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09-07 投稿



navies 发音

英:[ˈneɪviz]  美:[ˈneɪviz]

英:  美:

navies 中文意思翻译




navies 反义词


navies 短语词组

1、navies bayes ─── 海军 ─── 海湾

2、navies 240 ─── 海军240

3、navies def ─── 海军def

4、navies 1940 1940 ─── 年海军

5、navies gun ─── 海军炮

6、navies amp ─── 海军AMP

7、navies ww2 ww2 ─── 船舶

navies 常用词组

navy blue ─── 深蓝色;藏青色

royal navy ─── (英)皇家海军

united states navy ─── 美国海军

navies 词性/词形变化,navies变形

名词复数: navies |

navies 同义词

destroyer | ink | sea force | convoy | dark | dark blue | marine | navy blue | squadron | lazuline | aircraft | blue | ink blue | US Navy | task force | merchant navy | forces | carrier | naval | task | sea | United States Navy | defense | USN | midnight blue | merchant marine | battleship | merchant | armada | aircraft carrier | service | fleet | force | midnight | argosy |flotilla

navies 相似词语短语

1、cavies ─── n.[脊椎]豚鼠;天竺鼠;n.(Cavy)人名;(法)卡维

2、garvies ─── 大蒜

3、mavies ─── 左边

4、Davies ─── n.戴维斯(男子名)

5、gravies ─── n.肉汁;不法利润;轻易得来的钱

6、navvies ─── n.挖土机;工人;vt.挖掘;vi.做挖土工

7、clavies ─── 钥匙

8、carvies ─── 橡树

9、naves ─── n.(教堂的)中殿;(铁路车站等建筑的)中央广场;车轮的中心部;n.(Nave)人名;(德、意、西、葡)纳韦;(英)内夫

navies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Reorganizing navies now works even if game isnt paused. ─── 现在可以在没有暂停时编组海军。

2、Harvey armour was taken up by all of the major navies, since 13 inches of Harvey armour offered the same protection as 15.5 inches of nickel-steel armour. ─── 自从发现13英寸的哈维装甲可以够提供与15.5英寸的镍金属装甲一样的防护能力,哈维装甲被使用于当时世界上所有的主要国家。

3、Indeed, they are seeking to build good relations between their navies. ─── 甚至,他们寻求在其海军间建立良好的关系。

4、Chinese and Vietnamese navies clashed at Johnson Reef in the Spratly Islands. Several Vietnamese boats were sunk and over 70 sailors killed. ─── 中越海军在南沙(私铺拉特力)的强生礁发生冲突.几艘越舰沉没并有超过70人阵亡.

5、It is not avoided that the heavy navies and transports bring side load in the canal working and how to consider it s influence on the stability of slope is a complex problem. ─── 在沟槽施工中重型挖土机械和运输机械的荷载是不可避免的边荷载,如何合理考虑其对沟槽边坡稳定的影响是一个复杂的问题。

6、The four navies, plus that of Singapore, will test what military folk call "inter-operability" of equipment and techniques. ─── 四国海军,加上新加坡的,将考验军方俗称的设备和技术“互操作性”。

7、But in both the U.S. and British Navies, Nagano has the reputation of being with the best. ─── 不过,不管在美国海军还是英国海军,永野的名声都是一流的。

8、the British and German navies ─── 英国和德国的海军部队

9、The British and Chinese navies stepped up their working links yesterday, when British Rear Admiral David Snelson welcomed Chinese Admiral Zhang on board HMS Exeter in Qingdao. ─── 英中海军关系又步入了一个崭新的阶段。昨天,英国皇家海军上将大卫斯内尔森在青岛港热烈欢迎北海舰队参谋长张盘洪登舰参观。

10、Analysis on Power Plant Type-Selection of Dock Amphibious Warship in Foreign Navies ─── 国外坞式两栖战舰动力装置选型分析

11、The result was the entire reconstruction of the navies of both the antagonists ─── 双方的海军就从这场斗争里获得了根本的改造。

