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09-06 投稿



supplant 发音

英:[sə'plɑːnt]  美:[sə'plænt]

英:  美:

supplant 中文意思翻译



supplant 词性/词形变化,supplant变形

动词现在分词: supplanting |动词第三人称单数: supplants |动词过去式: supplanted |动词过去分词: supplanted |

supplant 相似词语短语

1、suppling ─── adj.柔软的;灵活的;顺从的;易弯曲的;逢迎的;vt.使柔软;使顺从;vi.变柔顺;变柔软;n.(Supple)人名;(意、西)苏普莱

2、cup plant ─── 杯形植物

3、supplanted ─── vt.代替;排挤掉

4、suppliants ─── n.恳求者,哀求者;adj.恳求的,哀求的

5、supplanter ─── n.排挤者,取代者;代替者

6、supplest ─── adj.最柔软的,最灵活的;最易弯曲的;最逢迎的,最适应环境的

7、supplants ─── vt.代替;排挤掉

8、supplicant ─── n.恳求者,乞求者

9、suppliant ─── n.恳求者,哀求者;adj.恳求的,哀求的

supplant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perhaps that will inspire some radically new approaches to speech understanding that will supplant the methods we're developing now. ─── 也许,这些要求将促成崭新的语言理解机制的出现,而它必将取代我们现阶段正在研发的技术。

2、Even if al-Qaida does not supplant Hamas, by gaining momentum it could oblige Hamas to move in its direction. ─── 就算基地组织不会挤掉哈马斯,一旦得势以后,他也会逼迫哈马斯就犯。

3、In each case, government didn't supplant private enterprise; it catalyzed private enterprise. It created the conditions for thousands of entrepreneurs and new businesses to adapt and to thrive. ─── 在每一种情况下,政府并没有取代私有企业;政府促进了私人企业的发展。政府为成千上万企业家和新企业适应新局面和蓬勃发展创造了条件。

4、plotted to supplant the king. ─── 公爵阴谋取代国王的地位。

5、There is also talk of creating regional institutions to supplant the IMF. ─── 人们还在商讨创建一些可对IMF起补充作用的地区性机构。

6、Ken Haas, vice president of marketing, says the test is not intended to supplant DNA testing, the recognized gold standard in human identification. ─── 负责市场营销的副总裁金 哈斯说,该试验并不打算取代 DNA 测试这种在人类鉴别领域公认的金标准。

7、The exceptional status of NPO property should not supplant NPOs’ personal property rights, nor should it elevate its legal status beyond the body of private law. ─── 非营利组织财产上的特性既不应该抹杀非营利组织对于其自身财产的所有权,也不应该使其取得超越其他私法主体的法律地位。

8、The inconvenient truth is that Chinese consumers are not ready to supplant US consumers as the primary engine of global demand. ─── 令人不自在的真相是,中国消费者尚未做好准备,取代美国消费者成为全球需求的主要推动力。

9、If conservatives were to rally around a single alternative candidate, they could quite probably supplant Mr Romney with one of their own. ─── 如果保守派需要团结在一个参选人周围的话,他们很可能会选择自己人来代替罗姆尼。

10、CAM is almost certainly here to stay and supplant its predecessors. ─── 这里可以断言的是,CAM肯定会替代其前辈。

11、Supplant or imitate the community's own ─── 作;它不是取代或模仿社区自己的习

12、To take the place of, especially by force; supplant. ─── 取代取代,尤指使用武力;代替

13、It is destined, some say, to supplant not only internet advertising, the latest fad, but also television, radio, print and billboards, the four traditional pillars of the business. ─── 手机广告必定会取代的不仅仅是因特网广告这个当前的热宠,也包括电视机、收音机、出版物和广告牌这四类商业界的传统广告支柱。

14、As with handwritten letters, electronic communications have also tended to supplant actual spoken conversations with others. ─── 如同手写信件一样,电子通信也有让人们减少面对面交谈的倾向。

15、Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders. ─── 你们各人当谨防邻舍,不可信靠弟兄。因为弟兄尽行欺骗,邻舍都往来谗谤人。

16、Is China's authoritarian capitalist model in a position to supplant the west's democratic one? ─── 中国威权式的资本主义模式能够取代西方民主式的资本主义模式吗?

17、Testimony of the Holy Spirit does not supplant need to preach. ─── 圣灵的见证并不取代讲道的必须性。

18、She's been supplant in her aunt's affection by her brother. ─── 她在她姑母心中的地位已被她兄弟取代了。

19、Openness must supplant secrecy. ─── 开放必须代替保守;

20、Should the proposed project meet with complete success, the stage would then be set for the sixth objective, which might supplant much of Project Apollo. ─── 如果前面的计划能够全部成功,下一步计划就是实现可能会取代阿波罗计划中很多内容的第六个目标。

21、When politicians seek to deaden thatpain and supplant those lessons with hasty fixes of their own, they almostalways blunder. ─── 当政客们用自己草率的补丁,尝试着去寻找缓和这种疼痛和替代这个教训的方法时,他们几乎总是在犯错误。

