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09-07 投稿



confederates 发音

英:[kənˈfɛdərɪts]  美:[kənˈfɛdərəts]

英:  美:

confederates 中文意思翻译



confederates 词性/词形变化,confederates变形

动词过去式: confederated |动词现在分词: confederating |动词第三人称单数: confederates |动词过去分词: confederated |形容词: confederative |

confederates 相似词语短语

1、unconfederated ─── 未合并

2、confederacies ─── n.联盟;联邦;私党

3、nonfederated ─── 非联邦的

4、confederalist ─── 邦联成员

5、Confederates ─── n.同盟者;同盟国;共谋者(confederate的复数);v.结盟;共谋;联合(confederate的第三人称单数)

6、concelebrates ─── vi.共做弥撒

7、confederate ─── adj.同盟的,联合的;美国南部邦联的(Confederate);n.同盟国,同盟者;帮凶;美国南部邦联支持者(Confederate);v.使联盟;使联合

8、confederated ─── v.使联盟,使联合;同盟,联合(confederate的过去式和过去分词形式)

9、confederations ─── n.邦联;同盟(confederation的复数)

confederates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They reinstated Liu and all his confederates. ─── 他们立即恢复了刘志丹和他所有部下的原职。

2、And Thamud, and the people of Lut, and the Companions of the Wood; - such were the Confederates. ─── 赛莫德人、鲁特的宗族、茂林的居民。这些都是党派,

3、A city of southern Kentucky southeast of Owensboro. It was occupied by the Confederates from the start of the Civil War until 1862. Population, 40,641. ─── 鲍林格林:美国肯塔基州南部一城市,位于奥文斯波洛东南。自美国国内战争开始直到1862年被南部联邦军所占领。人口40,641

4、Its success made it a target for attack by the British during the War of 1812 and by the Confederates during the Civil War. ─── 它的兴盛也让它在1812年战争及内战时,成为英军及邦联军队攻击的目标。

5、They were generally supposed to be old friends and confederates of Wilson, whose minds were of course highly excited against Porteous. ─── 说不定他们是威尔逊的老朋友和同伙,对波蒂厄斯当然是怀恨在心的。

6、The Confederates had moved up through Tennessee into the border state of Kentucky. ─── 南方同盟军由田纳西州移向至肯塔基州的边境地带。

7、The confederates who had reached that far didn't know that there was no backup behind them. ─── 到达那里的南方邦联军人根本就不知道在他们后面没有后援。

8、The Confederate Confederates had moved up through Tennessee into the border state of Kentucky. ─── 南部同盟经由田纳西进入了位于边境的肯塔基州。


10、After lunch, I go with the other confederates into a windowless computer lab. ─── 午餐过后,我与其他共盟者一起来到一间没有窗户的计算机实验室。

11、The police had tapped her telephone wire and listened in on her conversation with her confederates. ─── 警方在她的电话线上搭线,监听她和同伙的谈话。

12、She spoke about Andy Warhol, Madonna and Grace Jones as if they were not just her influences, but almost her intimate confederates. ─── 她谈及安廸·沃霍尔,麦当娜和恩·琼斯,好像他们不只是她的影响者,还几乎是她的亲密的盟军。

13、The Union army, commanded by General Meade, held Cemetery Ridge and managed to hold off the Confederates. ─── 联邦军当时的指挥官是米德将军,他攻占了墓园山脊,并成功拖住了南方邦联军。

14、I wondered if he even stole children articles to be stocked at home, or his remaining confederates were not arrested. ─── 我怀疑他连百货公司的儿童用品也偷到家里囤积了起来,或是他的余党还没有抓尽。

15、Meade followed cautiously and failed to cut off the Confederates before they recrossed the Potomac. ─── 米德谨慎尾随其后,但对同盟军再次渡过波托马克河之前的截击却以失败告终。

16、There are some new phenomena in theft.The thieves hide their confederates into the suit-cases and put those suitcases into the luggage cart and steal things while the bus is on its way. ─── 在中国有一些新的盗窃现象,一些窃贼通过同伙把自己放进行李箱进入巴士的行李库,在巴士运行中进行盗窃。

