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09-07 投稿


zinc 发音

英:[zɪŋk]  美:[zɪŋk]

英:  美:

zinc 中文意思翻译



zinc 网络释义

vt. 镀锌于…;涂锌于…;用锌处理n. 锌

zinc 短语词组

1、diethyl zinc ─── [化] 二乙基锌

2、acicular type zinc oxide ─── [化] 针状氧化锌

3、De Laval zinc process ─── [化] 德拉伐尔炼锌法

4、aluminium zinc sulfate ─── [化] 硫酸锌铝; 锌矾

5、Baker process (for zinc extraction) ─── [化] 贝克法; 贝克提锌法

6、battery zinc storage ─── [电] 锌蓄电池组

7、activated zinc flower ─── [化] 活性氧化锌

8、dialkyl zinc ─── [化] 二烃基锌

9、flower of zinc ─── [医] 锌华, 氧化锌

10、aluminum zinc sulfate ─── [化] 硫酸锌铝; 锌矾 ─── [医] 硫酸锌铝

11、copper-zinc accumulator ─── [化] 铜锌蓄电池

12、electrolytic zinc ─── [机] 电解锌

13、dimethyl zinc ─── [化] 二甲锌

14、copper oxide and zinc accumulator ─── [建] 氧化铜和锌蓄电池

15、alkyl zinc halide ─── [化] 卤化烷基锌

16、carbon-zinc cell ─── [建] 碳锌电池

17、butter of zinc ─── [化] 氯化锌 ─── [医] 氯化锌

18、Anaconda-Trail process (for zinc extraction) ─── [化] 安那康达-特雷耳法; 安那康达-特雷耳提锌法

19、activated zinc oxide ─── [化] 活性氧化锌

zinc 词性/词形变化,zinc变形

动词过去分词: zinced/zincked |简写符号: Zn |动词过去式: zinced/zincked |动词第三人称单数: zincs/zincks |动词现在分词: zincing/zincking |

zinc 相似词语短语

1、zinco ─── n.锌版

2、inc ─── abbr.股份有限公司(incorporated)

3、fianc ─── 未婚夫

4、zilch ─── n.零,无;无价值之物;小人物;n.(Zilch)人名;(德)齐尔希

5、zines ─── n.电子杂志;科幻小说杂志(等于Fanzine);n.(Zine)人名;(阿拉伯)扎因

6、zineb ─── n.[农药]代森锌(一种农业用有机硫杀菌剂)

7、zing ─── n.活力;生命力;精力;子弹声;vt.对…挑剔;vi.发尖啸声

8、zincy ─── adj.含锌的,似锌的(等于zincky)

9、zine ─── n.电子杂志;科幻小说杂志(等于Fanzine);n.(Zine)人名;(阿拉伯)扎因

zinc 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Domestic professional manufacturer of series of zinc brightener. ─── 国内专业系列镀锌光亮剂制造商。

2、Y-bearing with zinc coated bearing rings and zinc coated locking collar. ─── Y-轴承,带镀锌轴承圈和镀锌锁定环。

3、Zinc at room temperature, the surface easy to generate a protective film, so The largest use of zinc are used in galvanized industry. ─── 锌在常温下表面易生成一层保护膜,所以锌最大的用途是用于镀锌工业。

4、Umicore is also the world's foremost zinc recycler. ─── 优美科也是世界上最早开始循环利用锌的公司之一。

5、Don't overdo it though. Too much zinc can lower levels of HDL, the "good" cholesterol. ─── 不过不可吃过量,因为太多的锌能降低高密度脂蛋白(“好”胆固醇)的水平。

6、A more modern type of arrester has valve blocks made of stacked zinc-oxide discs without using any air gaps or other auxiliary devices. ─── 一个现代型的避雷器更具有堆叠氧化锌光碟在没有使用任何的空气间隙或其他辅助设备阀块。

7、Zinc and neomycin paste is used for dermatitis and eczema. ─── 新锌糊用于皮炎和湿疹。

8、Research Progress of Excitonic Luminescence in Zinc Oxide[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Tan Tianya,Chen Junjie,Jiang Xue.

