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09-06 投稿



urination 发音

英:[ˌjʊrɪˈneɪʃn]  美:[ˌjʊərɪˈneɪʃn]

英:  美:

urination 中文意思翻译



urination 短语词组

1、infrequent urination ─── 尿频

2、interruption of urination ─── 小便中断

3、reduce urination ─── 减少排尿

4、frequent urination ─── [中医]尿频

5、red hot urination ─── 红热排尿

6、difficulty urination women ─── 女性排尿困难

7、difficulty urination male ─── 男性排尿困难

8、interrupted urination ─── 小便中断

9、delayed urination ─── 排尿延迟

10、ejaculation and urination ─── 射精和排尿

11、abnormal urination ─── 排尿异常

12、reducing urination ─── 减少排尿

13、stuttering urination ─── [医] 间歇性排尿

14、discharge urination ─── 出院排尿

15、precipitant urination ─── [医] 急迫排尿, 尿意逼迫

urination 词性/词形变化,urination变形

动词过去分词: urinated |动词过去式: urinated |名词: urination |动词现在分词: urinating |动词第三人称单数: urinates |形容词: urinative |

urination 相似词语短语

1、turbination ─── n.涡卷;倒圆锥形

2、supination ─── n.旋后;反掌姿势

3、lumination ─── n.光照量;照明

4、rumination ─── n.沉思;反刍

5、ordination ─── n.分类;任命;神职授任;排成等级

6、trination ─── n.同日由同一神父主持三次弥撒的庆祝活动

7、marination ─── 浸泡

8、ruination ─── n.毁灭;祸根

9、carination ─── 船骨状;嵴状

urination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Night urination is different from frequent urination, frequent urination is going to the toilet often, night urination if the urge to go toilet to urinate while sleeping. ─── 夜尿不同于频尿,频尿是频频上厕所,夜尿是半夜睡眠时,频频感觉得需要如厕小便。

2、Thus, when a couple of courtly ladies let him play on their naked bodies, he is not attracted to them but rather disgusted by their enormous skin pores and the sound of their torrential urination. ─── 因此,当几个宫廷妇女让格列佛玩弄她们的裸体时,格列佛不但没兴趣反而还因为她们皮肤的毛孔、大量的排尿而倒胃口。

3、Title: lingnanensis lectin binding proteins in human urin e and its clinical significance. ─── 关键词:红桂木凝集素;酶联夹心法;尿液;凝集素结合蛋白

4、A new urinary diversion - ileal reservoir with self controllable urination ─── 尿流改道新术式棗体外可控性肠代膀胱术

5、promoting urination and removing dampness ─── 利尿除湿

6、Urination is a synchronized action of urethral sphincter relaxation and detrusor contraction.Abnormalities in the bladder and urethra frequently occur in combination. ─── 事实上排尿是逼尿肌收缩与尿道外括约肌放松的一个同步的动作,膀胱与尿道的异常常会合并存在。

7、Two cases developed difficulty in urination post-operatively. ─── 四例开刀前有小便困难,开刀后2例有进步。

8、promoting defecation and urination ─── 利窍

9、He has noticed frequent urination,increased thirst and unexpected tireness. ─── 他发觉经常小便,非常口渴和更加倦怠。

10、Symptoms of moderate dehydration include extreme thirst; dry appearance inside the mouth; decreased urination, or lightheadedness. ─── 中等程度的脱水症状有极度口渴、口腔内皮干燥可见、尿量很少或头晕。

11、The male dog matures sexually around 8 months, and usually exhibits raised leg urination (RLU). ─── 公狗在8个月左右性成熟,而且通常通过抬起腿撒尿(RLU)来展示自己。

12、He has noticed frequent urination, increased thirstunexpected tireness. ─── 他发觉小便,非常口渴和更加疲倦。

13、Do you have any pain during urination? ─── 你小便时痛吗?

