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09-06 投稿


culpability 发音

英:[ˌkʌlpəˈbɪləti]  美:[ˌkʌlpəˈbɪləti]

英:  美:

culpability 中文意思翻译



culpability 短语词组

1、culpability factors ─── 罪责因素

2、culpability form ─── 罪责形式

3、culpability app ─── 罪责app

4、culpability orc ─── 罪责兽人

5、culpability define ─── 罪责界定

6、deniable culpability ─── 可否认的罪责

7、culpability rcw ─── 罪责rcw

culpability 相似词语短语

1、inculpability ─── 可判有罪

2、palpability ─── n.可触知性;明白

3、cultivability ─── 耕性

4、clubbability ─── 俱乐部性

5、colorability ─── 可着色性

6、dupability ─── n.受骗的性格;易受骗

7、curability ─── n.治愈可能性

8、cutability ─── n.可切性;精肉率

9、capability ─── n.才能,能力;性能,容量

culpability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study on Complicated Culpability--Taking the Crime of Abuse of Authority as An Example ─── 复杂罪过研究--以滥用职权罪为范例

2、“The fact that they are admitting some culpability by Pakistanis is a huge start,” said Vikram Sood, a retired Indian intelligence chief who leads a New Delhi institute on international affairs. ─── “事实上,他们承认一些罪责的巴基斯坦人是一个巨大的开始说, ”维克拉姆索德,一位退休的印度情报部门负责谁领导的新德里研究所在国际事务。

3、The Evolution of the Culpability System of the Continental Legal Family ─── 大陆法系犯罪论体系的嬗变

4、From his own experience with the Beggars, Xiao had learned that rebels worried about their own culpability when things went against them.Once they were give immunities, they lost the will to fight on. ─── 萧峰有过丐帮帮众背叛自己的经历,明白叛众心思,一处逆境之后,最要紧的是企图免罪,只须对方保证不念旧恶,决不追究,叛军自然斗志消失。

5、Captivity of itself is not a condition of culpability. ─── 被俘本身不是应受惩罚的行为。

6、The subjective culpability in such a crime can be an offencecommitted from direct intention or indirect intention ,and the knowing ofillegal should be the important element of it . ─── 它的主观罪过形式是故意,既包括直接故意,又包括间接故意,而违法性认识的可能性是故意之要素。

7、Responsibility for a mistake or an offense;culpability. ─── 过错,责任对错误或过失的责任;

8、At the same time,the culpability of aggravated consequential offence should be culpa,and thus the aggravated consequential offense should have no unaccomplished offender and joint crime. ─── 而它的结果加重犯是出于过失,故不存在未遂形态和共同犯罪。

9、subjective culpability of the mind ─── 主观恶性

10、On the culpability of the lured in the lure investigation ─── 论诱惑侦查中被诱惑者之罪责

11、doctrine of culpability ─── 责任主义

12、If a criminal is convicted and punished, then the judgment on the criminal culpability becomes a crucial premise. ─── 那么,如果对一个犯罪人判刑,使其接受惩罚,对于犯罪人的归责与可谴责性的判断就是一个关键的前提。

13、With emphasis upon individual's self-control ability, the traditional normative culpability based on choice freedom has been discarded. ─── 随着对行为人的控制能力的强调,以选择自由为基础的传统规范责任论被废弃。

14、The culpability of its essential offence should be direct and indirect intention,and this crime should have joint crime. ─── 非法行医罪的基本罪的罪过形式包括直接故意和间接故意,并存在共同犯罪。

15、As a result, reasonable expectation as a normative standard is separated from the theory of culpability and is increasingly becoming less significant in the regime of criminal law. ─── 期待可能性被从责任论中剥离出来,其重要性也日益呈下降的趋势。

16、SunIn is a pump spray, not an aerosol, so we didn’t have to go there with culpability and irony and all). ─── 当然,这使我们不远的讨论不可能这样做,现在,我们已经抨击臭氧层(星期日)如此艰苦,我们建立了一。

17、“The members who voted no will have some culpability,” he said. ─── “投反对票的议员要承担一些罪责,”他说。