12、The patrolling navies say they have begun to do better. ─── 巡航海军说他们已经开始完善行动。

13、The walls and fortifications of cities, and towns, and so the heavens and harbors; antiquities and ruins; libraries; colleges, disputations, and lectures, where any are; shipping and navies; ─── 现各城镇之墙垣及堡垒要塞;观码头和海港、遗迹和废墟;现书楼和学校以及偶遇的答辩和演讲;现该国的航运船舶和海军舰队;

14、The eight-day exercise is being held in the South China Sea, where both navies will conduct maritime surveillance, air defense and anti-submarine warfare exercises. ─── 为期八天的演习正在南海举行,双方的海军都将进行海上监视,防空和反潜战演习。

15、Chinese and US navies stage first-ever joint maritime search-and-rescue exercise ─── 中美海军首次举行海上联合搜救演习

16、Navies taking part in the European Union's Operation Atalanta have an agreement to hand over captured pirates to Kenya. ─── 参与欧盟亚特兰大行动的海军签署过一份协议,答应将俘获的海盗移交肯尼亚方面;

17、Even then, the Russian navy would be no match for NATO's navies. ─── 即使这样,俄罗斯海军也无法同北约海军相匹敌。

18、3.He began to serve as a privateer in the Ottoman Navy as a youth and after many years of fighting against Spanish, Genoese and Venetian navies, he rose to the rank of Reis (Admiral). ─── 他年轻的时候在土耳其海军服役,多年之后打败了西班牙,热那亚和威尼斯海军,他晋升到里斯(海军上将)的军衔。

19、And these assigned depths could even be rotated every few months between the navies so that no one could possibly feel advantaged or disadvantaged. ─── 商定的巡航深度可以几月一轮换来平衡不同深度带来的利弊。

20、The world's navies are trying to stop pirates. But will shooting them solve this growing maritime problem? ─── 万国海军试图遏阻海盗猖獗,但是杀光海盗就能阻绝海洋问题滋生吗?

21、Col vento orientale tu spezzi le navi di Tarsis. ─── 你用东风摧毁他施的船队。

22、Radar sets in patrol planes enabled the British and American navies to bring the German submarines under control. ─── 安装在巡逻飞机上的雷达设备,使英、美海军得以制服德国潜艇。

23、Pisa was a republic in the middle ages, with a government of her own, armies and navies of her own, and a great commerce. ─── 在中古时代,比萨是个共和国,有自己的政府,有自己的陆海军,还有很发达的商业。

24、“[Our] two navies complement one another. ─── “[我们的]两支海上力量相互配合。

25、Nevertheless, Adm. Roughead said the current relationship between the two navies is 'one that is positive.' ─── 不过,罗海德说两国海军目前的关系是积极正面的。

26、Navies from both sides were involved in deadly clashes in the area in 1999 and 2002. ─── 两国海军曾经在1999年和2002年在黄海海域发生严重冲突。

27、Smaller Asian navies are expanding as a counterbalance to the big powers, and they have an interest in keeping hands off the choke-point of the Malacca Strait. ─── 其他亚洲小型海军的扩张,只是为了保持与大国的军事平衡,它们愿意把手从马六甲海峡的瓶颈处移开。

28、The geographical range open to the pirates gives them (generally) the upper hand over foreign navies deployed to stop them.So, too, does their ingenious use of fishing boats for satellite cover. ─── 航海公司面临更高的保险金,乘客们会发现运送时间加长了,来往于苏伊士运河的船只减少了。

29、In action: in operation, in fighting or a fight between two enemies or navies ─── 在活动中,在运转中,在战斗中

30、S.Navy and navies of other countries are leveraging ATM technology in applications such as C3I networks, combat systems, sonar processors, sensor teleme-try, and communications systems. ─── 美国以及其他国家的海军正在把ATM技术运用到诸如C3I网络、指挥作战系统、声纳处理器、遥测和通信系统。

31、Moreover the American and Chinese navies, including destroyers and aircraft, staged their first ever joint search-and-rescue manoeuvres in September off Hawaii and in November in the South China Sea. ─── 此外,包括驱逐舰和飞机在内的中美海军首次在9月于夏威夷、11月于中国南海进行了联合搜救演习。

