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09-07 投稿


courser 发音

英:[ˈkoʊrsər]  美:[ˈkɔːsə(r)]

英:  美:

courser 中文意思翻译



courser 网络释义

n. 骏马;打猎者;猎狗

courser 词性/词形变化,courser变形


courser 短语词组

1、cream-colored courser ─── [网络] 奶油色的礼服

2、courser keyboard courser ─── 键盘

3、courser pet wow ─── 野马宠物哇

4、courser bee honey ─── 粗蜂蜂蜜

5、courser bird ─── 野鸟

6、courser horse bdo ─── 骏马bdo

7、courser tires ─── 骏马轮胎

8、courser meaning ─── 课程意义

courser 相似词语短语

1、coarser ─── adj.粗糙的;粗俗的;下等的(coarse的变形)

2、courter ─── n.法院;球场;朝廷;奉承(court的变形)

3、coursers ─── n.骏马;打猎者;猎狗

4、curser ─── n.诅咒;咒骂(curse的变形)

5、courier ─── n.导游;情报员,通讯员;送快信的人;n.(Courier)人名;(英、法)库里耶

6、course ─── n.科目;课程;过程;进程;道路;路线,航向;一道菜;vt.追赶;跑过;vi.指引航线;快跑

7、courses ─── n.课程;路线(course的复数);n.(Courses)人名;(法)库尔斯

8、couriers ─── 通讯员;导游(courier的复数)

9、coursed ─── adj.层列的;被猎犬所追赶的;v.跑过;追逐(course的过去分词)

courser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、African courser that feeds on insect parasites on crocodiles. ─── 寄生在鳄鱼身上昆虫为食的非洲走鸻。

2、On portable bag that is formed by phoneticize and Chinese character, be like a courser to be in run quickly " gold.. ─── 手提袋上那个由拼音和汉字构成的,似一匹骏马在奔驰的“金...

3、Heuglin's Courser ─── n. 栗颈走鸻

4、Two-banded Courser ─── n. 二斑走鸻

5、The hunter hit a rabbit's hind-leg with a shot,injured rabbit ran its life desperate,but the courser chased it closely. ─── 猎人一枪击中了一只兔子的后腿,受伤的兔子拼命地逃生,猎狗在其后穷追不舍。

6、courser of desert and semidesert regions of the Old World. ─── 东半球沙漠或半沙漠地区的走鸻。

7、African courser that feeds on insect parasites on crocodiles ─── 以寄生在鳄鱼身上昆虫为食的非洲走鸻

8、The focus in long bone appears patchy geographic type, the courser of its long axis was coherent with the stress bone trabecula; ─── 在长骨灶病呈长斑片地图样,其长轴大体与应力骨小梁走行相一致;

9、"10 thousand amount to information " , be worthy of is to gallop a courser in process of Shanghai city informatization. ─── “万达信息”,不愧是驰骋在上海城市信息化进程中的一匹骏马。

10、But the courser did not bite him, he only smelt the little ugly duck and walked away. ─── 可是猎狗却没有咬他,只是嗅了嗅就扭头走了。

11、The little ugly duck feared it terribly, it was too late to hide. But the courser did not bite him, he only smelt the little ugly duck and walked away. ─── 丑小鸭害怕极了,想躲也躲不了。可是猎狗却没有咬他,只是嗅了嗅就扭头走了。

12、Burchell's Courser ─── n. 布氏走鸻

13、In 2007, SOC went to Malaysia to perform "Super Courser" Special Concert in the national stadium. ─── 2007年赴马来西亚国家体育馆演出“神骏”专场音乐会。

14、” The little ugly duck murmured while walked, suddenly a courser scurried out. ─── 丑小鸭边走边说,突然,一直猎狗窜了出来。

15、My Life as a Nursing Student chronicles his activities as a second-courser. ─── 我的护理学生生活纪录了他作为second-courser时的活动。

16、Once in a winter, a hunter went to hunt with his courser. ─── 有一年冬天猎人带着猎狗去打猎。

17、Indian Courser ─── n. 印度走鸻

18、During the courser of developing constitutionality in China, we must make the legislation more scientific. ─── 建设法治国家,实现法治文明,必须首先实现立法的科学化。

19、“Why everyone hates me, can it be my fault to grow ugly?” The little ugly duck murmured while walked, suddenly a courser scurried out. ─── “为什么大家都讨厌我,长得丑难道是我得错吗?”丑小鸭边走边说,突然,一直猎狗窜了出来。

20、whether the teaching is successful or not depends on the ability of a teacher as a knight controlling the courser. ─── 课堂教学成功与否,在于作为骑士的教师驾驭骏马能力的高低。

21、Double-banded Courser ─── n. 双领斑走鸻

22、Objective To explore the courser of rat corticospinal tract (CST) in the center neural system and manifestations after spinal cord injury by the Biotin Dextran Amine(BDA) anterograde neuronal tracing technique. ─── 目的本研究采用生物素标记葡聚糖(Biotin Dextran Amine,BDA)顺行示踪技术来观察大鼠皮质脊髓束(CST)在中枢神经系统中的走行及脊髓损伤后的表现特征。

23、Eulogy for the grassland and courser has been the theme of dance and music of Mongol Minority. ─── 歌唱草原、赞美骏马亦由此成为蒙古族音乐舞蹈代表性的题材。

24、African courser that feeds on insect parasites on crocodiles. ─── 以寄生在鳄鱼身上昆虫为食的非洲走鸻。

25、The Rabbit and the Courser ─── 兔子和猎狗

26、The courser contents should introduce the network resources in addition to the traditional materials. ─── 在传统资料类型尚须被介绍的同时,该课程之内容更须拓展网路资源之引介。

27、The Comparative Research on the Motif of 'the Hero and the Courser Born at the Same Time' in the Mongolian-Turki Epics ─── 蒙古-突厥史诗英雄与骏马同时诞生母题的比较研究

28、In folklore, there is a saying that “Lyubu is the first man among all men, and Chitu is the first courser among all coursers. ─── 同时,小说中的吕布有勇无谋,立场摇摆不定,被人称为“三姓家奴”。

29、The sea is full of water; the hell is filled with devils; the courser has four legs; the little fool is going to the blog space and grinning!! ─── 大海啊,它全是水;地狱啊,都是鬼;骏马啊,它四条腿;进空间的小笨蛋啊,他咧着嘴!!!

