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09-06 投稿


lamination 发音

英:[,læmɪ'neɪʃən]  美:[,læmə'neʃən]

英:  美:

lamination 中文意思翻译



lamination 短语词组

1、armature lamination ─── 电枢铁片

2、fusion lamination ─── 熔合层压

3、crosswise lamination ─── 交错层压

4、low-pressure lamination ─── [化] 低压层压; 低压层压法

5、film lamination ─── 薄膜层合

6、dry film lamination ─── 干膜层压

7、longitudinal lamination ─── 纵向叠片

8、dynamic steel lamination ─── 电工钢片,硅钢片

9、diurnal lamination ─── 日纹理

10、armature cord lamination ─── [电] 电枢心叠片

11、horizontal lamination ─── 水平分层

12、isotropic lamination ─── 各向同性层压

13、angle lamination ─── 角度叠片

14、cross lamination ─── 交错纹理

15、fabric lamination ─── 织物层压

16、core lamination ─── 铁心片 ─── 铁心叠片

17、flame lamination ─── 火焰层压

18、corrugated lamination ─── 波纹层压

19、delayed lamination ─── 延迟层压

lamination 词性/词形变化,lamination变形

名词: laminator |动词现在分词: laminating |动词第三人称单数: laminates |动词过去分词: laminated |动词过去式: laminated |

lamination 相似词语短语

1、elimination ─── n.消除;淘汰;除去

2、lamentation ─── n.悲痛,悲叹

3、laminations ─── n.[木]层压;薄片;叠片结构(lamination的复数形式)

4、delamination ─── n.分层;[生物][化学]层离

5、examination ─── n.考试;检查;查问

6、deamination ─── n.去氨基;脱氨基作用

7、luminations ─── 照明

8、lumination ─── n.光照量;照明

9、lancination ─── n.剧烈的刺痛;刺

lamination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Printed boards; part 12: specification for mass lamination panels (semi-manufactured multilayer printed boards) ─── 印制电路板。第12部分:大块分层面板(半成品多层印制板)规范

2、If toughened glass with lamination is employed, the thickness of film shall be greater than defo... ─── 如采用钢化玻璃夹胶,胶片的厚度要大于两片玻璃重叠变型的尺度。

3、Easy handing and optimum lamination adhesion is provided by the unique three-dimensional adjustment possibility between T-die and laminator. ─── 容易操作,通过空间三维T型模头和复合装置之间的距离可得到最满意的复合效果。

4、The DL spectrum of Lagerstroemia speciosa lamin a is more complex than the fluorescence spectrum of exsomatize chlorophyll and t he former contains more physiological message. ─── 叶片的延迟发光光谱比离体叶绿素荧光光谱复杂,延迟发光光谱包含有更多的生理学信息。

5、As the defense mechanism, the oyster production is called the nacreous layer one material result form nearby the intruder the lamination stack, the creation pearl. ─── 作为防御机制,生产的牡蛎被称为珍珠层材料的结果之一形式附近的入侵者的复合叠加,创造珍珠。建立珍珠。

6、Keywords familiar dilatcd cardiomyopathy;lamin A/C;gene mutations; ─── 家族性扩张型心肌病;核纤层蛋白A/C;基因突变;

7、Used for releasing film for glass fiber reinforced plastic, protective lamination film, etc. ─── 可用作玻璃钢脱膜,护卡膜,塑封膜等。

8、Nine division belt machine adopt middle pilot tunnel descend storied lamination construct method,transect construction ensure security. ─── 九采区胶带输送机皮带机头硐室刷扩,采用中央导硐下行分层的施工方法,大断面施工保证了安全。

9、Forming Reason for Lamination and Inclusion of Wrought Beryllium Copper Alloy ─── 变形铍铜合金起皮夹杂缺陷成因探讨

10、Brief introduction of generator stator core lamination conglutination treatment and iron loss test ─── 发电机定子铁芯叠片粘连处理及铁损试验

11、Lamin A/C mutation is one of the etiological factors of dilated cardiomyopathy.Many mutational sites of lamin A/C have now been found. ─── 型核纤层蛋白基因突变是扩张型心肌病病因之一,目前已经发现许多与扩张型心肌病发病相关突变位点。

12、People's Internal lamination ─── 人民内部分层

13、After registration of substrate to the glued sheet ,edges turning and lamination is divided into three procedures. ─── 上胶薄纸与底纸对位后,折粘分三段过程,先两边折合,再前/后缘贴合,操作时,糊边过程清楚可见.

