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09-07 投稿



epiploic 中文意思翻译



epiploic 短语词组

1、epiploic abscess ─── [医] 网膜脓肿

2、gastro-epiploic glands ─── [医] 胃网膜淋巴结

epiploic 相似词语短语

1、epilogic ─── 外延学

2、epipubic ─── 附生的

3、epiphloedic ─── 静脉外膜炎

4、diploic ─── 板障的

5、epiploon ─── n.大网膜;网膜

6、epiploa ─── n.大网膜;网膜(epiploon的变形)

7、epiglottic ─── adj.会厌的

8、epipolic ─── adj.荧光性的

9、epizoic ─── adj.体表寄生的;体表寄生虫的

epiploic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、162 pediatric cadavers (90 males, 72 females) divided into six groups were observed to study the shapes, measurement and surface reflection of the omentum and epiploic foramen. ─── 解剖观察了六个年龄组162具(男90,女72)小儿尸的网膜和网膜孔的形态、度量和体表投影。

2、epiploic appendage ─── 肠脂垂

3、epiploic foramen ─── 网膜孔

4、The common bile duct passes inferiorly, anterior to the epiploic foramen, where it is anterior to the right edge of the portal vein and on the right side of the hepatic artery. ─── 胆总管下行于网膜孔前方,位于门静脉右缘前方和肝动脉右侧。

5、epiploic vein, left ─── 胃网膜左静脉

6、greater and lesser omentum as well as the epiploic foramen were observed and measured in 30 cases of newborn cadavers (male 18, female 12) . ─── 在30例新生儿尸体上(男18、女12),观测了大网膜、小网膜及网膜孔的形态、位置、长宽及内径。

7、torsion of epiploic appendage ─── 脂垂扭转

8、lymph node of epiploic foramen ─── 网膜孔淋巴结

9、node of anterior border of epiploic formen ─── 网膜孔前缘结

10、epiploic abscess ─── [医] 网膜脓肿

11、Epiploic bursa ─── 网膜囊

12、epiploic branch ─── 网膜支

13、Portal azygos disconnection combined with greater omentum fixed on the wall of abdomen and varicose epiploic vein-great saphenous vein shunt on portal hypertensive rats ─── 门奇静脉断流加大网膜腹壁固定、腹壁曲张大网膜静脉-大隐静脉分流术的研究

14、epiploic appendicitis ─── 结肠脂垂炎

15、epiploic appendagitis ─── 肠脂垂炎

16、mesenteric epiploic cyst ─── 肠系膜大网膜囊肿

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