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09-07 投稿


ulna 发音

英:[ˈʌlnə]  美:[ˈʌlnə]

英:  美:

ulna 中文意思翻译



ulna 词性/词形变化,ulna变形


ulna 短语词组

1、attaches to humerus radius and ulna ─── 附着于肱骨桡骨和尺骨

2、ulna fx ─── 尺骨fx

3、ulna and radius ─── 尺骨和桡骨

4、radio-ulna n. ( ─── 青蛙等的)桡尺骨

5、tubercles of ulna ─── [医] 尺骨结节

6、coronoid process of ulna ─── [医] 尺骨喙突

7、anconeal process of ulna ─── [医]尺骨鹰嘴

8、ulna bone ─── 尺骨

9、trochlear notch of ulna ─── [医] 半月切迹(尺骨)

10、olecranon of ulna ─── 尺骨鹰嘴

11、ulna parts ─── 尺骨部分

12、coronoid process ulna ─── 尺骨冠突

13、ulna tendon ─── 尺骨肌腱

14、ulna wrist ─── 尺骨腕

15、conoid ulna ─── 尺骨圆锥

16、ulna location ─── 尺骨位置

17、ulna shape ─── 尺骨形

ulna 相似词语短语

1、ulnas ─── n.(人或动物的)尺骨(ulna的复数)

2、ulnar ─── adj.[解剖]尺骨的

3、ulans ─── n.枪骑士;n.(Ulan)人名;(吉尔)乌兰;(中)乌兰(蒙语·汉语拼音)

4、ulama ─── 乌力马(穆斯林的学者或宗教、法律的权威)

5、ulnad ─── n.向尺侧

6、ulva ─── n.[植]石莼

7、ulema ─── n.乌理玛委员会;乌理玛委员会的成员

8、ulnae ─── 尺骨(ulna的名词复数)

9、Vilna ─── n.维尔纳

ulna 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ulna and Radius Density of the Aged: An Analysis of 812 cases in Shanghai ─── 上海地区812名老年人尺桡骨骨密度的测定结果

2、In the u er limb, the radius is the lateral bone of the forearm and the ulna is the medial one. ─── 就上肢而言,桡骨是前臂外侧的骨,尺骨位于内,因而桡侧意为外侧,尺侧意为内侧。

3、Fractures of coronoid process of ulna ─── 尺骨冠状突骨折

4、Closed fracture of lower end of radius and ulna ─── 尺骨和桡骨下端闭合性骨折

5、Keywords ulna;fracture;intramedullary nail;internal fixation; ─── 关键词尺骨;骨折;髓内针;内固定;

6、Experimental study of elbow joint stability following ulna coronoid process fractures ─── 尺骨冠突骨折对肘关节稳定性的影响

7、Excisional biopsy of bone of ulna ─── 尺骨切除活组织检查

8、Closed fracture of coronoid process of ulna ─── 尺骨喙突闭合性骨折

9、Excision of lesion of bone of ulna ─── 尺骨病损切除术

10、Dominant species comprised Synedra ulna var.oxyrhynchus,Gyrosigma spencerii,Cymbella tumida,Surirella ovata,with the proportion of 13.42%,12.56%,14.00%,9.88% respectively. ─── 优势种为肘状针杆藻尖喙变种、斯氏布纹藻、膨胀桥弯藻和卵形双菱藻等,它们在各站点中都有分布,分别占总数的13.42%、12.56%、14.00%、9.88%。

11、Treatement for fractures of the ulna and radius in children with TCM and WM ─── 中西医结合治疗儿童前臂双骨折

12、double fracture of shafts of ulna and radius ─── 尺桡骨干双骨折

13、Comparison of emergence time of the secondary ossification center of distal ulna under MRI and X-ray ─── 尺骨远端次级骨化中心X线与MRI下出现时间的对比研究

14、Sequestrectomy of bone of ulna ─── 尺骨死骨切除术

15、X-ray analysis of styloid process of ulna fracture with radius fracture ─── 尺骨茎突骨折并发桡骨骨折发病机制X线分析

16、When she offered him a cigarette he involuntarily held her wrist, feeling the junction between the radial and ulna bones. ─── 她递了一根烟给他,他不由自主地抓住了她的手腕,抚摸到了桡腕骨与尺角间的关节。

17、Keywords Low intensity ultrasound;Radius and ulna fracture;Fracture healing;Treatment; ─── 低强度超声波;尺桡骨骨折;骨折愈合;治疗;

18、Keywords Ulna;Chordoma/diagnosis;Diagnostic errors; ─── 关键词尺骨;脊索瘤/诊断;误诊;

19、Biomechanical experiment and clinical study on the treatment of radius - and ulna fracture in forearm by duble - splint ─── 二夹板治疗前臂双骨折的生物力学测定与临床研究

