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09-07 投稿


telegram 发音

英:[ˈtelɪɡræm]  美:[ˈtelɪɡræm]

英:  美:

telegram 中文意思翻译





telegram 网络释义

n. 电报vt. 用电报发送vi. 发电报

telegram 短语词组

1、telegram charge a/c ─── [经] 电报费科目

2、local telegram ─── [电] 市内电报

3、telegram and telex charges ─── [经] 电报和电传打字电报费

4、deferred telegram ─── [经] 缓电, 迟发电报

5、code telegram ─── [经] 密码电报

6、cypher telegram ─── [经] 密语电报

7、letter and telegram register ─── [经] 书信电报登记簿

8、facsimile telegram ─── [计] 传真电报

9、overseas telegram un. ─── 海外电报

10、alphabetic telegram ─── [电] 字母电报

11、letter telegram ─── 书信电

12、reply-paid telegram ─── [经] 覆电费已付

13、telegram charge ─── [经] 电报费

14、postage and telegram book ─── [经] 邮电费帐

15、secret language telegram ─── [经] 密语电报

16、plain language telegram ─── [经] 明语电报

17、urgent telegram ─── [经] 急电

18、cipher telegram ─── [计] 密码电报 ─── [经] 密码电报

19、plain telegram ─── [经] 明电

telegram 常用词组

to send a telegram ─── 发电报

urgent telegram ─── 急电

telegram 词性/词形变化,telegram变形


telegram 特殊用法

1、facsimile telegram ─── 传真电报

2、plain language telegram ─── 明语电报

3、foreign telegram ─── 国外电报, 国际电报

4、express telegram ─── 急电(报)

5、overseas accounts telegrams ─── 国际记帐电报

6、telephone telegram ─── 话传电报

7、code telegrams ─── 编码电报

8、ordinary telegram ─── 寻常电报

9、multiple telegrams ─── 复式电报

10、secret telegram ─── 秘密电报

11、press telegram ─── 新闻电报

12、cipher [cypher]telegram ─── 密码电报, 缀字电报

13、secret language telegram ─── 密语电报

14、reply-paid telegram ─── 复电费已付的电报

15、letter telegram ─── 书信电

16、domestic telegrams ─── 国内电报

17、deferred telegram ─── 缓电

18、postal telegram ─── 快邮代电

19、mail telegram ─── 快邮代电

telegram 相似词语短语

1、teledrama ─── n.电视剧

2、telegrammic ─── 电报机

3、telegraphy ─── n.电信;电报学

4、teleran ─── abbr.电视雷达导航(televisionradarairnavigation)

5、telega ─── n.四轮马车

6、telegraphs ─── n.[通信]电报机,电报;vt.电汇;流露出;打电报给…;vi.打电报

7、telegraph ─── n.[通信]电报机,电报;vt.电汇;流露出;打电报给…;vi.打电报

8、telegrams ─── n.电报;vt.用电报发送;vi.发电报

9、telegas ─── n.四轮马车

telegram 习惯用语

1、milk [tap] a telegram ─── [俚]窃取电报

telegram 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He dispatched a telegram to announce his time of arrival. ─── 他拍发一封电报通知到达的时间。

2、She has clapped a telegram for me. ─── 她给我拍了封电报。

3、We must ensure that the telegram arrives in time. ─── 我们必须保证电报及时送到。

4、Do you wish to send it as an urgent telegram? ─── 你想作为紧急电报发出吗?

5、What do you make of this telegram? ─── 你怎么理解这份电报的意思?

6、We can send messages by telegram. ─── 我们能用电报传递消息。

7、Urgent telegram service is not available for it. ─── 发到那里的电报不开放急电业务。

8、Just before I left London I sent him a telegram. ─── 就在我离开伦敦之前,我给他发了封电报。

9、Can you make sense of this telegram? ─── 你搞得懂这电报的意思吗?

