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09-07 投稿



idolism 发音


英:  美:

idolism 中文意思翻译



idolism 相似词语短语

1、idealism ─── n.唯心主义,理想主义;理念论

2、idolises ─── 偶像

3、holism ─── n.整体论

4、idolists ─── 偶像崇拜者

5、Fidelism ─── n.古巴革命主义

6、idoliser ─── 偶像崇拜者

7、idolise ─── vt.把…当偶像崇拜;偶像化;vi.崇拜偶像(等于idolize)

8、idolised ─── vt.把…当偶像崇拜;偶像化(idolise的变形)

9、idolist ─── 偶像崇拜者

idolism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"When he came to Barcelona, Henrik said nice things about me but by the time he left he was my idol," said Ronaldinho. ─── “当他去巴萨的时候,亨利克和我关系不错,但是他已经离开了,”罗纳尔迪尼奥说。

2、In the Archdeacon`s chamber! Behind Kha-Beleth’s idol! ─── 在副主教的会所里!卡贝勒斯的神像后!

3、Hong Kong's first independent virtual idol - Alana V. ─── - 有virutal idol 网上电影供欣赏。

4、He joins the Pushing Contest on TV and pits himself against numerous contestants just to get closer to his idol Sasha. ─── 为一亲超级偶像莎莎子的芳泽,参加电视台的推你比赛,拼命击败众高手。

5、In 1787 Beethoven traveled to Vienna and met his idol, Mozart1. ─── 1787年,贝多芬到了维也纳,见到了他崇拜的偶像莫扎特。

6、Among the idol singers, Jay Chou's overflowing talent is sufficient for him to be proud. ─── 在偶像歌手中,周杰伦的才华横溢也使他足以自负。

7、You are my idol and you are very nattiness! ─── 你是我的偶像,你很帅!

8、Your idol is shattered in the dust to prove that God's dust is greater than your idol. ─── 你的偶像委散在尘土中了,这可证明神的尘土比你的偶像还伟大。

9、The hero-fetish is the most important aspect of the idol complex, which showed up his idealist. ─── 在偶像情结中最重要的一方面就是英雄崇拜,这种英雄崇拜是理想主义的自然表现。

10、They only saw their idol, moving about with appealing grace, continuing a power which to them was a revelation. ─── 他们眼中只看到他们的偶像以迷人的风度在台上走动,继续保持着他们以前从未意识到的魅力。

11、As for an idol, a craftsman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold and fashions silver chains for it. ─── 偶像是匠人铸造,银匠用金包裹,为它铸造银链。

12、Idol champ Sparks at peace with "Batt... ─── 众明星微型博客Twitter缅怀迈克尔-杰克...

13、They bowed down to the idol . ─── 他们向偶像鞠躬示礼。

14、With his spiky hair, he looks like a Hong Kong pop idol. ─── 他有着道钉一般的头发,酷似香港明星。

15、At the end, he said that to his own great surprise, on this full moon night, he found his true idol - Suma Ching Hai! ─── 他还说:令他自己也非常吃惊的是,在这个月圆的夜晚,他找到了他真正的偶像清海无上师!

16、His idol has always been Rivaldo, since he was a kid. ─── 从他还是一个孩子的时候,他的偶像是里瓦尔多。

17、She became a bundle of nerve in front of her idol! ─── 在她的偶像面前,她感到特别紧张!

18、But Picasso had no more of a Utopian streak than did his Spanish idol, Goya. ─── 但是身为西班牙偶像的毕卡索并没有这种乌托邦的梦想。

19、Taiwanese idol drama fans should be familiar with Fahrenheit. ─── 台湾偶像剧的粉丝们应该对飞轮海很熟悉。

20、He had great success in football which made him an idol in the eyes of every football player. ─── 他在足球领域取得的成就使他成为每一个足球运动员的偶像。

21、Your idol will change by all means. ─── 你的偶像一定会改变。

22、What kinds of person is possible to be an idol in our life? ─── 在我们的生活中,什么样的人有可能成为偶像?

23、In Arizona, inmates are chasing dreams, American Idol style. ─── 亚利桑那州,囚犯们通过“美国偶像”的方式追求梦想。

24、Starred by Korean idol Kwon Sang Woo! ─── 人气偶像权相佑主演!

