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09-07 投稿


linseed 发音

英:['lɪnsiːd]  美:['lɪn,sid]

英:  美:

linseed 中文意思翻译



linseed 短语词组

1、linseed flaxseed ─── 亚麻籽 ─── 亚麻籽

2、linseed cake ─── [机] 亚麻子饼

3、linseed substitute ─── [机] 亚麻子油代用品

4、linseed poultice ─── [医] 亚麻子泥罨

5、linseed meal ─── [机] 亚麻子饼粉

6、linseed fatty acid ─── [化] 亚麻仁脂肪酸

7、linseed bath ─── [医] 亚麻子油浴

8、linseed tea ─── [医] 亚麻子浸剂, 亚麻子茶剂

9、linseed oil varnish ─── [机] 亚麻子油漆

10、linseed pulp ─── 亚麻籽浆

11、linseed mucilage ─── [机] 亚麻子粘质

12、linseed oil meal ─── 亚麻油粕

13、crushed linseed ─── [医] 碎亚麻子

14、linseed oil ─── [化] 亚麻子油

15、epoxidised linseed oil ─── [化] 环氧化亚麻仁油

16、linseed oil flaxseed oil ─── 亚麻籽油 ─── 亚麻籽油

17、linseed oil sunnyside ─── 亚麻籽油

18、boiled linseed oil ─── [机] 熟炼胡麻子油

19、linseed oil soap ─── [机] 亚麻子油皂

linseed 相似词语短语

1、linished ─── 衬里

2、linned ─── linned

3、linted ─── n.软麻布;线头;棉绒;vi.飞散出棉线

4、linsey ─── n.[纺]亚麻羊毛交织物;混杂物;n.(Linsey)人名;(英)林赛

5、lopseed ─── n.透骨草

6、lined ─── adj.有内衬的;具线纹的;v.排队(line的过去分词);填满

7、lingered ─── vi.徘徊;苟延残喘;磨蹭;vt.消磨;缓慢度过;n.(Linger)人名;(德、捷、瑞典)林格;(法)兰热

8、inseem ─── 插图

9、linked ─── v.把……连接起来;相关联;说明(两者间)有联系;挽住,勾住;(使)挂钩(link的过去式及过去分词);adj.连接的;显示连环遗传的

linseed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Beijing Hua Shang Rui Lin Trade Co., Ltd. ─── 中信国际商贸有限公司北京华商瑞麟商贸有限公司。

2、The strongest principle of gowth lins in human choice. ─── 成长最强有力的准则便是人的选择。

3、Rice meal with linseed was produced using rice meal and linseed,etc. ─── 以亚麻籽、米粉为主要原料,研制了亚麻籽米粉。

4、Use a rag soaked in linseed oil. ─── 使用浸过亚麻籽油的抹布。

5、Pigment mixed with drying oil, exp. linseed oil. ─── 和亚麻油等干性油混制成的颜料。

6、Linseed oil is a vehicle for paint. ─── 亚麻籽油是一种颜料展色剂。

7、Linseed oil will soften stiff leather. ─── 亚麻籽油可软化僵硬的皮革。

8、The alkyl lines of linseed oil increased the internal toughness and improved the frailty of phenolic resin. ─── 亚麻油的烷基链起到内增韧的作用,改善了树脂的脆性。

9、"Mrs. Lin will worry if Xiu stays here! ─── 师妹在这里,师母是不放心的!