22、Musgrave used Lakatos’s methodology of scientific research programmes as the method of reconstruction, and presented the process of how did oxygen theory supplant phlogiston theory afresh. ─── 马斯葛雷夫依据拉氏的科学研究方案为重建方法,将燃素论到氧气理论的取代过程重新呈现。

23、No man could supplant him. ─── 没有人能够代替他的工作。

24、But the other nations rapidly developing space programmes may shed the constraint, as could the commercial companies that may supplant national efforts. ─── 但是其他国家迅速发展的空间计划可能已突破了该限制,那些可能取代国家角色的商业公司也许亦然。

25、With superior performance jointless rail will gradually supplant the common rail in railway construction but rail expansion,excel-out even breakage in it will bring tremendous harms. ─── 无缝线路以其优越的性能将逐步代替普通线路成为铁路发展的必然趋势,但它出现的胀轨、跑道和断轨的病害也极其巨大。

26、They start to handle more complicated problems, and then they take over and supplant the old way of doing things. ─── 他们开始处理更复杂的问题,然后他们接管并取代旧的处事方式。

27、investors fall over each other to throw billions of dollars into companies that would supplant old industrial companies with web-based replacements. ─── 投资者会争先恐后投入数10亿美元开办新公司并通过网络手段排挤掉传统的实业公司。

28、Kuraray expects that transparent plastic barrier film will supplant aluminum foil in the market for the following reasons ─── 由于下列原因,Kuraray认为透明塑料阻隔薄膜将取替市场中的铝箔

29、He was hanged for plotting to supplant the king. ─── 他因阴谋篡夺皇位而被绞死。

30、How could a tiny Internet retailer possibly supplant a national bookstore giant. ─── 一个名不见经传的小小互联网零售商,怎么可能取代全美最大的连锁书店呢?

31、Can Micro Fuel Cell Supplant Batteries? ─── 微型燃料电池将会取代充电电池?

32、The law of momentum conservation could supplant Newton's third law. ─── 动量守恒定律可以取代牛顿第三定律。

33、It doesn’t supplant the UN process at Copenhagen but supports it. ─── 它不是对联合国哥本哈根议程的替代,而是对它的支持。

34、If you exchange the word "Snitch" for "Harry, " you can see this action as symbolizing that Ginny will supplant Cho in Harry's affections. ─── 如果你把“飞贼”这个词换成“哈利”,你就会把这一情节看作是象征金妮会取代秋在哈利心里的位置。

35、When do you think mobile broadband will be fast enough, cheap enough, and ubiquitous enough to supplant wifi? ─── 你认为到什么时候无线宽带才能够取代WiFi呢?

36、What are you saying? Be careful Whinny doesn't supplant you! ─── 你说什么呢你?小心以后维尼取代你的位置!

37、In windy Colorado, a smart grid may focus more on harnessing wind energy to supplant electrical power. ─── 在多风的拉罗拉多,智能电网可能更把焦点放在利用风能发电代替热电。

38、TV and computers shouldn't supplant time with others and cyberchats do not develop social skills." ─── 电视和电脑不应取代与他人共度的时光,而且,网上聊天并不能提高社交技巧。”

39、Still, it's curious to note that these sites seem to have the hierarchical structure of the old-guard institutions they've sought to supplant. ─── 更奇怪的是,人们注意到这些网站似乎同样有它们设法取代的老一派机构的层级架构。

40、Tina: What are you saying? Be careful Whinny doesn't supplant you! ─── 蒂娜:你说什么呢你?小心以后维尼取代你的位置!

41、The notion that mainland Asia is about to supplant the US, EU and Japan in the near future is risible. ─── 亚洲大陆将在不久的将来取代美国、欧洲和日本的观点是很可笑的。

42、It will be a black day for the human race when scientific blackguards,conspirators,churls,and fanatics manage to supplant him. ─── 译文:如果哪天科学无赖,阴谋家,吝啬鬼和狂热分子取而代之,人类将面临暗无天日的世界。

43、It is my view that the new historical disciplines complement rather than supplant traditional history. ─── 我认为这些新的历史学科对传统历史学起到了补充而非排挤作用。

44、A still speculative method may supplant that approach, however. ─── 不过,一个仍在构想阶段的方法也许可以取而代之。

45、Supplant it with a constructive thought. ─── 用一个积极的想法换掉它吧。

46、and just as in Hesiod the deities Zeus, Poseidon , and Hades supplant Kronos, so the sons of Bori overthrow and succeed the primitive dynasty of Ymir and the Frost Giants. ─── 正如赫西奥德史诗中描述宙斯、波塞冬和哈得斯推翻克罗诺斯一样,布利的儿子们推翻并窃据了伊米尔和霜雪巨人的位置。

47、The experimental research of the vacuum tube water heater with supplant tube ─── 带排挤管的真空管太阳能热水器实验研究

48、CONCLUSION:Polygonum cuspidetum sieb at suce granules crude drug bag-infusion is superior than other two preparations.It is feasible and can supplant prepared herbal medicine. ─── 结论:虎杖生药袋包颗粒剂的煎提效果明显比其它2种入煎汤剂好,方法可行,可替代饮片汤剂。