18、The members who voted no will have some culpability," he said. ─── 投反对票的议员要承担一些罪责,”他说。

19、Culpability for a crime or lesser breach of regulations that carries a legal penalty. ─── 轻罪,过失为一罪行或对法规的轻度违反而应受法律上的处罚

20、The culpability of its essential offence should be directand indirect intention, and this crime should have joint crime. ─── 非法行医罪的基本罪的罪过形式包括直接故意和间接故意,并存在共同犯罪。

21、the criminal culpability ─── 刑事归责

22、Facts and Values: A Dual Perspective of Culpability Evaluation--Defects in the Traditional Ctdpability Theory and Probability of Anticipation Theory ─── 事实与价值:罪过评价的二元视角--论传统罪过理论的缺陷与期待可能性理论

23、The culpability is the standard of the crimination. ─── 共犯的主观罪过内容是定罪的根据;

24、Abstract: The principle of liability without fault refers to the assumption of liability with no regard to the culpability of the tort - feasor. ─── 文章摘要: 无过错责任原则,是指加害人对损害的发生无论是否有过错均应承担赔偿责任。

25、subjective culpability ─── 主观罪过

26、If Google's original aim was to force an admission of culpability, shake hands and move on, it has failed. ─── 如果谷歌的初衷是迫使对方承认错误,然后双方握手言和,让事件告一段落,那么该公司已经失败。

27、Objectie. To inestigate the claim of culpability of bacteria in causing the local inflammatory process seen in patients with disc herniation and radiculopathy. ─── 目的.评估一种关于细菌培养可能性的说法。这种说法认为,这种通过引起椎间盘突出和影像学改变病人局部炎症反应的细菌可以被培养出来。

28、Discussion on the Forms of Culpability of the Crime of Infringement on Business Secret ─── 侵犯商业秘密罪的罪过形式探讨

29、Which brings me to the culpability of those who are only now facing up to the G. O. P. 's craziness. ─── 回过头我们再来说说那些现在才勇于正视共和党疯狂的人的过失。

30、relative culpability ─── 相对应受谴责性

31、But by the time of his death he had become convinced of the firm's culpability, and his dying wish was to make cigarette companies stop deceiving people about the risks of smoking. ─── 但到他去世时,他开始相信公司的罪责,他的遗愿是让烟草公司停止关于吸烟风险的欺骗。

32、The Theme of Culpability in Arthur Miller's Three Plays ─── 阿瑟·米勒三个剧本中的错过主题

33、The first has to do culpability. ─── 首先需要做的罪责。

34、principle of culpability for state compensation ─── 国家赔偿的归责原则

35、Some compensation experts view the bonus limits as a mistake that turns the notion of pay for performance on its head, despite Wall Street's culpability for the recession and credit crisis. ─── 一些薪酬专家认为,这样的一个奖金限额是一种错误做法,它全盘颠覆了薪酬与表现挂钩的概念,虽然华尔街对衰退和信贷危机负有责任。

36、The government fell on its sword, accepted culpability and went cap in hand to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. ─── 政府下定决心,承认自己犯错,并且向国际货币基金组织和世界银行卑躬屈膝。

37、The offence, as now defined in English law, covers a wide spectrum of culpability. ─── 英国法律规定,违法包括很多种过失行为。

38、culpability principle ─── 归责原则

39、AIG may be responsible for its financial problems, but the culpability of those who do business with AIG is less clear, and so helping them out does not reward bad behavior. ─── 因此,针对他们的救助并不是在激励不当行为。

40、normative theory of culpability ─── 规范责任论

41、Looking along the trail, there used to be both magnificence and culpability, both enjoyment and helplessness. ─── 但是我们一直在努力,俱乐部也一直在发展。

42、Guilt applies to serious, willful breaches of conduct and stresses moral culpability ─── Guilt适用于情节严重、故意的不良行为并强调道德上的过失

43、The state of being responsible for a fault or an error; culpability. ─── 责备,谴责对过失或错误的责任的状态; 应受谴责的行为

