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09-08 投稿



garnishing 发音

英:[ˈɡɑːnɪʃɪŋ]  美:[ˈɡɑːrnɪʃɪŋ]

英:  美:

garnishing 中文意思翻译



garnishing 词性/词形变化,garnishing变形

动词过去分词: garnished |动词第三人称单数: garnishes |动词现在分词: garnishing |动词过去式: garnished |

garnishing 短语词组

1、garnishing a ─── 装饰

2、garnishing set ─── 装饰套 ─── 装

3、garnishing wages definition ─── 附加工资定义

4、garnishing employee wages ─── 扣发员工工资

5、garnishing wages irs ─── 装饰工资

6、garnishing ssi ─── 装饰ssi

7、garnishing wages ─── 附加工资

garnishing 相似词语短语

1、furnishing ─── n.供给;装备;服饰;家俱;v.供给;装备;陈设(furnish的ing形式)

2、tarnishing ─── n.[化工]锈蚀,[化工]锈污;(印花)白地沾色;v.使生锈,沾污(tarnish的现在分词形式)

3、banishing ─── v.驱逐;消除;摒弃(banish的ing形式)

4、burnishing ─── n.[机]抛光;v.擦亮(burnish的ing形式)

5、guarishing ─── 保护

6、garnisheeing ─── n.第三债务人;v.传讯(第三方债务人);为偿付债务而扣押

7、degarnishing ─── 去甲肾上腺素

8、garnishings ─── n.装饰品;v.装饰;配菜;(为合法扣押钱财)传讯(第三方)(garnish的现在分词)

9、varnishing ─── v.给……涂清漆(varnish的现在分词);n.扫上光油;上漆,涂漆

garnishing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bill: They're garnishing my wages? What for? ─── 他们扣发了我的工资?为什么啊?

2、Finely chop the reserved dill leaves and keep the rest for garnishing . ─── 将保留下来的刁草叶剁碎,以备装饰。

3、If fruit is used to garnish meat it should be cut into small pieces or sliced thinly. ─── 如果用水果来搭配肉类食物,应该把它切成小块或是薄片。

4、Pour Gin and Dubonnet together over ice in an old fashioned glass. Garnish with lemon peel. ─── 入加冰古典杯直调,饰柠檬皮。

5、Remove and garnish with parsley leaves and slices of lemon. ─── 上碟,用洋芫荽叶同柠檬片装饰。

6、Shake with cracked ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon slice. ─── 加碎冰摇至冰冻滤入三角杯,饰柠檬片。

7、Shake all ingredients with ice; strain into martini glass. Garnish with a Grapefruit peel. ─── 加冰摇后入马提尼杯饰柚子皮。

8、Shake all ingredients with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange peel. ─── 加冰摇后入冰镇三角杯,饰橙皮。

9、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass with sugared rim. Garnish with a red cherry. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加糖边的鸡尾酒杯,再用红樱桃装饰。

10、Stir with crushed ice. Strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a orage tiwist. ─── 在调酒杯中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,轻轻搅动后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用橙子皮装饰。

11、Notes:Discard the bay leave, garnish with cooked carrots and pearl onions when serving. ─── 备注:享用时弃去香叶,可伴煮熟的甘笋和小洋葱等蔬菜同食。

12、Combine ingredients in a highball glass filled with ice. Stir gently. Garnish with peach wedge. ─── 在高球杯中加满冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中,轻轻搅动后,用桃子角装饰。

13、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass filled with ice. Top with cola. Garnish with a lime wedge. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的塔博杯,倒入可乐,再用青柠角装饰。

14、Skewer raspberries on a toothpick to garnish. ─── skewer树莓对一牙签,以装饰。

15、Instruct cooks in preparation, cooking, garnishing and presentation of food. ─── 指导厨师准备,烹饪,配菜和演示食物。

16、The turkey was served with a garnish of parsley. ─── 做好的火鸡上面配上芫荽菜做点缀。

17、They garnish the room with modern painting. ─── 他们以现代画装饰此房间。

18、Garnish cake with rose petals and pistachios. ─── 上桌时可为蛋糕装饰上玫瑰花瓣和乳香果。

19、like buying economy eggs and, by garnishing them with the odd bit of parsley, hoping they will look and taste like caviar. ─── 就像买经济鸡蛋,并通过用欧芹装饰,希望他们将看起来并且品尝像鱼子酱。

20、Her special touch was garnishing food. ─── 她特别喜欢装饰食物。

21、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a wine glass filled with ice. Top with champagne. Garnish with a orange twist. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的葡萄酒杯,再加入香槟酒,用橙子皮装饰。