30、The focus in long bone appears patchy geographic type, the courser of its long axis was coherent with the stress bone trabecula; ─── 在长骨灶病呈长斑片地图样,其长轴大体与应力骨小梁走行相一致;

31、Temminck's Courser ─── n. 黑腹走鸻

32、Jerdon's Courser ─── n. 双领走鸻

33、The sea is full of water; the hell is filled with devils; the courser has four legs; the little fool is looking at the short message and grinning!! ─── 大海啊,它全是水;地狱啊,都是鬼;骏马啊,它四条腿;看短信的小笨蛋啊,他咧着嘴!!!

34、Eulogy for the grassland and courser has been the theme of dance and music of Mongol Minority. ─── 歌唱草原、赞美骏马亦由此成为蒙古族音乐舞蹈代表性的题材。

35、Language is important to us, exactly as a courser is important to the knight; ─── 语言对我们工作之重要,正如骏马对于骑士之重要;

36、Hearing that the courser felt ill-attected,then he argued,"I have tried my best". ─── 猎狗听了很不服气地辩解道:"我已经尽力而为了呀!"

37、a winter, a hunter went to hunt with his courser . ─── 有一年冬天猎人带着猎狗去打猎。

38、"Why everyone hates me, can it be my fault to grow ugly?" The little ugly duck murmured while walked, suddenly a courser scurried out. ─── “为什么大家都讨厌我,长得丑难道是我得错吗?”丑小鸭边走边说,突然,一直猎狗窜了出来。

39、pictorial computer with courser ─── 图示航行计算机

40、Violet-tipped Courser ─── n. 紫尖走鸻

41、courser of desert and semidesert regions of the Old World ─── 东半球沙漠或半沙漠地区的走鸻

42、Abstract: During the courser of developing constitutionality in China,we must make the legislation more scientific. ─── 文章摘要: 建设法治国家,实现法治文明,必须首先实现立法的科学化。

43、In the patients treated by PTAS, the location and courser of the stents were normal, and the vessels were patent. ─── 15例行颈动脉经皮血管内支架成形术(PTAS)的患者术后2周见支架位置及走行均正常,管腔无明显狭窄。

44、The youth gets Sudan eventually allow, riding courser to gallop and go. ─── 年轻人终于得到苏丹的准许,骑著骏马飞奔而去。

45、Cream-coloured Courser ─── n. 乳色走鸻

46、Zhong is “zhong” from China and Ma is “ma” from courser. Chinese courser is walking towards the world. ─── 中是中国的中,马是骏马的马,中国的骏马正在走向世界。

47、A cream-coloured courser had used to visit this hill ─── 这一个小山,从前有一个米色的考色鸟常来光顾。

48、Darting courser falls down in the race, whice the slowly walking camel and its driver arrive at the destination. ─── 1疾走如飞的骏马在快速行进中倒下,而赶骆驼者与骆驼缓缓而行却到达终点。

49、The rabbit with gun-wound escaped and come back home seccessfully,brothers all surround he and they asked very surprisedly,"the courser is very fierce ,you also injured, how can you get rid of him? ─── 兔子带着枪伤成功地逃生回到家后,兄弟们都围过来惊讶地问它:"那只猎狗很凶呀,你又带了伤,是怎么甩掉它的呢?"兔子说:"它是尽力而为,我是竭尽全力呀!"

50、feathering the big courser with their quarrels. ─── 另外,波隆毫无疑问是第一档的高手。

51、The answer is Canadian Calgary International Kindergarten of courser! ─── 答案当然是加拿大·佛山卡尔加里幼儿园了!

52、Core courser ─── 核心课程

53、Developing together with technique and sales, Chunlan Auto From "dark horse" to "courser" ─── 科技营销齐头并进春兰汽车"黑马"变"骏马"

54、to go out without courser ride fast lead horse, have Qian Moguan by person bully; ─── 出门骑上高头马,有钱无官被人欺;

55、ugly duck murmured while walked, a courser scurried out. ─── 丑小鸭边走边说,突然,一直猎狗窜了出来。

56、The courser in the picture means succeeding immediately upon its arrival. ─── 图中的骏马寓意着“马到成功”。

57、Objective: To investigate the conformation, courser and the facial nerve branches of rats and rabbits and to provide the data for the experimental research on the repair of facial nerve defect. ─── 摘要目的:观测正常大鼠及家兔面神经的颅外段主干及分支的解剖及组织学指标,研究并评价两种实验动物模型在面神经缺损修复中的应用特点。

58、Language is important to us, exactly as a courser is important to the knight; whether the teaching is successful or not depends on the ability of a teacher as a knight controlling the courser. ─── 语言对我们工作之重要,正如骏马对于骑士之重要;课堂教学成功与否,在于作为骑士的教师驾驭骏马能力的高低。

59、Practice about Video Card and Video Frequency in Multimedia Courser ─── 多媒体教学中电视卡和视频的应用与实践

60、Broke V-belt suddenly, be like courser to lie battlefield. ─── 忽然断了三角带, 好象骏马卧疆场。

61、A clever courser is a hunter's good helper. ─── 聪明的猎狗是猎人的好帮手。

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