20、Methods: The method into the top corner off the entire complex of children double fracture of distal ulna and radius. ─── 方法:采用成角折顶法整复儿童尺桡骨远端双骨折。

21、Closed fracture of shaft of ulna ─── 尺骨干闭合性骨折

22、ulna and radius fracture splint ─── 尺桡骨骨折夹板

23、An anatomical structure that resembles a pulley, especially the part of the distal end of the humerus that articulates with the ulna. ─── 滑车类似滑车的解剖结构,尤指与尺骨以关节相连的肱骨远侧末端部分

24、lesser sigmoid cavity of ulna ─── 尺骨小乙状窝, 桡尺骨切迹

25、Keywords Ulna Femur Chondroid parachordoma Immunohisto chemistry Differentiation diagnosis; ─── 尺骨;股骨;软骨样副脊索瘤;免疫组织化学;鉴别诊断;

26、Stress fractures of the ulna and radius have also been reported in a number of different upper limb-dominated sports. ─── 应力性骨折的尺骨和桡也报告了在若干不同上肢为主的运动。在所有情况下,这些骨折愈合与保守的管理。

27、Keywords ulna fractures;radius fractures;shape memory alloy;fracture fixation;internal; ─── 关键词尺骨骨折;桡骨骨折;记忆合金;骨折固定术;内;

28、Fracture of the radius or ulna ─── 尺桡骨干骨折

29、Debridement of open fracture of ulna ─── 尺骨开放性骨折清创术

30、Keywords Ulna coronoid process;Anatomical study;Reconstructing coronoid; ─── 尺骨冠突;解剖学研究;冠突重建;

31、Articular circumference of ulna ─── 尺骨关节环状面

32、Anatomy study of ulna coronoid process and its clinical significance ─── 尺骨冠突解剖学研究及其临床意义

33、Anatomic and clinical study of a new method to fix ulna with intramedullary nail entrancing from head of ulna ─── 尺骨头进针固定尺骨的解剖及临床应用研究

34、Congential Union of the Proximal End of Ulna and Radius (A Report of 2 Cases) ─── 先天性尺桡骨近端骨性联接(附2例报告)

35、greater sigmoid cavity of ulna ─── 尺骨大乙状窝, 尺骨滑车切迹

36、Keywords ulna;impaction;syndrome;misdiagnosis;soft ticsue;injury; ─── 尺骨;撞击;综合征;误诊;软组织;损伤;

37、Multi-centre clinical research of middle and inferior fracture of ulna and radius by three pace bone setting manipulation ─── 三步正骨手法整复尺桡骨中下段双骨折的多中心临床研究

38、small boneat the junction of the ulna and the carpus. ─── 连接尺骨和腕骨的小骨头。

39、Derotational osteotomy at shafts of the radius and ulna for congenital radioulnar synostosis . ─── 尺桡骨中段旋转截骨术治疗先天性上尺桡关节融合及并发症探讨。

40、Surgical Treatment of Fracture of Ulna Coronoid Process ─── 尺骨冠状突骨折的手术治疗

41、Keywords ulna nerve;electromyography;nerve impulse transmition speed;elbow canal syndrome; ─── 关键词尺神经;肌电图;神经传导速度;肘管综合征;

42、Removal of internal fixation device of ulna ─── 尺骨内固定装置除去术

43、Open fracture of shaft of ulna ─── 尺骨干开放性骨折

44、Simple tumor excision can correct the forearm deformity in patients with an isolated tumor of the distal part of the ulna. ─── 单纯肿瘤手术切除可校正肿瘤单发尺骨远端患者的前臂畸形。

45、Keywords Ulna fractures;Radius fractures;Bone setting manipulation;External fixators; ─── 关键词尺骨骨折;桡骨骨折;正骨手法;外固定器;

46、Longitudinal deficiency of ulna ─── 尺骨纵向缺乏

47、Causes and countermeasures of missed diagnosis of fracture of ulna coronoid process in children ─── 儿童尺骨冠状突骨折的漏诊原因分析及对策

48、16.7%of AINs pass between the radius and ulna; ─── 16.7%骨间前神经在桡、尺骨之间走行;

49、Open fracture of distal end of ulna ─── 尺骨远端开放性骨折

50、Ulna coracoid process fracture complicated with elbow dislocation ─── 尺骨冠状突骨折合并肘关节脱位的治疗

51、A few operations is oar ulna fracture? ? ? ? ─── 桡尺骨骨折是几个手术????