14、Cold-Rolled Magnetic Lamination Quality Steel, Semiprocessed Types (Metric) ─── 半成品型冷轧磁性迭片级钢(米制)

15、The typical lamination defect of steel plate is introduced herein by analyzing actual situation.The proposal is presented that steel plate should be detected 100%by UT before manufacturing to control the quality. ─── 对分层类型缺陷进行阐述,分层缺陷检测、鉴定,并对一钢板分层实例进行分析总结,提出对钢板逐张进行100%的超声波探伤,将缺陷消除在最初阶段。

16、I am busy printing and lamination some work for a new guy on my shift. ─── 在我轮班的时候,我正忙于为一个新来的家伙打印和装订一些文章。

17、Lamination. An internal metal separation creating layers generally parallel to the surface. ─── 分层。通常平行于金属表面的内部金属层状分离。

18、"The lamination progressive" teaching model ─── “分层递进”教学模式

19、The Wheat Lamination Cleaning up Skins Flour Milling and the Wheat Aqueous Method Cleaning up Flour ─── 小麦分层清理剥皮制粉和小麦湿法清理制粉

20、Lamination teaching's protophase adequate preparation and scientific management after delamination are the keys of the modes can success and having good teaching quality. ─── 分层教学的前期充分准备和分层后的科学管理是该教学模式成功及教学质量保证的关键。

21、The price can be discussible if lamination, or foil stamping required ─── 如有其它如复膜,烫金要求价格另计

22、A flat reference plane is formed by cutting a face in the direction of lamination of each of the first and second resin block bodies. ─── 在第一和第二树脂坯块各自层压方向的一个面上进行加工以形成一个平的基准面。

23、Lamination: The process manufacturing a laminate using pressure and heat. ─── 层压:用加压和加热制作积层板的生产工艺。

24、Integrated corner casting with extended side plate lamination provides extra support whilst the side access holes and wide cylinder slot ensures easy fitting and removal. ─── 整体铸角延伸至侧板提供额外强度支撑,同时侧门孔和较宽的圆柱槽沟确保安装和拆卸的简便。

25、The company has some branches, such as Beijing Office, Shanghai Office, Chengdu Office in Sichuan Province. Also has a special processing factory for lamination of techprofile. ─── 公司总部在安徽合肥,在北京、上海、四川成都等地设有办事机构。

26、Opp film: OPP is the abbreviation for Oriented polypropylene. It is water-proof, flexible and highly transparent, and is a type of plastic film commonly used for book-jacket lamination. ─── 向性聚丙烯胶膜:英文是向性聚丙烯胶膜的缩写。它防水、柔韧和极之透明,是一般书套所采用的裱胶材料。

27、The broad dry lamination machine ─── 宽幅干复机

28、Lamination: Many product applications require lamination of a variety of materials. To meet this demand GRI has developed production partners with adhesive, heat, and sonic welding lamination capabilities. ─── 在复合方面:许多产品要求多种材料的复合,为满足这一需求,世源科技公司与具备现代化复合能力的厂家建立了长期的伙伴关系。

29、Above lamina cribrosa aerosol ore grain of group, carries on the hindered settling lamination. ─── 在筛板上方悬浮着矿粒群,进行干涉沉降分层。

30、Dry Film Lamination: Just as in inner layer, photosensitive dry-film is laminated on both sides of the panel. ─── 贴干膜:与内层相同,将干光性干膜帖覆在两边板面上。

31、From the(nutrients) circulation,the water body heat lamination,the hydrochemistry balance etc. ─── 从营养物质的循环、水体热分层、水化学平衡方面论述和总结了富营养发生机理的研究现状;

32、New technology of the magnetic yoke lamination of the rotor in Ertan Hydro Power Station ─── 二滩水电站转子磁轭叠片新工艺

33、The modern hotmelt application in some lamination fields is introduced. ─── 介绍了适用于热融涂层工艺的粘合剂和热融系统。

34、Quality: The lamination tube controls, the quality guarantee. ─── 品质:分层管控、品质保证。

35、Anatomical Research on Lamination Between Median Atlantoaxial Articulation and Corresponding Plane Vertebral Canal ─── 寰枢正中关节及相应平面椎管的断层解剖研究

36、Structure design of the heat insulation flocculus with sandwich lamination ─── 夹心式复合保暖材料的结构设计

37、Liquid lamination: A high-gloss nitrocellulose varnish applied to book covers or jackets. Also called Varnishing. ─── 上光油:施加于书皮或书套上的高光泽硝化纤维清漆。也称vanishing。

38、The gluing rollers are made of imported rubber by a precision work. They are the guarantee of good lamination quality. ─── 本机所用胶辊均采用进口橡胶精密加工而成,有效地保证了覆膜质量。

