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09-06 投稿



hewed 发音

英:[hjuːd]  美:[hjuːd]

英:  美:

hewed 中文意思翻译




hewed 常用词组

hew out ─── 把…开采出来;开辟出

hewed 词性/词形变化,hewed变形

动词过去分词: hewn/hewed |动词第三人称单数: hews |动词现在分词: hewing |动词过去式: hewed |名词: hewer |

hewed 相似词语短语

1、heled ─── n.(Hele)(英、美、加)海莱(人名)

2、hawed ─── n.山楂,山楂果;吆喝牲畜左转;瞬膜;vi.向左转;vt.使向左转;n.(Haw)人名;(英)霍

3、dewed ─── n.珠,滴;露水;清新;vt.(露水等)弄湿;vi.结露水;n.(Dew)人名;(德)德夫;(英)迪尤

4、hewer ─── n.煤矿工;砍伐者

5、hexed ─── v.使着迷;施魔法;十六进制(hex的过去分词)

6、chewed ─── v.咀嚼;(因烦恼或焦虑)咬住;细想,深思;反刍;(非正式)闲聊;n.咀嚼;咀嚼物,口香糖,供咀嚼的烟草;n.(Chew)(美、新、马、英、加)丘(人名)

7、shewed ─── v.(show的旧式拼法)表明;展示;解说;指出;引领;体现;显示出;露出;描绘;上映;展出;收到成效;出现;替(动物)报名参加比赛;获得第三名;已显出身孕;对待(某人);n.(show的旧式拼法)演出;节目;展览;行为;假象;场面;表现;假装;任务;(非正式)机会;(非正式)洋相;n.(Shew)(美)休(人名)

8、heed ─── vi.注意,留心;n.注意到;留心到;vt.注意,留心;n.(Heed)人名;(瑞典)赫德

9、thewed ─── 他们

hewed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To endeavour to work upon the vulgar with fine sense, is like attempting to hew blocks with a razor. ─── 力图以微妙的感受打动凡夫俗子,有如试图用剃刀劈开大块木头。

2、He hewed out an important position for himself in the company . ─── 他努力为自己在公司里谋得一个重要的职位。

3、He felled, peeled, and hewed his own timber. ─── 他自己砍树、剥皮并劈成木材。

4、He hewed out an important position for himself in the company . ─── 他努力为自己在公司里谋得一个重要的职位。

5、He hewed out a career for himself . ─── 他自己艰苦地开创了一番事业。

6、HEW (Health,Education,and Welfare ) ─── 卫生教育和福利部

7、I was fourteen more getting the branches and limbs, and the vast' spreading head of it cut off, which I hack'd and hew'd through with axe and hatchet, and inexpressible labour. ─── 又花了十四天时间使用大斧小斧砍掉树枝和向四周张开的巨大的树顶

8、And he brought out the people who were in it and hewed them with saws and iron cutting tools and axes, and thus did David do to all the cities of the children of Ammon. ─── 3又将城里的人拉出来,放在锯下,或铁耙下、或铁斧下;大卫待亚扪人的各城都是如此。

9、They hewed the logs into beams . ─── 他们把园木砍成桁梁。

10、And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the LORD in Gilgal. ─── 于是,撒母耳在吉甲耶和华面前将亚甲杀死。

11、He hewed our way through the brambles with his sharp chopper. ─── 他用他的利刃从荆棘中为我们开辟出一条道路。

12、LEAA was a product of the Justice Department and the Institute was a product of HEW. ─── LEAA是司法部产物,而协会是卫生教育和福利部的产物。

13、He has been wearin gachipon his shoulderever since hew as given the sack. ─── 他给炒鱿鱼之后,动不动就发脾气。

14、They hewed their way through the dense jungle ─── 他们在浓密的丛林里开辟出一条路来。

15、The lumbermen hewed a path out of the mountain. ─── 伐木工人在山上开辟出了一条路。

16、Hew a path through the underbrush. ─── 在灌木丛中砍出一条小路

17、He hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk. ─── 他把一根树干凿成独木舟。

18、"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The fountain of living waters, To hew for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns That can hold no water. ─── 因为我的百姓、做了两件恶事、就是离弃我这活水的泉源、为自己凿出池子、是破裂不能存水的池子。

19、And wouldst thou hew it down? ─── 你还要将它砍下?