10、Come to think of it, Xiao Lin promised to telephone me about this time. ─── 想起来了,小林答应这时给我打电话的。

11、A colorless reducer (magnesia in linseed oil) used to extend lithographic inks and lessen their color strength. ─── 中义减色剂,使平版油墨容易延展并降低色强度。

12、It is a pleasure to introduce to you Miss Lin Jie. ─── 将林洁小姐推荐给你是我的荣幸。

13、The Lins pose for a picture. ─── 图4:林武雄的全家福。

14、There was no mistaking Lin Pei-shan's voice. ─── 分明是林佩珊的口音。

15、Listen! Lin Tao is singing in the next room. ─── 听!林涛正在隔壁的房间里唱歌。

16、Mr. Smith, Miss Lin wants to see you on the phone. ─── 史密斯先生,林小姐打电话找你。

17、L've said he would get Shao Lin into trouble. ─── 当初我就说他会连累少林。


19、D: A few hundred years ago European farmers started painting their barns with a mixture of linseed oil, milk, and lime. ─── 数百年前,欧洲农民首先使用一种由亚麻仁油、牛奶和石灰混合而成的混合物来粉刷他们的谷仓。

20、The seed of flax,the source of linseed oil and emollient medicinal preparations. ─── 亚麻籽用于制亚麻油和配制药用润滑膏的亚麻种子。

21、We express our respect and warm welcome to Madam Zhuo Lin. ─── 我们对卓琳女士表示热烈的欢迎和敬意。

22、Ingredients: HA, natural moisturizing factor, linseed extract, herbal extract, collagen. ─── 成份:玻皮酸、天然保湿因子、亚麻仁提取物、草本萃取物、胶原蛋白。

23、When will you teach me Shao Lin Kung-fu? ─── 你什么时候教我少林功夫?

24、Jim told Lin Tao what to bring to England. ─── 吉姆告诉林涛去伦敦带些什么。

25、Huang Lin President M-IN Co. Ltd. ─── 总裁心情互动信息技术有限公司。

26、Guangzhou Chi Lin Precision Machine Ltd. ─── 广州鑫麟精密机械有限公司。

27、Xiao Lin,you might see Aunt Liu to the door. ─── 小林,你把刘大娘送到门口去吧。

28、Xiao Lin managed to accomplish her work in time. ─── 小林设法及时完成了任务。

29、Xiao Lin promised to mind the baby while we go out. ─── 小林答应我们出去时帮我们看孩子。

30、Everyone is at school today except Lin Tao. ─── 今天除过林涛大家都到校了。

31、Noise and Vibration Level Measuring of Lin. ─── 交通噪音、振动及车流量测定。

32、I told Xiao Lin about that the other night. ─── 前些天一个晚上我给小林谈了这件事。

33、Linolenic acid An unsaturated 18-carbon fatty acid occurring commonly in plants as the glyceryl ester, for example in linseed oil and poppy-seed oil. ─── 亚麻酸:一种常见18-碳不饱和脂肪酸,常以甘油脂的形式存在于植物中,如在亚麻籽油和罂粟籽油中。

34、The seed of flax, especially when used as the source of linseed oil;flaxseed. ─── 亚麻籽亚麻的籽,尤指用于制作亚麻籽油的籽;

35、Xiao Lin is much more careful than she used to be. ─── 小林比以前细心多了.

36、Linseed oil is a vehicle for paint. ─── 亚麻籽油是一种颜料展色剂。

37、A colorless reducer (magnesia in linseed oil) used to extend lithographic inks and lessen their color strength. ─── 中义减色剂,使平版油墨容易延展并降低色强度。

38、Other products are oil (sesame seeds, linseed), flax, wheat and horticultural products. ─── 其它产品是油(芝麻油,亚麻子)、亚麻、小麦和园艺产品。

39、Xiao Lin,I want to speak to you. ─── 小林,我想和你说句话。

40、Is linseed oil edible? ─── 亚麻籽油可以食用吗?