14、The excessive heart-fire tends to go into the small intestine resulitng in oliguria, burning pains during urination,etc. ─── 心有实火,可移热于小肠,引起尿少,尿痛等症。

15、Foul smelling feces, lack of appetite, uneasiness and not thirsty, or prefers warm beverages, urination is long and clear or short of urine. ─── 大便气腥臭,饮食减少,口中无味,不烦不渴,或喜热饮,小便清长或短少

16、Onur urin heojyosso budi hengbogharago" ─── 今天, 我们分手了,希望我能够幸福,

17、At every moment water escapes the body through sweat, urination, defecation or exhaled breath, among other routes. ─── 几乎每时每刻,都有不少水份会通过出汗、排尿、呼吸等多种方式从人体逃逸。

18、He complained of a drawing pain in both groins and testicles, nocturia, burning on urination and the intermittent voiding of red-colored urine. ─── 他诉说,在两侧鼠蹊部和睾丸有医学教育网拉痛,且有夜尿,小便时有灼热感,间或放红色的尿。

19、Keywords uroflowmetry;decision tree;self-adapted template;classification diagnosis;urination disorders; ─── 尿流率;决策树;自适应模板;分类诊断;尿路症状疾病;

20、BJT could improve the scores of urination symptom in NIH-CPSI of chronic prostatitis patients, showed significance on statistics;also improve the uroflowmeter, showed significance on statistics. ─── 保精片能改善慢性前列腺炎患者NIH-CPSI中的排尿症状评分,具有统计学意义,能改善慢性前列腺炎患者的尿流率,具有统计学意义。

21、burning sensation of urination ─── 小便灼热

22、impeded urination during late pregnancy ─── 妊娠转胞

23、Keywords functional magnetic stimulation;urination disorders;evaluation; ─── 功能性磁刺激;排尿障碍;评价;

24、Keywords Urin protein 1 Diabetic nephnopathy Albumin Diagnosis; ─── 尿蛋白-1;糖尿病肾病;白蛋白;诊断;

25、Sensational disorder and conductive fasciculus type or segmental type disorder in urination of urinated were obvious in all cases. ─── 均有明显的传导束型或节段型感觉障碍及排尿障碍。

26、Signs include blood in the urine (hematuria), difficulty urinating (dysuria), and frequent urination (polyuria). ─── 临床表现包括:血尿、排尿困难和尿频。

27、May use in the headache, Yin deficient losing sleep, the lung hot cough, nephritis dropsy, the difficult urination, the low heat and so on sickness. ─── 可用于头痛、阴虚失眠、肺热咳嗽、肾炎水肿、小便不利、低热等症。

28、OAB is characterized by feelings of urgency to urinate, with or without incontinence, and is usually accompanied by increased urination frequency and nocturia (excessie urination at night). ─── OAB定义为尿急伴有或无尿失禁,常有尿频和夜尿(夜间排尿次数增多)。

29、Frequent urination and easily getting thirsty. ─── 小便频密及尿量增多,容易口渴。

30、urination and defecation disorder ─── 不得前后

31、Malunion of the urethra also affects urination. ─── 尿道畸形愈合还影响排尿。

32、Less common symptoms were insomnia, chest tightness, urgency of urination, cough, running nose, palpitation, and shock. 45% patients were noted with hair loss. ─── 出血处主要有七:皮下、牙龈、子宫、鼻腔、胃肠道、眼底和泌尿道。

33、However, Wang Hao is also well-known very lucky, if not well-known Wang Hao, kick 4 feet security consequences are likely to be played defecation and urination public security. ─── 可是著名的王皓也很幸运,如果不是著名的王皓,踹保安4脚带来的后果很可能是被众保安打得大小便失禁。

34、Antidiuretic prescriptions can reduce nighttime urination. ─── 抗利尿的处方可以减少夜间排尿。

35、a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom ─── 卧室中撒尿和通便的容器

36、Clinical study on urination control in radical prostatectomy ─── 前列腺癌根治术中保护尿控能力的临床研究

37、All the patients regained normal urination with no complications such as incontinence and impotence. ─── 12例患者采用逆行法,6例采取顺行法完成尿道会师,手术均获成功且排尿正常。

38、Fibroid symptoms can include excessie menstrual bleeding, enlarged uterine size, frequent urination, pelic pressure or pain and infertility. ─── 平滑肌瘤症状包括过多的经血,子宫体积增大,尿频,骨盆压痛以及不孕。

39、Keywords urination disorders;sacral nerve stimulation;urinary incontinence;urinary retention;sacrococcy geal defect; ─── 关键词排尿障碍;骶神经刺激;尿失禁;尿潴留;骶柱裂;

40、A disorder characterized by decreased force of urination and dysuria, usually resulting from enlargement of the prostate gland. ─── 前列腺增大一种以排尿无力和排尿痛为特征的身体失调,通常由前列腺增大导致

41、Urgency of the symptoms of frequent urination, urethra and things will flow out of the white, when there will be some swelling of the phenomenon, I do not know is suffering from urethritis ah? ─── 尿频尿急的症状,尿道口而且会有白色的东西流出来,有的时候会出现红肿的现象,不知道是不是患了尿道炎啊?

