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09-08 投稿


brookite 发音

英:[[b'rʊkaɪt]]  美:[[b'rʊkaɪt]]

英:  美:

brookite 中文意思翻译



brookite 短语词组

1、brookite in quartz ─── 石英中的布鲁克岩

2、brookite beads ─── 布鲁克石珠子

3、brookite tio2 ─── 褐铁矿二氧化钛

4、brookite etsy ─── 布鲁克特埃西

5、brookite phase ─── 板钛矿相

6、brookite rutile ─── 金红石

7、brookite cif ─── 布鲁克特到岸价

brookite 相似词语短语

1、bookie ─── n.(尤指赛马等的)赌注登记人(bookmaker的非正式说法)

2、brooking ─── 容忍;忍受(brook的现在分词形式);n.(Brooking)人名;(英、西)布鲁金

3、brooklime ─── n.婆婆纳的一种

4、brookies ─── 布鲁克斯

5、brooklike ─── 棕色的

6、bronzite ─── n.[矿物]古铜辉石

7、brookie ─── (产于北美东部的)溪水鲑

8、brookier ─── 布鲁克耶

9、drookit ─── adj.湿透的

brookite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So it is concluded that anatase is easier to form at lower pH value, but rutile at higher pH value.Ascent of base strength from increase of pressure can promote the formation of brookite. ─── 因此在低pH值趋向于生成锐钛矿相,高pH值趋向于生成金红石相,而压力增大导致的碱性增强是促进板钛矿相形成的主要因素。

2、Studyon Thermal Analysis Behavior of Nanocrystalline Brookite TiO_2 ─── 板钛矿纳米TiO_2微晶的热分析特性研究

3、Keywords Brookite;Hydrothermal condition;Single phase;Phase transformation; ─── 板钛矿;水热条件;单一相;相变;

4、Brookite from Magnet Cove, Arkansas. 1. 1 cm. ─── 板钛矿来自湾,阿肯色州。1.1厘米。

5、Consequently, rutile transformed into brookite up to the pH value of 10 and brookite became more while continuously increasing the amount of HMT. ─── 当pH值达到10时,金红石相转变为板钛矿相,随着六亚甲基四胺加入量的继续增多,板钛矿相也逐渐增多。

6、Preparation of brookite titanium dioxide had a higher photo catalytic activity. ─── 制备的板钛矿型二氧化钛都具有较高光催化活性。

7、The mixed crystallite consisting of brookite and anatase has the best photocatalytic activity in the all samples. ─── 光催化活性最好的是由板钛矿相和锐钛矿相组成的混晶样品。

8、Keywords Nanocrystalline brookite based TiO 2;lattice distortion; ─── 纳米板钛矿基二氧化钛;晶格畸变;

9、some unique character of the brookite make it has extrem potential applied in the catalyst and dry cells. ─── 板钛矿的一些独特的性质,使其在催化及干电池等领域有潜在的应用背景。

10、Keywords titania;rutile;anatase;brookite;crystallization; ─── 二氧化钛;金红石;锐钛矿;板钛矿;晶化;

11、Effect of Hydrothermal Conditions on the Microstructure of Brookite Titanium Dioxide ─── 水热条件对板钛矿相二氧化钛微结构的影响

12、Its crystal type have anatase, brookite and rutile. ─── 晶型有锐钛矿型、板钛矿型和金红石型。

13、When AgNO_3 concentration was higher than 0.03 M, the prepared samples consisted of anatase, brookite, rutile and metal silver nanocrystal particles, and their grain size ranges were 5-30 nm. ─── 当AgNO_3浓度高于0.03 M时,Ag-TiO_2复合薄膜由锐钛矿、金红石、钣钛矿、金属银颗粒组成,它们的晶粒尺寸范围在5-30 nm。

14、brookite TiO2 ─── 板钛矿型TiO2

15、However, silver ions not only promoted (or catalyzed) the formation of brookite phase but also reduced the phase transformation temperature of anatase to rutile. ─── 同时,Ag+离子的掺杂不仅促进了钣钛矿的形成,并且降低了锐钛矿向金红石相的转变温度。

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