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09-06 投稿



generalizing 发音

英:[ˈdʒenrəlaɪzɪŋ]  美:[ˈdʒenrəlaɪzɪŋ]

英:  美:

generalizing 中文意思翻译



generalizing 词性/词形变化,generalizing变形

动词现在分词: generalizing |动词过去式: generalized |动词过去分词: generalized |动词第三人称单数: generalizes |

generalizing 相似词语短语

1、centralizing ─── 形成中心(centralize的现在分词)

2、mineralizing ─── v.矿化(mineralize的ing形式);成矿酌

3、generalising ─── 概括(generalise的现在分词);归纳(generalise的现在分词);普及(generalise的现在分词);推广(generalise的现在分词)

4、renormalizing ─── 重整(renormalize的现在分词)

5、genealogizing ─── vt.追溯…的系谱;vi.制定系谱

6、demineralizing ─── v.去除矿物质(demineralize的现在分词)

7、federalizing ─── vt.使同盟;使成联邦

8、genializing ─── vt.使和蔼;使愉悦;使适宜于动植物生长

9、remineralizing ─── 使重新矿化(remineralize的现在分词形式)

generalizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The data standardization and normalization for urban planning is effective guarantee for realizing and generalizing the electronic approval system, and an effective solution to" information bulwark". ─── 城市规划数据的标准化和规范化是电子报批系统得以实现和推广的重要保障,是解决"信息壁垒"的很好方法。

2、Research on Application Framework Hierarchical Generalizing Model ─── 应用框架的层次泛化模型研究

3、Generalizing these specific ideas and comprehending peasants' behavior in general sense expounds the debates between these theories. ─── 把这些有条件的观点普遍化,在一般意义上谈论农民行为的理性与非理性,是造成各派纷争的主要原因。

4、To clear the method from the supply chain of apparel,in the end of the article generalizing the advantage of the custom tailor system based network. ─── 从服装企业供应链的角度阐述各环节的具体实施方案,最后总结网络服装定制系统在服装制造业中的优势。

5、Generalizing functionality sometimes leads to the discovery that what seemed like a single utility is really two utilities used in concert. ─── 对功能进行通用化有时会导致您发现:某个看起来似乎像单个实用程序的程序,实际上却是配合起来使用的两个实用程序。

6、Abstracting and generalizing such a system,the author thinks it is a transitional authoritarian reigning system. ─── 作者认为当前体制是一种过渡型的威权主义执政体制。

7、In Graph Theory,we shall also be interested in connected graphs in which there is only one path connecting each pair of vertices;such graphs are called trees(generalizing the idea of a family tree). ─── 一个图如果能够按这种方式(同构关系)重画为一个没有交叉线的图成为平面图,这种图在图论中极端重要。

8、A fond deam,a kind of A realfate,a gener at ions perest I will miss you for a gentle and soft mood. ─── `````` 天使之恋 一个梦想,一种追求。一份真缘,一世挚。我将用一种温柔悳心情想你。

9、Technical Strategy of Generalizing Industrial Briquette and Design of Special Boiler for Industrial Briquette ─── 推广工业型煤的技术策略及其专用锅炉的研制

10、On the basis of analyzing and generalizing the jump at back of abutment in loess area, the treatment technique of the Wedged-shape Flexible Approach Slab was put forward in the paper. ─── 本文在对黄土地区台背跳车病害特征与类型分析总结的基础上,提出了楔形柔性搭板处治技术。

11、Their breezily generalizing style discounts the many contradictory elements that are always at play among the country's vast population. ─── 两位作者轻松的总结概括方法,忽视了许多在庞大的中国人口中起影响的相互对立因素。

12、finally, generalizing all of the subseries classification schemes to determine the final optimal classification scheme. ─── 本文拟在前人研究的基础上,就分级定量标准与分级方法进行探讨。

13、Therefore, the use of the concept of vitality in generalizing the concept of the power of thought and other effects can better reveal the relationship between thinking and vitality. ─── 因此,用人的生命力概念来概括人体意念力及其它效应现象等概念,更能揭示人的思维活动与人体生命活动之间的关系。

14、Our history teacher is always generalizing; he never deals with anything in detail. ─── 我们的历史教师总爱概括地讲,从不详述任何史实。

15、Man is an essentially unique animal in that he possesses speech faculty and the faculty of symbolizing, abstracting or generalizing. ─── 人是唯一不同于其它的动物。因为他具有话语能力及想象、抽象概括的能力。

16、The definite management organization and the reasonable policy are the base of generalizing CMS in the rural areas of China for a long time . ─── 所定政策具体、组织管理机构明确是合作医疗长期大范围在农村运行的基础;

