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09-06 投稿


congo 发音

英:['kɔŋɡəu]  美:[ˈkɑŋgoʊ]

英:  美:

congo 中文意思翻译



congo 词性/词形变化,congo变形

形容词: Congolese |

congo 短语词组

1、Belgian Congo n. ─── 比属刚果(刚果的旧称)

2、Congo trypanosomiasis ─── [医] 刚果锥虫病, 非洲锥虫病

3、Congo franc ─── [网络] 刚果法郎

4、congo rubine ─── [建] 刚果玉红

5、Congo red paper ─── [医] 刚果红试纸

6、Congo blue ─── [医] 刚果蓝

7、congo copal ─── [机] 刚果红

8、congo gum ─── [机] 刚果胶

9、congo brown ─── [建] 刚果棕

10、congo snake ─── [动物](蛇状)两栖鲵 ─── [亦称 congo eel]

11、congo ester ─── [建] 刚果脂

12、congo eel ─── [动物]两栖鲵 (Ampdiuma means) ─── [亦称 congo snake]

13、Congo River ─── 刚果河

14、Congo red butter ─── [医] 刚果红试验(检淀粉样变性)

15、Congo red test paper ─── [化] 刚果红试纸

16、Congo peafowl ─── [网络] 刚果孔雀

17、congo brown g ─── [建] 刚果棕G

18、Congo red ─── [化] 刚果红 ─── [医] 刚果红, 茶红

19、Congo floor maggot ─── [医] 刚果地板蛆

congo 相似词语短语

1、Congo ─── n.刚果(位于非洲中部)

2、cong ─── abbr.越共(Vietcong);会众的,集会的(congregational);代表大会,国会(congress);议会的,国会的(congressional)

3、condo ─── n.分户出售公寓大厦(等于condominium);n.(Condo)人名;(意)孔多

4、conge ─── n.告辞;撤职,解任

5、Kongo ─── n.刚果语;刚果人

6、cong. ─── abbr.国会(congress);加仑(congius,等于gallon);卫理公会的(Congregational)

7、conga ─── n.康茄舞;vi.跳康茄舞

8、Bongo ─── n.羚羊的一种;小手鼓;n.(Bongo)人名;(刚(布)、加蓬)邦戈

9、congou ─── n.工夫茶(中国产红茶之一种)

congo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The bonobo is a type of ape.It lives only in the Congo and it's one of our closest living relatives. ─── 倭黑猩猩顾名思义是猩猩的一种,它们住在刚果并且是和人类最为相似。

2、The (admittedly easily excited) newspapers in Kampala, Uganda's capital, have talked of a possible invasion of Congo. ─── 乌干达首府坎帕拉的各大报刊公然表示出兴奋,纷纷地报道着乌干达将可能进军刚果。

3、Now, after the unneutral behavior of the UN in the Congo problem, this was no longer possible. ─── 但现在由于联合国在刚果问题上采取了非中立的态度这已经成为不可能了。

4、The Katanga region of Congo has some of the world's best deposits of copper and cobalt. ─── 刚果的加丹加地区拥有一些全球储量最丰富的铜矿和钴矿。

5、A senior government official says the BBC is biased towards “[Hutu] fugitives in Europe and in the forests of Congo”. ─── 一位高级政府官员讲道,英国广播电台对“欧洲与刚果森林中的胡图族逃亡者”有着偏见。

6、There is renewed concern about security inside the Democratic Republic of Congo. ─── 人们重新关注刚果民主共和国的内部安全问题。

7、He was born in Congo, but he's a citizen of Canada. ─── 他生于刚果,但他是加拿大公民。

8、Cameroon forests contain some of the Congo Basin most biologically diverse and most threatened forests. ─── 其中喀麦隆森林包括了刚果盆地最多的生物物种以及最严重的濒危森林。

9、A road leads through the eastern commercial hub of Bukavu, Congo. ─── 一条马路穿过刚果布卡武东部的商业区。

10、Importation from Kenya is carried out under escrow l/c and from Congo under back - to - back l/c . ─── 从肯尼亚进口,使用有条件的可转让的信用证;从刚果进口用背对背信用证。

11、Citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo had to wait a long time for the elections last Sunday. ─── 刚果民主共和国的公民要为上星期天举行的选举等待很长一段时间。

12、Today Zaire is known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. ─── 今天的扎伊尔就是刚果共和国,他们在那里花了。

