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09-07 投稿



intersectional 发音


英:  美:

intersectional 中文意思翻译



intersectional 短语词组

1、Intersectional Transportation Service ─── 交叉运输服务

2、Intersectional Transportation Servi ─── 交叉运输服务

intersectional 相似词语短语

1、interjectionary ─── 感叹词

2、interjectional ─── adj.叫声的;感叹词的

3、intersectionality ─── 交叉法;交错性

4、interjectionally ─── 感叹地

5、interactional ─── adj.相互作用的

6、interventional ─── 介入性

7、intersections ─── n.交集,交叉点(intersection的复数形式);[交]十字路口

8、introspectional ─── 内省的

9、intersection ─── n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点

intersectional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Columns formed using set operators (UNION, UNION ALL, CROSSJOIN, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT) amount to a computation and are also not updatable. ─── 使用集合运算符(UNION、UNION ALL、CROSSJOIN、EXCEPT和INTERSECT)形成的列得出的计算结果不可更新。

2、The application of intersect operation in UG modeling. ─── UG三维造型中巧妙运用“交”运算

3、AB and CD intersect at (the point) P. ─── AB线和CD线在P点相交。

4、The lines AB and CD intersect at E.; The line AB intersects line CD at E. ─── AB与CD两直线相交于E点。

5、Symbiotic alliances, on the other hand, bring divergent branches of the tree of life together again, to intersect. ─── 另一方面,共生联盟又把这棵生命之树上分叉的枝条重新拢到一起使之相交。

6、Psychology as an intersectional science is affected by the time spirit apparently. ─── 作为交叉学科的心理学,受时代精神或者社会思潮的影响是很明显的。

7、Maxillofacial prosthetics is a subject of using manual material to restore the maxillofacial defection.The intersect and conformity among subjects are the growing direction of medicine. ─── 口腔颌面赝复学是研究和利用人工材料对颌面部缺损进行修复的一门学科,而学科间的交叉和整合则是医学的发展方向。

8、Steinhaus asked if it were possible to make a set such that no matter how you placed the grid on the plane, the grid and the irregular set always intersect at exactly one point. ─── S认为如果可以以这种方式摆放数字,不管你如何安排格子(也许指第一组数字),这个格子和这组不规则数字总会交于一点。

9、From Hakka's traditional life style and historic progress, it expatiates gradations and tries to intersect the space and time and the change of characters in order to convey Hakka's invincible and optimistic nature. ─── 从客家传统生活方式与历史进程中,铺陈层次,尝试交叉时空、物的转换,传达客家人的坚韧与乐知天命的性格。

10、The two roads intersect at the suburb of the city. ─── 两条路在城郊交叉。

11、With the copied body shape and the five ellipse selected, Intersect the shapes. ─── 与复制的身体形态和五个椭圆选定的,交叉的形状。

12、The results of INTERSECT are the same as INTERSECT ALL, except that when using INTERSECT, duplicate rows are eliminated before the intersection between the result sets is computed. ─── INTERSECT的结果和INTERSECT ALL相同,只是在使用INTERSECT时,重复的行在计算结果集的交集之前已被排除。

13、"We now have a better understanding of how our interests intersect," Lambright said. ─── 兰布来特说,"我们对两国的利益交叉形式有了更深的了解."

14、Can the putian west road extend northward and then intersect with the Qilihe south road on the same plane? ─── 圃田西路是否改为向北延伸并与七里河南路发生平交?

15、Ribbons of 14K yellow gold intersect one another to create our love knot earrings. ─── 14K黄金的相互交错形成了我们的同心结耳环,环环相扣,心手相连。

16、The spatial form of 1990s"short story is developing from surface to deep-seated, from plane to three-dimensional, from single to intersectional, from close to exoteric. ─── 90年代短篇小说的结构艺术,正朝着由直观向深层,由平面到立体,由单一到交叉,由封闭到开放的空间化方向去发展。

17、Of, relating to, or designating a line and a plane that do not intersect. ─── 一线与一面平行的属于、有关或指出不相交的一条直线与一个平面的

18、Sonochemistry is a new field of intersectional research to accelerate the chemical reaction or change reaction course with ultrasound. ─── 声化学是研究利用超声波来加速化学反应,改变反应途径的一门新兴交叉学科。

19、City-planning is an intersectional science, and it's necessary to use economics in city planning. ─── 城市规划是一门交叉性综合学科,在城市规划工作中经济学的应用是必不可少的。

20、In spheric linkages, the axes of all revolute pairs must intersect at a point. ─── 在球面连杆机中,所有回转副的轴必须在一点上相交。

21、The place where two roads or streets join or intersect. ─── 两条路或街相连场地的地方.