25、"The competition from Idol is heavier than the Olympics has ever seen," said NBC Sports spokeswoman Alana Russo. ─── NBC体育节目发言人艾伦·拉索说:"《美国偶像》是冬奥会迄今为止遇到的最强大的竞争对手。"

26、The "American Idol" juggernaut has become ever more popular in this, its sixth season. ─── "美国偶像"的转型却越来越受欢迎,今天在第六届季节。

27、Is it acceptable to eat food which had been dedicated to the idol? ─── 可以吃祭过偶像的食物吗?

28、He is an only child, and the idol of his parents. ─── 他是个独子,是他父母的宠儿。

29、In one interview, Qian revealed that his idol is the American comedian Jim Carrey. ─── 在一次采访中,钱透露说他的偶像是美国的喜剧演员金凯瑞。

30、His all-time idol has always been Ivan Lendl, the great Czech tennis player. ─── 他一直以来的偶像都是伊万.伦德尔,伟大的捷克网球运动员。

31、Almost all meat when butchered was offered to an idol and a large share then found its way into the butcher's shops. ─── 在当时的罗马世界,几乎所有肉类都先用来祭祀偶像,然后再将主要部份送到市场出售。

32、Idol of Ferocity changed to include Mangle(Cat). ─── 凶猛神像现在也影响撕裂(猫形态)。

33、When she reached home she removed the shroud from the idol in her small room and kneeled to pray. ─── 从教堂后面一个窗帘的一条破 缝 里钻出来之后,他来到了一座小屋并从窗户往里看。

34、Huang Chung-kun, a ballad singer, is a new idol of youngsters. ─── 图4:唱民歌出身的黄仲昆,是年轻人的新偶像。

35、He became the idol of the New World. ─── 他在新世界成了偶像。

36、Cesc chose the number 4 jersey which Patrick Vieira vacated because his idol, Josep Guardiola wore it for Barcelona. ─── 在帕特里克?维埃拉离开后,塞斯克选择了4号球衣,因为这是他的偶像瓜迪奥拉在巴萨身披的号码。

37、Another idol has taken my place. ─── 另一个偶像取代了我。

38、Birbal asked a statue-maker to make a wax idol of prince Khurram which was his exact image. ─── 他让一个雕塑家按照王子库茹阿母的形象做了一个蜡制的塑像。

39、"I want to be a great idol someday and reach the status of other players that are currently shining," Pato said. ─── “我希望有一天自己能成为一个伟大的偶像并且能达到现在那些明星的状态。”帕托说。

40、None of the non-Americans can garner the type of excitement and idolism that Kobe, Bron Bron, Melo, Howard, and Wade can deliver. ─── 没有一个非美国人可以得到想偶像科比,勒布朗,甜瓜,霍华德和韦德那样的呼声。

41、You also ask me in the letter, I like eating any to drink any, who ismy idol. ─── 你在信中还问我,我喜欢吃什么喝什么,我的偶像是谁。

42、His clean-cut image, good looks and impeccable pedigree earned him the label,” high-quality idol. ─── 他俊朗的外表和优秀的血统使他赢得了“优质偶像”这样的称号。

43、As a 19 year-old student player, Zhong Cheng has her idol equally with many children, he most likes is. ─── 作为一名19岁的学生球员,钟诚跟很多孩子一样有自己的偶像,他最喜欢的就是。

44、In this event, this top hit Korean idol gladly accepted our magazine an interview. ─── 在发布会现场,这位人气爆棚的韩星欣然接受了本刊的专访。

45、Grubby,u are my forever idol! ─── 你在文革时期绝对是把好手!!!

46、To an idol cast by a craftsman, covered with gold by a goldsmith and adorned with silver chains? ─── 与偶像吗?偶像是工匠铸造,金匠再包上金子,然后再铸银鍊围起来。

47、Zec 11:17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! ─── 亚11:17"无用的牧人丢弃羊群有祸了!

48、Bond always dreams of fighting with the untouchable idol - Tank. ─── 同样,在爱情路上邦排除万难,摆脱世俗眼光与金一起。

49、As an only child he is the idol of his parents. ─── 他是独生子,是父母的宠儿。

50、In 1787 Beethoven traveled to Vienna and met his idol,Mozart. ─── 1787年,贝多芬到了维也纳,见到了他崇拜的偶象莫扎特。

51、He was an idol of mine in those days. ─── 他是那个年月我崇拜的偶像。

52、N : Wake up please, he is only a star and your idol only. ─── N:你快醒醒吧,他只不过是一个明星和你的偶像而已。

53、Would you tell me who is your idol? And why? ─── 你的偶像是谁?为什么?