44、If the cash were not forthcoming, the African Union (AU) might take a case to a court of arbitration and ask it to judge overall culpability for climate change. ─── 如果他们不能尽快地得到现金,那么非洲联盟将有可能把此案上诉到联合国仲裁法庭,让法庭来判定环境变化的全部罪责。

45、The culpability form of abuse of authority has been the dispute focus in the circle of criminal law. ─── 滥用职权罪的罪过形式一直是刑法理论界争论的焦点,但到目前为止尚没有一种学说取得通说地位。

46、The culpability of the crime committed by a unit should include intent and negligence, also supervisory negligence. ─── 单位犯罪的罪过,应当包括故意和过失,也应当包括监督过失;

47、Keywords Liability of Complicity;Imputation;Culpability; ─── 共犯责任;归责;负责;

48、In my earlier post (here) I argued that it was hard to assign moral culpability if most other experts would have done the same. ─── 在我之前的言论中我提到,如果其他大多数专业人士也做了相同的决策,那么就很难判定责任归属。

49、Traditional tort law is the ethical morality theory that is core with fault, this theory emphasizes the culpability sex of behavior fault. ─── 传统侵权法是以过错为核心的伦理道德理论 ,该理论强调行为过错的可责性。

50、The dissertation starts from the unattached act and culpability and end with finding out the "Two-fold characters of abettors". ─── 在这一章当中,根据全文的论述,我们提出了本文的创新之处和全文的结论。

51、Looking along the trail, there used to be both magnificence and culpability, both enjoyment and helplessness. ─── 沿着足迹望去,有过辉煌亦有过失落,有过快乐亦有过无助。

52、The culpability of its essential offence should be directed indirect intention, and this crime should have joint crime. ─── 非法行医罪的基本罪的罪过形式包括直接故意和间接故意,并存在共同犯罪。

53、principle of culpability ─── 归则原则

54、The degree of culpability depends on the gravity of the subject matter, knowledge and freedom, as traditional moral teaching tells us. ─── 现在,这罪责的轻重程度取决于事情的严重性、对它的认知和自由度,就像传统伦理所教导的。

55、At the sametime, the culpability of aggravated consequential offence should be culpa, andthus the aggravated consequential offense should have no unaccomplishedoffender and joint crime . ─── 而它的结果加重犯是出于过失,故不存在未遂形态和共同犯罪。

56、Our traditional criminal constitution theory has still enough justification for existence,and that we should put off introducing the culpability systems of the continental law family. ─── 我国传统的犯罪构成理论仍然具有生命力,应该暂缓引进大陆法系的犯罪论体系。

57、the state of being responsible for a fault or an error; culpability ─── 责备,谴责对过失或错误的责任的状态;应受谴责的行为

58、He added there was clear culpability on the part of the government. ─── 他补充说政府方面明显负有责任。

59、Abstract:Focusing of present criminal law on risk control and harm prevention has led to a drastic change in the concept of culpability. ─── 摘要:当代刑法对风险控制与危害预防的强调,使得罪责概念的内容经历了重大的变化。

60、The will of crime is the core among the elements controlling the crime of immediate intention which embodies the essence of culpability about the immediate criminal intention. ─── 在支配直接故意犯罪的主观罪过要素中,犯罪意志是核心,它体现了直接犯罪故意的罪过实质。

61、The Development of the Criminal Culpability Theory in the Criminal Laws of the Common Law Countries ─── 英美刑法中刑事归责理论的展开

62、The ghost offers a rational explanation for an apparently irrational act, and in doing so divides both rationality and irrationality, and culpability and lack of culpability, between two bodies. ─── 鬼为明显不理性的行为提供合理的解释,通过这样做以区分两者之间的合理性和不合理性、罪责和无罪责。

63、delusion of culpability ─── 罪责妄想

64、As for Goldman's culpability, or that of particular executives at the firm, I would prefer to wait until all the evidence is in. ─── 至于高盛是否有罪,亦或高盛那些高管,我更愿意等到水落石出。

