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09-07 投稿



infirmary 发音

英:[ɪn'fɜːm(ə)rɪ]  美:[ɪn'fɝməri]

英:  美:

infirmary 中文意思翻译



infirmary 短语词组

1、camp infirmary ─── [医] 兵站医务所

infirmary 词性/词形变化,infirmary变形

名词复数: infirmaries |

infirmary 相似词语短语

1、infirmarer ─── n.修道院医护员;医生

2、infirmarian ─── n.(修道院中)看护病人者,疗养所主管人

3、infirmarers ─── 医务人员

4、infirmity ─── n.虚弱;疾病;衰弱;缺点

5、infirmly ─── adv.虚弱地;优柔寡断地

6、infirmaries ─── n.医务室;医院;养老院

7、informally ─── adv.非正式地;不拘礼节地

8、infinitary ─── 无限

9、informatory ─── adj.提供情报的(等于informative)

infirmary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Please hand 20 bandages over to the doctor in infirmary if they are successfully gotten. ─── 如果成功地得到20个绷带,请交给医务室的医生。

2、I'm getting reports that all sections around the infirmary are being sealed off. ─── 我收到报告说医务室周围所有区域都被封锁了

3、28. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff. ─── 28. elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

4、a school, factory, or corporation's dispensary or infirmary ─── 医务室

5、Mora had punctured her foot on a fish bone while helping McClure out of the bay, so once he was safe, the young women headed for the campus infirmary, where a nurse bandaged her wound. ─── 原来,就在把马克留尔拖上岸的时候,莫拉的脚扎进了一根鱼骨,等她们确认马克留尔已经安全了以后,便一头奔向学校卫生室,让护士包扎伤口。

6、The two nuns who performed the services of nurse in the infirmary, Lazariste ladies, like all sisters of charity, bore the names of Sister Perpetue and Sister Simplice. ─── 在疗养室服务的两个修女叫佩尔佩迪姆姆和散普丽斯姆姆,她们和所有其他做慈善事业的姆姆们一样,都是遣使会的修女。

7、If a foreign student has an accident or an illness, the student should go first to the campus health service or infirmary for treatment, as these facilities maintain a record of each student's medical history. ─── 如果外国留学生发生了意外事故或疾病,他首先应该到学校的卫生服务处或医务室去诊治,这些地方有每个学生的病历纪录。

8、Call the trustees. Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary. ─── 叫保管人把这废人抬去医务室。

9、My little brother was taken to the infirmary. ─── 我的小弟弟被送进医院。

10、At the same time, we will progressively provide infirmary care places in a non-hospital setting for frail elderly people in stable conditions. ─── 同时,我们会逐步在医院以外为病情稳定的体弱长者提供疗养宿位。

11、My mother came down with typhoid fever and spent the entire trip's infirmary ─── 我的母亲染上了伤寒,整旅程中都躺在船上的医疗室。

12、School infirmary ─── 学校医务室

13、6.Hey Tyrell, you pull infirmary duty this week. How‘s that horse of mine doing anyway? ─── 嗨,泰瑞尔!这周你在医务室候勤,我的马怎么样啦?

14、28.Elizabeth Blackwell,the first woman medical doctor in the United States ,founded the New York Infirmary ,an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff. ─── 伊丽莎白布莱克韦尔是第一位美国女医生,创建了纽约医院,这个机构一直都是女性医务人员。

15、A little before six o'clock in the morning he had arrived at M.Sur M., and his first care had been to post a letter to M.Laffitte, then to enter the infirmary and see Fantine. ─── 不到早晨六点,他便到了滨海蒙特勒伊,他第一桩事便是把寄给拉菲特先生的信送到邮局,再到疗养室去看芳汀。

16、Infirmary supplies the normal service for free. ─── 医务室免费为员工提供一般服务。

17、Chelsea Football Club can confirm that Petr Cech has been moved from the Radcliffe Infirmary following his successful operation for a depressed fracture of the skull. ─── 切尔西俱乐部官方证实,我们的门将切赫已经从雷德克里夫医院出院,切赫令人极度担忧的颅骨骨折在经过了一次成功的手术之后,病情渐趋平稳。

18、He was sick for a week and during that week he was placed in an infirmary. ─── 他病了一个星期,在这个星期里,他住在护养院。