54、You idol is shattered in the dust to prove that God's dust is ater than your idol. ─── 你的偶象委散在尘土中了,这可证明神的尘土比你的偶象还伟大。

55、What do you think of the "idol"phenomenon? ─── 你对偶象现象的看法?

56、KK April 10 book would also like to re-start a 14-episode drama idol. ─── 凯凯预定4月10日还要再开拍一部14集的偶像剧。

57、He has always been my idol since I was a kid. ─── 在我还是个孩子的时候就以他为偶像。

58、But as a fellow "Idol" watcher, she does not mind the misdials. ─── 但作为"美国偶像"的一名忠实观众,她对此并不介意。

59、The "Master" is the idol of Dickinson"s own religion. ─── “主人”是狄金森个人宗教世界的最高偶像。

60、He worked very hard to transform himself from a pop idol to an artiste. ─── 他很努力的让自己成功转为一个热门偶像到一个艺人。

61、"Alex is my idol,'' he said. ─── “亚历克斯是我的偶像,”他说。

62、Don't make an idol of money. ─── 不要崇拜财富。

63、Thus they set up the sculptured idol that Micah had made the whole time that the house of God was in Shiloh. ─── 31神的殿在示罗多少日子,但人为自己设立米迦所制作的雕像也有多少日子。

64、He is my idol since I am young. ─── 他一直都是我学习演戏的对象。

65、Previous Mariah Daily Idol Grand Prize winners are not eligible to enter the contest. ─── 前偶像玛丽亚凯莉每日大奖的赢家是没有资格进入比赛。

66、At Horeb they made a calf and worshiped an idol cast from metal. ─── 他们在何烈山造了牛犊,叩拜铸成的像。

67、Why does the second commandment forbid us make an idol to represent God? ─── 为什么第二条诫命禁止我们制造偶像去象征上帝呢?

68、It turned them from idol worship and enabled them to live for Christ.Others saw this, too (vv.8-9). ─── 反之,信心驱使他们离弃偶像,决志为主而活,是他人有目共睹的(8-9节)。

69、Prejudice might demand the sacrifice,she is an idol to whom we bow not. ─── 偏见可能人们以牺牲为代价,那只不过是幽灵,您我都不会向幽灵屈服。

70、Grubby You are my idol forever!!! FOR GAME FOR FUN FOR ORC!! ─── 不是的.是嘉定化妆专业的.具体我也不清楚.

71、Soon after, he acquired success as a matinee stage idol, performing in various works including Shakespeare. ─── 不久,做为妇女崇拜的舞台偶像获得成功,主要饰演包括莎剧在内的各种作品。

72、Three women dressed as maenads, female worshippers of Dionysus surround the idol. ─── 三个女人穿著的像酒神的女祭司,戴奥尼索斯的女性崇拜者围绕著神像。

73、A megastar that will never fall. An everlasting idol and friend. ─── 一颗永不殒落的巨星我们永远的偶像、朋友。

74、Believe in the ideal, not the idol. ─── 信仰你的理念,而不是偶像。

75、She waa third in 2005 show which is similar to american idol. ─── 在2005年的一个和美国偶像类似的选秀活动中取得了底3的成绩。

76、And he's hawking a book. So who the heck knows what he's doing? I mean, one half a season on "American Idol"? ─── 他正在出书。谁知道他在干吗啊。一半讲述的都是“美国偶像”?

77、You-dol is shattered in the dust to prove that God's dust is greater than your idol. ─── 偶像委散在尘土中了,这可证明神的尘土比你的偶像还伟大。

78、But when the men entered, there was the idol in the bed, and at the head was some goats'hair. ─── 使者进去,看见床上有神像,头枕在山羊毛装的枕头上。

79、You shall not make for yourself an idol. ─── 不可为自己雕刻偶像。

80、Idol of Ferocity changed from -3 energy to +20dmg. ─── 凶猛神像从减少技能能量消耗3点改为增加20技能伤害。

81、Is this man Coniah a despised broken idol? ─── 哥尼雅这人是被轻看,破坏的器皿吗。

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