22、Structure to intersect with the current clip region. ─── 与当前剪辑区域相交的。

23、The UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT operators can be used between queries to combine or compare their results into one result set. ─── 可在查询之间使用UNION、EXCEPT和INTERSECT运算符,以便将各个查询的结果合并或比较到一个结果集中。

24、Create one or more objects that intersect with the emitter object and drag their names from an explorer into the ICE view to create node for them. ─── 创建一个或者多个物体和发射物体相交并从浏览器中拖动它们的名字到ICE视窗中以创建获取数据节点。

25、EXCEPT and INTERSECT cannot be used in distributed partitioned view definitions, query notifications, or together with COMPUTE and COMPUTE BY clauses. ─── EXCEPT和INTERSECT不能在分布式分区视图定义、查询通知中使用,也不能与COMPUTE和COMPUTE BY子句一起使用。

26、To lie or pass across each other;intersect. ─── 交错而行互相交错放置或经过;交叉

27、But the second and third-order intercept lines may be extended to intersect the extension of the. ─── 但是二次和三次截止线可能延伸并和数出信号线相交。

28、It uses the optical cros s c onvergence theory,where two optical measuring lines intersect at the substance point,to induce a space straight line equation. ─── 几何求解法是利用两条测量线相交于被观测点的光学交汇测量原理 ,得出空间直线方程。

29、The study of nonlinear dynamics and chaos is of not only theoretic but also applicable importance, leading to many intersectional research fields, among which is the neuron science. ─── 因此研究混沌现象的非线性动力学不仅具有理论上的价值,还有广泛的应用空间,导致了许多交叉学科的产生,推动了学科自身以及其诸多交叉领域的进步。

30、Microsoft SQL Server performs sort, intersect, union, and difference operations using in-memory sorting and hash join technology. ─── Microsoft SQL Server使用内存中的排序和哈希联接技术执行排序、交集、联合、差分等操作。

31、Different channels intersect each other and are used alternately. ─── 不同的路径彼此又相互交叉、交替使用。

32、Intersectional Transportation Service ─── 交叉运输勤务

33、Of or relating to a geometric system in which two or more lines can be drawn through any point in a plane and not intersect a given line in the plane. ─── 双曲线几何的属于或有双曲线几何体系有关的,在这体系中从一平面上的一点能画二条或多条直线,而且这些直线不与平面中已画出的那条直线相交

34、A place at which roads,lines,or tracks intersect;an intersection. ─── 交叉路口公路、铁路或道路交叉的地点;交叉路口

35、Factor theory is an important branch of graph theory, and fractional graph theory is a new research area which belongs to the intersectional subject of graph theory and fuzzy mathematics. ─── 图的因子理论是图论研究中的一个重要分支,而分数图论是近年来研究的一个较新的领域,属图论与模糊数学的交叉学科。

36、There are many creases, and the creases intersect in the centre. ─── 发现折出的折痕都相交于圆中心的一点上。

37、Where meridians intersect are a series of tiny chakras, 1800 in total by 1800 strands of DNA. ─── 在经络相交的地方是一系列小脉轮,到1800股DNA时总计有1800个。

38、Intersection means the place where drifts intersect at or branch off. ─── 交岔点是指巷道相交或分岔的地点。

39、A place where things intersect, especially a place where two or more roads cross. ─── 十字路口事物交叉的地方,特指两条或多条道路的交汇处

40、The FOR BROWSE clause cannot be used in statements that involve the UNION, EXCEPT and INTERSECT operators. ─── FOR BROWSE子句不能在包含UNION、EXCEPT和INTERSECT运算符的语句中使用。

41、Brief Response Paper: How do mothering and fathering intersect with the other social issues we have been studying? ─── Gender and Mothering简短的心得报告:母职与父职如何贯穿我们念过的那社会议题?

42、Complexity science is an intersectional science that researches into complexity and complex system. ─── 复杂科学是研究复杂性和复杂系统的一门交叉科学。

43、Because the main problem in weapons delivery is getting your flight path (ground track) to intersect the target. ─── 因为空投武器的主要问题就是如何让你的飞行轨迹正好从目标上空掠过。

44、The object model we use are three non-coplanar lines which intersect at two points. ─── 使用的物体模型为在空间交于两点的三条非共面直线。

45、Etymological words and borrowed words are among categories of Chinese characters from different perspectives.They often intersect together. ─── 同源字和通假字是从不同角度对汉字分类而产生的类别,它们大量地交叉在一起。

46、How many times do the road and railway intersect on this map? ─── 在这张地图上公路与铁路相交共有多少次?