19、That could make them particularly vulnerable to bacterial infections, said James Morris, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Lancaster, who co-authored an accompanying commentary in the journal. ─── 兰卡思特皇家医院的病理学家詹母士.莫立斯称,此时婴儿很脆弱,易患细菌感染。詹母士.莫立斯也是在该医学杂志上就此问题发表评论的作者之一。

20、To complete his escape plan, Michael needs a copy of the key to the infirmary. ─── 以完成他的逃生计划,迈克尔需要的副本,关键是要疗养院。

21、As we all know from our frequent visits to Madame Pomfrey's infirmary, magic can treat a variety of ailments and injuries in a manner far beyond our medical technology. ─── 从我们频繁的对庞弗雷夫人医务室的拜访,我们知道了,魔法能通过一种与我们的医学技术相差很远的方式来治疗多种疾病和伤害。

22、Wayne County General Hospital and Infirmary at Eloise ─── 之后改名为爱洛思的韦恩郡总医院

23、Located in one corner of the penitentiary is the infirmary. ─── 图3:高雄监狱的一角,后面建筑为健康中心。

24、She came to the infirmary a few hours later to check in on the injured and update him on the scientists' progress. ─── 几小时后,她回到医务室察看伤员并更新科学家们的进度。

25、She still remained in the infirmary ─── 她始终留在那间养病室里。

26、Cech was well enough for team-mates to visit him yesterday at Oxford's Radcliffe Infirmary. ─── 在牛津的拉德克利夫医院接受治疗的切赫昨日情况略有好转,他的队友被允许进行探望。

27、Elizabeth Blackwell, however, wouldn't take no for an answer and she started her own infirmary. ─── 不过伊丽莎白?布莱克威尔并没有就此放弃,反而自己执业,开了一间医院。

28、The most medicine infirmary supplied to employees one time is for one day. Normally, the charges will not beyond 30 yuan, except the special information. ─── 医务室为每个病人每次最多提供一天用药,一般药费不得超过30元人民币,特殊情况例外。

29、More than 80 university teachers and school infirmary doctors joined the opening ceremony and training course. ─── 外贸学院80多名班级辅导员、校医室医生参加了为期三天四个单元的第一期培训课程。

30、Chopper is in the infirmary. ─── 小鹿有了自己的医务室。

31、More than80 university teachers and school infirmary doctors joined the opening ceremony and training course. ─── 外贸学院80多名班级辅导员、医室医生参加了为期三天四个单元的第一期培训课程。

32、The infirmary man may count me dead, ─── 救护人或许以为我已死去

33、Cech suffered a depressed fracture of the skull and underwent surgery at the Radcliffe Infirmary 's specialist neuro-surgical unit in Oxford. ─── Cech忍受着头颅骨折的抑郁,又经历了位于牛津的Radcliffe医院专家神经外科的治疗。

34、He held the chair until 1947, although from 1941 to 1944 he was given leave of absence to work first at Guy's Hospital, London, then at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle. ─── 他在这个教席上一直工作到1947年,尽管从1941年到1944年他先是被送到伦敦的盖伊医院,后来到纽卡斯尔的维多利亚皇家医院休假就医。

35、He's getting out of the infirmary tonight. ─── 他今晚要从医务室出来了。

36、What's up there in that infirmary that you need so bad? ─── 医务室里有什么让你这么急着想要?

37、He was sick for a weekduring that week he was placed in an infirmary. ─── 他病了一个星期,在星期里,他住在护养院。

38、"Who was that girl in the infirmary this morning?" ─── “早上在医务室里面的那个女孩子是谁?”

39、Sister Simplice sent a serving-maid to inquire of the portress of the factory, whether the mayor had returned, and if he would not come to the infirmary soon. ─── 散普丽斯姆姆派了一个侍女去找那看守厂门的妇人,问她马德兰先生回来了没有,会不会立即到疗养室来。

40、Elizabeth Blackwell,the first woman medical doctor in the United States,founded the New York Infirmary,an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff. Elizabeth Blackwell. ─── 到了二十一世纪中页,美国画家和雕塑家开始在世界范围内对艺术产生重大影响。

41、The infirmary is the most unsubstantial part of the whole security system. ─── 医务室是整个保安体系中最薄弱的环节。

42、Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary ─── 以及麻省眼耳科医院

43、Elizabeth blackwell,the frist women medical doctor in the Unites States,founded the New York Infirmary,an institution that has always had a completely female medical staf. ─── 伊莉莎白布莱克威尔是美国第一个女医学博士,她成立了一个全部由女医生组成的纽约救济院。

44、Hey Tyrell, you pull infirmary duty this week. How‘s that horse of mine doing anyway? ─── 嗨,泰瑞尔!这周你在医务室候勤,我的马怎么样啦?

