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09-07 投稿



shortcoming 发音

英:[ˈʃɔːrtkʌmɪŋ]  美:[ˈʃɔːtkʌmɪŋ]

英:  美:

shortcoming 中文意思翻译



shortcoming 词性/词形变化,shortcoming变形


shortcoming 相似词语短语

1、showrooming ─── n.展厅现象,展示厅现象

2、short cutting ─── 简化

3、shorting ─── 短路

4、homecoming ─── n.归国;同学会;省亲回家

5、shortcomings ─── 毛病

6、short covering ─── 补进,抛空补回

7、forthcoming ─── adj.即将来临的;n.来临

8、shortening ─── n.(制作油酥点心用的)起酥油;缩短;缩略词;v.(使)缩短,变短,缩写;缩帆;(赌博赔率)缩小;使(元音、音节)发短音(shorten的现在分词)

9、shortcutting ─── 简化

shortcoming 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But, accessing the internet is advantageous ,but also has shortcoming. ─── 可是,上网是有利也有弊。

2、The obvious shortcoming of any types is that they typically map to barely usable types in various language mappings. ─── any类型的明显的缺点是:在不同的语言映射中他们通常仅仅映射到可用类型。

3、In fact Capell similarly also saw own shortcoming and the insufficiency, he he diligently were still adapting this team in the interview to reporter. ─── 事实上卡佩尔同样也已看到的自己的缺点与不足,在采访中他向记者他仍在努力适应这支球队。

4、In spite of his shortcoming, I get along well with him. ─── 尽管他有缺点,可我与他相处很好。

5、In addtion, the shortcoming of this method during preparing MMCs has been pointed out. ─── 另外,指出了目前存在的有待于进一步提高的几个方面。

6、We also make a research on implementation of the code and indicate the strongpoint and shortcoming of it. ─── 当需要选择下一个进程运行时,由调度程序选择最值得运行的进程。

7、Anyone, So long as you go to nitpick, Can find out the shortcoming. ─── 任何一个人, 只要你去挑剔, 一定找得出缺点。

8、He has made up his mind overcome his shortcoming. ─── 他已下定决心克服他自己的缺。

9、One shortcoming of too much work is that it may cause healthy problems. ─── 过多工作的一个缺点是可能会引起健康问题。

10、Laser cladding technology development and interface behaviour as well as the shortcoming at present and trend in the future were reviewed. ─── 介绍了激光表面熔覆技术特点及近期研究进展,讨论了激光熔覆的界面行为、现存问题及发展趋势。

11、Last but no least,the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency. ─── 例:最后?但并非最不重要?教育上的缺失是助长青少年犯罪的缘故。

12、He is the best student in spite of his shortcoming. ─── 他有缺点,但仍不失为班上最好的学生。

13、A person biggest shortcoming is not selfish,full of affection,barbaric,willful.but is likes one not loving own biased person. ─── 一个人最大的缺点不是自私,多情,野蛮任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人.

14、Introduced the existent shortcoming and the process in the sum choosing of cutting dosages,suggested that cutting dosages optimize design procedures. ─── 介绍传统选择切削用量的过程和存在的缺点,并提出切削用量优化设计方法。

15、Because of the shortcoming of china traditional thinking fashion and the situation of china, we need the logos much more. ─── 从中国传统思维方式的缺憾和现阶段的中国国情来看,建构社会主义和谐社会更需要理性思维;

16、So that it cannot escape the shortcoming that they are not systematizing. ─── 不够系统化是一大缺陷。

17、Last but no least, the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juenile delinquency. ─── 例:最后?但并非最不重要?教育上的缺失是助长青少年犯罪的原因。

18、Uncertainty wasn't the only shortcoming which the eighteenth century found with English. ─── 不确定性不是十八世纪发现的英语的唯一缺点。

19、Also,the second sampling units and unit number and the shortcoming of jackknife were discussed. ─── 另外,对二重样本单元和单元数的确定以及刀切法的局限性进行了讨论。

20、Its shortcoming was it was confined to the intellectuals and the workers and peasants did not join in. ─── 它的弱点,就在只限于知识分子,没有工人农民参加。

21、Last but no least, the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency. ─── 例?最后?但并非最不重要?教育上的缺失是助长青少年犯罪的原因。

22、While I admit his good point, I can see his shortcoming. ─── 尽管我承认他的优点,我还能看到他的缺点。

23、The angel shortcoming is too kind.The devil shortcoming is too evil.My shortcoming is too spiritless. ─── 天使的缺点是太善良 魔鬼的缺点是太邪恶 我的缺点是太懦弱.

