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09-07 投稿



guanidine 发音

英:[['gwænədi:n]]  美:[['gwænədi:n]]

英:  美:

guanidine 中文意思翻译



guanidine 词性/词形变化,guanidine变形


guanidine 短语词组

1、guanidine salt ─── 胍盐

2、guanidine aldehyde resin ─── [化] 胍醛树脂

3、guanidine nitrate ─── [化] 硝酸胍 ─── [医] 硝酸胍

4、guanidine carbonate ─── [化] 碳酸胍

5、methyl-guanidine acetic acid ─── [医] 甲胍基乙酸, 肌酸

6、guanidine acetic acid ─── [化] 胍基乙酸

7、guanidine sulfate ─── 胍硫酸盐

8、guanidine-acetic acid ─── [建] 基乙酸

9、guanidine acetate ─── 乙酸胍

10、guanyl guanidine ─── [化] 脒基胍; 缩二胍

11、guanidine phosphate ─── [医]磷酸胍

12、tetraphenyl guanidine ─── [化] 四苯胍

13、guanidine hydrochloride ─── [化] 盐酸胍

14、guanidine derivative ─── 胍基衍生物

15、di-o-tolyl guanidine ─── [化] 二邻甲苯基胍

guanidine 相似词语短语

1、quinoidine ─── n.奎诺酊

2、amandine ─── adj.含有杏仁的;n.(Amandine)(法)阿芒丁(人名)

3、guanine ─── n.[生化]鸟嘌呤(核酸的基本成分);n.(Guanine)人名;(法)加尼纳

4、amidine ─── n.淀粉溶素;[有化]脒

5、quinidine ─── n.奎尼丁;[有化]奎尼定(抗心律不齐药)

6、guanidin ─── 胍

7、guanethidine ─── n.胍乙啶(降血压用)

8、sanidine ─── n.[矿物]透长石;玻璃长石

9、guanosine ─── n.[生化]鸟苷;[生化]鸟嘌呤核苷

guanidine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords size exclusion chromatography;denaturation of protein;guanidine hydrochloride;conformational change; ─── 尺寸排阻色谱法;蛋白质变性;盐酸胍;构象变化;

2、Orthogonal analysis was done about p-fluorophenyl guanidine carbonate and optimum synthesis conditions were obtained. ─── 同时对合成对氟苯胍碳酸盐进行了正交分析,得出了最佳合成条件。

3、The changes of activity and fluorescence spectrum of the labeled and unlabeled lipase were examined under various temperatures, pH and different concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride. ─── 在不同变性条件下,比较了标记与未标记的脂肪酶活性变化及相对应的荧光光谱。

4、chitosan guanidine hydrochloride ─── 壳聚糖双胍盐酸盐

5、Keywords refolding;fed-batch operation;additives;acetamide;glycerol;guanidine hydrochloride;lysozyme; ─── 关键词复性;流加操作;添加剂;乙酰胺;甘油;盐酸胍;溶菌酶;

6、is drug-fast to insulin patient, with double guanidine kind can reduce dosage or prevent tall blood sugar and ketosis . ─── 对胰岛素抗药性病人,用双胍类可减少剂量或防止高血糖及酮症。

7、3 - methyl - 2 - butenyl iso - guanidine ─── 3-甲基-2-丁烯基异胍

8、cyano methylmercuri guanidine ─── 甲基汞替氰基胍

9、guanidin tetany ─── [医] 胍中毒性手足搐搦

10、Keywords L-canavanine;intermediates;anti-pancreatic cancer;protection of carboxyl;halogenation;N-alkylation;guanidine; ─── 刀豆氨酸;中间体;抗胰腺癌;羧基保护;卤化反应;N-烷化反应;胍;

11、alkyl - guanidine collectors ─── 烷基胍类捕收剂

12、Therefore,in allusion to geological properties of strong water sensitivity of reservoir,compound fracturing technology of guanidine gum and clean fracturing fluid is selected preferentially. ─── 桐47区块前期压裂未达到预期增产目的,为此针对储层强水敏的地质特性优选了胍胶+清洁压裂液复合压裂工艺。