65、Moral culpability would plague him to the end. ─── 道德上的罪恶感将困扰他的余生。

66、the culpability system of the continental legal family ─── 大陆法系的犯罪论体系

67、complicated culpability ─── 复杂罪过

68、Looks along the trail, there used to has magnificence and culpability, enjoyment and helpless. ─── 沿着足迹望去,有过辉煌亦有过失落,有过快乐亦有过无助。

69、Pluralism is a double-edged sword, which you could either give credit of innovation of out-dated conventions to or blame for its culpability of breaking cultural order and resulting in cultural and spiritual crisis. ─── 它是一把双刃剑,你可以把扫荡陈规陋习、推陈出新的功劳归于它,也可以把瓦解文化秋序、涣散人心、造成文化精神危机的罪责加诸于它。

70、A Discrimination of Subjective Culpability in the Crime of Illegal Holding ─── 持有型犯罪主观罪过辨析

71、Anthony M. Dillof,Transferred Intent:An Inquiry into the Nature of Criminal Culpability[J].Buffalo Criminal Law Review,1998,(1). ─── 李韧夫:犯罪心理若干问题研究[A].刑事法新论集粹:何鹏教授八十华诞纪念论文集[C].北京:法律出版社,2005

72、Responsibility for a mistake or an offense; culpability. ─── 过错,责任对错误或过失的责任;有罪

73、The U.S.Embassy here released a statement saying Dostum's reputation raises "questions of his culpability for massive human rights violations. ─── 美国驻阿富汗大使馆发表声明说,杜斯塔姆的的声誉令人“对他大量侵犯人权的罪责产生质疑”。

74、The news caused a fervor throughout the world, leading the U.S. government to admit a least partial culpability in the livestock research program. ─── 消息带动整个世界的热情,领导著美国政府承认研究计划一个小部分的家畜有罪。

75、Public risks recently have moved the legal system to relax doctrines, e.g., those relating to standards of causation and culpability, burdens of proof, and sharing of liability, that were designed to deal with the private risks. ─── 公共风险近来已把法律制度转变成宽松的原则。 例如,那些有直接关系的应受处罚。 取证责任、责任分担等有关的准则,都是为处理个人风险而设计的。

76、A common fallacy in the present researches on the theory of reasonable expectation is to identify it with the normative theory of culpability. ─── 摘要当前期待可能性理论研究中的认识误区在于,将期待可能性等同于规范责任论本。

77、culpability theory ─── 罪过理论

78、In the criminal laws of the common law system, many theories illustrate the criminal culpability, which can be mainly classified into the theories of subjectivity and the theories of objectivity. ─── 在英美刑法中,关于刑事归责的理论较多,主要分为主观论和客观论,其中主观论分为选择理论和性格理论,而且在英美法系国家,这些理论的争论一直在进行。

79、And clearly, for them to kind of walk away from their culpability in this is inexcusable, in our minds. ─── 依我们看,很明显,对他们来说,他们要撇清在其中的罪责是没有借口的。

80、Reflections on the Principle of Culpability for State Compensation and its Reconstruction ─── 我国国家赔偿归责原则之反思与重构

81、It also tends to conceal the culpability of many Austrians in Nazi crimes, most of all the Shoah, by perpetuating the myth of Austria as the first victim of Hitler's expansionism [.. ─── 同时这样的误解,使得奥地利是希特勒扩张野心第一个受害者的迷思,继续延续下去,因而遮盖了许多奥地利人参与纳粹罪行因而有罪的事实,尤其是对犹太人的灭绝一事。

82、A Total Culpability of Subsequent Conduct ─── 共罚的事后行为

83、This discussion raised issues from the very serious, such as the culpability of Dumbledore in sending Harry back to an abusive household, to a fun look at what lessons Rita Skeeter can teach journalists. ─── 这个讨论引起了从很严肃的争议像邓不利多将哈利送回口出恶言的家的过失,到很轻松的注意像丽塔史矶能教新闻学的课。

84、The assistant coach of the Chinese side, Jia Xiuquan, accepted some culpability for the incident. ─── 中国助理教练贾秀全认为球队应受谴责。

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