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09-08 投稿


antasthmatic 发音

英:[[æn'tæsθmætɪk]]  美:[[æn'tæsθmætɪk]]

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antasthmatic 中文意思翻译





antasthmatic 相似词语短语

1、Instamatic ─── n.傻瓜相机

2、antiasthmatics ─── 平喘药

3、antarthritic ─── adj.[药]抗关节炎的;n.关节炎治疗剂

4、antasthmatics ─── [药]止喘的;[药]镇喘的;[药]止喘药;镇喘药

5、anastigmatic ─── adj.[光]消像散的;[光]无散光的;[光]正像的;无收差的

6、antistatic ─── adj.抗静电的;拮抗的

7、asthmatic ─── adj.气喘的;似患气喘的;n.气喘患者

8、antiasthmatic ─── adj.平喘(药)的;镇喘(药)的;n.平喘药;镇喘药

9、antarthritics ─── adj.[药]抗关节炎的;n.关节炎治疗剂

antasthmatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective:To investigate the effects of Huayutongmai Injection combined with anti-inflammatory and antasthmatic on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD). ─── 目的:探讨化瘀通脉液配合抗炎平喘药治疗慢性阻塞性肺病的临床疗效。

2、Determination of Catechin Content in New Antasthmatic Mixture by High-performance Liquid Chromatography ─── 高效液相色谱法测定新止咳合剂中儿茶素的含量

3、Objective Aminophylline is clinically used as a common antasthmatic, but the pediatric dosage should be strictlycontrolled in order to prevent poisoning. ─── 目的氨茶碱是临床上常用的止喘药物,但儿科用药剂量应严格控制,以防中毒。

4、Determination of Catechin Content in New Antasthmatic Mixture by High-performance Liquid Chromatography ─── 高效液相色谱法测定新止咳合剂中儿茶素的含量

5、Methods:120 cases were divided into 2 groups randomly.anti-inflammatory and antasthmatic were used in both groups and Huayutongmai Injection were added in control groups. ─── 方法:120例慢阻肺病人随机分为两组,均给予抗炎平喘治疗,治疗组加用化瘀通脉注射液治疗。

6、antasthmatic neurosis ─── 止喘药

7、Keywords Extracts of Typhonium flagelliforme Blume;Relieving cough and eliminating expectoration;Antasthmatic and sedation;Analgesia and anti-inflammation;Acute toxicity; ─── 关键词水半夏提取物;止咳祛痰;平喘镇静;镇痛抗炎;急性毒性;

8、Keywords catechin;high-performance liquid chromatography;new antasthmatic mixture;content determination; ─── 儿茶素;高效液相色谱法;新止咳合剂;含量测定;

9、Keywords liquritin;HPLC;new antasthmatic liquid mixture;content determination; ─── 关键词甘草苷;高效液相色谱法;新止咳合剂;含量测定;

10、Effect of Antasthmatic Granules on NGF and EOS of Bronchial Asthma Patients ─── 镇喘颗粒对支气管哮喘患者神经生长因子及嗜酸性粒细胞的影响

11、Conclusion: All water, alcohol and ester extracts of TFB have effects of relieving a cough, eliminating expectoration, antasthmatic, analgesia, anti-inflammation and sedation. ─── 结论:水半夏水提物、醇提物和酯提物均有止咳、祛痰、平喘、镇痛、抗炎和镇静作用。

12、anti-inflammatory and antasthmatic ─── 抗炎平喘

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