32、The new hub would reflect China's expanding naval power projection capabilities and greatly increase the possibility of confrontation with other navies. ─── 新的枢纽会反映中国扩张海军力量投射能力和大幅增加同其它海军对抗的可能性。

33、"We are sad by the incident and it is unfortunate," Choong said, and hoped that the incident will not affect anti-piracy operation by the multi-coalition navies there. ─── “我们对此次事件感到难过。这是实在太不幸了,”诺埃尔琼说,但是希望此次意外事件不会影响到整个联合海军反海盗的行动。

34、Facing the unprecedented ocean crisis, Tuo Hunbu actively disposed the costal defense of Shan Dong.He diplomatically placated the navies of Britain. ─── 在这次空前严重的海疆危机中,山东巡抚托浑布积极布防,使战前已经废弛的山东海防得到了改观。

35、"But with more foreign exchanges like this, the navies will have a chance to exchange their views on the maritime order, " he said. ─── 他说,“但只有更多像这样的对外交流,中国海军才有机会在海事秩序问题上交换意见”

36、and in the past few years it was becoming obvious that by exercising separately with so many navies we were overstretching both our material and personnel. ─── 我答曰,中国并非反对印度“入常”,而是认为要改革联合国,尤其是安理会,而这不是增加印度等国席位所能解决的。

37、Thompson said the port of San Francisco was big enough to hold all the navies of the world.He said San Francisco, some day, would control the trade of all of the Pacific Ocean. ─── 汤普森说,圣佛朗西斯科(旧金山)港非常大,足以容纳世界所有的船只,他说,圣佛朗西斯科将来必定会控制整个太平洋的贸易。

38、The attack was earlier heralded as heroic and several maritime bodies felt that navies patrolling in the region should take cue and be active like INS Tabar. ─── 此次攻击此前被人们称为大快人心之举,数个海运团体称,像印度海军“塔巴”号这样的行动应该常态化。

39、pisa was a republic in the middle ages, with a government of her own, armies and navies of her own, and a great commerce ─── 在中古时代,比萨是个共和国,有自己的政府,有自己的陆海军,还有很发达的商业。

40、Hou Yuexi, chief of staff of the South China Sea Fleet, said at the welcoming ceremony that Sept. 22 was a day worth commemorating in the history of exchanges between the Chinese and US navies. ─── 中国海军南海舰队参谋长侯月喜少将,在欢迎仪式上说,九月22日,对于中美两国海军交流史来说,这是一个值得几年的日子。

41、The navies must 'operate in accordance with international law,' added Adm. ─── 罗海德说,两国海军的行动必须遵照国际法。

42、"Dreadnought, HMS: British Battleship launched in 1906 that established the pattern of the warships that dominated the world's navies for the next 35 years." ─── 无畏舰:1906年下水的英国战舰,这种战舰统治世界海军达三十五年之久。

43、After sending inquiries to other navies, France realized that Le Triomphant had rammed into Britain's Vanguard. ─── 经过询问其他国家海军,法国海军意识到凯旋号是撞上了英国的前卫号。

44、International navies, he says, should not just chase pirates but should also protect Somali waters from illegal fishing. ─── 此外他还称,各国海军不应该只顾驱逐海盗,还应该保护索马里水域免受非法捕鱼的侵害。

45、colleges, disputations, and lectures, where any are;shipping and navies;houses and gardens of state and pleasure, near great cities;armories;arsenals;magazines;exchanges; ─── 军事、兵工厂,经济设施,体育,例如骑术、剑术、体操等等,以及剧院、艺术品和工艺品之类。

46、If war could be abolished, armies and navies would be unnecessary. ─── 如果战争可以废止,陆军、海军就无必要存在了。

47、Current situation of research and implement for multifunction integrated mast in foreign navies ─── 国外海军多功能一体化隐形桅杆研究应用现状