41、May I introduce myself? I'm Lin Feng. ─── 我可以介绍我自己吗?我叫林枫。

42、Contains vegetal active soothing factor ,linseed ,vegetal blood vessel reinforcing agent ,aloe ,aesculin & so on . ─── 主要成份: 蕴含植物活性抗敏分子、亚麻仁、植物血管壁强化剂、芦荟、七叶树精华等。

43、Lin Qu County Rui Kang Health Products Co., Ltd. ─── 临朐县瑞康保健品有限公司。

44、Tang Lin, I'd like you to meet Jane. ─── 唐林,我想要你见见简。

45、Today is little lins birthday. ─── 今天晚上小林过生日。

46、Linseed oil is an important nature sanitarian oil. ─── 亚麻油是重要的天然保健油。

47、Well, I dosed him good with a half pint of linseed oil, a tablespoon of turpentine, and three tablespoons of castor oil. ─── 我喂它喝足了半品脱的亚麻仁油、一大匙松节油和三大匙蓖麻油。

48、Is that you,Xiao Hong? This is Xiao Lin speaking. ─── 小红,是你吗?我是小林。

49、The next day he laid his case before Lin Ruhai. ─── "次日,面谋之如海."

50、She wanted Mr. Lin to go with her. ─── 她要林先生陪她一同去。

51、We had to repaint the gutters with linseed oil. ─── 我们不得不用亚麻子油重漆水槽。

52、A half - and - half mixtureof linseed oil and turpentine. ─── 亚麻籽油和松节油两种成分各占一半的混合物。

53、The basis of the biopin products: tung oil, linseed oil, beeswax, castor oil, vegetable wax, lemon, turpentine, dryer without lead or barium, mineral pigment, borax etc. ─── 产品成分主要有:桐油,亚麻油,蜂蜡,蓖麻油,加那巴蜡,柠檬,香脂松节油,不含铅和钡的干燥剂,矿物颜料,硼砂等。

54、Copyright Lin An Ao Xing Electronic Co. Ltd. ─── 临安奥星电子有限公司版权所有。

55、The fibrous nature of Linseed makes it impossible to plough back into the soil. ─── 亚麻籽的纤维特性使它不可能被犁入土壤中。

56、I went to the airport to see Xiao Lin off. ─── 我去机场送别小林。

57、A thick oil comprised of linseed,tung,or soya oils which have been heated to over 300 C. ─── 一种浓稠的油,由加热到300摄氏度以上的亚麻子、桐树或大豆的油构成。

58、The seed of flax, the source of linseed oil and emollient medicinal preparations. ─── 亚麻籽用于制亚麻油和配制药用润滑膏的亚麻种子

59、Xiao Lin has had his hand burned. ─── 小林的手烫了。

60、And you know, it had this fragrant softness, and it smelled a little bit of linseed oil. ─── 它香气柔和,闻起来有点像亚麻子油。

61、Xiao Lin has been trying to get you on the phone. ─── 小林一直在设法打电话找你。

62、Xiao Lin promised to telephone me about this time. ─── 小林答应这时给我打电话的。

63、Linseed oil will soften stiff leather. ─── 亚麻籽油可软化僵硬的皮革。

64、Please teach me Shao Lin Kung-fu. ─── 你教我少林功夫吧。

65、Hearing this, he instinctively thought of Xiao Lin. ─── 听到这话,他本能地想起了小林。

66、T'a Lin is the land for burying monks of Shao Lin. ─── 塔林是历代高僧安息的地方。

67、BY LORRIES ALONG SIR JOHN ROGERSON'S QUAY MR BLOOM WALKED soberly, past Windmill lane, Leask's the linseed crusher's, the postal telegraph office. ─── 布卢姆先生沿着停在约翰·罗杰森爵士码头上的一排货车稳重地走去,一路经过风车巷、利斯克亚麻籽榨油厂和邮政局。

68、Linseed, whether or not broken. ─── 亚麻子,不论是否破碎。

69、The seed of flax, especially when used as the source of linseed oil; flaxseed. ─── 亚麻籽亚麻的籽,尤指用于制作亚麻籽油的籽;亚麻仁