13、In1948, he went to lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. ─── 1948年,他到刚果基乌湖观察过一个新火山,后来他把这火山叫做基特罗。

14、He's accused of conscripting children under the age of 15 into his rebel movement in eastern Congo. ─── 他被指控征募儿童未满15岁的他的反叛运动在刚果东部。

15、But if the peacekeepers were to leave in a hurry, Congo could descend again into mayhem. ─── 但是,如果维和人员离开匆忙,刚果可能再次面临混乱局势。

16、Mister Tshisekedi became active in politics in nineteen sixty. That was the year Congo won independence from Belgium. ─── 1960年齐塞凯迪开始积极参与政治活动,那年刚果从比利时赢得独立。

17、Three top officials from the DR Congo are injured in an attack outside a TV station in London. ─── 三位博士从刚果官员在袭击中受伤外电视台在伦敦。

18、The Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly Zaire, is a huge country in Central Africa with 60 million people. ─── 刚果民主共和国,从前的扎伊尔,是非洲中部一个拥有6000万人口的大国。

19、The Congo River (Zaire-River) is the boundary river between Angola and Congo gold (original Zaire). ─── 主要河流有库邦戈河、宽扎河、库内内河和宽多河。

20、In 1971 the Congo(Kinshasa)adopted the new name of Zaire. ─── 1971年刚果(金)采用了扎伊尔这个新名字。

21、But she was amazed to see an African Grey Congo parrot perched on a water butt as she hung out washing in the garden. ─── 然而,当她在后花园进行洗涮时,竟然看到一只灰色的非洲刚果鹦鹉栖息在水桶上。

22、There are three persistent ailments in the solving of crisis in Congo (Kinshasa). ─── 刚果 (金 )危机的解决存在三大顽症 :卡比拉与反政府武装势不两立 ;

23、Invasions were launched from rusty trawlers and inflatable dinghies and once, in Congo, on bicycles. ─── 他用生锈的拖捞船与充气式游艇来采取侵略行为,曾有一次,他竟使用自行车对刚果采取侵略。

24、"There definitely is a growing desire to use Inga 3 electricity in the Congo itself, not export it. ─── 人们当然越来越渴望把英加三号工程的电用在刚果,而不是用于出口。”

25、The nice discerning political economist does not regard the sacred right more than the untutored African who roams in the wilds of Congo. ─── 一个在刚果的野地里漫跑、未开化的非洲人,对自由权利的热爱丝毫不亚于一个目光炯炯的政治经济学家;

26、She said her goal is to start a foundation to help homeless children in Congo. ─── 她表示自己的目标是建立一个基金会帮助在刚果无家可归的孩子们。

27、In 22 cases (75. 9% ),there was amyloid in the stroma (asdetermined by Congo Red Staining). ─── 22例(75.9%)刚果红染色证实含淀粉样物。

28、Wu Zexian, China's ambassador to Congo, said he did not know much about the operations of Chinese smelters in Katanga. ─── 中国驻刚果大使吴泽献表示,他对加丹加省中国冶炼厂的经营情况了解不多。

29、For copper and cobalt, China looks to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia; for iron ore and platinum, South Africa. ─── 为了铜和钴,中国关注刚果民主主义共和国和赞比亚;为了铁矿和铂,关注南非。

30、Embassy of the Republic of Congo? ─── 刚果共和国大使馆?

31、zone of massive sterility coincides geographically, grosso modo, with the regions in central Congo ─── 大范围不育区在地理条件上大体上和刚果中部地区一致。

32、A fishermen steers his dugout canoe in Lukutu of Congo, March. ─── 一位渔夫驾驶独木舟。

33、A woman looks out on the Congo River in Lukutu, Congo, Mar. ─── 一位女子眺望刚果河。

34、In 1948 he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. ─── 1948年他去了刚果的基伍湖,对一座后来被他命名为基图罗的新火山进行观察。

35、The Congo people decorate their pipes with figural and geometric patterns. ─── 刚果人民用几和形状的样式装饰他们的烟斗。

36、He went to the Congo to examine a new volcano. ─── 他曾去刚果察看一座新火山。

37、He was ready to call a sit-down strike in Congress against funds for the Congo. ─── 他准备在国会发起静坐示威,以反对向刚果提供资金。

38、A Bantu language of the Kongo used as a lingua franca in southern Congo, western Zaire, and northern Angola. ─── 刚果语刚果人讲的一种班图语,在刚果南部、扎伊尔西部和安哥拉北部用作一种通用语言