47、The number of incorrectly predicted values for Bronze would be the summation of the intersect of the Bronze column and Silver row, and the Bronze column and Gold row. ─── Bronze的错误预测值数将为Bronze列与Silver行的交叉以及Bronze列与Gold行的交叉总和。

48、Make use of small diameter twist drill to change it into drill of wearing intersect holes and put it into the ability education of locksmith. ─── 利用小直径麻花钻,改磨成“排孔钻”,并运用于技工学校的钳工专业技能培

49、Two of them intersect in a curved line which in turn intersects with the third hyperboloid in a point corresponding to the unknown three-dimensional user position. ─── 两个曲面相交得到一条曲线,曲线与第三个曲面的交点既是用户的三维坐标。

50、And you can change at any station where two intersect, although you usually have to pay another fare in transferring to another system. ─── 在两线交叉的地方全可以换车,不过通常要多买另一条路的票。

51、Strike-slip tectonics formed possibly in Himalayan Period when the boundary faults thrusted and right lateral strike slipped concurrently, intersect the boundary faults of the central geotectogene and collocate like the en-echelon faults. ─── 在中央拗陷带内走滑断层与边界主断层斜交并呈“雁列式”排列,表明走滑构造可能在边界断层发生大规模逆冲兼右行走滑时形成,其形成时期可能为喜山期。

52、A place at which roads, lines, or tracks intersect; an intersection. ─── 交叉路口公路、铁路或道路交叉的地点;交叉路口

53、A unicoursal curve is formed by starting at any point on a sheet of paper and drawing a smooth line that may intersect itself. ─── 一条单行曲线是指从纸上任意一点出发画出的一条光滑的可以自身相交的曲线。

54、Intersect - operation creates a new object whose surface encloses the volume common to bothoriginal objects. ─── Intersect操作创建一个新的对象,其表面把原先的两个对象的公共体积部分包围。

55、The total dislocation length per unit volume of material, alternately, the number of dislocations that intersect a unit area of a random surface section. ─── 在单位体积材料中包含位错的长度,或者说在材料内部任意单位截面上位错线的根数。

56、Experiment result is get by the means of confirmation and intersectional confirmation. ─── 测试结果使用验证和交叉验证方法得到。

57、In spheric linkages, the axes of all revolute pairs must intersect at point. ─── 在球面连杆机构中,所有的转动副的轴必在一点上相交。

58、INTERSECT returns any distinct values that are returned by both the query on the left and right sides of the INTERSECT operand. ─── INTERSECT返回INTERSECT操作数左右两边的两个查询都返回的所有非重复值。

59、A highway and a railway intersect here. ─── 一条公路与铁路在此交叉。

60、The value for the intersect of the Bronze column and the Bronze row would represent the actual number of customers in the testing database who had a bronze card. ─── Bronze列和Bronze行的交叉值将表示测试数据库中拥有铜卡的客户的实际数目。

61、Some of the best innovations come at the intersectional parts of the different disciplines. ─── 一些最优秀的创意都来源于,不同学科的交汇处。

62、A place where things intersect,especially a place where two or more roads cross. ─── 十字路口事物交叉的地方,特指两条或多条道路的交汇处。

63、Two people just intersect but not totally coincide, and each of them has his/her own friends and concerns. ─── 两个人的世界相交,但不是完全重合,终有属于自己的空间,自己的朋友,自己的心事;

64、Of or relating to three unequal crystal axes, two of which intersect obliquely and are perpendicular to the third. ─── 单斜晶系的有三条不等晶轴,其中两条倾斜相交并垂直于第三条的、或与之有关的

65、Therefore, examining the all-round dimensional intersectional English teaching from the perspective of scientific educational development is both theoretically significant and practically effective. ─── 因此,从科学教育发展观视角看英语全维交叉教学,有着重要的理论意义和实践功效。

66、Your dream and the natural world dream do not intersect very well in terms of providing shelter, food and love. ─── 你们的梦想和自然界梦想没有在提供保护、食物和爱上很好地交集。

67、And out in front of the prison the two streets that intersect with it? ─── 和它交叉的那两条路叫什么?

