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09-07 投稿



overspreading 发音

英:[ˌəʊvəˈsprɛdɪŋ]  美:[ˌoʊvərˈsprɛdɪŋ]

英:  美:

overspreading 中文意思翻译




overspreading 短语词组

1、overspreading meaning ─── 扩展意义

2、overspreading of abominations ─── 铺天盖地

3、overspreading synonym ─── 扩展同义词

overspreading 词性/词形变化,overspreading变形

动词过去式: overspread |动词第三人称单数: overspreads |动词过去分词: overspread |动词现在分词: overspreading |

overspreading 相似词语短语

1、overpressing ─── v.使负担过重;过分坚持;n.过大的压力;熨烫过度;飞刺(玻璃制品的缺陷)

2、overreading ─── vt.从头读完;通读;vi.读书过度而弄坏身体

3、bespreading ─── vt.铺满;铺盖;广铺

4、outspreading ─── adj.延伸的,伸展的,展开的;;v.展开,伸展;n.展开,伸展

5、overgrading ─── 过度级配

6、overspending ─── n.超支;v.超支;花费过多;过度花费(overspend的现在分词)

7、overbreeding ─── 过度繁殖

8、overredding ─── 过卷

9、overpreparing ─── 过度准备

overspreading 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A cold sweat overspread him at the news that she was going away. ─── 他听到她要到别处去这句话,出了一身冷汗。

2、9.Gen 9:19 These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread. ─── 创9:19这是挪亚的三个儿子,他们的后裔分散在全地。

3、But their survival and development face more and more threats and challenges from the rapid overspread of big domestic and foreign retail corporations. ─── 但在内外资大型零售企业快速扩张的背景下,其生存和发展受到的威胁与挑战越来越大。

4、The great pageant of thee and me has overspread the sky. ─── 你我组成的伟丽的行列,布满了天空。

5、For instance, use those who print a lot of lovely ant to be overspread; ─── 比如,使用印制许多可爱蚂蚁的被罩;

6、the ground overspread mushrooms that only can be found in the fairy tales the hot air balloon of the rainbow pattern floats in the sky. ─── 地上长满了童话里才有的蘑菇,天上飘着彩虹花纹的热气球;

7、After 1 week, cells grew from the edge of original 1mm3 BSM explant, and they overspread after 3-4 weeks. Both ASMC and BSMC are zonary or spindly, with smooth membrane. ─── 分离的支气管平滑肌剪碎成1mm3的小块采用植块培养的方法较好,1 周后有细胞从边缘爬出,大约3~4 周后铺满培养皿,所得细胞呈梭形,纯度较高。

8、A few years ago, be being returned in our country Internet is a kind little-known, overspreading the new and high technology of a mysterious veil, to average person within sight but beyond reach. ─── 几年前,在我国因特网还是一种鲜为人知,罩着一层神秘面纱的高新技术,对于一般人来说可望而不可及。

9、the corpses overspread on the homeland, ─── 死尸在家园上满布,

10、Academic dishonourable overspread from the field of natural science to social science ─── 学术不端:从自然科学想到社会科学

11、Ancient overspread fishing method in Si River Valley ─── 古代泗水流域的罩鱼法

12、For, nature is not always tricked in holiday attire, but the same scene which yesterday breathed perfume and glittered as for the frolic of the nymphs, is overspread with melancholy today. ─── 自然并不总悦人以节日盛装,昨日氤氲芬芳晶亮悦目一如为林仙嬉乐而设的同一景致,今天就可能蒙上悲伤的面纱。

13、Now foreign retail enterprises are quickening their steps in the field of exclusive investment, overspread, and purchasing. ─── 开放后,外资零售企业加快了独资、扩张和收购的步伐。

14、The sky over the city was overspread with a heavy smog ─── 城市上空罩上了一层烟雾。

15、We can design the window of a arc in the upper part of luncheonette desk, deserve to go up to overspread the lamp chicly; ─── 我们可以在便餐桌的上方设计一道弧形的窗口,配上别致的罩灯;

16、The Quake Show is the action of overspreading, is interactive attitude, is the tuber's surface phenomena. ─── 快闪的城乡:是蔓延的行为;是互动的态度;是块茎的表象。

17、Preventing the tragedy's overspreading will make me heavily drunk. ─── 阻挡悲剧蔓延的悲剧会让我沉醉

18、Now Guangdong manufacturing still has good elasticity of economic extension and great space to overspread. ─── 现在广东制造业仍存在着扩展空间,经济扩张的弹性强。