45、If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night, by God and Sonny Jesus, you'll all visit the infirmary. ─── 今天晚上,如果我再听到有耗子放屁大点儿的动静,我对上帝和耶稣发誓,你们所有的人都会住院的!

46、Andy, limping a bit, returns from the infirmary. Red watches from his cell as Andy is brought up and locked away. ─── 安迪从医务所回来,走路稍微有点儿瘸。瑞德在他的号房看着安迪被带上来锁进牢房。

47、Residential school infirmary ─── 住宿学校医务室

48、The cannon balls fly round my head, The infirmary man may count me dead, When I've gone to find my ain true love, I've gone to find my ain true love. ─── 战地狼藉血红一片,炮弹在我耳边飞舞,救护人或许以为我已死去,而我已去寻找我的挚爱,我已去寻找我的挚爱。

49、He was actually bringing the medicine to the school so he could sell it at a high price.With the seals left intact, he was planning to sell his medicine at ten times the original price to the poor, remote school infirmary. ─── 他的药是带到学校去卖好价钱的,留着原封不动,准备十倍原价去卖给穷乡僻壤的学校医院。

50、The infirmary can conveniently cure light wounds. ─── 医务室可以方便地治疗轻伤。

51、When seeing the doctor, employees should go to other's infirmary according to the doctor's suggestion if the medicine is shortage in the factory infirmary. ─── 员工就诊时,如遇医疗室缺少药品,员工应听从医生建议自行到厂外医院就诊。

52、Nurse Katie gets ready to leave for the night. She closes the infirmary door, being sure to lock it behind her. ─── 护士Katie准备下班,她关上了医务室的门,确定锁好了门。

53、the college infirmary ─── 学院医务室

54、Sara hurries to leave the infirmary. ─── Sara匆匆地离开医务室。

55、Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff. ─── Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

56、Visiting hours in acute wards will be no more than four hours per day; and no more than six hours per day for convalescent and infirmary wards; ─── 急症病房每日探访时间不多于四小时;康复及疗养病房每日不多于六小时。

57、but you should go back to the infirmary building. ─── 但你还是先回医务室吧。

58、Chelsea Football Club can confirm that Petr Cech was transferred to the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford last night (Saturday) to the specialist neuro-surgical unit. ─── 切尔西俱乐部现在确认门将切赫昨晚已经转到了牛津的拉德克立夫医院由专门的神经专家进行治疗。

59、I had gone to the infirmary and put ice on it but it still hurt. ─── 我已经去过医务室,用冰块敷着脸,可还是很疼。

60、If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night, by God and Sonny Jesus, you'll all visit the infirmary. ─── 今天晚上,如果我再听到有耗子放屁大点儿的动静,我对上帝和耶稣发誓,你们所有的人都会住院的!

61、The infirmary man may count me dead.When I've gone to find my ain true love. ─── 医生或许认为我已死去,此时我就要去找寻我的真情挚爱。

62、Mobile Infirmary Medical Center ─── 摩拜尔附属医疗中心,位于摩拜尔市

63、The infirmary will supply the counselling to employees. ─── 工厂医务室免费为员工提供医疗咨询服务。

64、High tourism, education amendments, infirmary entertainment, leisure and other professional tourism value. ─── 具有很高的旅游观光、修学教育、疗养娱乐、休闲度假和其他专业旅游价值。

65、Founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff. ─── 创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

66、As Michael looks to the infirmary waiting room where Sara averts his gaze, Katie explains that she will be taking care of him today. ─── Michael向医务室的候诊室看去,Sara避免与他目光对视,Katie向Michael解释说,今天由她来给他打针。

67、My room is up in a tower that used to be the contagious ward before they built the new infirmary. ─── 我的房间在新的医务室盖好前,被用来当做传染病房的大楼里。

68、They would stand side-by-side in the infirmary, waiting for news on one of their people. ─── 他们会并肩在医务室,等着他们某个朋友的消息。

69、By the time this is done, the first wave of a pandemic flu might already be over, said Iain Stephenson, a doctor in the Infectious Diseases Unit of the Leicester Royal Infirmary in England. ─── 但到时候,做到这一点,第一批流感可能已经结束,伊恩博斯蒂芬森说,医生在传染病股莱斯特皇家医院在英格兰。