17、Experts will guide you through the process of Internationalization - generalizing your code so that it can be easily and cost-effectively adapted to new cultural markets. ─── 我们的专家将指导您完整的国际化流程-归纳您的代码,使其方便、经济地适应新的文化市场。

18、yourself in charge of all this variability by automating and generalizing. ─── 通过自动化和通用化使您自己掌握所有这些可变性。

19、It can issue shares, or units of its capital, to institutional investors or the gener al public. ─── 它可以面向金融机构投资者或者广大公众发行股票或单位股权资本。

20、The authors have described the tasks and geochemical significance of different stages(reconnaissance,gener... ─── 应用典型探例说明油气化探方法的有效性。

21、This paper introduces the developing conditions of big dip angle belt conveyor in our country, generalizing the five kinds of main type and their principal uses of big dip angle belt conveyor. ─── 介招国内外大倾角带式输送机的研制状况,概述大倾角输送机的5种主要类型及其用途。

22、The meeting is presided by general manager of the company, participants are general manager, deputy gener ... ─── 会议由公司总经理主持,参加人为总经理、副总经理、财务总监,各部经理、副经理及有关人员列席。

23、Our history teacher is always generalizing; he never deals with anything in detail. ─── 我们的历史老师总爱抽象概括从不涉及细节。

24、Abstracting is the act of generalizing two (or more) similar designs into one and of deriving the original instances from it. ─── 抽象是把两个(或更多)相似的设计概括为一个并由它衍生最初示例。

25、Necessity and Countermeasures of Generalizing the System of Total Lean Management ─── 刍议全面精益管理体系在企业中的构建与应用

26、half charge gener ator ─── 半电荷发生器

27、By generalizing two types of Kalman filter of attenuated memoried and limited memoried, a new and practical algorithm on the Kalman filter calculation was put forward in this paper. ─── 文中提出了综合衰减记忆和限定记忆两种卡尔曼滤波技术的新的实用算法。

28、Garment Design is a highly-complex process of generalizing, discovering and using various information and knowledge, which plays an important part in creating domestic garment name brand. ─── 摘要服装设计是一个不断综合、发现以及运用各种信息和知识的高度抽象过程,是打造国有服装自主品牌最为关键的一环。

29、An optima l synthesis method of adjustable crank-rocker linkages for continuous path gener ation is put forward, which is based on the orientational structural error of th e fixed link. ─── 在确定了可调节型曲柄摇杆机构的轨迹柔性的基础上,基于机架杆方向结构误差建立机构的优化综合模型,采用改进遗传算法获取综合结果。

30、Method: Generalizing the mode of committee action out of duty according to the scientific principle in clause. ─── 方法:条文归纳法。按科学实施的要求将委员会职责行为规范以条文依次归纳概括;

31、Responsibilities:-To support and coach the Teams learning aspects of their activities in order to maximize gener...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京创想空间商务通信服务有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-5-10

32、The results from practical examples show that the method is simple and practical and has a generalizing value in field of CAD. ─── 实例表明,该方法简单实用,值得在计算机辅助设计中推广使用。

33、The present thesis essentially aims at generalizing one theorem about the complete group in the finite group theory up to the infinite abelian group. ─── 本文中心,是将有限群论中关于完全群的一个定理推广到无限Abel群。

34、This method has been applied to one type of flight data recorder, and proved to be practicability and generalizing value. ─── 该方法在实际工作中得到了应用,具有一定的实用性和推广价值。

35、The Generalizing and Narrowing of the "Sexual Harassment" Concept, and Coping Measures ─── "性骚扰"概念的泛化、窄化及应对措施

36、For generalizing the content of synthesis reasoning, the model of synthesis reasoning based on rough set theory was proposed. ─── 摘要为了拓展综合推理的涵盖范围,建立了基于粗糙集理论的综合推理模型。

37、Study of the Mentality and Generalizing Capability in Mathematics Reading of Top Students in Seventh Grade ─── 初一优等生思维类型与数学阅读概括水平的相关研究

38、It was the imagination and generalizing power of Karl Marx which brought these two movements into relationship. ─── 是卡尔·马克思的想象力和综合能力,使这两种运动产生了密切的关系。

39、The S wave velocity decrease slightly,and gener ally,first,its amplitude and energy decrease,then increase,and its center freque ncy remains the same. ─── 在接近注满水时,出现特殊的高频初至小波,而S波速度略有减小,波幅和波谱能量则一般是先降后升,主频基本没有变化。