20、And above were costly stones, after the measures of hewed stones, and cedars. ─── 上面有香柏木、和按著尺寸凿成宝贵的石头。

21、He cannot bear that you should hew out broken cisterns, when the overflowing fountain is always free to you. ─── 但我们若转向他神,祂就不悦,并设法用杖竿来管教我们,使我们再归向祂。

22、Ultimately, we obtained normalized abnormal curves for the frequency responses, through which we could reveal hew the sealed pressure case impacts the responses of the magnetic field sensor. ─── 在响应输出端,测取幅频特性和相频特性,获得归一化的对比资料和频响异常曲线,从而对密封前后磁场传感器的性能变化有较清楚的认识。

23、Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; ─── 因此,我借众先知砍碎他们,用我口中的话杀戮他们;

24、12. They hewed eir way through dense jungle. ─── 他们在密林里开辟出一条路。

25、He has hewed out his path in life during these past few years. ─── 他这几年闯出来了。

26、So David gave orders to gather the foreigners who were in the land of Israel, and he set stonecutters to hew out stones to build the house of God. ─── 代上22:1大卫吩咐聚集住以色列地的外邦人、从其中派石匠凿石头、要建造神的殿。

27、He hewed down three trees at a stretch. ─── 他一口气砍倒了三棵树。

28、And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand. ─── 于是我用皂荚木作了一柜,又凿出两块石版,和先前的一样,手里拿这两块版上山去了。

29、Otherwise head that I draw a sword, and hew away you. ─── 不然我就抽出剑来,把你的头砍掉。

30、Hew not too high lest the chips fall in your eyes. ─── 劈树不要太高以免碎片掉进你的眼睛。

31、As Libya descended into civil war, the spy apparatus hewed to its traditional playbook. ─── 随着利比亚陷入内战,这家间谍组织仍按老法子办事。

32、Credo: Hew out of mountain of despair a stone of hope and you can make your life a splendid one. ─── 公司信条:在绝望中寻找希望,在满足中寻找超越,挑战人生极限,实现人生新辉煌。

33、They hewed a path through the park. ─── 他们在公园里开辟了一条小径。

34、For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The fountain of living waters, To hew out for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns, Which hold no water. ─── 13因为我的百姓,作了两件恶事,就是离弃我这活水的泉源,为自己凿出池子,是破裂不能存水的池子。

35、They hewed a path through the jungle ─── 他们在丛林中开辟出一条路

36、The soldier is a while and then hew awayed her head. ─── 兵士一下子就把她的头砍掉了。

37、And that which is neither deed nor reflection, but a wonder and a surprise ever springing in the soul, even while the hands hew the stone or tend the loom? ─── 以及那些既不是行为,也并非是思考,而是那些即使用双手在凿岩石或织布时,一剎那间灵魂中跳脱出的惊奇和大感意外?

38、They hewed out paths up the mountain. ─── 他们开辟出上山的路。

39、What hast thou here? and whom hast thou here, that thou hast hewed thee out a sepulchre here, as he that heweth him out a sepulchre on high, and that graveth an habitation for himself in a rock? ─── 你在这里作什么呢?有什么人竟在这里凿坟墓,就是在高处为自己凿坟墓,在磐石中为自己凿出安身之所。

40、They hewed out the stones for the Cathedral from nearby quarries. ─── 他们从附近的石场采凿盖教堂用的石头。

41、Hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope, and make your life a splendid one! ─── 什么样得基础才能参加北京的高级培训班啊,能否列出点要求啊。谢谢!

42、5.He hewed vigorously each time . ─── 他砍下一棵树枝。

43、He likes eating sleeping and watching TV. Hew hates doing exercise! ─── 他喜欢吃东西、睡大觉和看电视。他讨厌锻炼身体!

44、He hewed out a career for himself in his early years. ─── 他在年轻时艰苦地开创了一番事业。

45、He hewed his opponent down with one stroke of sword. ─── 他一剑劈倒了他的对手。

46、I hewed him on his neck with my left hand, and he released his hands that seized me by the throat. ─── 我用左手掌一下子劈在了他的脖颈上,他那双紧掐住我喉咙的双手松了开来。

47、Hew not too high lest the chips fall in thine eye. ─── 伐木时不要砍得太高,否则木屑会跑入你的眼睛。(勿好高骛远,应实事求事。)

48、Each Sunday, Rooney delivered one of his "60 Minutes" essays from behind a desk that he, an expert woodworker, hewed himself. ─── 每个周日,Rooney在他自己做的木头桌子后面发表一个“60分钟”节目。

49、And above were costly stones, after the measures of hewed stones,cedars. ─── 11上面有香柏木和按着尺寸凿成宝贵的石头。

50、He hewed a tree down . ─── 他伐倒一棵树。

51、They hewed out the stones for the building from nearby quarries. ─── 他们从邻近的采石场开凿出石头供建造那栋房子用。

52、Hew not too high lest the chips fall in your eye. ─── 不要往过高的地方砍,以防碎渣落人你的眼睛(勿好高务远)。

53、Indeed, the Chinese government hewed to its longstanding policy of linking the yuan to the U. S. dollar. ─── 事实上,中国政府坚持将人民币和美元挂钩的长期政策。

