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09-08 投稿


peels 发音

英:[piːlz]  美:[piːlz]

英:  美:

peels 中文意思翻译



peels 短语词组

1、orange peels ─── 桔皮

2、peels off v. ─── 剥去;脱掉

3、orange peels oil ─── [医] 橙皮油

4、banana peels ─── 香蕉皮

5、face peels ─── 面部脱皮

peels 词性/词形变化,peels变形

动词过去式: peeled |动词现在分词: peeling |动词第三人称单数: peels |动词过去分词: peeled |

peels 相似词语短语

1、eels ─── abbr.电子能量损失谱学(ElectronEnergyLossSpectroscopy);电子发射器定位系统(ElectronicEmitterLocationSystem)

2、-eels ─── abbr.电子能量损失谱学(ElectronEnergyLossSpectroscopy);电子发射器定位系统(ElectronicEmitterLocationSystem)

3、peals ─── n.响亮的声音;洪亮的钟声,钟乐;编钟;幼鲑;v.鸣响;大声作响;轰然大笑;n.(Peal)(美、英)皮尔(人名)

4、keels ─── n.(船的)龙骨;(动)龙骨脊;(植)龙骨瓣;(诗/文)船;平底船;v.(使)翻倒,倾覆;(非正式,人或物)倒塌,崩溃;变凉(同cool);n.(Keel)(美、瑞士、英)克尔(人名)

5、peeks ─── v.窥视,偷看;微微露出,探出;n.偷看;一瞥,看一眼;(计算机)读取数据;n.(Peek)(美、德、英)皮克(人名)

6、speels ─── n.木头碎片;v.爬,攀登;爬升;倾斜上升;攀缘生长;攀升;跃居;升值;晋升;跃起触球;费力爬进

7、jeels ─── 针

8、heels ─── n.高跟鞋(heel的复数);脚踝;残余料;v.紧跟;给(鞋等)装跟(heel的三单形式)

9、feels ─── v.觉得;体会;触摸(feel的第三人称单数);n.感觉;天性;鉴别力(feel的复数)

peels 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He never peels his pear when he eats it. ─── 他吃梨时,从不削皮。

2、Peel them first, and then slice them. ─── 先削皮,然后切片。

3、He got sunburn and his skin began to peel. ─── 他被日光灼伤后,皮肤开始脱落。

4、There're many techniques of extracting limonene from the peels of oranges,but all involves organic impregnant. ─── 从橙皮中提取柠檬烯的方法很多,但是都离不开有机溶剂提取。

5、On a visit to an insect farm, she greedily peels the wings and legs off a freeze-dried locust and crunches down with gusto. ─── 在她参观一家昆虫农场时,她贪婪地剥下一只冻干的蝗虫的翅膀和腿,然后兴奋地吞下了肚。

6、If my hands are busy I can peel them with my feet. ─── 如果我的手很忙我可以用脚把他们剥掉。

7、And peels off smiles, untiringly. ─── 它的微笑揭掉一层又一层不倦的皮。

8、Starting at rear corner, peel weatherstrip from around door frame . ─── 从后角开始,沿着车门框剥落防水饰条。

9、Peel the honey melon, discard seeds, and chop it into rough cubes. ─── 将哈蜜瓜去皮,去籽,切成块,放入粉碎杯中。

10、When you realize the nature of mind, layers of confusion peel away. ─── 当你证悟自性时,你的困惑被层层剥掉了。

11、Mom: You peel the onions and wash them , then chop them. ─── 妈妈:你把洋葱削一下,然后再洗洗,再切碎。

12、and the front door, where the building's 'skin' peels away to reveal the recessed entrance. ─── 住宅在前门处被削掉一部分,以展示出内收的入口。

13、Peel kiwifruits and dragon fruit. Rinse and cut into big cubes. ─── 奇异果及火果去皮洗净,切粗粒。

14、Flavors of damson plum, spice and orange peel, with a long finish. ─── 和橘皮的香味搭配得完好无缺,再以悠长的余韵作点睛之笔,非常值得期待。

15、No, they're incredibly stupid. They swallow bananas with peels. ─── 不,它们笨得令人难以置信,它们把香蕉和皮一起吞下去。

16、He likes to peel an apple before he eats it . ─── 吃苹果前,他喜欢削皮。

17、Sucre goes to the pool and peels off his shirt next to Scuderi, who invites him to his room. ─── 苏克雷来到了泳池,在史古德利旁脱去了上衣,史古德利邀请他到他房间里去。