48、The first country to build a fleet of Ironclads renders the rest of the world's navies obsolete. ─── 第一个建造铁甲船舰队的国家将使其他国家的海军相形见绌。

49、Navies from both sides were involved in deadly clashes in the area in 1999 and 2002. South Korea has proposed establishing a joint fishing zone to prevent conflict in the disputed waters. ─── 两国海军曾经在1999年和2002年在黄海海域发生严重冲突。韩国曾经建议设立一个联合捕鱼区域,以免在有争议的海域发生冲突。

50、The Pentagon pushed training teams and new equipment to aid the navies of Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. ─── 五角大楼敦促培训工作队和新设备帮助新加坡和印度尼西亚,马来西亚的海军.

51、The real answer is to sort out Somalia.And navies can't do that. ─── 真正的解决之道应该是整顿索马里局势,而海军并不能做到这一点。

52、naval exercises involving six navies ─── 有六国海军参加的海军演习.

53、TWO years ago Somalia's weak transitional government agreed to let foreign navies chase pirates into its territorial waters. ─── 两年前索马里弱势的过渡政府准许外国海军在本国海域对海盗进行追捕。

54、The navies must 'operate in accordance with international law,' added Adm. Roughead, the highest-ranking U.S. military official to visit China this year. ─── 罗海德说,两国海军的行动必须遵照国际法。他是今年访华的最高级别美军将领。

55、The patrolling navies say they have begun to do better. ─── 巡航海军说他们已经开始完善行动。

56、The intelligence report is understood to have been issued to European navies. ─── 据悉,这份情报报告已经被分发到欧洲各国海军。

57、For now, it could help navies struggling to police the vast area of the Gulf of Aden and along the rest of the Somali coast. The U. ─── 眼下,中国海军可能会给在亚丁湾及索马里广阔水域吃力维持秩序的国际力量助以一臂之力。

58、Utilizing NAVI pump and swab operation can make the layer's fluid to be pseudo steady-state quickly,get qualified data and shorten the testing term. ─── 使用NAVI泵和抽汲作业都能使地层流体尽快达到拟稳定状态,取得合格的地层资料,缩短了测试周期,节约了成本。

59、The maximum head of NAVI pump is 400m. ─── 纳威泵的最大扬程是400米。

60、Washington has urged North Korea not to escalate tensions in the Yellow Sea following a naval skirmish between the North and South Korean navies Tuesday. ─── 华盛顿敦促北韩方面不要使黄海紧张态势进一步升级。此前星期二南北韩海军在黄海发生短暂冲突。

61、The navies of Chile and Argentina have expressed worries that the growth in tourist traffic in the area will cause a serious accident. ─── 智力和阿根廷的海军对在这一地区增长的旅游交通有可能会造成重大事故表示担忧。

62、Elsewhere in the lawless waters off Somalia, European navies have been more robust. ─── 在索马里附近另外一些海盗猖獗的海域,欧洲海军表现得更加强劲。

63、So far foreign navies have had only occasional successes. ─── 截止目前,外国海军展开反击仅获取偶尔的成功。

64、In 1994, Britain and France discussed closer co-operation between their navies and a possible carve-up of deployment zones for their nuclear submarine patrols. ─── 1994年,英法曾讨论过两国海军进一步密切关系的问题,甚至讨论过两国海军核潜艇联合巡航问题。

65、Were loud with navies, their devouring fires Behind the armies burned both fields and towns And sacked and crumbled or to flaming pyres Were cities made, where treasuries and crowns? ─── 声势浩大的军队点燃贪婪的战火烧毁了身后所经得田地和城镇曾经民富国昌的城市如今已被洗劫一空、瓦解崩溃或付之一炬?