9、Intake of calcium, iron, and zinc also tends to be low. ─── 但钙、铁和锌的摄入量往往很低。

10、Y-bearing with zinc coated bearing rings and special non-toxic grease. ─── Y-轴承,带镀锌轴承圈和特种无毒性油脂。

11、Consequently, the main mining areas are those associated with zinc. ─── 因此,主要的矿区久是这些和锌有联系的地方。

12、Products content: Zinc Buckles, Zinc Snap hooks. ─── 产品介绍:锌制品----皮带扣.锌钩

13、Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc. ─── 地下埋藏着大量的金、银、铜、铅和锌。

14、The alloying annealing process of zinc layer is also described. ─── 并对锌层合金化退火工艺进行了阐述。

15、Copper and zinc are fused to make brass. ─── 铜与锌熔合后形成黄铜。

16、The degradation of zinc oxide varistors after stressed by surges is studied. ─── 摘要本文在探讨氧化锌变阻器经突波侵袭后所产生之劣化现象。

17、Zinc,found in root vegetables including potatoes,carrots and swedes and also in sesame seeds,is needed for hair growth. ─── 在块根类蔬菜如土豆,胡萝卜和瑞典芜菁,另外芝麻中也含有的锌元素,是头发生长所必需的。

18、Title: Improvement of production of barium hydroxide and zinc chloride etc. ─── 关键词:硫化钡;氧化锌;氢氧化钡;硫化氢;氯化锌;硫氢化钠

19、His body is in short of zinc. ─── 他身体缺锌。

20、Is the child short of calcic, zinc what to food and fruit should eat more? ─── 小孩缺钙、锌应多吃哪些食物和水果?

21、AKP is a sensitive index in assessment of zinc status and bone metabolism. ─── AKP在锌对骨发育的研究中是一个较为敏感的指标。

22、For Slate, gradually replaced by Zinc plate. ─── 后因石板重荷,忽然被锌板代替。

23、New zinc film cancover the former zinc film, for it has strong confluent performance, easy to fix up. ─── 新的强力锌可覆涂已有的强力锌层,它具有独特的重融性,修复简单。

24、Minimum zinc solubility is in the PH range 6. 0 to 8. 0. ─── 土壤PH值为6.0-8.0时,锌的溶解度最小。

25、Non-Inductive, Zinc Thermally Sprayed Extended Film. ─── 无感,锌加热喷于端面。

26、Thus, the research on Xuequan copper (zinc) deposit has important operation and academically significance. ─── 因此,雪泉铜(锌)矿床的勘查研究具有重要的实际和学术意义。

27、Apply to sandblasted steel. Miscellaneous zinc shop-primer. ─── 施工于正确喷砂处理的钢材上,可复涂在富锌车间底漆上。

28、Excellent adhesion to inorganic zinc silicate. ─── 对无机硅酸锌具有极好的附着力。

29、Made of quality carbon steel with zinc surface-plating or stainless steel. ─── 产品特点优质碳素钢制成,表面镀锌或采用不锈钢。

30、One of the main products is zinc alloy for diecasting. ─── 其主产品之一是压铸锌合金。

31、Zinc metallurgical slag is often dischar ged as Industrial solid waste. ─── 炼锌渣工业上往往直接排放形成固体废弃物;

32、It indicated the anorectic was correlated with lower hair zinc. ─── 提示厌食症与缺锌有密切关系。

33、Zinc powder is a kind of deep gray powder, which consists infinitive form of circular particle, specific gravity 7. ─── 本品为深灰色粉末,由不定形或圆状颗粒组成,比重为7。

34、Copper, lead and zinc were mined in the centre and north of the country. ─── 在这个国家的中部和北部开采出了铜、铅、锌矿。

35、What fruit filling zinc and Selenium? ─── 什么水果补锌和硒?

36、The VOM method was described with zinc yeast culture. ─── 以锌酵母为例,介绍可视化方法优化全过程.

