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09-07 投稿



diptych 发音

英:[ˈdɪptɪk]  美:[ˈdɪptɪk]

英:  美:

diptych 中文意思翻译



diptych 词性/词形变化,diptych变形

diptych 相似词语短语

1、daych ─── v.盖屋顶

2、dipstick ─── n.量油尺;量油计

3、dippy ─── adj.脑筋不正常的;昏头昏脑的

4、diptera ─── n.双翅目

5、diptychs ─── 双联

6、triptych ─── n.三幅一联;三张相联

7、diptel ─── 迪普特尔

8、diptote ─── 迪普托特

9、triptychs ─── 三幅一联(triptych的名词复数)

diptych 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moreover, the diptych version of “99 Cents” was made in 2001, two years after the original single image (pictured above), and well after his seminal compositions of the early 1990s. ─── 此外, 《99美分》系列中的双连画版创作于2001年,与第一版单幅作品(上图)时隔两年,而距离他90年代的重大作品集更是遥远。

2、His famous diptych portrait of his patrons, Count Federico da Montefeltro and his wife (c. 1470), is known for its unidealized depiction of their features and the use of landscape in the background. ─── 为蒙太费尔特罗伯爵和其妻所画的双联画像(1470?)也是其著名作品,对人物形像采用了非理想化的表现,并以风景作背景。

3、The images are projected side by side as a large diptych on two adjacent screens mounted to the wall. ─── 画面被安置在邻近的定在墙上的大幅双折画面上。

4、Few would claim that "99 Cent II (Diptych)" was Mr Gursky's most important work. ─── 少有人会声称《99美分II》(双连画)是古尔斯基最重要的作品。

5、The husband and wife team of Javelle and Ida have made a name for themselves with their spectacular series of diptych photographs. ─── 像JavelleandIda一类的丈夫和妻子们已经用壮观的双折照片为他们自己改了一个名字。

6、is at play twice in this diptych as the moldy mirror image of the painting reinforces the closed world of their sisterhood. ─── 两次使用翻版-仿佛是绘画的古旧镜像,使姐妹关系更亲密。

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