19、It is this overspreading pain that deepens into loves and desires, into sufferings and joys in human homes. ─── 就是这种极尽弥散的痛苦,深化为爱和愿望,成为人间的痛苦和欢愉。

20、to become overspread as with a fluid, a colour, a gleam of light. ─── 变得铺满液体、颜色、光线。

21、Wrinkles have overspread her face. ─── 她的脸上布满了皱纹。

22、In order to prevent the overspreading of invasive species, an assessing mechanism of introducing alien species should be established and care should be... ─── 加强口岸管理,防止外来入侵种通过贸易途径无意引入,同时采取措施控制已经产生危害的外来入侵种。

23、Additionally, presently his unique painting genre has a clear and overspreading trace from his early to current works.It is no doubt readers will observe from the album. ─── 而且他今天自成一格的画风,可从他早期至今的作品中显现出一条清晰蔓延的脉络,相信读者也可以从这本画册中注意到了。

24、But in judicial practice , public security organization、procuratorial organization and bancus’s behavior of extended custody have overspread into every tache in criminal action . ─── 在界定超期羁押含义的基础上对超期羁押进行直观介绍,以说明超期羁押在我国的表现形式。

25、These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread. ─── 19这是挪亚的三个儿子,他们的后裔分散在全地。

26、Or dot, or diamonds, or paratactic, or interweave, the design that former bed is overspread also can be such. The bed tastes twinset 99 yuan reach 199 yuan / set Pillowcase 39 yuan ─── 或圆点,或方块,或并列,或交织,原来床被罩的图案也可以是这样。床品两件套99元至199元/套枕套39元/件

27、A malicious smile overspread his face. ─── 他脸上堆满奸笑。

28、For instance, use those who print a lot of lovely ant to be overspread, put the ornamental of shape of a leaf; ─── 比如,使用印制许多可爱蚂蚁的被罩,放一件树叶状的装饰物;

29、{0>A deeper shade of hauteur overspread his features, but he said not a word. ─── 一阵傲慢的阴影罩上了他的脸,可是他一句话也没有说。

30、Dread is toxicant will overspread that like plague. ─── 恐惧是毒药,会像瘟疫一样蔓延。

31、Presents the determination of overspreading rate, sectional wind velocity and terminal filter efficiency in unidirectional flow clean room design and the calculation and selection of pre-fliter. ─── 介绍了单向流洁净室设计中满布率、断面风速、末端过滤器效率的确定以及预过滤器的效率计算和选择。

32、The bedroom shop pastes the ceramic tile to be indeed big as a result of the volume is not suitable to overspread. ─── 卧室铺贴瓷砖的确由于体积较大而不适合铺满。

33、Dark clouds are overspreading the sky. ─── 乌云布满了天空

34、By reconstructing metaphysics and reasserting teleology, Kant attempts to restrain the extension of mechanism and utilitarianism in order to prevent the overspreading of modernity. ─── 康德试图通过形而上学的重建以及目的论的重倡来遏制功利主义和机械主义的蔓延,以阻止现代性的过度扩张。

35、It is this overspreading pain that deepens into loves and desires, into sufferings and joy in human homes; and this it is that ever melts and flows in songs through my poet's heart. ─── 就是这笼压弥漫的痛苦,加深而成为爱、欲,而成为人间的苦乐;就是它永远通过诗人的心灵,融化流涌而成为诗歌。

36、A smile overspread his face. ─── 他笑容满面。

37、the fields are mere paddocks, so reduced that from this height their hedgerows appear a network of dark green threads overspreading the paler green of the grass. ─── 田地只是一些围场,从高处看去,它们缩小了,所以卫面的树篱就好像是用深绿色的线织成的网,铺展在浅绿色的草地上。

38、6. These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread. ─── 伯利克里站在伯罗奔尼撒战争第一年阵亡的同胞遗骸前面时曾说过:“大地处处埋忠骨”。收藏指正

39、White and black sprouts are overspreading the field, ─── 田野上满是白色黑色的根芽,

40、Choose cloth as far as possible the curtain with good effect of qualitative thick close, adiabatic heat preservation, bag central heating is overspread or not be above central heating make furniture; ─── 尽量选择布质厚密、隔热保暖效果好的窗帘,不包暖气罩或者在暖气上面打家具;