22、Build all ingredients in a highball glass with ice and garnish with a squeeze of lime. ─── 入海波杯直调饰莱姆片。

23、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass filled with ice. Garnish with lime wedge and celery stick. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的大酒杯,再用柠檬角和芹菜杆装饰。

24、Turn off the heat, add linguine and toss well, garnish with parsley.Serve. ─── 关火后加入意粉拌匀,加入洋芫荽即可享用。

25、Remove to plate, garnish with lemon wedges and serve. ─── 取出上碟,并以柠檬角伴碟即成。

26、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass filled with ice. Garnish with a orang wheel. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的塔博杯,再用橙子片装饰。

27、They also offered many choices of garnishing to go with it. ─── 他们还提供好多小菜来当配料。

28、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a wine glass filled with ice. Top with champagne. Garnish with lime twist. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的葡萄酒杯,倒入香槟酒,再用青柠皮装饰。

29、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with a lime wedge. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,再用青柠角装饰。

30、Serve steaming in a mug or stem glass. Garnish with a peppermint stick. ─── 入热水杯或高脚杯饰薄荷条。

31、Combine ingredients in a tumbler glass filled with ice. Stir gently with celery stick. Garnish with lime wedge. ─── 在塔博杯中加满冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中,用芹菜杆轻轻搅动后,用青柠角装饰。

32、Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass with sugared rim. Garnish with lemon twist. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入做好糖边的冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用柠檬皮装饰。

33、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with pineapple slice. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,用菠萝角和红樱桃装饰。

34、Stir-in fish sauce and lime juice to taste. Garnish with coriander leaf and serve. ─── 加入适量鱼露及柠檬汁。然后用芫荽叶点缀,即可上桌。

35、If you ask them nicely, they'll often bring you a sprig of lettuce as garnish as well. ─── 如果你好声好气地招呼侍者,他们通常会拿来许多生菜和其他饰物。

36、Ajisen serves Tonkotsu Ramen with extensive garnishing in its Ramen line-ups. ─── 味千拉面的上汤,全部都是从日本进口,纯粹正宗日本口味。

37、Stir with crushed ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with cherry. ─── 在调酒杯中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,轻轻搅动后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用红樱桃装饰。

38、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a cherry. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用红樱桃装饰。

39、Her special touch was garnishing food. ─── 她特别喜欢装饰食物。

40、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a wine glass filled with ice. Top with soda water. Garnish with orange slice. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的葡萄酒杯,加满苏打水,用橙子片装饰。

41、Combine ingredients in blender with crushed ice. Flash blend and strain into glass. Garnish with cherry. ─── 在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯中,用红樱桃装饰。

42、She had finished the vegetables and was garnishing the roast. ─── 她已经做好了蔬菜,正给烤肉配饰菜。

43、Blend with2 cups crushed ice until smooth. Pour into champagne flute. Garnish with strawberry. Serves two. ─── 加碎冰果汁机混合入笛形香槟杯,饰草莓。

44、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into glass. Top with soda water. Garnish with a pineapple slice. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,加入少量苏打水,再用菠萝角装饰。

45、Garnish with Italian parsley, serve hot with rice or pasta. ─── 以意大利芫荽装饰,伴白饭或意大利粉进食。

46、Optional garnish: maraschino cherry. ─── 任择装饰: maraschino樱桃。

47、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with orange slice and cherry. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,再用橙子片和红樱桃装饰。

48、The mirror with everyday one side, because enchased garnish of a metal and immediately becomes. ─── 一面普普通通的镜子,因为镶嵌了一个金属装饰件而登时变得。

49、Stir with crushed ice. Strain into a cocktail glass with sugared rim. Garnish with lemon twist. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入糖边的鸡尾酒杯,再用柠檬皮装饰。

50、Pour ingredients over lots of ice in collins glass and stir. Garnish with lemon wedge. ─── 在柯林斯杯中加满冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中,用柠檬角装饰。

51、An expediter is the person in charge of organizing orders by table, and garnishing the dishes before the server takes them out to the dining room. ─── 主要是指负责桌子的摆放和装饰菜肴(在服务员把菜端进餐厅之前)。

52、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with lemon wedge and cherry. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,再用柠檬角和红樱桃装饰。

53、Blend until slushy. Pour into a hurricane glass and garnish with orange wheel. ─── 在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入飓风杯,用橙子装饰。

54、o Garnishing techniques and methods of service for fish ─── 鱼的制作方法和装饰技巧

55、Build ingredients in a highball glass and stir they way you would a New York Egg Cream. No Garnish. ─── 于海波杯直调,上加纽约蛋奶酪。

56、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice. Top with ginger ale. Garnish with lemon wedge. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,加入姜汁啤酒,用柠檬角装饰。