10、They had all been there when mom read out the telegram. ─── 妈妈读电报时,他们全都到了。

11、I have just received a telegram . ─── 我刚收到一份电报。

12、He sent his mother a telegram upon his arrival in Beijing. ─── 他一抵达北京就给母亲发了电报。

13、I want to send a telegram and it's urgent,sir. ─── 先生,我想发封加急电报。

14、A: They were sent a telegram. ─── 他们收到了一份电报。

15、Which of these words do you want me to abbreviate for the telegram? ─── 您要我将这些字中的哪些字缩写成电报?

16、Do you have any samples of a telegram? ─── 你有没有电报的范本?

17、Just before I left Singapore, I sent them a telegram. ─── 在离开新加坡前我给他们发了一封电报。

18、Did you forward his telegram? ─── 你转送了他的电报了吗?

19、We sent them a telegram ,congratulating them on their success . ─── 我们给他们拍了电报,祝贺他们的成功。

20、He was not alarmed at receiving the telegram. ─── 他接到这封电报时并不心慌。

21、It was hopeless to ask any more questions. It was clear that Holmes' cleverness with the telegram had not given us the proof we needed. ─── 再继续问下去也是无望的了。很清楚,福尔摩斯在电报上所施的高招并未给我们提供所需的证据。

22、What's the rate for telegram to England? ─── 发往英国的电报要多少费用?

23、How much shall I pay you for a letter telegram? ─── 发一份书信电报我要付多少钱?

24、Here is a telegram for you . ─── 在这里是对你来说的电报。

25、Will you hand on this telegram to your friend ? ─── 你把这份电报转交给你的朋友好吗?

26、How much did the telegram cost? ─── 拍那份电报花了多少钱?

27、"Writing" includes, inter alia, telegram and telex. ─── "书面"除其他方式外,包括电报和电传。

28、Scarlett was in Marietta when Rhett's urgent telegram came. ─── 思嘉是在马里塔时收到瑞德的加急电报的。

29、Inan hour there was a telegram back. ─── 一个钟头后就回电报了。

30、He sent yet another telegram informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. ─── 他于是又发了一封电报通知记者,如果他不立即回复就要被解雇。

31、If necessary, we shall send a telegram home. ─── 如有必要,我们就往家里打电报。

32、A telegram just came for me. I ripped it open. ─── 一封给我的电报刚到,我一把把它撕开。

33、Good. Then please prepare this letter for telegram delivery. ─── 好的,那么请将这封信用电报发出。

34、If we reword the telegram we can save one-third of the cost. ─── 如果我们改写电报文字, 费用能省三分之一。

35、We telephoned Jean a greetings telegram on her wedding day. ─── 在琼结婚那天我们用电话给她发了个贺电。

36、How much did cost (you) to send the telegram? ─── 拍这份电报(你)花了多少钱?

37、If we reword the telegram we can save one - third of the cost. ─── 如果我们改写电报文字,费用能省三分之一。

38、We were on the point of telephoning you when your telegram arrived. ─── 我们正要打电话给你,你的电报就来了。

39、I've just received a letter [telegram]. ─── 我刚收到一封信[一份电报]。

40、What is the charge per word for an ordinary telegram? ─── 一份普通的电报每个字多少钱?

41、He 's just had the telegram sent to Mr. ─── 他刚让人打电报给布拉克先生。

42、Just before I left Zhengzhou I sent a telegram home. ─── 在我离开郑州的前一会儿,我给家里打了个电报。

43、Sam: Show them this telegram. ─── 山姆:把这份电报给他们看看。

44、The president received a briefing by telegram. ─── 总裁收到了一份电报简报。

45、Where is an office of overseas telegram? ─── 国际电报局在哪里?

46、Thank you for your prompt reply to our telegram. ─── 多谢您对我们电报的即刻答复。

47、Hardly had he received the telegram than he started off at once. ─── 他一接到电报便立即动身走了。

48、Marge lets Norah see Sharon' s telegram. ─── (玛姬让萝拉看雪伦的电报。

49、He ciphered the telegram in a few minutes. ─── 他只用了几分钟就把电报译成密码。

50、He was asked to send a telegram. ─── 他被叫去送封电报了。

51、Can you decode this code telegram? ─── 你能译出这封密码电报吗?