39、"They [western institutions] are wrong to ask Congo to remove the state guarantee. That is blackmail, " he said. ─── “它们[西方机构]要求刚果取消政府担保是不对的。这是讹诈,”他说。

40、The mid-day bulletin had not mentioned any definite area, but it was probable that already the mouth of the Congo was a battlefield. ─── 中午的公报没有说具体的地点,但很可能战场已移到刚果河口。

41、The effects of organotin thermal stabilizers on the dehydrochlorination of TPU/ PVC blends were studied by adopting Congo red method. ─── 主要研究了用刚果红法测有机锡热稳定剂对热塑性聚氨酯聚氯乙烯共混物的脱氯化氢的影响。

42、Brightly colored paintings by Congo the chimpanzee are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house. ─── 伦敦一家著名的拍卖行将出售黑猩猩刚果的色彩名艳的绘画作品。

43、Congo is not the only country about to apply technology to conservation. ─── 刚果并不是唯一要使用高科技保护生态的国家。

44、In 2005, poliovirus of Indian origin re-infected Angola, before subsequently spreading to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2006. ─── 2005年,源自印度的脊髓灰质炎再度感染安哥拉,随后于2006年传播至刚果民主共和国。

45、In 1948, he went to lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano, which he later named Kituro. ─── 1948年他到刚果的基伍湖去观察一个火山,后来他给这座火山起名为基图罗。

46、New fighting in Congo has ignited fears of a cholera epidemic adding to the misery. ─── 刚果新的战争引发了霍乱传染的恐慌,这更增加了当地人的悲剧。

47、A member of a people living in west-central Africa along the lower Congo River. ─── 刚果人沿着刚果河下游居住的一支非洲中西部民族的成员。

48、Four years ago, a brother living in Switzerland sent Congo resident Masamba Bienvenu a cell phone. ─── 一名科学家宣称他在女性子宫内发现一种新型细胞,或许可以取得争议不断的胚胎干细胞。

49、V. was found in a man from what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. ─── V.病例是在现在的刚果民主共和国的一个男子身上被发现的。

50、Mobile phones have changed Congo irrevocably, especially Goma. ─── 刚果在蒙博托专政时期对城市破坏性极大,导致通讯系统的瘫痪,在之后仅剩下大约两万条陆上通讯线。

51、People get water from Congo River to cook outside Mbandaka of Congo, Jun. ─── 人们取河水做饭。

52、A 60-year-old woman wathes her granddaughter sleeping in Congo, Jul. ─── 60岁的老人看着熟睡的孙女。

53、A crew member sleeps on a boat with destination Kinshasa in Lukutu of Congo, Apr. ─── 一名船员在船上睡着了。

54、Here the amyloid stroma of the medullary thyroid carcinoma has been stained with Congo red. ─── 刚果红染色显示甲状腺髓样癌的淀粉样基质。

55、In 1948, he went to lake Kivu in the Congo to oBserve a new volcano which he later named Kituro. ─── 1948年,他到刚果基乌湖观察过一个新火山,后来他把这火山叫做基特罗。

56、A 13-year-old girl waits for a boat to leave in Lukutu of Congo, Mar. ─── 一名13岁的女孩在等船。

57、Congo was the colony of Belgium. ─── 刚果(利奥波德维尔)原是比利时的殖民地。

58、He was supported by Rwanda during the years of civil war in which almost 4 million people died in Congo. ─── 他在国内战争时期被卢旺达支持,并且在国内战争时期,大约有300万人在刚果死去。

59、Methyl Orange, Acid Orange and Congo red as the guest molecules, the highest extration yields are 68.46% ,59.64%, 92.61% corresponding PAMAM 3.0G. ─── 0G PAMAM,对三种染料最大转移率分别为68.46%、59.64%、92.61%。

60、He married Lady Sawers, who has campaigned against suffering in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in 1981. ─── 他的夫人曾于1981年在刚果共和国从事扶危救难运动。

61、In 2007, Congo (Kinshasa) outbreak of the Ebola epidemic, which killed 160 people. ─── 2007年,刚果(金)暴发埃博拉疫情,致使160多人死亡。

62、TO SAY the least, Congo and Uganda have never been the best of neighbours. ─── 刚果与乌干达从来就不是能忘却旧仇的邻友。

63、They traveled downthe River Congo. ─── 他们沿刚果河顺流而下。

64、The Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly Zaire, is a huge country in Central Africa with sixty million people. ─── 刚果共和国前身是扎伊尔,是中非的一个大国家,人口6千万。

65、What is the area of Congo in square miles? ─── 刚果面积有多少平方英里?