66、Other navies have arrested dozens of suspected pirates and sent them for trial in nearby countries. ─── 另几国海军则逮捕了数十名海盗嫌疑人并将他们押往邻近国家受审。

67、All the able-bodied manhood of Europe was drawn into the armies or navies or into the improvised factories that served them. ─── 欧洲所有体格健全的男子都被招进陆军、海军,或者为它们服务的临时工厂。

68、"Both navies want quiet areas, deep areas, roughly the same distance from their home ports. ─── “双方海军想要深海域很安静,距离本国港口大致相同的地方。

69、Britain in the mid-18th century was such a power, single-handedly defeating the combined navies of France and Spain. ─── 18世纪中叶的英国属于这样的大国,凭藉一己之力击败了法国和西班牙的联合海军。

70、What is your comments about the corporation between our two navies? Do you think it is important? ─── 您对我们两国海军的合作有何评论?您认为它重要吗?

71、This political distrust has given birth to an arms race, with all three countries rushing to build larger navies. ─── 政治不信任催生了军备竞赛,三国都急于打造更大规模的海军。

72、I believe India's navy in our game reflects strong European influence, so it's not all that unique. Japan and China have navies that are far more obviously Asian. ─── 我相信印度海军在我们的游戏里强烈的反映出欧洲的影响,所以他并非完全独特.而日本和中国所拥有的海军则有很明显的亚洲风.

73、China will cooperate with other navies and commercial ships operating in the area, Capt. ─── 中方将与在该地区活动的其他国家海军和商船合作。

74、Navies into NF with around 12-14 ships per nation. ─── 海军到的NF约12-14 %的船舶的民族。

75、Colville says the High Commissioner, Navi Pillay, is calling on the Nepalese government to set up an independent and credible commission to investigate all forced disappearances. ─── 科韦尔说,人权事务高级专员皮莱要求尼泊尔政府成立一个独立、可靠的委员会,对所有的被迫失踪案子进行调查。

76、The United States Navy, the Russian Navy, and the Peruvian Navy (with the Almirante Grau, an ex-Dutch cruiser built shortly after World War II) are the only remaining navies which operate cruisers. ─── 只有五艘巡洋舰的主炮口径在此之上:三艘德国德意志级装甲舰和美国海军在第二次世界大战中使用的两艘阿拉斯加级大型巡洋舰。

77、Those interviewed on the programme welcome this as a positive development and emphasize the co-operation between the two Navies. ─── 本节目的受访者认为这种发展势头有积极意义,强调两个海军应彼此合作。

78、Nowhere is this more apparent than the ambitious plans of the navies of the countries. ─── 再也没有比些国家雄心勃勃的海军计划更显而易见的了。太感谢你了!

79、But even on land maps, navies are useful. ─── 但在陆地地图中,海军是有用的。

80、A commissioned officer in the British and Canadian navies ranking just below a lieutenant commander. ─── 海军上尉英国和加拿大海军中的军官,军衔仅次于海军少校

81、Naval exercises including six navies ─── 由6个国家海军参加的军事演习

82、"The opportunity for our navies to work together against the threat of piracy is very important," he added. ─── 他还表示,“我们两国海军共同抵抗海盗威胁的合作机会非常重要。”

83、Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? ─── 占了世界四分之一的大不列颠有任何敌人能使它召集这么多的海军和陆军吗?

84、China and India will hold the first-ever joint naval exercises off the coast of shanghai on November 14,with warship and various aircraft of the two countries' navies taking part. ─── 中国和印度将于11月14日在上海举行第一次海上联合军事演习,分别有着两国的军舰和各类型的船艇共同参与。

85、Fixed loophole where you could build navies in non-cores ─── 修正一个可以在非核心省份建造海军的漏洞

86、This paper briefly presents the future aircraft carriers with Integrated Full Electric Propulsion (IFEP) designed by the US, RN, and French Navies for the 21st century. ─── 本文简要地介绍了美国、英国、法国海军为21世纪设计的综合全电力推进未来航母的状况。

87、Has Great Britain any enemy in this quarter of the world,to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? ─── 大不列颠在世界的这个部分有什么敌人需要召集所有这些海军和陆军吗?

88、So far foreign navies have had only occasional successes. ─── 目前,外国海军展开反击仅获取偶尔的成功。

89、Both submarines returned to home ports with no loss of life or serious damage, the French and British navies said. ─── 两国海军部门表示,两艘潜艇都安全返回,没有人员或严重损失的报告。

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