68、To lie or pass across each other; intersect. ─── 交错而行互相交错放置或经过;交叉。

69、Take the reading where the boundary line of the blue and white intersect at the graduated sale.The scale will provide a direct reading of refractive index . ─── 在刻度盘上,读取白色和蓝色分界线刻度的读数,刻度直接提供了折射率的读数。

70、Dialectic Thinking of The Connotations of Sustainable Development of Intersectional Relations and The Great Development of Western China ─── 可持续发展区际关系内涵与西部大开发的辩证思考

71、You can think of the lineages of all ancestors as a forest of trees in which the roots and branches and leaves intersect and intertwine. ─── 你可以将所有祖先的血统看成是一个森林中的树木,其中根、枝、叶彼此相连缠绕。

72、A glittering cast brings LAST GOODBYE to life, with Faye Dunaway and David Carradine putting in impressive performances as six very different lives intersect in Atlanta. ─── 在美国亚特兰大炎热的夏天,六个人的生活聚集在一起,后来又分开。

73、The intersectional and tangential calculations can be processed in entity groups automatically. ─── 只输入图形的已知信息,交切计算自动分组进行。

74、When two expressions of the same data type but different lengths are compared by using UNION, EXCEPT, or INTERSECT, the resulting length is the maximum length of the two expressions. ─── 使用UNION、EXCEPT或INTERSECT对数据类型相同但长度不同的两个表达式进行比较时,得到的长度为两个表达式中较大的长度。

75、An open circular place where several streets intersect. ─── 圆形交叉口,露天圆形广场几条街交汇处的开放的圆形区域

76、The fate of love between two people, sometime it is like two straight line, although they will intersect at one point, but once they depart from each other, and further they run the wider they spread. ─── 两个人的缘分有时侯象两根直线,虽然会在某一时空碰面,但是一旦分手以后,便越分越开,越走越远.

77、Bug fix for overwatch artillery. Overwatch artillery projectiles won't intersect incorrectly with world objects en route to their target destination. ─── 修正英军皇家炮兵支援的观测炮击技能。观测炮击发射的炮弹将不会被到目标路径上无关的杂物阻挡。

78、Human tapestries of ancestry cross, intersect and divide much like hundreds of trees that have become intertwined and interconnected over time. ─── 人类祖先的织锦交互、切断和分离,就象成千上百的树木随时间而缠绕交织在一起一样。

79、"We only know about the ones that happen to intersect Earth's orbit and cause meteor showers such as the Perseids or Leonids. ─── “我们仅仅知道那些恰好和地球轨道相交,会引起流星雨的云团,例如英仙座和狮子座流星雨。”

80、The definitions of the columns that are part of an EXCEPT or INTERSECT operation do not have to be the same, but they must be comparable through implicit conversion. ─── 在EXCEPT或INTERSECT运算中,列的定义可以不同,但它们必须在隐式转换后进行比较。

81、Any two diameters of a circle intersect each other. ─── 圆周内两直径必相交。

82、We now have a better understanding of how our interests intersect,Lambright said. ─── 兰布来特说,我们对两国的利益交叉形式有了更深的了解.

83、The step of algorithm includes coding, original genus, match value function and operation choice, intersect operation, aberrance operation and SA state producing function, anneal function, temperature amend and algorithm ceasing rule etc. ─── 其算法步骤含:编码、初始种群、适配值函数和操作选择、交叉操作、变异操作和SA状态产生函数、退温函数、温度修改和算法中止准则等设计。

84、Two parallel high voltage wires may intersect under the haze day.We aren't wires, we can not joint, or we will short circuit. ─── 只有在阴霾的天空下的两条平行高压电线可以做到相交,还好我们都不是电线,不能相交,也避免了短路。

85、How many times do the road and railway intersect (with one another) on this map? ─── 在这张地图上公路与铁路(彼此)相交共有多少次?

86、A distributed partitioned view cannot be formed by using the EXCEPT or INTERSECT operators. ─── 不能使用EXCEPT或INTERSECT运算符来形成分布式分区视图。

87、Examining the All-round Dimensional Intersectional English Teaching from the Perspective of Scientific Educational Development ─── 用科学教育发展观审视英语全维交叉教学

88、The traditional extraction method consumes much time, energy and many reagents, produces intersectional pollution, moreover the operation is complicated. ─── 传统的萃取方法耗时、耗能、试剂用量大、产生交叉污染,而且操作步骤繁琐。

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