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09-07 投稿


colossi 发音


英:  美:

colossi 中文意思翻译



colossi 短语词组

1、colossi map ─── 巨像图

2、colossi city ─── 巨像城

3、colossi 12 ─── 巨像12

4、colossi 14 ─── 巨像14

5、colossi of memnon ─── 记忆巨人

6、colossi 13 ─── 巨像13

7、Twelve Metal Colossi ─── 十二个金属色

8、colossi 11 ─── 巨像11

9、colossi xcr ─── 巨无霸xcr

colossi 词性/词形变化,colossi变形

副词: colossally |

colossi 相似词语短语

1、coloni ─── 隶农

2、colors in ─── 填色,用颜色填

3、colons ─── [解剖]结肠;冒号

4、colossus ─── n.巨像;巨人;巨大的东西

5、colossal ─── adj.巨大的;异常的,非常的

6、colors ─── n.彩色;颜料;脸色(color的复数);v.渲染(color的三单形式);涂颜色于

7、colosseum ─── n.罗马圆形大剧场

8、molossi ─── n.(诗歌中的)三个长音节构成的音步(molossus的变形)

9、colostric ─── 巨像

colossi 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、5. Can Thors or Colossi be transported in any way? ─── 雷神和巨像能够被运输吗?

2、The figure belongs to one of the colossi of the facade. ─── 该头像属于神殿正面的一尊巨像。

3、5.Q:Can Thors or Colossi be transported in any way? ─── 问:神族巨像和人族雷神都可以被运输的吗?

4、Reapers and Colossi are not able to jump/walk over over buildings, destructibles, or special abilities such as the force field ability. ─── 答:不会,现在潜地的单位不会激活观察塔。飞行单位也不会,不过隐形单位例如黑暗圣堂或者隐身单位例如鬼兵会激活他们。引用:

5、Colossi will not be able to shoot while under the effect of Anti-Gravity. ─── 巨像在反重力作用下无法攻击。

6、5.Can Thors or Colossi be transported in any way? ─── 5、雷神和巨像能够被运输吗?

7、My testing involved 5 minutes of time with some very large Molten Colossus (Colossi?). ─── 我的实验一共有5分钟,其中包括一些非常大的熔岩巨像。

8、The banshees cloak and attack the colossi as the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry. ─── 女妖隐身去攻击神族的巨像,同时地面杀死了大量神族的步兵。

9、At the time, the Conclave outlawed the manufacture of colossi, and existing machines were deactivated before being sealed away in distant asteroids and uninhabited moons. ─── 于是在那时,仲裁院下令中止了巨像的制造,而已经制造好的机器人在失去能力后被运送到荒废的小行星上。

10、Tourists visit the Colossi of Memnon, two massive stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. ─── 游客参观两尊法老阿蒙霍特普三世的巨像,也称门农巨像。

11、Since Colossi are basically Protoss equivalents of siege tanks (heavy anti-ground support role) I'd expect them to be down in T2, like siege tanks, but are apparently higher up. ─── 由于巨像对星灵来说基本上等同于攻城坦克(强力反地面攻击手),我希望它们能放在第二层科技中,如同攻城坦克一样。

12、Can Thors or Colossi be transported in any way? ─── 神族巨像和人族雷神都可以被运输的吗?

13、Nonetheless, focus firing Colossi with +armor damage type units will bring them down pretty quickly. ─── 但是,用对护甲有额外伤害的单位集火巨像会让他们很快倒地。

14、One Colossi will beable to kill a group of Marines (before shield upgrade) with one sweepof its lasers. ─── 一个巨像的一次激光扫射可以干掉一队的机枪兵(在升级了护盾的前提下)。

15、One Colossi will be able to kill a group of Marines (before shield upgrade) with one sweep of its lasers. ─── 一个巨像的一主激光扫射可以做掉一队的机枪卒(正在升级了护矛的先落下)。

16、They would do better simply to let theircitizens make the most of the competition among the American colossi. ─── 好像是说:这些国家只要让它们自己的云计算企业与这些美国巨人在一起进行竞争,效果就会更好。

17、One Colossi will be able to kill a group of Marines with one sweep of its lasers. ─── 一个巨像的一次激光扫射可以干掉一队的机枪兵。

18、In this screenshot, it shows experimentation of having Colossi move through slightly deeper waters, but there are no plans at the moment to make the Colossi traverse all water terrains. ─── 这张截图里,展示了巨像在稍深的水中移动的实验,但现在还没有任何计划让巨像在所有水域中移动。

19、The 17th colossus will appear in a short cutscene like the other colossi, smashing the rear wall. ─── 第17只巨像会像其他巨像一样在一段短情景中出现,摧毁后方的墙。

20、To pause there would be to confirm the hopeless finality of a belief that two atomic colossi are doomed malevolently to eye each other indefinitely across a trembling world. ─── 要停止,这就要确认没有希望的结局一种信念,两个原子巨人恶毒的注定要注视彼此其他不确定的担心的社会。

21、With three Colossi, the Marines would die in one sweep, negating any healing that could be done. ─── 一台巨神兵可以用来削弱敌人,但想要对抗医护飞船和巨蠊这样的快速回复单位还不够。

22、Thors and colossi can be transported by each race's transportation units: the medivac and the warp prism. ─── 雷神和巨像可以被他们各自种族的运输单位运输:(人族的)医疗运输船和(神族的)相位棱镜。

23、The Colossi, like other ground units, will be able to move through shallow waters only. ─── 巨像,像其他的地面单位,只能在浅水中移动。

24、global colossi ─── 全球大国

25、Thors and colossi can be transported by each race's transportation units: the medivac and the warp prism. ─── 答:是的,它们可以被各自种族的运输单位运输。

26、One Colossi will be able to kill a group of Marines (before shield upgrade) with one sweep of its lasers. ─── 一个巨像的一次激光扫射可以干掉一队的机枪兵(在升级了护盾的前提下)。

27、Having 2 or 3 Colossi together will decimate groups of Marines, Zerglings, Hydralisks. ─── 有两三个巨像在一起会消灭一队机枪兵,小狗,刺蛇。

28、The Colossi, like other ground units, will be able to move through shallow waters only. ─── 答巨像,像其他的地面单位,只能在浅水中移动。

29、I was amazed how these giant colossi seemed to silently hover from the bush to the edge of the water without shattering one single stone. ─── 我很惊讶这些庞然大物似乎默默地徘徊在灌木到水边之间,而没有粉碎一块石头。

30、Nonetheless, focus firing Colossi with +armor damage type units will bring them down pretty quickly. ─── 但是,用对护甲有额外伤害的单位集火巨像会让他们很快倒地。

31、A: No it doesn't, but another thing to note is that 'Massive' units cannot be targeted (such as Thors, Colossi). ─── 答: 不,它不能,但是其他要注意的是大型单位不能作为目标(例如雷神,巨像)。

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