24、My maximal shortcoming is to work being in a state of indecision , others easy to accept affects. ─── 我最大的缺点是做事犹豫不决,易受他人影响。

25、Its shortcoming was that it was confined to the intellectuals and that the workers and peasants did not join in. ─── 它的弱点,就在只限于知识分子,没有工人农民参加。

26、SSL is free but it has a fatal shortcoming. ─── ssl协议是免费的,但是它有重大缺陷。

27、The shortcoming of Wigner-Ville is the severe cross terms as indicated by the existence of negative power for some frequency ranges. ─── Wigner-Ville分布克服了短时傅立叶分析的部分缺点,具有较高的分辨率,但存在严重的交叉干扰项。

28、The other one is also a frail and shortcoming man, need his protect and help? ─── 对方也是脆弱的有缺失的人,又怎幺能够去奢求他的保护及成全。

29、In spite of all his shortcoming, he won such affection and loyalty from the American people as few Presidents have earned. ─── 尽管他具有这么多缺点,他还是赢得了很少总统得到过的美国人民的热爱与忠诚。

30、Schools should display personal merit and avoid personal shortcoming, and so everybody could find out his specialty and individual interests. ─── 学校应显示个人优点,避免个人的缺点,并让所有的人都可以找到了他的专业和个人的利益。

31、Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming. ─── 不守时间是他的最大缺点。

32、You should speak your mind about his shortcoming. ─── 你应该直言不讳地说出他的缺点。

33、He has decided to overcome his shortcoming. ─── 他已下定决心克服他自己的缺点.

34、In order to overcome this shortcoming, a new kind of biaxial weft knitted structure in which the warp and weft yarns are interlaced has been developed. ─── 为了克服这个缺陷,一种新型的衬经纱和衬纬纱交织的双轴向纬编针织结构已经开发出来。

35、Esther Greenbaum’s major shortcoming was that she had a complete absence of small talk. ─── 埃丝特戈林鲍姆的主要缺点是,她有一个完全没有小的交谈。

36、It analyzes the defects of the two methods and indicates their merit and shortcoming through comparing with Z specification notation language. ─── 分析了这两种方法的缺陷与不足,并指出了较Z语言形式化规格说明所具有的优缺点。

37、As long as you find out your shortcoming and overcome it, you are sure to become one excellent student. ─── 只要你找出你的弱点,并加以克服,你一定会成为一名优秀生。

38、No matter who point out our shortcoming, we will correct them. ─── 不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。

39、You may point out our shortcoming, no matter when. ─── 你不管什么时候都可以指出我们的缺点。

40、Has the disposition shortcoming the ordinary countryside child, he ispure and rigid, suffers hardships in serviceman's world. ─── 一个有着性格缺点的普通农村孩子,他单纯而执着,在军人的世界里跌打滚爬。

41、This article analyzes some kind of slag pour-out equipment of SSAW pipe , and points out the shortcoming and advantage of these equipment. ─── 对国内几种螺旋埋弧焊钢管倒渣装置作了简单介绍分析,指出了这几种方式的优缺点。

42、Donna be sensible of his shortcoming . ─── 唐纳知道他自己的缺点。

43、The principle, feature and shortcoming of traditional natural gas reburn technology were introduced. ─── 介绍了常规天然气再燃技术的原理、特点及缺点,列举了国外主要天然气再燃的应用项目。

44、Certainly, its shortcoming is easily appears the interpersonal relationship and the benefit relations influence tolerates, the harbor behavior. ─── 当然,它的缺点即是容易受人际关系和利益关系的影响而出现纵容、包庇的行为。

45、We must develop our good points and overcome our shortcoming. ─── 发扬优点,克服缺点。

46、But if the book has one major shortcoming, it's that the authors don't spend enough time applying a critical eye to the role of Internet businesses in these sweeping changes. ─── 但如果说这本书有一个主要的缺点,那就是作者没有下足功夫,以批判的眼光来看待互联网企业在这些变革中所扮演的角色。