70、She was seated between Xiao Yang and Xiao Lin. ─── 她坐在小杨和小林之伺。

71、In manufacture process of tint phenolic paint, cooling in linseed oil prevents retrogradation. ─── 介绍溶剂法制浅色酚醛漆料工艺中,采用亚麻油内冷却防止漆料胶化的方法。

72、I am afraid we must leave Xiao Lin behind . ─── 恐怕我们得把小林留下。

73、Heng Feng Mei Lin Investment Management Co., Ltd. ─── 北京恒丰美林投资管理顾问有限公司。

74、Perhaps the most unforgettable thing in the bazaar , apart from its general atmosphere , is the place where they make linseed oil . ─── 或许在集市上最令人难忘的事情,除了它一般的氛围,就数着他们榨油的地方了。

75、Mam, have you ever used the name Hongmei Lin? ─── 你用过林鸿眉的名字吗?

76、Contains linseed ,aesculin ,ferula extract ,hamamelis essence &so on ,mild property. ─── 主要成份: 蕴含亚麻仁、七叶树精华、大茴香水、金缕梅精华等。

77、Beijing Rong Bin Lin Adornment Design Co., Ltd. ─── 北京荣宾林装饰设计有限公司。

78、I'll go and move away the bag of rice with Lin Tao. ─── 我去和林涛一起把那袋米搬开。

79、Xiamen Bao Lin Tai Seafood Products Co., Ltd. ─── 厦门宝林泰海味品有限公司。

80、Previously, each painter made his or her ownjpaints by grinding and mixing dry pigment powders with linseed oil. ─── 以前,每一个画家要用磨碎的乾燥颜料粉末与亚麻子油混合,来制作他或她自己的绘画颜料。

81、I want to introduce you to my friend Tang Lin. ─── 我想把你介绍给我朋友唐林。

82、When their linseed is ripe for harvest the hemp is in bloom in our field. ─── 他们亚麻子收成的时候,我们地里的苎麻正在开放。

83、Just now Xiao Lin came to see you. ─── 刚才小林来找你。

84、He beat his teammate Ma Lin in the final.? ─── 在决赛中,他打败了他的队友马林。

85、Mass of e. G. Linseed or cottonseed or soybean from which the oil has been pressed; used as food for livestock. ─── 从中可以榨出油来的亚麻籽或棉籽、大豆块;用作家畜饲料。

86、Most shells are cracked by hand, too; workers dust their fingers in wood ash or linseed or castor oil, for protection. ─── 外壳同样大多以手工敲开,工人手指上得沾些木灰或是亚麻子或海狸油来保护手。

87、They moved near the Lins' house last Sunday. ─── 他们上星期日搬到林家房子的附近。

88、Hi, you must he Jane from Australia. I'm Zhou Lin from Qinghua University. ─── 嗨,你一定是从澳大利亚来的简。我是清华大学的周林。

89、Guan Lin is situated in the southeast of Luoyang. ─── 关林位于洛阳市的东南部。


亚麻籽(flaxseed,linseed,semen lini)是亚麻的成熟种子。在我国,亚麻籽主要作为油料用于食用植物油的生产加工。


亚麻籽的主要成分为脂肪、蛋白质、膳食纤维,其他成分还包括矿物质、α-亚麻酸、木酚素、亚麻籽胶、维生素等。科学研究表明,亚麻籽含有生氰糖苷、抗VB6 因子、植酸等有毒物质或抗营养因子。生氰糖苷亦称氰苷、氰醇苷,可以在水解酶(β-葡萄糖苷酶)作用下产生氰化物。生亚麻籽中含有不同含量的生氰糖苷,其含量因品种、产地和环境等有较大差异。


亚麻籽是种子果实,产自亚麻植物。这种植物在人类历史上已经种植了几千年,早在公元前5000年的古埃及时期就已经用于制作线,纺织布料和药品。亚麻籽是一种富含营养的超级食物,富含 Omega-3 脂肪酸和纤维素,有益于心脏健康,促进消化和支持免疫系统。


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