13、guanidine octadecyl sulfate ─── 十八烷基硫酸胍

14、(A variety of step-down medicaments can affect 6) sexual function, if guanidine is second Ding, methylic much cling to, Qin of Zun of reserpine, Pai. ─── (6)多种降压药物会影响性功能,如胍乙啶、甲基多巴、利血平、哌唑嗪等。


16、Chaotropic agents, such as urea and guanidine are capable of bringing some hydrophobic compounds into aqueous solutions. ─── 诸如尿素和胍的离液剂能够将一些疏水化合物带入水溶液中。

17、Can add right now take double guanidine kind fall if candy medicine falls candy spirit or fall candy piece, if still disable, need to convert insulin cure. ─── 此时可加服双胍类降糖药如降糖灵或降糖片,若仍无效,则需改用胰岛素治疗。

18、Guanidine compounds are widely applied in medicine, chemistry and other industry because of its strong alkalinity, high stability and good biological activities. ─── 摘要胍基化合物因其强碱性、高稳定性、较好的生物活性等优良特性,广泛应用于医药、化工等行业。

19、alkyl guanidine ─── 烷基胍

20、Keywords compound fracturing;water sensitivity;guanidine gum;clean fracturing fluid;experiment;application; ─── 复合压裂;水敏;胍胶;清洁压裂液;实验;应用;

21、sym-di-O-tolyl guanidine ─── 均二邻甲苯基胍

22、Sanding Chemicals Co., Ltd. - Manufacturer of sulfamic acid, ammonium sulfamate, magnesium sulfate, and guanidine hydrochloride. Production in Tangshan and Laizhou, China. ─── [唐山三鼎化工有限公司主要产品为氨基磺酸铵,氨基磺酸胍、盐酸胍、液体盐酸胍及相关产品。

23、bicyclic guanidine ─── 双环胍

24、lauroyl carbamyl guanidine ─── 月桂酰氨基甲酰胍

25、Guanidine thiocyanate method ─── 异硫氰酸胍法

26、Polyhexamthylene guanidine hydrochloride ─── 盐酸聚六亚甲基双胍

27、Total RNA from anthers of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge were isolated by the methods of TRIZOL reagent, guanidine thiocyanate and CTAB, and the rate of yield, purity and electrophoresis of RNA were analyzed. ─── 以文冠果花药为材料,利用TRIZOL试剂快速提取法、异硫氰酸胍法和CTAB法提取花药总RNA。

28、di-o-tolyl guanidine ─── [化] 二邻甲苯基胍


30、Keywords Polyhexamthylene guanidine hydrochloride;compound disinfection solulation;btoxicity; ─── 关键词盐酸聚六亚甲基双胍;复方消毒剂;毒性;

31、7-methyl guanidine cap ─── 7-甲基胍帽头

32、The conformational change courses in the different concentrations of guanidine have been to be first order reactions. ─── 同时还测定了不同浓度胍溶液中人肌酶的失活与构象变化的速度常数。

33、Usage One of the raw material to make herbicides,fungicides.It is used for producing Dicyandiamide Thiourea,Guanidine,etc. ─── 用途 是生产除草剂、杀菌剂、杀虫剂等农药的原料之一,工业上用于生产双氰胺、硫脲、部分 胍盐等。

34、organic guanidine antimicrobial ─── 有机胍类抗菌剂

35、main products are ammonium sulfamate,guanidine sulfamae,sulfamic acid,potassium sorbate and related products. ─── 主要产品为氨基磺酸铵、氨基磺酸胍、氨基磺酸、山梨酸钾及相关产品。

36、aminobenzene sulphonyl guanidine ─── 氨基苯磺酰胍, 磺胺胍

37、amino guanidine ─── 氨基胍(AG)

38、The most excited person is captain Fu Beihua: This range installed? of Jiu of postscript of dam guanidine Yun more box of 1000 many mark, occupy the 1/10 of full boat cabin seat or berth. ─── 最兴奋的人是船长符北华:“与以前相比,这次航程多装了1000 多个标箱,占整船舱位的1/10。

39、(5) is drug-fast to insulin patient, with double guanidine kind can reduce dosage or prevent tall blood sugar and ketosis. ─── (5)对胰岛素抗药性病人,用双胍类可减少剂量或防止高血糖及酮症。

40、modified guanidine hydrochloride method ─── 改良盐酸胍法

41、diphenyl guanidine chromate ─── 二苯胍铬酸盐

42、guanidine dinitramide (GDN) ─── 二硝酰胺胍(GDN)