47、Actually, accessing the net has its profit and the shortcoming place. ─── 其实,上网有它的益处与弊处。

48、In order to overcome existed problems of manual degreasing of ammunition loader, by comparison advantage with shortcoming of each degreasing... ─── 为了克服弹药手工除油过程中存在的问题,通过比较各种除油方法的利弊,提出了利用高压水射流技术清洗弹体表面油料的方法。

49、Kosaku Shima of Hatsushiba Goyo Holdings has only one serious shortcoming: he is not a real person, but a manga, or cartoon, character (see article). ─── 初芝电产株式会社的课长岛耕作只有一个致命缺点:他不是真人,而是个漫画人物。

50、But now educational research methods have the shortcoming of conception blur and overemphasizing technique. ─── 但是现今教育研究方法仍然存在概念模糊、过分强调技术手段等缺陷。

51、She is sensible of her shortcoming. ─── 她知道自己的缺点。

52、But the theory has several shortcoming: neglecting production of the firm, demonstrating validity of firm reputation deficiently. ─── 企业的中间层理论丰富了企业理论的同时,其自身也存在着忽视企业的生产功能、对企业声誉有效性的论证不充分等缺陷。

53、Dye printing towel merit artistic, variety more changeable, after the shortcoming washes the variety to be easy to draw back. ─── 印花毛巾优点美观、花色较多变化,缺点洗涤后花色易退。

54、We ought to discover everyone's merit carefully but are not to have had the coloured eye at hand seeing others's shortcoming only. ─── 我们应该细心发现每个人的优点而不是带上了有色眼睛只看到别人的缺点。

55、Through the analysis of the existing model and the history data of eDNA, find the shortcoming of the model. ─── 主要通过对现有的氧量软测量模型的分析和对盘山火电厂历史数据库eDNA 的数据进行统计分析,找出了原模型的不足之处。

56、The only shortcoming is during peak hours, you may not be able to find a seat. ─── 唯一的缺点是在繁忙时间里,你也许会找不到座位。

57、The omission of specific targets from the Bali plan was a regrettable shortcoming, but no reason to call it a failure. ─── 在巴厘岛计划中没有设定具体目标,是一个令人遗憾的缺陷,但没有任何理由可以将其称作失败。

58、My mom said: I am a bad offspring by her and my father. It's true. I got every shortcoming from them and no strongpoint. ─── 妈妈说我是她和我老爸的失败之作,对此,我无可否认。我继承了他们所有的缺点,却没吸收到任何优点。

59、Today, for example, most syringe systems can still be opened and closed unnoticed ?a shortcoming which favours tampering and even product counterfeits. ─── 今天,举例来说,最注射器系统仍然可以打开和关闭被忽视?一个缺点,有利于篡改,甚至假冒的产品。

60、The genetic operators are improved, as a result the inherence shortcoming of integer coding is overcomed. ─── 对遗传操作算子进行了改进,克服了整数编码固有的缺点。

61、But there is two obvious shortcoming in this distance: 1. the distance is calculated by Montor Calor method and the result is random. ─── 但该距离存在两个明显缺点:一是采用蒙特卡洛方法来计算,其结果具有不确定性;

62、Shortcoming of the internationalization of Chinese electrical equipment enterprises? ─── 中国电器企业的国际化路途上缺失什么?

63、She may have some shortcoming, but she is a good mother for all that. ─── 她可能有一些缺点,尽管如此,她还是一位好母亲。

64、Thank those who scolded you since they reminded you of your shortcoming. ─── 感激斥责你的人,因为他提醒了你的缺点.

65、He has made up his mind to overcome his shortcoming. ─── 他已下定决心克服他自己的缺点。

66、Perhaps the only shortcoming from Luis Figo's injury. ─── 唯一的缺憾或许来自菲戈的因伤缺阵。

67、Michael Clayton's only real shortcoming is its name -- seldom has a more complex and interesting story been given a simpler, less appealing title. ─── 影片只存在着一个问题,那就是它的名字,谁能想到一个拥有如此复杂且有趣的故事情节的影片,竟然有着一个如此简单且没有吸引力的片名?