41、A paleness overspread her face ─── 她脸色一阵苍白。

42、A 9-m2 standard stand is equipped with 1 information desk, 2 chairs, one 220V power supply, one lintel in Chinese and English, 2 spotlights and overspread carpet. ─── 9平方米标准展台配置信息台一张,椅子2把,220V电源一个,中英文楣板1条,射灯2个,满铺地毯。

43、The mottled ball that in the hood on droplight a colour is overspread or can turn, try to be unique, the effect will be much better. ─── 在吊灯上罩上一个彩罩或可以转动的斑驳球,别出心裁,效果会更佳。

44、More importantly, the R&D center develops each new product, once goes into production, within one week then can overspread the land's zero to sell the field. ─── 更为重要的是,研发中心开发出的每一种新产品,一旦投产,一周之内便能铺满全国各地的零售卖场。

45、White and black sprouts are overspreading the field, The heart-touching fragrance is wafting in the air, Earthworms and streams plough the land over and over. ─── 田野上满是白色黑色的根芽,飘逸着令人悸动的芳香,蚯蚓和流水把土地一遍遍耕耘。

46、"A deeper shade of hauteur overspread his features, but he said not a word." ─── 一阵傲慢的阴影罩上了他的脸,可是他一句话也没有说。

47、recent years, in company with large Numbers of healthy academic research achievements obtained in universities, academic corruption has come into overspreading increasingly. ─── 近年来,大学校园在取得了一大批健康学术科研成果的同时,相伴而来的学术腐败现象也呈现出不断蔓延之势。

48、Blossoming flowers are overspreading our embracing footprints, ─── 山花烂漫铺满着我们相守相拥的足迹,

49、The sky was overspread with clouds ─── 天空布满了云。

50、The central heating of door of make it cupboard is overspread outside, not only solved make healthful trouble, active the vision of people, achieve visual unity. ─── 外面做成柜门的暖气罩,不但解决了搞卫生的麻烦,又活跃了人们的视觉,达到视觉的统一。

51、Big white clouds are overspreading the river ─── 大朵的白云铺满河面

52、Grapes are planted on the beautiful upland which is 10-24m above sea level and is overspread with 4th century gravels. ─── 葡萄种植在海拔10至24米的铺满第四纪沙砾的美丽丘陵上。

53、Joe lifted it and rattled it a little, and slowly a grin overspread his face. ─── 乔稍微举起了它而且使它嘎嘎响了, 和慢慢地被扩张他的脸露齿笑。

54、Thefeeling,mixed of bitterness,anger,sympathy and mercy,overspread their bodies. ─── 交织着痛苦、愤怒、惋惜、怜悯的复杂感情布满了全身。

55、in the face of huge natural disasters, Chinese people overspread every ruin with love and kindness; ─── 在巨大的自然灾害面前,中国人民用爱心和善良,铺满每一个废墟;

56、With his head sunk down between his shoulders, and a hideous grin overspreading his face, the dwarf stoop up . ─── 矮子头缩在肩膀下面,脸上展开了一个可怕的苦笑,他站立起来。

57、The present overspreading of consumerism is also the re suit of the operation models of commercial media, including the fashion magazines. ─── 它所导致的当前消费主义的泛滥,与包括时尚杂志在内的各种商业传播媒介的运作模式有很大的关联。

58、The sky is overspread with black clouds. ─── 天空布满乌云。

59、Had better be a choice enclosed the lamps and lanterns of chimney, or add a protection to overspread for bulb. ─── 因此,小主人的房间里若安装有壁灯,那就得注重不要让电源线外露,以免不懂事的小主人拿电线当玩具来摆弄,从而造成触电的危险。

60、In no countenance was attentive curiosity so strongly marked as in Miss Bingley's, in spite of the smiles which overspread her face whenever she spoke to one of its objects; ─── 她下定这个决心,确实很必要,只可惜事实上不大容易做到,因为她看到全场的人都在怀疑他们俩;

61、A pallor overspread the young man's forehead, and he looked around him with anxiety. ─── 他的脸色立刻变得煞白,他焦急地向四面观望。

62、This is the easy first and the difficult follows.For the other light vehicles, it"s to choose developed countries as breakthrough, then overspread to other countries. ─── 对其他轻型动力车,选择发达国家美国为突破口,然后再向其他国家扩张,此所谓“先难后易”。

63、I look at the weeds which overspread my garden, and breathe out an earnest wish that they were eradicated.But why?What prompts the wish? ─── 当我看到杂草丛生的花园,就想立刻把这些无用的野草除掉,为什麽我的念头这样的强烈?