42、A large dose all at once will be wasted as the body will eliminate the excess through urination. ─── 一次性服用会造成浪费,因为人体会因为一次吸收不了多余的维生素而通过尿液排除体外。

43、Valve ablation by endoscopic fulguration was carried out for 7 and by urethrotomy fulguration in 2.Catheterization was needed for 25-28 months because of difficult urination in the latter 2. ─── 2例经后尿道切开电灼尿道瓣膜,术后留置尿管分别治疗25和28个月,现排尿通畅;

44、See also hematuria, urinalysis, urinary system, urination. ─── 亦请参阅hematuria、urinalysis、urinary bladder、urination。

45、Keywords Prostatectomy;Prostatic hypertrophy;Urination disorders; ─── 前列腺切除术;前列腺肥大;排尿障碍;

46、It is also observed that the prostatitis pain and urination complaint is relieved obviously while the WBC in liquor prostaticus is decreased, and the lecithin lipophore is increased. ─── 并能明显减轻前列腺炎疼痛与不适排尿症状,降低前列腺液白细胞及增加卵磷脂小体。

47、The invention discloses a health care product for promoting urination and eliminating edema and a preparation method thereof. ─── 本发明公开了一种利尿及消除水肿的保健品及其制备方法。

48、He has noticed frequent urination,increased thirst and unexpected tirene . ─── 他发觉常常小便,非常口渴和更加疲倦。

49、any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive urination and persistent thirst. ─── 几种代谢疾病,明显标志是排尿过多、持续口渴。

50、Flank pain associated with burning on urination, suggests renal calculi ─── 侧腹痛伴有排尿灼表明是肾结石。

51、urination disturbance during pregnancy ─── 子淋

52、Leucorrhea disappeared, lower abdomen are falling, and Zhang Tong feeling, frequent urination urine entirely, vaginal itching there is a sign of pregnancy Mody? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>妇产科>白带消失,小腹有下坠和涨痛感觉,尿频尿不尽,阴道还有瘙痒,是怀孕的征兆么?

53、difficulty in urination and defecation ─── 二便不利, 不得前后

54、Some women may hae a frothy, strong-smelling yellow green discharge, and may feel discomfort during intercourse and urination, as well as itching of the genital area. ─── 一些妇女会有着强烈臭味的黄绿色的泡沫分泌物,一些人会在性交和排尿过程中感觉不适,就像在性明感区的瘙痒一样。

55、These prescriptions are mostly applicable to the rehabilitation of patients with constipation, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, etc. ─── 多适用于便秘、尿频、尿失禁等病人的康复。

56、In Chinese medical field, the concretion of urinary system is caused by the bitterness, eagerness and hardness in urination. ─── 中医认为,泌尿系统结石多因下焦湿热所致,即“下焦湿热,蕴结成石”。

57、Surgical therapy effect on leg weakness, gait abnormality, pain, and sensory disability was better than urination and defecation function disturbance. ─── 外科治疗对于下肢无力、步态异常、疼痛和感觉障碍效果较好,对于大小便功能障碍效果不理想。

58、Officials to hear one word, Liu scared urination or incontinence wet ku dang, I do not know what is coming calamity. ─── 一听到官府二字,刘景升吓得小便失禁淋湿了裤档,不知又有什么大祸降临。

59、However, in the process of burning fat in the blood, "acetone" and to stimulate increased urination. ─── 不过,在燃烧脂肪的过程中,血液中的“丙酮”量增加及刺激排尿。

60、Effect of Antepartum Urination Training on Autonomous Urination after Spontaneous Delivery ─── 孕妇临产前排尿训练对顺产后排尿影响分析

61、Lemon grass is good for stomach, promotes urination, prevents anemia and moistens skin. ─── 健胃、利尿、防止贫血并滋润肌肤。

62、menstrual urination and defecation ─── 差经, 蹉理症, 蹉经, 踵经

63、any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive urination and persistent thirst ─── 几种代谢疾病,明显标志是排尿过多、持续口渴

64、He complained of a drawing pain in both groi and testicles, nocturia, burning on urination and the intermittent voiding of red-colored urine. ─── 他诉说,在两侧鼠蹊部和睾丸有拉痛,且有夜尿,小便时有灼热感,间或放红色的尿。