68、Moreover, based on the merit and the shortcoming of the fluidized calcinator, it provides a new spiral flow calcinator. ─── 基于流态化煅烧炉的优缺点,还提出了一种新型旋流煅烧炉的设想。

69、As soon as she realized she had a particular shortcoming, she resolutely overcame it. ─── 她一发现自己的毛病, 就坚决改正。

70、In spite of the above shortcoming, those dedicated people spread the language among the masses. ─── 尽管有上述缺点,献身于这种事业的人还是在群众中传播这种语言。

71、"There is not a person perfect in every way in the world". Remember, you must accept his everything, if you love him, even his shortcoming. ─── “世上没有十全十美的人”。记着,你爱他,就必须接受他的一切,甚至他的缺点。

72、Another shortcoming is that it is not applicable to certain very muscular people such as athletes and bodybuilders, who can also have artificially high BMIs. ─── 另一个缺点是它不适用于某些肌肉发达的人,如运动员和健美运动员,他们也可以有人为的偏高身高体重指数。

73、Not being punctualis his greatest shortcoming. ─── 不守时间是他最大的短处。

74、Lastno least, the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency. ─── 例:最后?但并非最不?教育上的缺失是助长青少年犯罪的原因。

75、It decided to advise all the other foxes to cut their tails aways in order to cover the shortcoming of itself. ─── 它决定劝所有的狐狸都去掉尾巴,以掩饰自己的缺点。

76、Shortcoming of microcomputer system's parallel extension isanalyzed,and serial extension to optimize design of system is advanced. ─── 分析单片机系统并行扩展的缺点,提出用串行扩展来优化单片机系统。

77、He is too proud to see his own shortcoming. ─── 他太傲慢了,看不到自己的缺点。

78、The technology, the advantage and the shortcoming of CAM were presented. The integrated system of CAD/CAM was discribed. ─── 介绍了注塑模具的计算机辅助制造(CAM)技术及其优越性和有待解决的问题,并就CAD/CAM集成系统进行了阐述。

79、He has shortcoming, but after all, he is a good man. ─── 他是有缺点,但总而言之,他是个好人。

80、For all his shortcoming he is a good man. ─── 他尽管有缺点,仍是个好人。

81、The GPS ephemeris and GLONASS ephemeris adapt to some kind of the satellite orbits while they have some shortcoming. ─── GPS和GLONASS广播星历形式适合于某一类卫星轨道,但存在一定局限性。

82、If he true loves you,except appreciates your merit, also will contain your shortcoming,willother wise ask him to go away. ─── 如果他真正的爱你,除了欣赏你的优点,也会包容你的缺点,不然就请他走开。

83、Little Snow, to be frank with you, I love you. In spite of your shortcoming, I still like you very much. It's so nice with you. ─── 小雪,坦白的说,我爱你。即使你有缺点,我仍旧很喜欢你。跟你在一起感觉如此美好。

84、Their common shortcoming is that they act blindly entirely before reclosing and can not distinguish instantaneous fault from permanent fault. ─── 它们共同的缺点就是在重合闸之前,完全是盲目的动作,无法区分线路发生的是瞬时性故障还是永久性故障。

85、Little wisdom is a robot who has artificial intelligence , he has only advantage to have no shortcoming , is perfect simply. ─── 小智是一个具有人工智能的机器人,他只有优点没有缺点,简直就是完美。

86、Esther Greenbaum's major shortcoming was that she had a complete absence of small talk. ─── 埃丝特戈林鲍姆的主要缺点是,她有一个完全没有小的交谈。

87、The most greatest shortcoming of the profit institution always turns out to be the impossibilty for most people's benefits. ─── 2利润制度的最大弊端始终是绝大多数的人是绝对无利可图的。

88、its shortcoming was that it was confined to the intellectuals and that the workers and peasants did not join in . ─── 它的弱点,就在只限于知识分子,没有工人农民参加。

89、Each of these methods is introduced about its research status and each has its strongpoint and shortcoming. ─── 剩余油形成与分布研究的发展趋势是继续深入探索开发地质学研究方法 ;

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