17、Atlanta read, knew the oracle had spoken, and, as loyal Confederates, they hastened to cast Rhett out. ─── 亚特兰大人读着这封信,知道檄文已经发布,于是他们这些忠诚的南部联盟拥护者赶快起来撵走巴特勒。

18、a major battle in the American Civil War (1863); the Confederates under Robert E. Lee defeated the Union forces under Joseph Hooker . ─── 美国内战(1863年)中的一次重要战役;罗伯特E庇护下的同盟国打败了约瑟夫胡克统治下的联盟军。

19、For seventy miles and twenty-five days the Confederates had fought almost daily. ─── 南部联盟军在25天内后退了70英里,几乎每天都在作战。

20、A city of southern Kentucky southeast of Owensboro. It was occupied by the Confederates from the start of the Civil War until 8'2. Population, 40,'4. ─── 鲍林格林:美国肯塔基州南部一城市,位于奥文斯波洛东南。自美国国内战争开始直到8'2年被南部联邦军所占领。人口40,'4

21、They frustrated every effort the prisoner made at getting word to his confederates ─── 他们挫败了该囚犯向同谋们传话的每一个企图。

22、Yankees and Confederates had killed or injured nearly forty thousand apiece of each other ─── 北方佬和南部同盟方面都死伤近四万人。

23、The confederates, undefeated, pushed onward. ─── 未被击败的同盟军继续向前推进。

24、Casualties were estimated at 16,000 for the Union and 20,000 for the Confederates. ─── 估计联邦军伤亡16,000人,美利坚邦联军队伤亡20,000人。

25、The Confederates had moved up through Tennessee into the broader border state of Kentucky. ─── 联盟已穿过田纳西,转移到更广阔的肯塔基州。

26、S. officials say, they simply do not know whether Padilla was a lone wolf, or had a network of confederates in America. ─── 美国官员说,结果,他们根本不知道帕迪拉到底是单枪匹马,还是在美国有一伙同党。

27、Grant then decided to surround the city and wait until its food was gone. That, he thought, would make the Confederates surrender. ─── 格兰特随后决定包围维克斯堡,一直等到城里弹尽粮绝,他想以此迫使南方军投降。

28、It was the site of a major Civil War battle (May 2-4, 8'3) in which the Confederates under Robert E. ─── 内战时的一次重大战役在此展开(8'3年5月2-4日)。

29、Union troops trailed the Confederates for almost 10 days. ─── 联邦军队追击南方联盟的军队有十天之久。

30、Fighting for either the Confederates or the Union, players will be able to fight behind the lines in now-legendary battles. ─── 为同盟者或联盟对抗,运动员将能够在现在内在线后面对抗-传奇性的战争。

31、American Civil War: In the Battle of Cane Hill, Union troops under General John Blunt defeat General John Marmaduke's Confederates. ─── 年,美国内战期间:凯恩山之战中,在约翰·布兰特率领下的联军击溃了约翰·马默杜克率领下的盟军。

32、The confedrate said Confederates had moved of up through Tennessee into the border state of Kentucky. ─── 同盟军从田纳西州进军到了肯塔基州的边界。

33、6. Hitherto I had had no confederates nor any acquaintance among that tribe . ─── 我一向没有同党,同那伙人全不认得。

34、The judges come in (they are all journalists, like the confederates, but they have no special knowledge of computers), and Robert Epstein announces the final results. ─── 这时候鉴定人员走了进来(他们与我的共盟者一样,都是来自新闻媒介的人士,但他们对计算机知之甚少),罗伯特·艾泼斯坦接着宣布了比赛的最后结果。

35、When the danger of the enterprise became obvious,one by one Claud's confederates backed out,and left him to carry the can. ─── 当企业的危机变得十分明显时,克劳德的同伙人一个个打了退堂鼓,让他一个人倒霉。