52、Classification and treatment in the ulna coronoid process fractures ─── 尺骨冠突骨折的分型及治疗

53、lesser sigmoid fossa of ulna ─── 尺骨桡切迹

54、Open fracture of proximal end of ulna ─── 尺骨近端开放性骨折

55、Excision or curettage of bone cyst of ulna ─── 尺骨囊肿切除或刮除术

56、Synedra ulna var. spatulifera ─── n. 肘状针杆藻匙状变种

57、Surgical treatment of the diaphyseal fractures of radius and ulna by triangular nail and tension band ─── 三棱钉张力带在尺桡骨干骨折中的应用

58、Closed fracture of styloid process of ulna ─── 尺骨茎突闭合性骨折

59、Closed multiple fractures of upper end of ulna ─── 尺骨上端闭合性多发性骨折

60、Diagnostic procedure on ulna ─── 尺骨诊断性操作

61、The ulna forms the chief articulation at the elbow ─── 尺骨是组成肘关节的主要骨骼。

62、Fracture of ossicle of right laurel bone, does accipitral mouth rip companion ulna to want an operation? Meeting deformity not? ─── 右桂骨小骨骨折,伴尺骨鹰嘴撕脱要手术吗?会残疾不?

63、Ar circumference of head of ulna ─── 尺骨头环状关节面

64、fractures at distal radial or radial - ulna ─── 尺骨桡骨远端骨折

65、After primary treatment, the wound was covered with a skin graft, and a non-union of the radius and ulna developed which resulted in an unstable and angulated forearm.The wrist joint was stiff. ─── 初期治疗后伤口由植皮覆盖,桡骨与尺骨之骨折均未愈合,导致前臂不稳定而且弯曲畸形。

66、Study of external fixation with splint for the treatment of fracture of the radius and ulna ─── 夹板外固定治疗前臂双骨折的临床研究

67、The rounded head of the ulna produces a bulge on the posterior side of the forearm just above the wrist ─── 尺骨的圆头恰在腕上前臂后侧产生一个膨大。

68、The operation aggravated the ulna nerve. ─── 手术刺激了尺骨神经。

69、Anatomy study of ulna proximal end and its clinical significance ─── 尺骨近端解剖学研究及其临床意义

70、resection of distal end of ulna ─── 尺骨远端切除术

71、demonstrating subluxation of the distal radioulnar joint. The ulna should lie between the subtended lines. ─── 下尺桡关节半脱位,尺骨应位于两条相交线内。可见到关节腔积液征象。

72、Fracture of shafts of both ulna and radius ─── 内分泌功能失调前臂双骨折

73、6.3%of AINs pass anterior to the ulna. ─── 6.3%隔指深屈肌走在尺骨的前方。

74、Internal fixation of bone of ulna ─── 尺骨内固定术

75、Open fracture of coronoid process of ulna ─── 尺骨喙突开放性骨折

76、Open dislocation of distal end of ulna ─── 尺骨远端开放性脱位

77、The MVESSCI were dominated by Colles fractures and distal fractures of ulna and radius, accounting for 73.8% (384/520). ─── 主要以Colles骨折及尺桡骨远端骨折为主 ,占 73.8% (384 /5 2 0 )。

78、Open multiple fractures of upper end of ulna ─── 尺骨上端开放性多发性骨折

79、Before I describe the technique of rotation, let me mention the role of the ulna and the radius, the two bones of the forearm. ─── 在描述转动弹奏法以前,让我先说一下尺骨和桡骨,这是前臂的两根骨头。

80、Closed fracture of lower end of ulna ─── 尺骨下端闭合性骨折

81、The BMD of CPP,PPP and health groups all increased with the age,and the radius BMD was higher than the ulna BMD in each age group. ─── CPP、PPP和健康组BMD均随年龄增长而增加,3组各年龄桡骨BMD均高于尺骨;

82、Radial head dislocation with both radius and ulna or multiple bone fractures of forearm in children ─── 儿童桡骨头脱位伴前臂双骨折或多节段骨折

83、Before I describe the technique of rotation , let me mention the role of the ulna and the radius , the two bones of the forearm . ─── 在描述转动弹奏法以前,让我先说一下尺骨和桡骨,这是前臂的两根骨头。

84、Closed fracture of head of ulna ─── 尺骨头闭合性骨折

85、Closed fracture of proximal end of ulna ─── 尺骨近端闭合性骨折

86、fracture of upper 1/3 of ulna combined with dislocation of head of radius ─── 尺骨上1/3骨折合并桡骨头脱位

87、Excision or curettage of benign tumor of ulna ─── 尺骨良性肿瘤切除或刮除术

88、Keywords Triangular fibrocartilage complex;Ulna;Ebrsal carpal branch of anterior interosseous artery;Transposition; ─── 关键词三角纤维软骨;尺骨;尺动脉腕背支;移位术;

89、The large process on the upper end of the ulna that projects behind the elbow joint and forms the point of the elbow. ─── 鹰嘴(指肘部的骨性隆起):位于尺骨上端的大块隆起,在肘关节后凸出形成肘尖。

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