65、hematuria in whole process of urination ─── 全程血尿

66、Experimental study of urinary diversion by ileal reservoir with self controllable urination ─── 体外可控性回肠代膀胱术的实验研究

67、Burning pain on urination, Fever,Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, vomiting, Joint pain or swelling, and so on. ─── 头痛,头晕,恶心,呕吐,关节痛,尿道感染,发热,过敏反应(如荨麻疹)等

68、Officials to hear one word, Liu scared urination or incontinence wet ku dang, I do not know what is coming calamity. ─── 一听到官府二字,刘景升吓得小便失禁淋湿了裤档,不知又有什么大祸降临。

69、We conclude that aggressive urological managements are mandatory in treatment of upper urinary tract deterioration and in improvement of urination quality in SCI patients. ─── 我们认为为了改善脊髓损伤病人之肾功能以及排尿品质,积极的泌尿科处置不但必要而且十分重要。

70、You may feel frequent urination. ─── 你可能觉得频繁排尿。

71、Keywords Prostatic neoplasms;Prostatectomy;Urination disorders; ─── 前列腺肿瘤;前列腺切除术;排尿障碍;

72、He had lost 40 kg in 12 months, during which he had also experienced excessie urination, thirst, and appetite. ─── 在12个月里他丢掉了40公斤体重,同时他也经历尿频,口渴和胃口大增。

73、Symptoms include pressure in the lower pelvis, painful urination, and a frequent urge to urinate. ─── 主要症状包括盆腔底部紧缩感,尿痛、尿频。

74、tonifying Kidney to reduce urination ─── 固肾缩尿

75、Management of benign prostatic hyperplasia accompanied with neurogenic urination disorders ─── 前列腺增生症伴有神经源性排尿功能障碍的处理

76、Women can also develop vaginal discharge during a herpes outbreak or painful urination. ─── 女性阴道分泌物也制定了带状爆发期间排尿或痛苦。

77、Keywords sesarean section;urocyst capacity;urination time; ─── 关键词剖宫产术;膀胱容量;排尿时间;

78、Visceral hemorrhage, such as nasal bleeding, hemafecia, bleeding in urination and hemorrhage in multi-organs.; renal failure, liver dysfunction, even shock to die. ─── 内脏出血,如鼻出血、便血、尿血和多脏器出血等,肾衰竭、肝功能损害甚至休克而死亡。

79、The invention relates to a urination apparatus for females, a placer for the urination apparatus for female and a method for using the same. ─── 本发明涉及一种用于女性排尿用的排尿器、一种用于女性排尿用排尿器的放置器及它们的使用方法。

80、Those that do may experience irritation inside the penis, mild discharge, or a slight burning sensation after urination or ejaculation. ─── 也有可能表现为**内炎症、轻度分泌物、或在排尿、射精时有轻微烧灼感。

81、And the Feixu cough, diarrhea spleen deficiency, kidney deficiency Yijing, Daixia Dengzheng and frequent urination, the spa fill a certain role. ─── 并且对肺虚咳嗽、脾虚泄泻、肾虚遗精、带下及小便频繁等症,都有一定的疗补作用。

82、"He has noticed frequent urination, increased thirst and unexpected tiredness. " ─── 他发觉常常小便,非常口渴和更加疲倦。

83、She had three attacks of frequency of urination, dysuria and fever on Oct 1, 1995, Nov 22, 1995 and Jan 28, 1996 ─── 于l995年10月1日,l995年11月22日及1996年1月28日曾三次患尿频、排尿困难和发热

84、Keywords benign prostates enlargement;TURP;urination difficulty;etiology; ─── 前列腺增生;TURP;排尿异常;病因;

85、some patients this may result in symptoms of weakness, fatigue, and frequent urination. ─── 一些病人会有虚弱,疲劳以及频繁排尿症状。

86、a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom. ─── 卧室中撒尿和通便的容器。

87、Your urination has improved. Dr. Whitley has agreed that you may go home. ─── 中译)你的排尿已恢复正常了。衞斯理医生同意你回家了。

88、It was only a partial climbdown, however, as the film board insisted that the scenes in question were "nothing other than straightforward urination masquerading as ejaculation". ─── 但这仅仅只是部分的妥协,因为电影委员会坚持认为被删的镜头“根本就是在小便,但却装得跟‘射精’似的”。

89、But large cysts may cause pelvic pain, weight gain, and frequent urination. ─── 但是体积较大的卵巢囊肿会会导致盆腔痛,体重增加,以及尿频。

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