52、He receives a telegram, and speaks his father's illness. ─── 他收到一封电报,说他父亲病了。

53、I've just received a telegram. ─── 我刚收到一份电报。

54、Woman: You could send her a telegram. ─── 女士:你可以发一封电报给她。

55、When did you receive the letter (news / telegram)? ─── 你是何时收到那封信(消息/电报)的?

56、Goering's telegram had been held up by Bormann. ─── 戈林的电报已经被鲍曼扣压了。

57、Your telegram comes apropos. ─── 你的电报来得正是时候。

58、A telegram for me, Miss Wyatt? ─── “我的电报,怀亚特小姐?”

59、They dispatched a telegram to the old man's son. ─── 他们给老人的儿子发了一份电报。

60、Excuse me, what do you mean by a government telegram? ─── 对不起,请问什么是政务电报?

61、What 's the rate for telegram to England? ─── 发往英国的电报要多少费用?

62、They rifled through the whole file but could not find the secret telegram. ─── 他们把整个卷宗翻了一遍,也没有找到那份秘密电报。

63、Sorry, urgent telegram service is not available for it. ─── 对不起,发到那里的电报不开放急电业务。

64、What is the charge for sending an urgent telegram? ─── 发个急电要多少钱?

65、How soon would they get a telegram if we sent the message that way? ─── 如果我们那样发送讯息,他们多快可收到电报?

66、We dispatched a telegram to Beijing . ─── 我们向北京发了一封电报。

67、He went to the post office to send a telegram . ─── 他到邮局发了一封电报。

68、A telegram has just arrived. ─── 对不起,刚收到一份电报。

69、What is the rate per word for an ordinary telegram to Chicago? ─── 发到芝加哥去的普通电报每字多少钱?

70、How much will the telegram cost? ─── 发电报要多少钱?

71、What kind of telegram, ordinary or urgent? ─── 哪种电报,普通的还是加急的?

72、From there he sent me a disrespectful telegram. ─── 从那里他给我打了一份无礼的电报。

73、I want to send a telegram."—"Fine, to whom?" ─── 我想发个电报。” — “好的,给谁?”

74、She sent her mother a telegram upon her arrival in Paris. ─── 她一到巴黎就给她妈妈发了一封电报。

75、Did you get my telegram last Sunday? ─── 上星期天你收到我的电报了吗?

76、Do you want an urgent telegram? ─── 你想要拍加急电报吗?

77、He might not have got our telegram. ─── 他或许没有收到我们的电报。

78、Just before I left Guangzhou, I sent them a telegram. ─── 在离开广州前我给他们打了一个电报。

79、He received a telegram from home yesterday. ─── 他昨天收到家里打来的电报。

80、We learned that you were in New York through a telegram sent by Isidore Newman, a travelling man from Denver. ─── 我们通过一个从丹佛到纽约来旅行的人伊西多尔·纽曼发来的电报知道你在纽约。

81、I had hoped to send him a telegram to congratulate him on his marriage but I didn't manage it. ─── 我本想在他结婚的时候给他打个电报表示祝贺,但是我没有办到。

82、Zeller: You were sent a telegram which you did not answer. A telegram from admiral Von Schreiber of the navy of the Third Reich. ─── 西:你接到电报,却不作答复,那是一封第三帝国海军上将冯·施里伯发来的电报。

83、Please send a telegram to me as soon as you arrive. ─── 到达后尽快给我发一个电报。

84、How shall I go about sending a telegram to Chicago? ─── 怎样给芝加哥打电报?

85、Send/receive a telegram(of congratulations,condolence,etc. ─── 发[收](祝贺、吊唁等)电报.

86、We sent them a telegram,congratulating them on their success. ─── 我们给他们拍了电报,祝贺他们的成功。

87、We have dispatched a telegram . ─── 我们已发出了电报。

88、A telegram came after you had gone. ─── 你走之后来了一份电报。

89、Send me a telegram if I am to come. ─── 如果要我来,给我拍个电报。









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