40、Treating hypoplastic anemia with finger therapeutics was the economic and effective method that could cure the symptom and pathogeny, and the method was worth generalizing and applying. ─── 指针疗法治疗再障是一种既有效又经济的标本兼治的好方法,值得推广应用。

41、Generalizing a single involutive automorphism to a finite Abelian group of automorphisms of G, we obtain a homogeneous space called generalized symmetric space and some of its properties. ─── 本文把李群的单个对合自同构推广为由李群 G 的一些自同构组成的有限可换群,从而决定了一个广义对称空间,并讨论了它的某些性质。

42、It is something as regards which one sees, in short, by standing back a little, whether this method has indeed all this generalizing. ─── 总之,这个方法,让我们后退几步来观看,即使无法确实地概括一切。

43、Special Fibre image class,CFDib,is created by the technology of OOP. We provide the detailed definition of the special class. And the special class has well compatibility and expansionary,and it is worth practically generalizing. ─── 利用面向对象程序设计(oop)技术创建了纤维图像专用类CFDib,给出了该类的详细定义,由于该类具有良好的兼容性和可扩充性,因而具有实际推广的价值。

44、Compared with algorithms based on discernibility matrices, the proposed algorithm is of much less space complexity and time complexity and has more generalizing ability. ─── 与可辨识矩阵相比,采用类别特征矩阵可有效减少存储空间和时间复杂度,增强规则的泛化能力。

45、Questions Which Should Be Paid Attention to When Generalizing and Applying Animalcule Fertilizer ─── 微生物肥料推广应用应注意的问题


47、Authors: Agricultural Mechanization Department of the Gener, ─── 作者:黑龙江省农垦总局农机局

48、Methods: Analysing,generalizing and summarizing the documents on chemical composition and biological activities of Swertia plants. ─── 方法:系统查阅近10年的国内外有关獐牙菜属植物化学成分和药理活性的文献资料进行分析、概括和总结。

49、In the Indian name of states, some names are from generalizing the locally geographical features after Indian long-term observation. ─── 在印第安语州名中,有些名字是印第安人经过长期的观察后,而对当地的地理风貌进行的总结和概括。

50、Therefore, we have to be careful in generalizing past results based on the memory-based models, and have to be especially careful when analyzing open-ended questionnaires. ─── 因此,我们对过去许多基于记忆资讯处理假设的模型结论都必须重新检视,并且对开放式问卷的运用也必须特别小心。

51、Manage logistics, 1 year related work experience is better2.Assist sales person for sales record3.Support office gener...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳市捷坤实业发展有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-8-2

52、Based on basic principles of grillage method, an improved grillage model of wide cantilevers bridge deck is brought forth and its effectiveness is verified after generalizing rules of grillage meshing and sectional characteristic. ─── 基于梁格法的基本原理,提出了宽翼缘上部结构分析的改进梁格模型,并总结了梁格单元划分和截面特性计算的一般方法,最后通过算例验证了该模型和方法的有效性。

53、Realm required generalizing (nomothetic) concepts. The cost of this solution was the abandonment. ─── 与价值相关的(表意的)概念。这个解决办法的代价是抛弃狄尔泰的观点。

54、It is gener all yaccepted that smoking is harmful to ourhealth. ─── 吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。

55、Not everyone was quite so triumphalist in tone, or so confident of generalizing from this one moment. ─── 并不是每个人都用这样胜利的口气,或都这样自信快速的得出结论。

56、Pundits who want to sound judicious are fond of warning against generalizing. ─── 那些想让自己听起来明智的专家喜欢警告不要一概而论。

57、Shi ZY,Chen FZ,Yang J,et al.Diagnosis and treatment of visceral artery aneurysm[J].Zhongguo Putong Waike Zazhi(Chin J Gener Surg),1999,8(6):406-409. ─── [1]史振宇,陈福真,杨珏,等.内脏动脉瘤的诊断与治疗[J].中国普通外科杂志,1999,8(6):406-409.

58、The author believes that we should address the issue of "excessive marketization" from two perspectives instead of generalizing it. ─── 但是,“过度市场化”的问题不能一概而论,可以从两个方面来分析,从医疗服务方面来说,有过度市场化的倾向;

59、Traditional Chinese medicine generalizing abstract medical theories with perceptual terms materializes the simplicity of ancient natural philosophy. ─── “粗守形、上守神”的中医理论思维追求说明中医在理论上注重对医学问题本身的形而上本质的研究。

60、In the paper, we generalization the Sun ben wang of generalizing Stolz's theorem. ─── 本文把孙本旺关于 Stolz定理的改进结果做了进一步拓广