37、To make a lithograph the artist draws with a special waxy crayon onto a fine-grained limestone block or a specially grained zinc plate. ─── 使随即艺术家以一种特殊的吸引到一个细糯蜡笔或特殊粒石灰岩块锌板。

38、Organic zinc epoxy powder coat: excellent antiseptic performance and impact resisting performance. ─── 有机锌环氧粉末涂层:优异的防腐性能及抗撞击性能。

39、Zinc is used to protect other metals from corrosion. ─── 锌被用来保护其他金属免受腐蚀。

40、It's a two-component, solvent-borne, modified zinc silicate shop primer. ─── 是一种双组份溶剂基改性硅酸锌车间底漆。

41、A study is made of separation of zinc from iron in waste sulfuric acid pickle liquor by solvent extraction. ─── 对溶剂萃取分离镀锌酸洗废液中的锌、铁进行了研究。

42、With increasing pressure,the wurtzite structre was transformed to zinc blende structure at 11.2 GPa. ─── 压力达到11.2 gpa时,纳米硫化锌空心球中的纤锌矿结构全部转变为闪锌矿结构。

43、Adverse effects were lower and mild in the zinc pyrithione spray group. ─── 吡啶硫锌气雾剂治疗组不良反应发生率低且反应轻微。

44、The art or process of printing color pictures from a series of stone or zinc plates by lithography. ─── 彩色平板印刷术用一系列石板或锌板做平板来印刷彩画的技术或过程

45、Hydrogen is a product of the reaction between zinc and sulphuric acid. ─── 氢是锌和硫酸反应的生成物。

46、B311 lithopone: white paint, zinc sulfide content of 30%. ─── B311立德粉:白色颜料,硫化锌含量为30%。

47、Of course there can be alloy compositions that contain bismuth, indium, and zinc. ─── 当然,合金成分可以包含铋、铟和锌。

48、Both zinc oxide and urethanes are not available for supply. ─── 氧化锌和聚氨脂不是都有货可供.

49、At the moment oxides of metals such as zinc and copper seem to be the favourites, but tiny tubes made of carbon are also being explored. ─── 目前似乎更青睐于使用锌和铜等金属的氧化物,然而由碳元素组成的微型电子管也正在研发中。

50、Abstract: Zinc calcine contains a small amount of refractory zinc ferrite that can be reduced by reduction roasting. ─── 文摘:锌焙砂含有少量难溶的铁酸锌,通过还原焙烧可以降低铁酸锌含量。

51、Continuously hot-dip zinc coated low carbon steels strip and sheet for cold forming - Technical delivery conditions. ─── 冷冲压用连续热镀锌的低碳钢制的板材和带钢。交货的技术条件。

52、Guangzhou where acquisitions, zinc, iron, waste tin, steel, plastic? ─── 广州哪里收购废铁,废铜,锌,锡,钢,塑料?

53、Change the Zinc block of cathode Protection. ─── 换阴极保护用的锌棒。

54、Progress of molybdate passivating for zinc coating is stated. ─── 本文综述了国内外镀锌层钼酸盐钝化的研究概况。

55、Namely copper, iron, zinc, iodic, Selenium, manganese, chromic, cobaltic. ─── 即铜、铁、锌、碘、硒、锰、铬、钴。

56、All kinds of metal stamping parts, zinc alloy castings, NdFeB strong magnet. ─── 各种五金冲压件,锌合金铸件,钕铁硼强磁铁。

57、U.S. RDI Of All Essential Vitamins, Plus Iron & Zinc for children under 4. ─── 本品为4岁以下的婴幼儿童服用的蔬菜汁多种维生素营养液,同时补铁和补锌。

58、Rich zinc phosphatization: enhance the adhesive power of coating and base materials. ─── 富锌磷化:增强涂膜与基材的附着力。

59、The picture shows the Tumertine Obo Zinc field. ─── 图为图木尔廷敖包锌矿矿区远景。

60、It's a two component, polyamide cured epoxy zinc rich primer. ─── 双组份富锌环氧聚酰胺固化的底漆。

61、We are interested in Zinc Dross (Bottom Dross, Top Dross) and Zinc Scrap. ─── 有意购买锌渣(底渣、顶渣)和锌废料。

62、For intermediate coat on the surface of zinc silicate or metal coating to reduce popping. ─── 作为中间涂层涂于涂有硅酸锌或金属涂料的表面以减少起泡现象。