36、One day we visited the cabin of a mountain man who had a collection of rifles and pistols dating back to the Civil War, then explored a cave the Confederates had used for munitions storage. ─── 一天,我们造访了一位山里人的小木屋。他收藏着自美国内战以来的各种长短枪。我们还考察了当年联邦军队囤积军火的一个岩洞。

37、The Confederates were naturally delighted to find a sizeable Union force trapped at their feet in a six foot ditch. ─── 南军看见一大群北军被困在脚下六英尺深的壕沟,当然高兴得很。

38、a major battle in the American Civil War (1863); the Confederates under Robert E. Lee defeated the Union forces under Joseph Hooker ─── 美国内战(1863年)中的一次重要战役;罗伯特E庇护下的同盟国打败了约瑟夫胡克统治下的联盟军

39、A group of confederates,especially of states or nations,united for a common purpose; a league. ─── 同盟国为了同一个目的而结成联盟的州或国家;联盟

40、They were all confederates who had been told by the experimenter to give the wrong answer. ─── 他们都是同伙,之前被实验者嘱咐故意给出错误的答案。

41、Union forces are defeated by the Confederates on the site of the war's first major clash the previous year. ─── 联盟派军队被联邦派所击败,地点就在前一年这场内战中第一次主要冲突的事发地。

42、Wearily the Confederates lay on their arms and prayed for respite and rest. But there was no rest. ─── 这时南部联盟军已疲惫万分,便枕戈而卧,希望得到一个喘息机会稍事休息。

43、When Charleston finally surrendered to the North it was a sad day for Confederates, but a happy day for those who did not like slavery and wanted the Union to stay together. ─── 查尔斯顿市向联邦军队投降的那一天,是南方联盟最难过的一天,但是却是那些不喜欢奴隶制度,也相当愿意永远成为联邦政府一份子的人们最开心的一天。

44、I glance around at the other four confederates. ─── 我环顾身边,瞅了瞅另外四位共盟者。

45、It was the site of a major Civil War battle(May2-4,1863) in which the Confederates under Robert E. ─── 内战时的一次重大战役在此展开(1863年5月2-4日)。

46、Each time, the Confederates pushed them back easily. ─── 每一次,同盟军都轻而易举地把他们击回。

47、Blow upon one's confederates ─── 告发同谋者

48、The Confederates were on scant rations and practically without drugs or bandages for their own sick and wounded. ─── 这时南方士兵的口粮已经很少,给伤病员的药品和绷带实际上没有。

49、The real experimental participant, who knew nothing of this, was actually the sixth to call out their answer after five other confederates of the experimenter had given the wrong answer. ─── 真正的被试对此一无所知,他们实际上是在五位故意给出错误答案的实验者的同伙之后第六个回答问题的。

50、His great talent, it was said, was that he could do a job of murder all by himself, without confederates, which automatically made discovery and conviction by the law almost impossible. ─── 他极好的才能,据说,是他能没有同伙、全靠他自己做谋杀的事,这被警方自然而然地发现并定罪几乎是不可能的。

51、So London had, on the face of it, every incentive to help the Confederates tear America in two. ─── 所以表面上来看,伦敦曾经有足够的理由去帮助南方邦联来使美国一分为二。

52、a decisive battle in the American Civil War (1863); after being besieged for nearly seven weeks the Confederates surrendered. ─── 美国南北战争中决定性意义的一战(1863);被包围接近七个星期后南部联盟的军队最终投降。

53、The Confederacy has Confederates had moved off up through Tennessee into the border state of Kentucky. ─── 联邦军队通过田纳西向其边境城市肯塔基挺进。

54、A group of confederates, especially of states or nations, united for a common purpose; a league. ─── 这两个国家(缅甸和印度)己经成为友邦。

55、Or was he dead of smallpox months ago, rotting in some long ditch with hundreds of other Confederates? ─── 或者他出天花死去已经好几个月了,如今正和无数旁的联盟军官兵一起在什么地方的一个长长的坟坑里腐烂?

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