43、Modified Guanidine Hydrochloride Method for DNA Extraction from Cord Blood Used in HLA Genotyping ─── 改良盐酸胍法提取脐血DNA用于HLA基因分型

44、Keywords sterilization;guanidine bactericides;fabrics;finishing;detergents; ─── 抗菌;胍类抗菌剂;织物;后整理;洗涤剂;

45、The effect of denaturants, such as guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl). sodium decylsulfate (C10S) and decyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (C10NM3), on the changes in activity and conformation of creatine kinase (CK) have been studied. ─── 以盐酸胍(GuHCl),十烷基硫酸钠(C10S)和溴化十烷基三甲铵(C10NH3)为变性剂,测定它们对肌酸激酶(CK)活力和构象之影响。

46、10. The methods of isolating total RNA from plant tissues, including Improved CTAB, SDS-phenol, Hot borate, Guanidine Isothiocyanate and Trizol kit method, were compared and improved. ─── 改良CTAB法和改进SDS-酚法可从田间叶片中得到高质量的RNA,改良CTAB法提取的RNA纯度高于SDS-酚法,但产率却显著低于SDS-酚法;收藏指正

47、Keywords poly(hexamethylene guanidine) hydrochloride;cotton;citric acid;antibacterial rate; ─── 盐酸聚六亚甲基胍;棉织物;柠檬酸;抑菌率;

48、The invention discloses a method for a preparing guanidine compound, belonging to the field of organic synthesis. ─── 本发明公开了一种胍类化合物的制备方法,属于有机合成领域。

49、Abstract : On the basis of guanidine thiocyanate method, an economical method of extracting and puring total RNA from Yunjie stigmas was established. ─── 摘要 : 本文在常规异硫氰酸胍法的基础上,改进并确立了一种适合芸芥柱头总RNA的提取与纯化方法。

50、Research progress in the properties and functions of guanidine containing inhibitors of mast cell tryptase ─── 含胍基类肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶抑制剂的特性及功能研究进展

51、diphenyl guanidine ─── 二苯胍

52、presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate or guanidine hydrochloride. ─── 烷基硫酸钠或胍盐存在下,半夏蛋白解聚成亚基。

53、Keywords bovine carbonic anhydrase;refolding;additive;guanidine hydrochloride; ─── 牛碳酸脱水酶;变性;复性;添加剂;盐酸胍;

54、nitrosomethyl guanidine ─── 亚硝基甲基胍

55、N-ethyl-N'-nitro-N-nitroso guanidine ─── N-乙基-N'-硝基-N-亚硝基胍(化学致癌物质)

56、guanidine isothiocyanate ─── 异硫氰酸胍

57、Guanidine, cyano-, polymer with 1,2-ethanediamine sulfate and formaldehyde; ─── 名称 甲醛与二氰基二酰胺和硫酸乙二胺的聚合物;

58、Improved guanidine thiocyanate method ─── 改进的异硫氰酸胍法

59、In method discussed in this article, tetramethyl guanidine is the protective reagent, in which 7-ADCA can solve fully; ─── 本论文采用四甲基胍做为7-ADCA的保护试剂,使得7-ADCA完全溶解成液体形式;

60、The invention relates to a green process for producing nitro guanidine, and belongs to the field of chemical engineering. ─── 本发明涉及一种生产硝基胍的绿色工艺,属于化工领域。

61、guanidine pentachlorophenate ─── 五氯酚胍

62、Using post-column fluorescent derivation HPLC to analyze 911 in rabbit serum, using guanidine hydrochloride as derivative reagent and ion exclusion column Aminex HPX-87H as analytical column. ─── 本文以盐酸胍作为衍生试剂、离子排阻柱Aminex HPX-87H为分析柱,采用高效液相色谱柱后衍生法测定兔血清中的911。

63、Effect of human cementum extract prepared by guanidine on the attachment of gingival fibroblasts and osteoblasts ─── 牙骨质基质胍提取物促牙龈成纤维细胞、成骨细胞粘附研究


65、tetraphenyl guanidine ─── 四苯胍

66、If the rheumatoid factor-negative, then you can consider checking guanidine acid cyclic peptide antibodies anti-cytokeratin antibodies. ─── 如果类风湿因子阴性的话可以考虑检查抗环状胍氨酸多肽抗体,角蛋白抗体等。