39、Lamin proteins are thought to determine the size and shape of cell nuclei and to be involved in nuclear stability,chromatin structure and gene expression. ─── 型核纤层蛋白决定细胞核的大小及形状,与细胞核的稳定性、染色质结构以及基因表达有关。

40、Lamin A/C mutation can result in disrupted cardiocyte nuclear envelope and disturbed interactions between lamin A/C proteins and other nuclear envelope proteins and chromatin. ─── 型核纤层蛋白基因突变引起心肌细胞核膜破坏,核纤层蛋白与其他核膜蛋白、染色质连接异常;

41、lamination percentage by volume ─── 体积层百分率

42、Simultaneously according to their Chinese foundation, implements the lamination teaching, the school also especially hires has the teaching Chinese as a foreign language qualifications teacher teacher. ─── 同时根据他们汉语基础,实行分层教学,学校还特地聘用有对外汉语教学资格的教师任教。

43、Experiments have shown that normal lamination bonding does not adequately secure the laminations in gyro application. ─── 实验证明,普通联结叠片的方法不能合适地得到陀螺中所需要的叠片。

44、The experiment reveal the basic characteristic and the law of this two complex material lamination plate in large deflection winding. ─── 实验揭示了这两种复合材料层合板在大挠度弯曲时的基本特性和规律。

45、Products : Various TC Computer Printing available PET Films. VOID labels. Lamination films. Frangible paper. Tyvek. Battery labels. Clothing lalbels. ─── 产品:可打印PET类.VOID标签.上光膜.易碎纸.特卫强.电池标签.服装标签等.

46、new technology and equipment of annealing and bluing for finished stator and rotor of uncoated cold-rolled electric steel lamination in bell-type hytrogen furnace was introduced. ─── 介绍了无涂层电工钢冲片叠片成型后的电机定子和转子在罩式炉内进行退火和发蓝处理一次完成的新工艺及装置。

47、For example, they play important roles in both stabilizing the extracellular matrix of the pial surface and by organizing the radial glial scaffold and the lamination of the cerebellar cortex [1]. ─── 它们在以下方面起着重要作用,例如稳定软膜表面细胞外基质、组织放射状胶质细胞网络和小脑皮层迭片结构。

48、A preliminar application of the polyimide film to two layer flexible copper clad lamination was studied. ─── 对该聚酰亚胺在二层柔性覆铜板上的应用进行了初步研究。

49、A new technology and equipment of annealing and bluing for finished stator and rotor of uncoated cold-rolled electric steel lamination in bell-type hydrogen furnace was introduced. ─── 介绍了无涂层电工钢冲片迭片成型后的电机定子和转子在罩式炉内进行退火和发蓝处理一次完成的新工艺及装置。


51、Study on a Two-Component Polyurethane Adhesive for Paper-Plastic Lamination ─── 双组分聚氨酯纸塑复合胶粘剂的研制

52、Never trim materials to final size prior to lamination. ─── 从来没有装饰材料,以最终大小之前层压。

53、Which factors/receptors guide the radial migration of new born neurons and determine their final lamination in the rat neocortex? ─── 哪些因子/受体参与引导新生神经元的迁移和它们在大脑皮层中的最终定位?

54、Standard Specification for Cold-Rolled Magnetic Lamination Quality Steel, Semiprocessed Types ─── 半成品型冷轧磁性迭片级钢

55、SML: Line with Inline MDO and Inline Lamination for the Production of Breathable Film Compounds ─── 具有在线MDO及在线层压的生产透气膜复合产品的生产线

56、The minimum time after spraying at which lamination can be begun is the time at which the gel coat film backside can be brushed lightly with a clean, dry finger without leaving residue on the finger. ─── 喷洒树脂的时机,一定要等胶壳完全乾后,或是你可以用乾净、乾燥的手指,轻轻抹过胶壳,且不会留下任何的残渣在你的手指上,便可开始喷洒树脂。

57、Numerical Controlled Cut-to-length Lines for Transformer Lamination ─── 变压器铁芯片数控横剪生产

58、Griot Lamin Saho (httt :/www.duniyaa-recording. ─── com) -和平、在人员之间的爱和团结。

59、High colouring value white masterbatches with outstanding tinting strength, good dispersion and excellent weather resistance. Suitable for film-blowing,injection, cast-film and lamination. ─── 优质白色色母具备遮盖力强,分散性能良好、耐候性能良好等优越性能,适合吹膜、注塑、流延、压延级等用途。

60、Keywords safety glass;lamination;polyvinyl butyral; ─── 安全玻璃;层压;聚乙烯醇缩丁醛;

61、It bonds finger jointing, veneering, dowelling assembling and solid wood lamination etc., suits for general wood species. ─── 可用于指接、饰面粘结、木榫组装和实木层压板等,适合于大多数木材。