54、He has hewed out his path in life during these past few years. ─── 他这几年闯出来了。

55、"But thus you shall do to them: you shall tear down their altars, and smash their sacred pillars, and hew down their Asherim, and burn their graven images with fire. ─── 你们却要这样待他们,拆毁他们的祭坛,打碎他们的柱像,砍下他们的木偶,用火焚烧他们雕刻的偶像。

56、They sat down and hewed out a new policy . ─── 他们坐下来大刀阔斧地制订了一个新方针。

57、They hewed at the door . ─── 他们向门乱砍。

58、Hew out of mountain of despair a stone of hope. ─── 从绝望之山上砍下来一块希望之石。

59、And Samuel said, Just as your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women. And Samuel hewed Agag to pieces before Jehovah in Gilgal. ─── 33撒母耳说,你怎样用刀使妇人丧子,你母亲在妇人中也必照样丧子。于是,撒母耳在吉甲耶和华面前,将亚甲砍成碎块。

60、"Hew down the bridge with all the speed that you can!" he cried. ─── “快快把桥砍倒

61、And David commanded to gather together the strangers that were in the land of Israel; and he set masons to hew wrought stones to build the house of God. ─── 代上22:1大卫吩咐聚集住以色列地的外邦人、其中派石匠凿石头、建造神的殿。

62、He hewed at the tree. ─── 他朝那棵树砍去。

63、After this, he spent years begging for alms and then hewed out a cave shrine on Mount Sanwei. Thus was born the first cave shrine of Dunhuang. ─── 于是,他长年化缘募捐,在这里开凿了一个石窟,设置佛龛,敦煌第一座石窟寺乃应运而生。

64、Hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. ─── 从绝望的山上砍下一块希望的石头。

65、He hewed off a large limb of the tree. ─── 他砍去一根大树枝。

66、They hew it out of the rock . ─── 他们用石头来雕它。

67、Again and again, they closed upon him, and again and again, he hewed a clear space. ─── 他们一次又一次地向他逼近,他一次又一次地开辟出一片空地。

68、The main component, OVA of HEW, which molecular weight is 40 kD, and Pen m 2 of shrimp, which molecular weight is 36 kD, had been identified by Western blot analysis. ─── Western blot鉴定显示蛋清中主要过敏性组分为OVA,相对分子量40kD; 虾中主要过敏性组分为Pen m2,相对分子量36kD。

69、And he built the inner court with three rows of hewed stone, and a row of cedar beams. ─── 他又用凿成的石头三层,香柏木一层建筑内院。

70、And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place. ─── 也要拆毁他们的祭坛,打碎他们的柱像,用火焚烧他们的木偶,砍下他们雕刻的神像,并将其名从那地方除灭。

71、He hewed a branch from an old tree, and used it as a stick. ─── 他从一棵老树上砍下一根树枝,当作手杖拄着。

72、He hewed his enemy to pieces. ─── 他将敌人劈成数段.

73、He hewed away . ─── 他用斧子乱砍。

74、For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. ─── 因为我的百姓作了两件恶事,就是离弃我这活水的泉源,为自己凿出池子,是破裂不能存水的池子。

75、You her hew away, otherwise I take her to has no a way. ─── 你把她的手砍掉,不然我就拿她没有办法。

76、But you shall deal with them in this way: Their altars you shall tear down, their pillars you shall shatter, their Asherahs you shall hew down, and their idols you shall burn with fire. ─── 5你们却要这样待他们:拆毁他们的祭坛,打碎他们的柱像,砍下他们的木像,用火焚烧他们雕制的偶像。

77、3.He hewed vigorously each time . ─── 他每次都用力地砍。

78、They hewed a path through the jungle. ─── 他们在丛林中开辟出一条路。

79、He also tore down the altars and beat the Asherahs and idols into dust, and he hewed down all the incense altars throughout the land of Israel.Then he returned to Jerusalem. ─── 7拆毁祭坛,把木像和雕像打碎成灰,砍下以色列遍地所有的香坛,然后回耶路撒冷去。

80、Hew long does it take you to skate over the frozen lake to the other side? ─── 你花多长时间从冰湖的这一边滑到对面去?

81、He hewed out an important position for himself in the company. ─── 他在公司中为自己闯出了要职。

82、He knew better than to attempt to hew rocks with razor. ─── 他知道刀片不能劈石头。

83、And the greater court was made round with three rows of hewed stones, and one row of planks of cedar, moreover also in the inner court of the house of the Lord, and in the porch of the house. ─── 上主的殿宇的内院和殿廊,都包围在内。

84、And whom have you entombed here, that you have the right to hew out for yourself a tomb here?He hews out a sepulcher for himself on the height!He carves out a dwelling for himself in the rock! ─── 你在这里有什么人,竟在这里为你自己凿坟墓,就是在高处为自己凿坟墓,在磐石中为自己凿出安身之所呢?