67、guanidine chloride ─── 盐酸胍

68、guanidine acetate ─── 乙酸胍酯

69、guanidine chlorate ─── 氯酸胍

70、N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitroso- guanidine (MNNG) ─── N-甲基-N'-硝基-亚硝基胍

71、Abstract: Guanidine compounds are widely applied in medicine,chemistry and other industry because of its strong alkalinity,high stability and good biological activities. ─── 摘 要: 胍基化合物因其强碱性、高稳定性、较好的生物活性等优良特性,广泛应用于医药、化工等行业。

72、triphenyl guanidine ─── 三苯胍

73、So the flotation separation of diaspore against the aluminosilicates is feasible by using guanidine collector in high alkaline. ─── 以十二烷基胍为捕收剂可望实现铝硅矿物反浮选分离;

74、chiral guanidine ─── 手性胍

75、Keywords carbonic anhydrase B;refolding;additive;guanidine hy drochloride; ─── 牛碳酸脱水酶;复性;添加剂;盐酸胍;

76、The activity of the labeled lipase would decrease under different concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride, and fluorescence spectrum of the labeled lipase could reflect the change of the activity. ─── 在盐酸胍变性剂的条件下,荧光标记的脂肪酶活性下降趋势渐缓,荧光光谱能较好的反映脂肪酶的活性变化。

77、Modified Guanidine Hydrochloride Method for DNA Extraction from Cord Blood Used in HLA Genotyping ─── 改良盐酸胍法提取脐血DNA用于HLA基因分型

78、Guanidine gum has better ability of temperature resistance and forming fissure. ─── 清洁压裂液具有低污染、很强的抑制黏土膨胀能力、较强的携砂能力。

79、The accuracy rates of localization of B-ultrosonography,computerized tomography,magnetic resonance imaging and 131I-Metaiodobenzyl guanidine were 90%,92.8%,100% and 100%,respectively. ─── B超、CT和MRI和131I-MIBG定位诊断的阳性率为90%、92.8%、100%和100%。

80、Spectrophotometric Determination of Micro Amount Arsenic in Guanidine Hydrochloride with DDTC-A ─── 盐酸胍中微量砷的光度测定

81、Rate constants of conformational changes and inactivation of human creatine kinase during denaturation at the different concentrations of guanidine have been also determined. ─── 比较不同胍浓度下人肌肌酸激酶的失活与构象变化,表明酶的失活先于构象变化。

82、(1) uses Niao of larger dose sulphur namely at the beginning kind medicine, at the same time all disuse insulin, can add when necessary take double guanidine kind medicine. ─── (1)一开始即用较大剂量磺脲类药,同时全部停止使用胰岛素,必要时可加服双胍类药。

83、Keywords refolding;lysozyme;fed-batch dilution;guanidine hydrochloride;oxidizer; ─── 复性;溶菌酶;流加操作;盐酸胍;氧化剂;

84、tetramethyl guanidine ─── 四甲基胍

85、The methods of isolating total RNA from plant tissues, including Improved CTAB, SDS-phenol, Hot borate, Guanidine Isothiocyanate and Trizol kit method, were compared and improved. ─── 改良CTAB法和改进SDS-酚法可从田间叶片中得到高质量的RNA,改良CTAB法提取的RNA纯度高于SDS-酚法,但产率却显著低于SDS-酚法;

86、methyl guanidine ─── 甲胍

87、Policy makers in order to achieve the "Home Ownership Gap nations.Owed aphis keeps getting guanidine Choi B C huang is also held in labour, have toiled, being always available. ─── 政策制定者为了实现“居者有其屋?沟睦硐胍彩欠蚜瞬簧傩乃肌C还?劳也有苦劳,委屈总是有的。

88、Guanidine Hydrochloride was used as positive control. ─── 盐酸胍作为阳性对照药。

89、If have haemorrhage sign, answer to use Lei Ni in time to replace man or guanidine of armour cyanogen Mi, but dosage should decrease the 1/2 to the ordinary person. ─── 如有出血迹象,应及时使用雷尼替丁或甲氰咪胍,但剂量应减至常人的1/2。

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