62、Lamination Process of Multilayer Printed Board ─── 多层板压合制程

63、composite materials lamination ─── 复合材料层合板

64、Industries that use flame lamination are footwear, upholstery, automotive, decorating, marine and others. ─── 使用火焰层压的行业有鞋类,室内装潢,汽车,装饰,海洋等其他行业。

65、BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Lamin is the industry leader in the offset Printer for Optical Disc and Optical Products. ─── 公司简介:雷明是一家专业自动化设备制造商,我们的机器以优良设计,卓越品质着称,并获得业界一致的肯定。

66、air-conditioning system for glass lamination room ─── 夹层玻璃合片室空调

67、Last 20 years the most common way has been the usage of rust preventive oil in process and VCI treated kraft paper with or without plastic lamination. ─── 在过去20年里,最普遍的防锈措施是在生产过程中给产品涂油,再外包层压塑料膜或无层压塑料膜的VCI防锈纸。

68、Development of AD Adhesive for Dry Lamination ─── AD干式复合胶粘剂的研制

69、From the nutrients circulation, the water body heat lamination, the hydrochemistry balance etc. ─── 从营养物质的循环、水体热分层、水化学平衡方面论述和总结了富营养发生机理的研究现状;

70、Analysis of Acoustic Board Lamination in Engine Air Inlet Duct ─── 发动机进气道消音板分层的原因、修理和预防

71、sandwich lamination structure ─── 夹心结构

72、Buying Lamination Adhesives And Roto Gravure Printing Inks. ─── 印度求购印刷墨水。

73、You're going to put together some PHP image-manipulation code that will allow you to create an ID-card image suitable for lamination. ─── 您将整合一些PHP图像处理代码,这些代码将允许您创建适合贴膜(lamination)的ID卡片图像。

74、Applying raft lamination foundation to the treatment of soft foundation, we take effective measures to solve our problems in the work. ─── 在软土地基上,采用筏片基础,针对施工过程中出现的问题采取有效技术措施,保证了施工质量,取得了在软土层上建造建筑物的成功经验。

75、This technique resulted in poor penetration into cancellous bone, inadequate cement mantles, and lamination of the cement. ─── 两组研究发现,增加骨水泥注入时压力能够促进骨水泥渗入松质骨间隙,从而提高骨-骨水泥界面的抗张力和抗剪力强度。

76、Compound Die for the Lamination of Four-Pole Electric Magnet ─── 四极电磁铁冲片复合模

77、RFID Lamination Machine Automatic Multi-Rolls Die Cutting Machine ─── 其他自动化装置

78、ITO Conductive Film, Dot Spacer, Conductive Paste, Silver Paste, Insulation Paste, Lamination Adhesives, etc. ─── ITO导电膜,网点胶,导电银浆,绝缘胶,贴合胶等(技术参数

79、Standard Specification for Fully Processed Magnetic Lamination Steel ─── 全处理的磁性夹层钢

80、Advances in Polyimide Used in Two-layer Flexible Copper Clad Lamination ─── 二层柔性覆铜板用聚酰亚胺研究进展

81、tolerant complete lamination algorithm ─── 宽容完全分层算法

82、Discussion of Inflaence by Cone Type Piercer Roll Speed on Shell Lamination Defect ─── 关于锥形辊穿孔机轧辊转速对毛管分层缺陷影响的讨论

83、This artjcle deals with the effect of alloying elements on the macrostructure,depth,phase compo sition and microhardness of the complex boronisation lamination. ─── 分析并系统研究了合金元素对复合硼化层宏观组织、深度、相成份及显微硬度的影响。

84、As the defense mechanism, the oyster production is called the nacreous layerone material result form nearby the intruder the lamination stack, the creation pearl. ─── 作为防御机制,生产的牡蛎被称为珍珠层材料的结果之一形式附近的入侵者的复合叠加,创造珍珠。

85、"For dry film lamination, is the temperature of the lamination roller checked and verified using an infrared meter? ─── 对干膜压膜,是否有对压膜滚轮温度进行检验并对红外线表表进行确认?"

86、In this lamination principle of the reality of God, is God just something that has come and gone? ─── 在这神真实的层压原则里,神是否只是来了又走的东西?

87、Keywords lamin type A;dilated cardiomyopathy;genes;mutation; ─── 型核纤层蛋白;扩张型心肌病;基因;突变;

88、After cutting, shear section shall be checked for no lamination and shear crack. ─── 切割后,应检验切割部分有无夹层,切割裂纹。

89、Mining Method of Bench Lamination Falling by Hydraulic Pressure Counter-shovel ─── 利用液压反铲进行台阶分层降段的开采方法

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