18、The walls have begun to peel. ─── 墙皮已开始剥落了。

19、Konan peels and scatters again. ─── 分散而去的小南。

20、Peel was by nature reserved, proud, and shy. ─── 庇尔生性很拘束,很自负,又很畏怯。

21、Yeah, because you've got a banana peel stuck to your foot. ─── 因为你脚上粘了香蕉皮。

22、Suddenly Rick peels out with the van. ─── 忽然,里克驾车不辞而别。

23、You have one foot in the grave and one on banana peel. ─── (你一脚踩在坟墓里一脚踩在香蕉皮上。)想再恐吓他一下还可以再加上

24、I had to peel for my physical examination. ─── 体检时我不得不脱光衣服。

25、The wallpaper was beginning to peel. ─── 壁纸开始剥落了。

26、Would you peel me apple please? ─── 帮我削一个苹果好吗?

27、Why should I peel it? I know what's inside. ─── 干吗要剥皮?我早就知道里边是什么。

28、She peel off the skin of a banana for the child. ─── 她替孩子剥掉香蕉皮。

29、Mother: Peel and wash this onion for me then dice it. ─── 妈妈:你把洋葱削一下,然后洗洗,再切碎。

30、The pomelo symbolizes prosperity.On this day, many children use pomelo peels to make hats and they wear them for fun. ─── 中秋节也是产柚子的季节,“柚”字跟“有”字同音,代表繁荣富强。

31、He has a terrible disease in which the skin on the hands peels off. ─── 他得一种可怕的病,手上的皮肤不断脱落。

32、The peeler can peel,cut slice and remove score in one time. ─── 削皮,切片,提核一次完成,简单方便,家庭的好帮手。

33、Protect the water environment consciously, don't throw out peels, paper scraps, etc. ─── 五、自觉保护水环境,不得往船舱内外乱扔果皮、纸屑、杂物等。

34、She pare off the thick peel with a sharp knife. ─── 她用一把锋利的刀削去厚厚的果皮。

35、Eventually the weight of the salt crystals peels them off the upper surface and they settle into the bottom of the liquid. ─── 最后,盐晶会因为自身的重量从玻璃球的表面脱落下来,沉积到液体的底部。

36、Our factory also has the ability to peel and dye the peltry. ─── 同时企业还备生皮削制及染色的能力。

37、The agricultural chemicals soak and remain in the peel wax. ─── 因为农药浸透并残留在果皮的蜡制中。

38、He likes to peel an apple before he eats it. ─── 吃苹果前,他喜欢削皮。

39、Bring to boil, add in solomonseal rhizome, lady bell root, candied jujubes, tangerine peels, sea coconut and ginger. ─── 和响螺捞起,移至炖锅与滚水同煮,加入玉竹、沙参、蜜枣、陈皮、海底椰和姜片。

40、Life is an onion which one peels crying. ─── 人生跟葱一样,谁剥谁流泪(人生多伤心事)。

41、Would you peel me an orange? ─── 你给我剥一个橘子好吗?

42、Do not peel off horniness for sensitive skin. ─── 2、敏感性肌肤不能去角质。

43、Rinse the bacha, and drain. Then peel the bacha. ─── 将原条白霞洗净,再去皮。

44、Michael peels the backing off the credit card leaving only a piece of white plastic with a magnetic strip. ─── Michael剥开卡的背面,原来那卡只是一张白色带着磁条的塑料卡。

45、Peel the carrots and cut them into shreds. ─── 将胡罗卜削皮, 切成丝。

46、Mother wanted Charlie to peel some potatoes for salad. ─── 妈妈要查理去掉土豆的皮做个沙拉。

47、Peel the insulator and waterdam from the door. ─── 从车门上剥落绝缘垫和挡水器。

48、Peel the apple and cut it into slices. ─── 剥苹果并且切开它成切片。

49、Tomato skin! Apples have red or green peel. ─── 土豆皮番茄皮怎么说呢?

50、You look hot,why don't you peel off? ─── 你看来很热,为何不脱掉衣服?

51、A film that peels back the layers of myth to expose the dramatic truths at the heart of the Moses story. ─── 圣经故事中,摩西拯救以色列民逃离埃及的事迹广泛流传三个世纪;

52、When continues uses these products to create peels a skin again, a tenderer skin must fully suffer devastates. ─── 当继续使用这些产品造成再脱一层皮时,更嫩的皮肤又要饱受摧残。

53、Is hearing of citric peel to cannot eat? ─── 听说柠檬的果皮不能吃是吗?

54、Will you peel the potatoes for me? ─── 你给我削土豆皮好不好?