57、Build over ice in a highball glass and stir. Garnish with a long thin slice of cucumber with the skin. ─── 入加冰海波杯搅匀,饰黄瓜皮长条。

58、Muddle mint and sugar in glass. Add ice and whiskey. Stir and top with soda. Garnish with lemon wedge. ─── 在杯子中把糖浆和薄荷叶捣在一起,加入冰块和威士忌,加满苏打水,用柠檬角装饰。

59、The sandwiches came with a rather limp salad garnish. ─── 三明治配着蔫软的色拉饰菜。

60、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a rocks glass. Garnish with lemon twist. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,再用柠檬皮装饰。

61、Combine ingredients in blender with ice. Blend until smooth and pour into a highball glass. Garnish with a red cherry. ─── 在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入高球杯,用红樱桃装饰。

62、Shake ingredients with ice and pour into chilled margarita glass with salt rim. Garnish with lime wedge. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入有盐边的玛格丽特酒杯,再用青柠角装饰。

63、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime wedge. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用青柠角装饰。

64、Shake with ice and serve in a small cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon peel. ─── 加冰摇入小型鸡尾杯,饰柠檬皮。

65、Okay, Alice said. Shall we eat first? I hope they put an edible garnish on my fat juicy hamburger. Im really hungry. ─── 好的,爱丽丝说。我们先吃饭吗?我希望他们在我的厚实多汁的汉堡包上配一些装饰物。我真的饿了。

66、Stir with crushed ice. Strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist. ─── 在调酒杯中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,轻轻搅动后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用柠檬皮装饰。

67、Pour the whiskey and the soda into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Garnish with the lemon twist. ─── 在高球杯中加入冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中,轻轻搅动后,用柠檬皮装饰。

68、Instruct cooks in preparation, cooking, garnishing and presentation of food. ─── 食物的制备,烹调,装饰和准备。

69、Stir with crushed ice. Strain into snifter glass. Garnish with a cherry. ─── 在调酒杯中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,搅动后倒入白兰地杯,再用红樱桃装饰。

70、Mix well in blender until smooth. Serve in a wine glass. Garnish with cherry. ─── 在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入葡萄酒杯,用红樱桃装饰。

71、Shake ingredients with crushed ice; strain into the chilled wine glass. Garnish with a orange twist. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用橙子皮装饰。

72、Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a small cocktail Glass. Garnish with a cherry. ─── 加冰摇后入小型鸡尾杯。饰樱桃。

73、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into glass. Garnish with orange slice and cherry. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用橙子和红樱桃装饰。

74、Combine ingredients in a highball glass filled with ice. Stir gently. Garnish with lime wedge. ─── 在高球杯中加满冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中,轻轻搅动后用青柠角装饰。

75、Add ice and stir. Garnish with lemon slices and cherries. ─── 制法:将配料混合后加冰块,注入高脚杯,以柠檬薄片和樱桃装饰。

76、Serve with ice cream. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a sprinkle cocoa powder. ─── 可以和冰淇淋一起食用。也可以用薄荷叶和可可粉装饰。

77、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a highball glass filled with cubed ice. Garnish with lemon wedge. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,再用柠檬角装饰。

78、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a orange slice. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用橙子片装饰。

79、Combine ingredients in glass filled with cubed ice. Stir well and garnish with orange wedge. ─── 在杯子中加入冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中,轻轻搅动,再用橙子角装饰。

80、Garnish with some cilantro as desired. ─── 可配上少许香菜配色。

81、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a wine glass filled with ice. Garnish with an orang wedge. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的葡萄酒杯,再用橙子角装饰。

82、Stir with crushed ice. Strain into flute glass. Top with champagne. Garnish with a lemon wedge. ─── 在调酒杯中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,轻轻搅动后倒入冰镇的郁金香杯,加入香槟酒,再用柠檬角装饰。

83、Shake with crushed ice. Shake well and pour into a large cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon twist. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用柠檬皮装饰。

84、Shake with ice and pour into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with gummy fish. ─── 加冰摇匀倒入鸡尾酒杯中塑料鱼装饰。

85、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a sour glass. Garnish with orange twist and a red cherry. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的酸酒杯,用橙子皮和红樱桃装饰。

86、You're taking all the caviar!That caviar is a garnish! ─── 你把所有的鱼子酱都拿走了!那些鱼子酱是饰物!

87、Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass. Garnish with celery and lime. ─── 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的塔博杯,再用芹菜杆和青柠角装饰。

88、Stir with crushed ice. Strain into glass. Garnish with a orange twist. ─── 在调酒杯中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,搅动均匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用橙子皮装饰。

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