85、3. They hewed a path through the jungle. ─── 他们在丛林中开辟出一条路.

86、Packing: in hew gunny-bags, 100 kgs. to each bag ─── 包装:新麻袋包装,每袋50公斤

87、Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth. ─── 因此,我借先知砍伐他们,以我口中的话杀戮他们,我施行的审判如光发出。

88、Therefore I hewed them to pieces by the prophets; I slew them by the words of My mouth, And My judgments went forth as light. ─── 5因此,我藉申言者砍伐他们,以我口中的话杀戮他们,我的审判如光发出。

89、He was told not to hew down that ancient tree ─── 他被告之不要砍倒那棵古树。


1、星期一:Monday 读音:[ˈmʌndeɪ]缩写:Mon.星期二:Tuesday 读音:[ˈtju:zdeɪ]缩写:Tue.星期三:Wednesday 读音:[ˈwenzdeɪ]缩写:Wed.星期四:Thursday读音:[ˈθɜ:zdeɪ] 缩写:Thu.星期五:Friday读音:[ˈfraɪdeɪ] 缩写:Fri.星期六:Saturday读音:[ˈsætədeɪ]缩写:Sat.星期日:Sunday读音:[ˈsʌndeɪ]缩写:Sun.


例句1、她在星期一晚上抵达了卡拉奇,这段行程耗时3天9小时。She reached Karachi on Monday evening, the journey having occupied three days and nine hours.2、这次会议已安排在星期二晚上举行。The meeting has been arranged for Tuesday evening. 3、星期三我们清理了一块海滨林地的垃圾。On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter. 4、隆冬时节的一个星期四,一大早醒来我就发现外面刮起了暴风雪。Early one Thursday morning in the dead of winter I awoke to a blizzard. 5、我已安排好星期五上午见他。I've arranged to see him on Friday morning.6、9月的最后一个星期六,我收到了克莱夫的最后一封信。On the last Saturday in September, I received a final letter from Clive.7、我们除了星期日每天都上学。We go to school every day but sunday.


星期一 Mon.(全称Monday);星期二 Tues.(全称Tuesday);星期三 Wed.(全称Wednesday);星期四 Thur.(全称Thursday);星期五 Fri.(全称Friday);星期六 Sat.(全程Saturday);星期日 Sun.(全称Sunday)。读音及例句1、星期一 Monday 英 ['mʌndeɪ] ;美 ['mʌndeɪ]例:He'll arrive on Monday. 他将于星期一到达。2、星期二 Tuesday 英 ['tjuːzdeɪ] ;美 ['tuːzdeɪ]例:He's available on Tuesday. 星期二他在。3、星期三 Wednesday 英 ['wenzdeɪ] ;美 ['wenzdeɪ]例:What day is today? It's Wednesday.今天是星期几?今天是星期三。4、星期四 Thursday英 ['θɜːzdeɪ] ;美 ['θɜːrzdeɪ] 例:I'm usually free between Tuesday and Thursday. 我通常在星期二至星期四有空。5、星期五 Friday英 ['fraɪdeɪ] ;美 ['fraɪdeɪ]例:They reached London on Friday.他们星期五到达伦敦。6、星期六 Saturday英 ['sætədeɪ] ;美 ['sætərdeɪ]例:I wish tomorrow was Saturday. 我希望明天就是星期六。7、星期日 sunday英 ['sʌndeɪ] ;美 ['sʌndeɪ]例:I bought a new fishing rod last Sunday.上星期日我新买了一个鱼竿。扩展资料词汇来源1、Sunday(Sun.)Day of the Sun(太阳日,星期日)。是耶稣复活日,因此西方把这一天看作最神圣的日子,称之为“安息日”或“主日”。2、Monday(Mon.)Day of the Moon(月亮日)。在古英语中写作Monandoeg,即 day of the moon,拉丁语为Lunaedies。3、Tuesday(Tues.)Day of the Mars(火星日)。这一天是为了纪念战神Tyr而由他的名字命名的。古英语中Tyr的名字写作Tiw。4、Wednesday(Wed.)Day of the Mercury(水星日)。这一天是以北欧神话中掌管文化、艺术、战争、死亡的神Woden的名字命名的。5、Thursday(Thur.)Day of Jupiter(木星日)。这一天是用北欧神话中Thor的名字来命名的。Thor是掌管雷电之神(God of Thunder and Lightning)。6、Friday(Fri.)Day of Venus(金星日)。Friday在古英语中写作Frigedoeg。Frigga是掌管婚姻的女神。7、Saturday(Sat.)Day of Saturn(土星日)。这是一星期中最后一天,它是由掌管农业之神,罗马主神朱庇特的父亲Saturn的名字命名的。

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