55、When you're hungry you can peel a boiled potato like lightning. ─── 当你饿极时,能闪电般的剥煮熟的带皮马铃薯。

56、Something, such as a skin or peel, that has been pared off. ─── 削皮,剥皮,削下物如皮肤或果皮等削下来的东西

57、Her sunBurned skin Began to peel. ─── 她那经日光曝晒的皮肤开始剥落。

58、I eat eel while you peel eel. ─── 你剥鳗鱼皮,我来吃.

59、Could you peel the vegetables? ─── 你能把蔬菜去皮吗?

60、She threw the banana peel into the trash can. ─── 她将香蕉皮扔进垃圾筒。

61、Michael Bay directs, delivering, high-tech excitement as he peels back layers of mystery surrounding the fugitives. ─── 导演米高比尔精心布局之作,随著谜团一一揭开,让观众感受高科技所带来的紧张刺激。

62、The wallpaper started to peel off. ─── 墙纸开始脱落了。

63、Littered fruit peels and other forms of garbage can be seen everywhere on the square. ─── 广场上,乱丢的果皮废物触目皆是。

64、For a moment, the waiting area is empty. Even the crowd's discarded wrappers and orange peels have been swept away. Then, chatter. ─── 候车区暂时变空了,甚至人们刚才扔下的包装纸和桔子皮也被清扫干净。

65、Peel off the shells and put them on the plate. ─── 剥了皮,放在盘子上。

66、He peels an orange, sucking absently at his finger where the juice stings the paper cut. ─── 他剥了个橘子,心不在焉的吸着剥皮时被果汁溅到的手指。

67、Peel off the skin before you eat the orange. ─── 吃橘子前先去果皮。

68、Banana peels will be placed randomly throughout his chamber.This should liven things up a bit. ─── 在他的房间里的地板上将会随机放置香蕉皮,这样肯定会更有趣一些。

69、What is the difference between a man and a banana peel? ─── 人可以剥开香蕉皮,而香蕉皮不能剥开人。这就是区别。

70、As it fades, it may peel off in small flakes. ─── 当皮疹消退时,出现脱屑。

71、The team's analysis of discarded tomatoes, apples, plums, peaches, pears, grapes and apricots showed that these peels are a good source of antioxidants. ─── 研究小组在对废弃的番茄、苹果、李子、桃、梨、葡萄和杏分析后表明,这些果皮都是抗氧化剂的良好来源。

72、The indian peel the bark from tree to make canoe. ─── 印第安人从树上剥下树皮做皮舟。

73、While some critics describe a book, he peels it like an orange and sucks its juice. ─── 一些评论者描述一本书,他则像是剥开一只桔子,并吮吸它的汁液。

74、IF Mickey Mouse slips on a banana peel on TV, viewers laugh. ─── 如果电视里的米老鼠踩到香蕉皮上摔了一跤,会令观众开怀大笑。

75、The paper was beginning to peel off the walls . ─── 墙上的纸渐渐脱落了。

76、He get sunburn and his skin begin to peel. ─── 他被日光的灼伤后,皮肤开始脱落。

77、He turned back, though, to peel off his gloves. ─── 可是他又转回身来肥手套脱下来。

78、Learn how to peel effectively. ─── 学习如何有效地纠缠。

79、You'll know when you peel off its bark. ─── 你把它的树皮剥开看看就知道了。

80、Suddenly, Rick peels out with the van. ─── 忽然,里克驾车不辞而别。

81、It was not easy to peel them because the knife kept slipping. ─── 削去皮的时候,刀锋过处,很不顺爽。

82、Peel the pineapples and I will prepare the pineapple pie. ─── 你把菠萝皮削了,我来准备菠萝派。

83、The walls have begun to peel . ─── 墙皮已开始剥落了.

84、Use verbs such as chop, peel, slice and dice. ─── 使用剁碎、削皮、切成薄片以及切成小方块。

85、Carefully peel away the lining paper. ─── 小心剥掉衬着的那层纸。

86、Soon, another fan with a stuffed panda peels off his shirt and joins him. ─── 不一会儿,另一个体育迷手持一个胖胖的熊猫玩偶加入了他的热舞行列。

87、Chop mixed peels finely. Mix well with minced beef mixture. ─── 切幼乾果皮,拌入牛肉混合物内。

88、The paper was beginning to peel off the walls. ─── 墙上的纸渐渐脱落了.

89、If life peels off the ideal, dream, illusion, that life is only a pile of. ─── 生活若失去理想、梦想、幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。

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