63、The effects of various kinds of zinc plating brighteners were also analyzed ... ─── 分析了各类镀锌光亮剂的作用,并对今后镀锌光亮剂的研究工作提出了期望。

64、Present Situation and Countermeasures of Safe Management of Grass - roots Units in Huili Zinc Mine Co., Ltd. ─── 会理锌矿有限责任公司基层安全管理现状及对策。

65、Zinc (Zn), Nickel (Ni) and Chromium (Cr) were also detected in Ssu-Hao drain. ─── 四好排水则发现锌、镍与铬三种重金属污染。

66、Toxicants-the heavy metals which may be of concern in textile mill effluents are copper, chromium, and zinc. ─── 毒物--指与纺织废水有关的重金属铜、铬和锌。

67、The casting pure zinc is often chosen as sacrifice anode covering on the surface of steel-foot to prevent the corrosion. ─── 选择浇铸纯锌做牺牲阳极覆盖在钢脚表面的方法,能够有效地防止钢脚的腐蚀。

68、The process of engraving zinc printing plates. ─── 制锌版术雕刻锌印刷版的过程

69、Methods In 103 RAU,found 17 cases with zinc deficiency,and treated with zinc. ─── 方法随机就诊的103例复发性阿弗它溃疡患者筛选出17例血清锌低者,并用锌剂治疗。

70、Some of them wear zinc, which is brightly-coloured sunscreen. ─── 有些人身上涂了锌,锌是颜色很亮的遮光剂。

71、They also had higher levels of beneficial minerals such as iron and zinc. ─── 它们还能够增加一些有益于身体的矿物质,诸如铁和锌。

72、Welcom to Liuzhou Zinc Products Co., Ltd. ─── 欢迎光临柳州锌品股份有限公司主页!

73、Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. ─── 黄铜是铜锌合金。

74、Method TSQ fluorescence was used to detect free zinc ions in mouse lungs. ─── 方法应用TSQ荧光技术检测小鼠肺组织内的锌离子。

75、Exports: soybeans, natural gas, zinc, gold, wood. ─── 出口:大豆,天然气,锌,黄金,木材.

76、Improvement of production of barium hydroxide and zinc chloride etc. ─── 氢氧化钡、氯化锌等产品的生产工艺改进。

77、China is rich in iron ore, bauxite, zinc, nickel, coal and crude oil deposits. ─── 中国拥有丰富的铁矿石、铝土矿、锌、镍、煤炭和原油储量。

78、Zinc ions in beer came from malt,rice,brewing water and wort. ─── 啤酒中的锌离子来源于麦芽、大米、酿造用水、麦芽汁。

79、For BUFFALO pump station, you can choose painting or zinc plated underpan. ─── 对于BUFFALO泵站,相同的型号的泵站底盘你也可以选择喷漆防腐,也可以选择热镀锌防腐。

80、The adhension of color passivate films being poor is one common trouble in kali salt zinc plating . ─── 彩钝膜结合力差是钾盐镀锌一个常见的故障。


82、Caster Plate is made of 6mm (3 gage) steel and is zinc plated lacquer coated. ─── 投手碟子是用 6 毫米 (3个规格) 钢做成的而且是锌镀金的瓷漆涂上一层的。

83、We are particularly interested in Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Tin. ─── 我们尤其对镍,铜,锌和锡感兴趣。

84、Lanzhou Huanghe Zinc Products Co., Ltd. ─── 兰州黄河锌镁纳米材料研究所。

85、To coat(iron or steel) with rust-resistant zinc. ─── 对(铁或钢)镀一层锌

86、Obviously, jarosite process can successfully extract both zinc and indium. ─── 可见,黄钾铁矾法工艺处理高铟锌精矿可以达到综合回收锌和铟的日的。

87、He knew brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. ─── 史蒂夫在课上学会了很多。

88、Butyrate salt series :sodium butyrate .calcium butyrate ,zinc butyrate. ─── 丁酸盐系列:丁酸钠,丁醋钙,丁酸锌等。

89、Ragworm jaws are made of a mixture of protein and zinc ions. ─── 沙蚕的颌齿是由蛋白质跟锌离子结合而成。

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