64、But this painful respiration hardly troubled a sort of ineffable serenity which overspread her countenance, and which transfigured her in her sleep. ─── 但是在她脸上,有一种无可形容的安闲态度,使她在睡眠中显得另有一番神色,那种苦痛的呼吸并不怎么影响她。

65、On the scaffolding operation platform stairs, safety way, entrance has overspread by wooden board, should set up handrail. ─── 3操作层各步架上、安全通道、入口走道均满铺脚手板,设置安全扶手.

66、OBJECTIVE To control SARS infection in sterilizing supply division when the overspreading of SARS appeared in general hospital. ─── 目的综合性医院出现严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)蔓延时,如何加强消毒供应室的管理。

67、A sudden pallor overspread the detective's face. ─── 听了这话,警察厅密探的脸上突然变得苍白。

68、"Luxury shall overspread the land, and fornication shall not cease to debauch mankind. ─── “奢侈会蔓延整块陆地,通奸不会被制止,使人类堕落。

69、It mirrors those who give Chinese generation to fish the method has: Bare-handed fish, fish with the net, forked fish, fishing, fish in order to overspread, osprey fishs, otter fishs. ─── 它反映出汉代的捕鱼方法有:徒手捕鱼,以网捕鱼,叉鱼,钓鱼,以罩捕鱼,鱼鹰捕鱼,水獭捕鱼。

70、OBJECTIVE To control SARS infection in sterilizing supply division when the overspreading of SARS appeared in general hospital. ─── 目的综合性医院出现严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)蔓延时,如何加强消毒供应室的管理。

71、" say me to close mist of eye cloud hill to overspread, daughter-in-law beat me heavily, say: "Gu Baoyu did not marry even son's wife finally, give property bonze, do you want to learn him? ─── 我摆好姿势开始读,感到还是很费劲,言语不顺畅,别别扭扭的。媳妇说:“过去的人都这样说话,多读读就习惯了。”通过几日磨合,我渐渐习以为常。

72、but often it is overspread by mist and cloud. ─── 可是交讬了以后,天空仍满布著烟雾、黑云。

73、A deeper shade of hauteur overspread his features, but he said not a word. ─── 一阵傲慢的阴影罩上了他的脸,可是他一句话也没有说。

74、Javert's content shone forth in his sovereign attitude,the deformity of triumph overspread that narrow brow ─── 沙威的喜色因傲慢的态度而更明显,扁窄的额头因得胜而变得难看。

75、It is this overspreading pain that deepens into loves and desires, into sufferings and joy in human homes; ─── 就是这笼压弥漫的痛苦,加深而成爱、欲,而成人间的苦乐;

76、and the thin veil of vegetation which overspread the broad-backed heights and the shelving sides of the coombs was unaffected by his industry. ─── 薄薄的植被笼罩着广阔的高地和峡谷的斜坡,还没有受到人的劳动的影响。

77、A faint blush overspread her face. ─── 她满脸微红。

78、It can not only reduce the chances of overspreading power but strengthen it's obligation and responsibility. perfection of the restrict mechanism about the power of board of directors. ─── 完善董事的权力制度,亦是对其权力的有效制约,其既能减少其扩张权力的机会,又能强化其义务和责任。

79、Extend when beard when be being overspread into gauze, the razor blade of rapid roll its stump. ─── 当胡须伸进金属网罩的时候,迅速转动的刀片就把它砍断。

80、"It had, indeed, a very cheery aspect; the walls being overspread with a kind of stucco, in which fragments of broken glass were intermixed;" ─── 确实,住宅呈现着一派欣然景象:墙面除着一层拉毛灰泥,由于里面掺和着大量的碎玻璃碴

81、Again, again good central heating is overspread, bilge through ceaseless terrestrial heat cold shrink, time grows to be out of shape easily also, not beautiful instead; ─── 再次,再好的暖气罩,经过不断地热胀冷缩,时间一长也轻易变形,反而不美观;

82、Stress is not an isolated or static matter, it can overspread. ─── 压力不是孤立的、静止的,它具有扩散性。

83、overspread channel ─── 满布信道

84、A smile overspread his broad face. ─── 他那张宽大的脸上堆满微笑。

85、This disease brings many serious social problems.Now it is a significant subject for the government, medical staffs and social workers how to restrain the overspread of AIDS. ─── 如何遏制AIDS的流行态势是摆在我国政府、全体医务人员和社会工作者面前的重大课题。

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