70、Their hunting grounds are the showers, the cramped, tunnel-like areaway behind the industrial washers in the laundry, sometimes the infirmary. ─── 他们通常选择在澡堂、洗衣房内洗衣机后的狭窄的过道,有时是医院这些地方下手,还有一两次发生在礼堂后壁橱大小的放映室内。

71、They arrived at the infirmary, where there lied the only way out, by getting out of the window and climbing along the cable up to the wall. ─── 他们到了医务室。只有从那里的窗子爬出顺着电缆爬到高墙上他们才能越狱成功。

72、Hey Tyrell, you pull infirmary duty this week. How's that horse of mine doing anyway? ─── 嗨,泰瑞尔!这周你在医务室候勤,我的马怎么样啦?

73、She was taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary where she died in the early hours of the morning of multiple injuries. ─── 她被带到皇家医院落,并将早晨的早些时候带着成倍的伤害死去.

74、Hello, please follow me to have your injection in the infirmary. ─── 您好,请跟我来,在这边的医务室打针。

75、Infirmary should transact it as following items if employees must go out to cure. ─── 员工患病如需外出就诊的,医疗室依据下列条款办理

76、camp infirmary ─── 兵站医务所

77、While in prison,Hunt transformed his cell in the prison infirmary into a bower of bliss with blinds,rose-trellised wallpaper,busts of poets,and flowers. ─── 在狱中,亨特把自己在监狱疗养所里的牢房用窗帘,玫瑰格子壁纸,诗人雕像和鲜花布置成一个栖身的胜地。

78、A little before six o'clock in the morning he had arrived at M. Sur M., and his first care had been to post a letter to M. Laffitte, then to enter the infirmary and see Fantine. ─── 不到早晨六点,他便到了滨海蒙特勒伊,他第一桩事便是把寄给拉菲特先生的信送到邮局,再到疗养室去看芳

79、I swear by God and Jesus, you will all visit the infirmary. ─── 我对上帝和耶稣发誓,你们所有的人都会住院的!

80、Elizabeth Blackwell ,the first woman medical doctor in United States, founded the New York infirmary,an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff. ─── 伊丽莎白布莱克威尔作为美国第一个女医医生建立了纽约治疗所,在哪里所有的医护人员都是女性.

81、The nurses are treating me well at Royal Infirmary . ─── 我由于情绪低落前往医院接受治疗。

82、Elizabel blackwell,the first woman medical doctor in unite stats,found the new yory infirmary,an institution that always had completely femal medical staff. ─── 伊丽沙白,美国第一个女性医学博士创立了纽约治疗室,一个完全是女性医学成员的机构。

83、and Ron told her that they were going to the infirmary to visit Hermione , who had been Petrified, she gave them permission with a tear in her eye (CS16). ─── 当哈利和罗恩告诉她他们要去医务室探望被石化的赫敏,她眼中闪动着泪花批准了他们去(密室,第16章)。

84、Meanwhile, Takeshi leaves the infirmary and makes for an open elevator so he can check the next floor for his friends. ─── 同时,武离开医务室,搭上一台电梯以确认他的朋友是否在下一层楼。

85、He occupied a little room in the infirmary. ─── 他在学校附设医院里占了一间小房子。

86、Bellick: Everything's under control, but you should go back to the infirmary building.When things calm down, I'll have your patients transferred from sick bay.I'm just looking out for your best interests. ─── 我们能控制,但你还是先回医务室吧,等事情解决之后,我会把你的病人从病区转到你那的,我这只是为你着想。

87、Madam Pomfrey confirmed that Prof.Binns has not been seen in her infirmary since his acquisition of post-biological status. ─── 庞弗雷夫人确认宾斯教授自从获得过世生物资格之后就没有去过她的医疗室。

88、But an aged workman had died in the infirmary of the factory a few days before, leaving behind him nothing but his blouse. ─── 而在那工厂的疗养室里,前几天死了一个老工人,只留下一件布罩衫。

89、If we can get to the infirmary, ─── 如果我们能进到医务室。



[网络]infirmary; School clinic;


Job openings are available in hospitals, government clinics, school systems, and private physicians'practices.


hospital 英 [ˈhɒspɪtl] 美 [ˈhɑ:spɪtl] .n. 医院; 收容所; 养老院; 〈古〉旅客招待所; [例句]A couple of weeks later my mother went into hospital.几周后我母亲住进了医院。

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