49、Hence, the more common forms, in the race for life, will tend to beat and supplant the less common forms. ─── 于是较普遍的类型,在生存竞争中便要压倒较不普遍的类型,而代替它们的位置。

50、Thus, computer technology and overkill supplant the ingenuity of the original film's action. ─── 所以,电脑技术和反复打斗代替了骇客帝国中的天才的动作。

51、Idealism and dedication never supplant system innovation, long-term mechanism for the release of the productive forces is unimaginable. ─── 理想主义和奉献精神永远代替不了制度创新,长期机制所释放的生产力是难以想象的。

52、If you exchange the word “Snitch” for “Harry,” you can see this action as symbolizing that Ginny will supplant Cho in Harry's affections. ─── 如果你把“飞贼”这个词换成“哈利”,你就会把这一情节看作是象征金妮会取代秋在哈利心里的位置。

53、She's is supplant in her aunt's affection by her brother ─── 她在她姑母心中的地位已被她兄弟取代了

54、The general plotted to supplant the king with the help of the army. ─── 将军阴谋借助陆军势力篡夺王位。

55、supplant a leader ─── 撵走领袖

56、Tina: What are you saying? Be careful Whinny does not supplant you! ─── 蒂娜:你说什么呢你?小心以后维尼取代你的位置!

57、Even the attempts to supplant it pay IQ the tribute of accepting its frame of reference ─── 甚至各种取代“智商”的尝试也都以它作为参照。

58、Video may never supplant the written news it bolsters on today's online news providers, but it could grow in prominence as more feeds for searchers to chose from come online. ─── 录影也许永远不可能替代支持着今天的在线新闻提供商的书面新闻,但随着更多的搜索者在线选择录影,录影的增长将更加突起。

59、Scientism is courageously proffering naturalistic answers that supplant supernaturalistic ones and in the process is providing spiritual sustenance for those whose needs are not being met by these ancient cultural traditions. ─── 科学主义勇敢地以自然的答案取代超自然的答案,对于无法从古文化传统中获得满足的人,不啻提供了精神上的粮食。

60、It would require a massive shift in voter preferences for the SPD to surpass the CDU vote, allowing Mr Steinmeier to supplant Ms Merkel as the head of a grand coalition. ─── 这需要大量选民改变选择支持社会民主党超越基民盟的得票,从而使得斯泰因迈尔取代默克尔领导这个庞大的联盟。

61、It was also possible that TV viewing may supplant other activities that promote concentration, such as reading, games, sports and play, he said. ─── 还有一种可能是,看电视可能会占用其它有助于培养注意力的活动的时间,如,看书、做游戏、运动及玩耍等。

62、There was rising the new and at first persecuted sect of Christians destined soon to supplant the old faiths. ─── 新的东西浮现,首先是基督教派迫害很快代替了古老的信仰。

63、I have , of my sixty teacher , a scant half dozen who can not have be supplant by phonograph . ─── 我的六十位老师之中,不可能以留声机来取代的,我看不到半打。

64、Improved methods of production must constantly supplant obsolete methods, if both old needs and new wants are to be filled by better commodities and better means. ─── 只要有更好的产品和更好的手段能满足新老需求,改进的生产方式总会不断取代陈旧的生产方式。

65、However, these could never supplant their personal responsibility and relationship to God on a daily basis. ─── 然而,这些永远不能取代个人与神的日常关系与责任。

66、Not all of these have asserted their dominance yet, and there’s no guarantee that they’ll ever totally supplant more traditional rules and ways of working. ─── 并不是所有这些已经占有统治地位,也无法保证他们能够替代以往的工作方式及形式。

67、The test is not intended to supplant other laboratory parameters such as biochemical and serological tests. ─── 该检测并不会取代其他实验室参数,如生化和血清检测。

68、The Arameans, would eventually see their language, Aramaic, supplant Ancient Assyrian because of the technological breakthrough in writing. ─── 由于书写技术的突破,亚拉姆人,最终会看见他们的语言,亚拉姆语排挤掉古代的亚述语。

69、The extent to which unmanned aircraft could or should supplant piloted ones will be debated for decades. ─── 无人驾驶的飞行器究竟能够或应该在多大的程度上取代有人驾驶的飞行器,争论将会持续几十年。

70、The Phoenician, the Celt, and the Goth, had already got in.The Roman came, but in the very day when his fortune culminated.He looked in the eyes of a new people that was to supplant his own. ─── 腓尼基人,凯尔特人和哥特人很早就来到这里,先后在这个岛上生活,然后罗马人在其鼎盛时期来到了这个岛上,他们篾视那个将要取代他们自己的新种族。

71、83. It was his ambition to supplant Don Corleone as the most powerful and respected Mafia leader in the country and to take over part of the Corleone empire. ─── 他的野心就是要取代考利昂老头子,使自己成为全国最强大最受敬仰的地下黑帮领袖,同时还要并吞考利昂帝国的一部分。

72、My latest bad-news boyfriend had just suggested I get silicone implants; suddenly, I was ready to supplant him. ─── 之前,我当时的讨厌鬼男朋友刚刚建议我进行硅胶假体隆胸。突然,我决定要换掉他。

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