61、However, the editorialist suggests that more study is needed before generalizing, especially because a number of the cases should have been diagnosed independently from symptoms. ─── 但是,该期刊编辑人员建议,在将该研究结果一般化之前,应该进行更多的研究,特别是,有一些案例应该接受非症状性的诊断。

62、In order to seek the factors leading to lost energy of the power gener ating unit, the lost energy factor, local lost energy and relative lost energy ratio are utilized. ─── 同时为了进一步诊断出机组能损的真正原因,为运行提供指导,提出了“能损因子”、“相对能损率”等概念。

63、Studying reasonable technologies in traditional folk house and generalizing experiences can be helpful to local construction and sustainable development. ─── 对传统民居中合理的技术进行研究,总结出经验,可以为今后当地的建筑创作以及可持续发展提供借鉴。

64、generalizing teaching ─── 抽象法教学

65、It was the imagination and generalizing power of Karl Marx which brought these two movements into relationship. ─── 是卡尔·马克思的想象力和综合能力,使这两种运动产生了密切的关系。


67、METHODS Consulting relative references,summarizing and generalizing something about the use of remifentanil in obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. ─── 方法查阅相关文献,总结归纳瑞芬太尼在产科麻醉与镇痛中的应用。

68、Our history teacher is always generalizing ─── 我们历史老师上课总是泛泛而谈

69、This shifting of risk from bondholders was a bad idea in Ireland and generalizing it across the euro zone will not improve it. ─── 这种把风险从债券持有人身上移走的做法在爱尔兰就收效不佳,推广到整个欧元区收效也不会改善。

70、If we went under, our workers could have found positions with Ford and Gener al Motors. ─── 如果我们倒闭了,我们的工人可以在福特汽车公司和通用汽车公司找到工作。

71、the ability of generalizing ─── 抽象能力

72、The act or an instance of generalizing. ─── 归纳归纳的行为或实例

73、Our history teacher is always generalizing. ─── 我们历史老师上课总是泛泛而谈。

74、However, such deterministic arguments fail to acknowledge that local environmental variability in the Southwest makes generalizing about that environment difficult. ─── 然而,这种决定性的论点没有承认,在西南地区的地方环境的变化使得对该环境进行概括是困难的。

75、Craig: I don't "always"put you down. There you go again, generalizing. ─── 我没有"总是"跟你对着干,你看,你又用这个词来概括我了。

76、The amount of nutrients in various organs was gener ally ranked in turn N>K>Ca>P>Mg. The amount of nutrients in three seedlings was also ranked in turn N>K>Ca>P>Mg. ─── 3种树种各器官中的养分贮量多为N >K >Ca >P >Mg ,其养分总贮量也为N >K >Ca >P >Mg。

77、The teaching model for PE is a choice, abstract, and generalizing for all sorts of the teaching ploy of PE. ─── 体育教学模式研究是对各种有效的体育教学活动方式的选择、抽象和概括。

78、Basics (I’m generalizing what is a very complicated subject, to illustrate. ─── 基本事项(我在归纳什么是非常复杂且难以说清楚的事项。

79、Countermeasures for Generalizing Cleaner Production and Developing Circular Economy ─── 推广清洁生产、发展循环经济的对策思路

80、Parameter Estimation of Generalizing Linear Model Under Restriction Condition ─── 带有约束条件的一般线性模型参数估计

81、Methods: In analyzing and generalizing chance of the fitness and choice of 22 cases of thyroid, point of operation in the opera-tions. ─── 方法:通过对22例甲状腺再次手术的适应证及手术时机的选择,术中操作要领的分析总结。

82、The Half Leafless Pea And Vantage Of Producing And Generalizing ─── 半无叶型豌豆及生产和推广优势

83、Gener Hosp Shenyang Mil Distr; ─── 作者单位: Dept Cardiovasc Surg;

84、generalizing kinematic chain ─── 一般化运动链

85、Charity is the behavior of generalizing goodness among people, with all the social members getting benefited. ─── 慈善是人们交互性的普惠行动,是全体社会成员共同受益的过程。

86、I was accused of generalizing the entire public. ─── 我被指责(在讲话中)笼统地泛指全体公众。

87、The dual law in lattice theory is introduced and some concepts and properties relative to it are discussed, while generalizing the concept of duality and the idea of the duality principle. ─── 摘要推广了对偶的概念与对偶原理的思想,在格论中引入了对偶律,并讨论了与之相关的一些概念和性质。

88、Criticism in form of restating and generalizing can not be regarded as the real literary criticism. ─── 体悟阐释式,也因缺乏深入分析而批评意味不足;

89、Generalizing psychology ─── 普同化心理

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