66、Katanga plans to accelerate development of its copper and cobalt assets in Congo by two years. ─── Katanga计划将其刚果铜和钴资产的开发时间缩短两年。

67、What's the area of the Congo in square miles? ─── 刚果的面积有多少平方英里?

68、The Government of the Republic of the Congo has officially declared the epidemic as due to Ebola haemorrhagic fever. ─── 刚果政府官方宣布该国发生埃博拉出血热流行。

69、In1971 the Congo(Kinshasa)adopted the new name of Zaire. ─── 1971年刚果(金)采用了扎伊尔这个新名字。

70、Congo got nothing from them. ─── 刚果从他们身上一无所得。

71、In 1984,he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. ─── 1984年他去了刚果的基伍湖,对一座后来被他命名为基图罗的新火山进行观察。

72、Mr Klarkowski advises a project in Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, that frequently tests people for HIV. ─── 克拉科夫斯基在常进行HIV诊断试验的民主刚果共和国布卡武市发起了一项研究计划。

73、What's the area of Congo in square miles? ─── 刚果面积有多少平方英里?

74、Pygmy people of the Ituri Forest of the Congo (Zaire). ─── 刚果(萨伊)伊图里(Ituri)森林的俾格米人。

75、From the countries of the war-ravaged Great Lakes region, such as Congo and Rwanda, Nairobi appears an oasis of calm. ─── 与饱受战乱之苦的刚果和卢旺达等大湖地区国家相比,内罗毕似乎是一片平静的绿洲。

76、Familly members stay together in Congo, Jul. ─── 一家人在一起。

77、The Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) requires 35 days, Ethiopia 33 and Chad, Ivory Coast and Niger 32. ─── 刚果共和国(布拉扎维)的假期规定是35天,埃塞俄比亚为33天,乍得、科特迪瓦和尼日尔是32天。

78、The LCD has Chinese-English dual language display and has been applied to the locomotive exported to Congo and Angola. ─── 其改为中、英文双语显示,已在出口刚果、安哥拉的机车上使用。

79、Million killed in Congo's civil war over the past eight years. ─── 刚果内战中,过去八年来死亡的人数。

80、A Congo red stain will demonstrate the pink material to be amyloid. ─── 刚果红染色淀粉样物呈粉红色。

81、Named after a river that passes through the Congo, the Ebola virus originally manifested itself in the interior of Africa in 1976. ─── 埃博拉病毒以一条流经刚果的河流命名,最初于1976年在非洲内陆被发现。

82、If it has not turned out so, it has much to do with the toxic legacy of Congo's relations with the west. ─── 如果说实际上没有做到这一点,那在很大程度上要归因于刚果与西方关系有毒的遗留问题。

83、The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has the worst score (highest level of hunger), followed by Eritrea, Burundi, Niger, and Sierra Leone. ─── 刚果获得了最差的得分(最高级的饥饿程度),紧随其后的是厄立特里亚,布隆迪,尼日尔和塞拉利昂...

84、Former commission members that did not seek election to the new group included Congo, Ethiopia, Libya, Sri_ Lanka, Sudan and Vietnam. ─── 为参加新组织选举的前委员会成员国包括刚果,埃塞俄比亚,利比亚,斯里兰卡,苏丹和越南。

85、We can only ask the people of Congo to do more if we the donors are ready to ask the same of ourselves. ─── 我们可以要求刚果人民做更多的工作,如果我们这些捐助机构随时准备向自己提出同样的要求的话。

86、Critics reacted with a mix of scorn and skepticism, but Picasso reportedly owned a painting by Congo, Bonham"s said. ─── 伯罕斯拍卖行表示,外界的对这件事的评论大多是嘲笑和怀疑,但是据说毕加索也曾收藏过一幅刚果的作品。

87、They have invested in biofuel crops in Zambia and the Congo. ─── 他们在赞比亚和刚果投资生产生物燃料作物。

88、Democratic Republic of the Congo is renamed Zaire. ─── 1971年的今天,刚果民主共和国重命名为扎伊尔。

89、A 16-year-old mother looks at her newborn baby in Bokondo of Congo, Apr. ─── 一位16岁的母亲看着自己刚出生的孩子。

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