网络释义

n. 大口水壶n. (Ewer)人名;(英)尤尔

ewer 短语词组

1、ewer qs qs ─── 水壶

2、ewer handle is called ─── 称为壶柄

3、ewer 14 14 ─── 号壶

4、ewer 11 11 ─── 号壶

5、ewer define ─── 水壶定义

6、ewer definition ewer ─── 定义

7、ewer 5e ewer 5e ─── 型

ewer 词性/词形变化,ewer变形


ewer 相似词语短语

1、e'er ─── adv.从来;(表强调)任何时候,曾经;总是,始终;越来越多地,不断;到底,究竟;绝不;从此(同ever)

2、ewe ─── n.[畜牧]母羊

3、fewer ─── adj.较少的;pron.较少数;int.较少数

4、hewer ─── n.煤矿工;砍伐者

5、ewers ─── n.(Ewers)人名;(英)尤尔斯;(德)埃韦斯

6、sewer ─── n.下水道;阴沟;裁缝师;vt.为…铺设污水管道;用下水道排除…的污水;vi.清洗污水管

7、newer ─── adj.更新的,更新;n.(Newer)人名;(英)纽尔

8、ewes ─── n.[畜牧]母羊(ewe的复数)

9、ever ─── adv.永远;曾经;究竟;n.(Ever)人名;(英)埃弗;(俄)叶韦尔;(西、法)埃韦尔

ewer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ewer with small mouth and double handles ─── (瓷器名) 小口双耳壶

2、This can be seen in this wine ewer and warming basin. ─── 这可以看出在这个盆地葡萄酒壶和升温。

3、eagle ewer ─── 鹰壶

4、ewer ,of ceramic other than porcelain or china ─── 大口水壶,除瓷或白坯瓷外的陶瓷制

5、She filled the ewer with fresh water. ─── 她将水罐注满了清水。

6、celadon ewer with single handle ─── 青瓷单柄壶

7、combscomb ewer ─── (瓷器名) 天鸡壶

8、Monastery cloisters featured a stone trough for hand-washing, and medieval paintings of interiors often show a ewer, a basin and a cloth for drying hands in a corner of the room. ─── 修道院回廊里展示的是一个洗手石槽,而院内的中世纪画中所画,通常是在房间角落里放置一个大口水罐,一个洗盆和一块用于擦手的布。

9、The ewer is in very good condition with spout restored. ─── 喷口修复后,水罐还能用。

10、Despite receiving ewer red blood cell transfusions, patients treated with rHuEPO achieve a higher hemoglobin level. ─── 此外,接受重组人促红细胞生成素治疗的病人血红蛋白的水平较高。

11、Neolithic age period, Painted pottery ewer with two ears ─── 新石器时代彩陶双耳壶

12、Though , things has been changed a lot since parents in increasing number began to realize that the f ewer the family member is , the better . ─── 铁饭碗的观念曾风行一时,但是现在情况完全不同了。

13、Enter aloft SLY, with ATTENDANTS; some with apparel, basin and ewer, and other appurtenances; and LORD ─── 斯赖披富丽睡衣,众仆持衣帽壶盆等环侍,贵族亦作仆人装束杂立其内。

14、handled ewer ─── 执壶

15、This one on show at the Capital Museum in Beijing is said to be the only such ewer found in China today. ─── 据说这只青白釉的壶是目前国内唯一的一件。在网上看到台北故宫博物院馆藏一只宝石红的,貌似品相更好些。

16、Sharply incised and combed designs combined with stamped rings, as on the ewer, are typical features of Xicun wares, though generally of poorer quality than this. ─── 锐利的切割和鸡头的造型并加盖了款,大口水罐,是典型的西村产品,但一般质量比此件要差。

17、ewer ,of porcelain or china ─── 大口水壶,瓷或白坯瓷制

18、ewer with raised lotus petals ─── (瓷器名) 凸莲瓣茶壶


20、This white porcelain ewer, or pouring vessel, is considered to be the among the most remarkable of all Chinese ceramics. ─── 此白色大口水罐,或称壶,被认为是中国陶瓷的标志。

21、The Changsha kiln was commonly used on ewer,while the painting and calligraphy of Cizhou kiln has no more appeared on the ewer but on pillows. ─── 不过长沙铜官窑多饰于壶,而磁州窑书画不再多见于壶,而饰于枕。

22、celadon ewer with brown clours and cloud design ─── 青釉褐彩云纹壶

23、Yangxian ewer ─── 阳羡壶

24、A qingbai (green-white) "monk's cap" ewer made in Jingdezhen during the Yuan dynasty. ─── 由于壶口形似僧帽而得名。蒙藏地区佛教僧侣做法事时用。

25、ewer ,of glass (excl. antique) ─── 玻璃大口水罐(不包括古玩)

26、ceramic phoenix - head ewer ─── 凤首壶

27、After the Sunday 0-2 not enemies, 6 competitions only accumulated 2 points, before You Sheng finish class in last October, Martin - the Ewer 6 4 point successes. ─── 在周日0-2不敌后,6场比赛只积2分,尤胜去年10月下课前马丁-尤尔6场4分的战绩。

28、This ewer had a spout (where there is now a hole), but does not seem to have ever had a handle, so its vase-like shape may point to a northern origin. ─── 此罐曾有一个嘴(现在是一个洞),但是似乎并没有壶把,由此看出这种器形的罐起源于北方。

29、Celadon ewer with single handle ─── 青瓷单柄壶

30、Through the open door you see a red-tiled floor, a large wooden bed, and on a deal table a ewer and a basin. ─── 从敞开的门外边,可以看到屋子里的红砖地,一张大木床,牌桌上摆着一只大口水罐和一个面盆。

31、I'm sure this is newer and purer than the drink in that ewer. ─── 我确信这罐饮料比那罐更新更纯。

32、ewer in human form ─── 人形壶

33、Bairenmunihei Commander in Chief Ewer root - Kelinsiman recently talked about in team's two player Fan abundant Meier and the Podol Siji recent situation in an official website's interview. ─── 拜仁慕尼黑主帅尤尔根-克林斯曼近日在官方网站的一次采访中谈到了球队中的两名球员范博梅尔和波多尔斯基的近况。

34、bottom filling ewer ─── 倒灌壶

35、ewer with inner tube ─── (瓷器名) 内管壶

36、-- And when," he added, pointing to the basin and ewer, "was the furniture of your Majesty's toilette of ot her substance than silver? ─── 陛下,”他指着面盆和水壶补充说道,“您什么时候用过不是银制的盥洗用具?”

37、In Hesiod's works, at least, she had the additional duty of carrying water from the River Styx in a ewer whenever the gods had to take a solemn oath. ─── 以色列人则普遍认为黄色鸢尾是“黄金”的象征,故有在墓地种植鸢尾的风俗,即盼望能为来世带来财富。莫奈在吉维尼的花园中也植有鸢尾;

38、Ewer is in very good condition with spout restored. ─── 喷口修复后,茶壶看起来很完好。

39、aubergine style ewer ─── 茄式壶

40、dish-shaped ewer ─── 盘形壶

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